Hi Community,

I am watching Bachelor Vegetable Store right now and it has renewed my interest/curiosity about South Korea in the real world (instead of drama land). I have two questions:

1. Does anyone know the road laws of the country? More specifically parking and U-Turns. I see a lot of cars just pulling off to the side of what looks like a busy road with no obvious parking guidelines or doing U-Turns in the middle of a 3 lane road - what are the legalities of this?

2. When discussing treatment for injury it is always 2 weeks or 6 weeks or some other length of time with no specifics (actual treatment - meds, rehab...)? Is this because writers use this to cut out unnecessary detail or for some drama land reason or is this for real?


I am not familiar with the country's laws, but I am pretty sure what you mention is within 'drama world laws'. The abrupt U-turns and the anywhere-is-a-parking-space, you'll see them in many dramas. 

Same for the second point. Dramas are not always medically accurate. 

In short, things that happen in dramas are not always real, even if they seem to be. There are many other aspects of dramas that don't happen in reality (like crazy hacking). Take it with a grain of salt.

Hi Peephole, thanks for you thoughts. I am aware that there is a lot of 'poetic license' in drama land and take it with a cup of salt. I am kinda hoping someone with more knowledge of reality will chime in and provide some insight.

Thanks again.