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It looks like the wait for JOL2 will be a bit longer. 


Our ML Ruoyun entered the set for another drama (Wu Long Shao Nian) in July of this year. The predictions were that they would be done with filming by October but as of now they are only 1/2 way done. People are predicting the filming won’t finish until November or December of this year. 

Furthermore, there have been rumors (not sure how true this is but there is a lot of talk about this) that JOL screenwriter Wang has submitted the JOL script to China‘s Censorship Bureau for approval but it didn’t pass.  Since then he has made several revisions and re-submitted it to the Bureau 6 or 7 times but it hasn’t been approved yet. Although I don’t know how accurate these rumors are (since there are also some people who say the Bureau doesn’t need to approve scripts before production begins) it is true the Bureau has established some rules that the screenwriter will need to follow but that conflicts with major plot points in the original novel so it won’t be surprising if what plays out in the drama could be quite different than what happened in the novel. All I hope for is that the screenwriter has the skills to find a way (even if the story needs to be changed) to make the plot really good so it is worth the watch even if some major parts veer from the original.

I’ll continue to keep you all posted on what I hear but hope we are nearing the end of a very long waiting journey.

Thank you for your update. It's killing us, top have to wait so long, but if the next season would be as good as the first one, or even better, I wouldn't complain for the all the years I have wait for. 

Thank you so much for the updates, sjadvocate.

Thank you so much sjadvocate for the update hope the drama will cross the censorship board or something quickly and the plot is good 🤘🤘. 

Thanks for the update.   It appears that there are at least three big obstacles.

1) censorship department

2) actors' schedules

3) time itself.  If too long until start filming it, they will look a lot older and the whole experience will feel weird. 

So, I would not hold my breath on this one.


Thanks for the update.   It appears that there are at least three big obstacles.

1) censorship department

2) actors' schedules

3) time itself.  If too long until start filming it, they will look a lot older and the whole experience will feel weird. 

So, I would not hold my breath on this one.

1. Censorship dept: Yes, I'm hoping they're fans of the show and will allow more room for the plot to make sense while not sacrificing too much storyline.

2. Actors' schedule: This can't be helped. 

3. Time itself: This I can't agree with. The first series was only made in 2019. Even if they film this in 2023, it's only been 4 years. The original has withstood the test of time. I still rewatch it every once in a while. It has aged very well. The cast themselves will only be 4 years older....js.


Maybe but that rumor makes no sense. If it didn’t pass the censorship department the first time, it wouldn’t take 6-7 times or more times trying to get it approved. They would tell you why it didn’t pass and it would be a directed fix and pass next time. 2-3 times is probably more believable but 6-7….

It’s  likely actors, money, and/or covid restrictions issue. I think they want it to be a high quality production not just a quick put together production just to satisfy those who couldn’t wait. Good things comes to those who wait, right?? Either way, JOL 2 will happen. 

  1. I do believe arthdale chronicles is coming out soon


Maybe but that rumor makes no sense. If it didn’t pass the censorship department the first time, it wouldn’t take 6-7 times or more times trying to get it approved. They would tell you why it didn’t pass and it would be a directed fix and pass next time. 2-3 times is probably more believable but 6-7….

It’s  likely actors, money, and/or covid restrictions issue. I think they want it to be a high quality production not just a quick put together production just to satisfy those who couldn’t wait. Good things comes to those who wait, right?? Either way, JOL 2 will happen. 


I found out China put in new censorship rules recently that basically prohibited sci fi elements in historical type dramas. Given  this is very much a core element of JOL I can understand how difficult it would be to fix it cause it infiltrates the entire series and changing one thing would impact the course of events of the whole series and how do you go about changing it to something that doesn’t go against the original foundation the novel sets up is really hard.  In many ways I don’t even know how to go about this without taking out the soul of what makes JOL good so I am sure it took Wang our screenwriter a lot of time to do this. How successful he will be…..time will tell.

Good news…..

So remember the production company released the below concept poster for JOL 1:

Well just 2 days ago the production company officially announced the concept poster for JOL2 and shared at the same time filming will begin soon:

If you want to see the official announcement that was featured in this article in Chinese you can go here: https://www.163.com/ent/article/HL8SDHCO00038FO9.html 

Basically it just says filming for JOL2 will begin soon.

