The synopsis of the novel — 

"Day", a young badminton athlete with a bright future, discovers that his own cornea is injured and he will soon become blind in the near future. He has no choice but to take in "Mork", a delinquent mechanic boy whose background he knows nothing about, as his caretaker. While Day is searching for the meaning of his remaining light, he discovers that the image of Mork, which is only visible as a blur, gradually becomes important in his life. Day must use the final moments with his remaining vision to the best he can to be worthwhile and also he has to find an answer for himself that why is he never able to forget the image of Mork at all?” 



The synopsis of the novel — 

"Day", a young badminton athlete with a bright future, discovers that his own cornea is injured and he will soon become blind in the near future. He has no choice but to take in "Mork", a delinquent mechanic boy whose background he knows nothing about, as his caretaker. While Day is searching for the meaning of his remaining light, he discovers that the image of Mork, which is only visible as a blur, gradually becomes important in his life. Day must use the final moments with his remaining vision to the best he can to be worthwhile and also he has to find an answer for himself that why is he never able to forget the image of Mork at all?” 

Google drive link needs access though :( I've already requested access


Google drive link needs access though :( I've already requested access

Can access now

Thanks !


Can access now

I need Acces :( (Potterhead Elena) 

Can I get access please? I've requested already

I'm not the translator but I already downloaded everything and provided the backup link



The synopsis of the novel — 

"Day", a young badminton athlete with a bright future, discovers that his own cornea is injured and he will soon become blind in the near future. He has no choice but to take in "Mork", a delinquent mechanic boy whose background he knows nothing about, as his caretaker. While Day is searching for the meaning of his remaining light, he discovers that the image of Mork, which is only visible as a blur, gradually becomes important in his life. Day must use the final moments with his remaining vision to the best he can to be worthwhile and also he has to find an answer for himself that why is he never able to forget the image of Mork at all?” 

Hey can I get the access pls

just download the backup, the google drive is not mine

Actually the back up link isn't working on my device, but thanks for looking out

This copy of the novel is hard to read because each page is riddled with many copies of a watermark: "Hazelpeenutz", making it very difficult and distracting to read. Does anyone have access to a copy without the watermarks?


Actually the back up link isn't working on my device, but thanks for looking out