Synopsis:Sugihara is a troubled youth who was born in Japan to Korean parents. After completing junior high school at a brutally strict Korean institution, Sugihara switches to a regular Japanese high school to continue his education. His father Hideyoshi was once a professional boxer and he has trained Sugihara to fight ever since he was a child. His skill at fisticuffs serves him in good stead at the new school when the Japanese boys gang up on him. Sugihara meets Sakurai, a Japanese girl, at a party given by his one Japanese friend, the son of a yakuza gangster, and he quickly falls in love. Sugihara is lacking in social skills but his affection for Sakurai appears to be reciprocated. He has not told Sakurai that he isn't Japanese, however, and this omission continues to worry him. He fears that it might well bring their budding relationship to an abrupt end. And just when things can't get any worse, they do. Sugihara gets a call from an old friend from his days at the Korean school. What Jong-il has to tell him will have grave consequences for his relationship with Sakurai...

Has anyone else seen this movie? I just finished watching it, I thought it was pretty good (: One of those movies you have to pay attention to, though. I downloaded this movie to watch it, couldn't find it anywhere else
Oh, this is why I never saw this thread: it was posted while I was on a holiday!!! It's time to revive it, if only with one post more! :D

Go tops my list of favourite Japanese movies. It's rough, at times hard to digest, everything but "beautiful" in the scenery department, but so brilliantly acted and executed it left a very deep impression on me. It also made me think over an issue I knew nothing about, i.e. the surreal situation of half Koreans in Japan.
I am a huge fan of Yosuke Kubozuka and it makes me mad that his accident or whatever it was (don't care), put a halt to his career, because I maintain he's one of the best young actors in the Japanese panorama.
I also wrote a review of this movie, and I remember it's been one of the hardest for me, because the reasons I loved it have a lot to do with the fact that this movie isn't cute at all. It's more like a punch in the stomach.
Love it, love it.

I had this earmarked to watch last weekend but i couldnt find it anywhere (admittedly my IT skills are somewhat lacking :p ) during my futile search I came across Rita's review which made me want to watch it even more !!! Anyone knows where the links/site is for this movie please let me know :D cheers
I'm afraid you'll have to download it, Rain. I watched this movie a couple of years ago but I can't remember where: now my search has been just as futile as yours.:(

Try here for dl:
It really seems interesting but does anybody know where I can watch that?? :)
I just watched Go and it was excellent. I loved it. Thank you Japan for another great film that is much more intriguing than your average movie. Kobuzuka Yousuke is awesome! He's always kokkoi in ever character he plays. I really liked Shibasaki Kou also. Like Kobuzuka, she is also always great. Oh and if you're looking for a good place to download it then search for "Go Japanese movie torrent" on google and dowload it from the piratebay