Our ML Ruoyun further shared in an interview he did 5 days ago that after he finishes filming Wu Long Shao Nian (likely this month) and takes a break…he should be entering the JOL2 set. There are rumors that this will happen in Feb 2023. 

Hang in there everyone. I hope the wait will not be not too much longer. 

  • All the censorship crap is one of many reasons  a population should NEVER allow government that much power. 
  • All the censorship crap is one of many reasons  a population should NEVER allow government that much power. 

With Million of people in China, it's probably a good idea to micromanage them.

 Anyway, I heard they're going to start filming by end of Nov 22. Too much fake news...


With Million of people in China, it's probably a good idea to micromanage them.

 Anyway, I heard they're going to start filming by end of Nov 22. Too much fake news...


I am sad to report the latest update:

Chen Dao Ming (actor who plays the emperor/king) will not be appearing in JOL 2/3. A fan recently asked Chen Dao Ming‘s personal assistant about this and the assistant replied back he will not be starring in JOL. 

Although the reason for this is not clear, there is speculation that due to Chen Dao Ming‘s age (he is 67) and the fact spoiler alert he is one of the four martial grandmasters and actually the strongest one amongst all of them he might not be able to take on the fighting/action scenes (due to his age and where he is at physically that might be one of the reasons he may not take on this role. We will really never know for sure unless he comes out and explains it. 

On a happier note, our JOL ML has just wrapped up filming Wu Long Shao Nian today so hopefully after he rests for a bit and celebrates the New Year/lunar New Year filming will soon begin shortly thereafter. 

On this note I have something else I want to say. The below words come from different JOL fans but  express so much what I want to say so I’ll paraphrase it. 

I want to take this time to thank our ML actor ZRY.  He is the only one who has committed to fulfilling the wishes of fans of JOL watchers and without this commitment JOL will cease to exist in what it has been.

[My words: In China, when a film/drama becomes a hit and many actors and actresses’ popularity and reputation increases by default their expected pay rate will increase a lot and the types of roles they get offered will be greatly enhanced (i.e they might go from being side characters to being main leads, etc). As a result, very very few actors/actresses will be willing to take on supporting role characters and/or be in a sequel. ] 

Only ZRY our ML has sacrificed his career advancement  for JOL fans. 

[My words: He signed on a 5 year contract in 2017 but as of this point the contract long has expired. ]

ZRY has fully lived up to and exceeded his duty to the production company, to his fans, and to this drama. No matter what happens at the end, ZRY should have no regrets and there is no reason for anyone to criticize him or yell at him. 

Because of JOL, ZRY sacrificed so much. He kept his time/availability wide open and as a result did not take on any fil/drama projects. In the end of 2020, ZRY passed over a very good film/drama project…that project’s director came to talk with him personally (fan due to wanting to remain anonymous didn’t give any more details) but he passed it over because ZRY from the bottom of his heart wanted to finish what he started with…maybe  others think he was naive/too “innocent” to do so but maybe it is because of this that he is a good actor. 

Fans following ZRY have shared he passed on at least 6 to 7 offers and initially thought he would run for it but he didn’t. So when JOL2 concept poster came out he still worked hard to promote it. 

We all know even after JOL2 comes out, the positive impact it will have on his career is minimal given he has already established himself and has already a great reputation. ZRY isn’t not smart (he know JOL2 won’t add much or lift him higher by much); he is just too genuine/honest/authentic. 

And ZRY has been lied to time and time again. He has been told filming will begin so many times that he then shares it with fans and yet we all know filming hasn’t begun yet. JOL’s production company…who knows who from this company..has been giving him false info all this time and ZRY has been bashed by so many people and almost being the scapegoat for the production company who is really at fault for not being honest with ZRY about when filming will begin in order to deceive  fans who have beeen waiting all this time and keep our hopes up. 


[I am back again]. Because of this, at this point I will just support ZRY in whatever projects he is in and will watch JOL2/3 as long as ZRY is in it. 

Thank you sjadvocate , for the update. It is sad for Chen Dao Ming, he was wonderful as the emperor, I really hope they will find someone as great as him. 

Thanks for sharing it and about ZRY, he is truly amazing and one of my favorite one's since JOL.