TH said the romance is  about Jing XY , jing is XY's lover .  She said it all.

Adding some pics  if needed for our next chapter 4 Novel/drama Xiao Jing exploration :)

Such a beautiful couple.  I love their love story.

Here is Deng Wei full interview about Tushan Jing/Yeshiqi!

Enjoy :))


Such a beautiful couple.  I love their love story.

A treasure, Tong Hua's gift. We cherish <3


TH said the romance is  about Jing XY , jing is XY's lover .  She said it all.

Wasn't there an interview where she said xiao yao's lover is jing. I mean as the author if she thought at any point that any of the other male characters were her lover, she would have mentioned that right? 


Wasn't there an interview where she said xiao yao's lover is jing. I mean as the author if she thought at any point that any of the other male characters were her lover, she would have mentioned that right? 


So we are now in chapter 4..

My Analysis Part 1

The Nice & Easy Make Up Between Wen Xiao Liu & Ye Shi Qi

The Autumn afternoon is the most beautiful time of the day. When no one was direly ill, Xiao Liu liked taking a big lily frond to cover his eyes and laying on the straw pallet used to dry herbs. He raised his two arms over his head against his ears and his two legs would naturally stick straight out as well with his toes pointed. His entire body was straight like a line and in his imagination his body could extend forever. That feeling of stretching, paired with the warm sun, the fragrant lily frond, it was like drinking wine into the bones and being slightly tipsy.
He once encouraged Ma Zi and Lao Mu to bask in the sun in the same way but both felt it was super embarrassing and refused to copy him. So this wonderful feeling, Xiao Liu can only experience it alone.
Xiao Liu was done stretching and lowered his arms and pulled the frond off his eyes to look at Shi Qi cutting the medicine. After Ma Zi had his baby, he was almost living full time at Butcher Gao’s. Normally Chuan Zi would do some more chores but these past three months he was always out of the clinic doing god knows what. Only Shi Qi remained in the clinic but Xiao Liu didn’t feel like his work load increased and instead felt more at ease. Whatever he wanted to do he would discove
r Shi Qi already did it.
Xiao Liu sat up on the pallet and put the frond on his head and intently watched Shi Qi working. Shi Qi had his head lowered cutting the medicine and after he was done and put the medicine into satchels he went to work on another batch.
Xiao Liu called “Shi Qi.” Shi Qi stopped and looked up at Xiao Liu silently. “Hhhmmm….” Xiao Liu shook his head “Nothing.” Shi Qi lowered his head and went back to work. “Shi Qi.” Shi Qi stopped again but this time didn’t look up at Xiao Liu though he was listening. “You rest for a bit!”
“Not tired.” Shi Qi went back to work.
Xiao Liu took off the frond and looked at Shi Qi, tearing pieces off the front until it was in strips. Lao Mu and Chuan Zi never sensed that he was mad at Shi Qi. But Xiao Liu and Shi Qi both knew – in the beginning Shi Qi wanted to apologize but Xiao Liu pretended to be clueless and was instead even more polite and courteous. Gradually Shi Qi stopped trying and would only silently follow him like a shadow, finishi
ng the work that three people used to do.

“Shi Qi………” Shi Qi raised his head to look at Xiao Liu but Xiao Liu didn’t know what he wanted to say. He bit his lip and suddenly smiled and patted the space next to him “You come here, I’ll show you something fun.”

Shi Qi put down his chores and walked over. Xiao Liu laid down and explained to Shi Qi what to do, showing him how to bask in the sun like he was doing. Shi Qi was not like Ma Zi and Chuan Zi and immediately followed suit. Xiao Liu squinted as he counted the clouds above, feeling content and letting out a sigh. Even though it was the same sun warming him, the same pallet he was laying on, but two people basking under the sun felt particularly nice for some reason.

Xiao Liu was almost falling asleep when Shi Qi’s voice spoke “There won’t be a second time.”

It is such a nice start with Xiao Liu instructing her eas healing method with Ye Shi Qi, it is a healing she could not share with her other buddies at Hui Chun Clinic, because they just don't share this life with her. Ye Shi Qi was diligent as usual and finishing all the work for her, as well as to share her healing, and he finally get the strength to appologize for what he did. I particularly find this scene beautiful with the two of them basking under the sun at autumn time, healing together. It is indeed like drinking wine into the bones and being slightly tipsy.

Teasing & Shadowing Intimacy/Passion 

Lao Mu grabbed Xiao Liu and they raced through the alleys until they saw Chuan Zi and the prostitute talking in the shadowy corner. Then they started kissing and Xiao Liu watched with a wide grin but Lao Mu was furious and upset. Xiao Liu peeked at Shi Qi who was standing straight but kept his eyes lowered on his shoes and giving them privacy.

The two of them against the wall got more heated and the girl was making moaning noises. Lao Mu wanted to rush out but didn’t know how to handle this awkward situation. He told Xiao Liu “You deal with it!” before huffing off.

Xiao Liu didn’t bother with Lao Mu and was instead laughing at Shi Qi and inched over “A scion of a well born family, even if unmarried there must be pretty serving maids in the house. How were the maids around you compared to this girl?”

Shi Qi said nothing and was trying to inch away from Xiao Liu but he was already against the wall. Xiao Liu restrained his laugh and continued to be his evil self. He pressed his hands against the wall around Shi Qi and trapped him, much like a playboy trying to seduce a gentle lady. “What kind of girls do you like? An innocent fresh-faced type, or a girl like this who is passionate?”

In the sound of the woman’s moans, Shi Qi’s face was starting to turn beet red and Xiao Liu was laughing inside so hard he was about to bust a gut. His evil naughty side was in control and he pressed close to Shi Qi’s face and asked “You want some, too?”

Unexpectedly, Shi Qi raised his head and despite the faint blush, his clear eyes were filled with laughter. Xiao Liu was stunned and the only thought he had in his head w
as “A wolf in sheep’s clothing!”

Xiao Liu was so embarrassed and it was his turn to blush red so he vented his frustration out on Chuan Zi. He rushed forward yelling “Chuan Zi! Where did you get the nerve to learn to whore! Where did you get the money?

I guess we have all notice that female to male attraction Xiao Liu held for Shi Qi since chapter 1. And in this scene I think it actually let out some of her unconscious attraction although she may just be teasing. I mean his refine manners roused her. She did all those naughty act, only to be met with his "laughter" or wolf inside of him, which brought up her feminine fragile side, and went all red. It's sort of backfired too. And I feel all those that happening surrounding add the intimacy feeling and even shadowing passion?..which is coated by gentle manner between them.

This scene to me is sync with the kiss scene in chapter 20. .where she compared him to the wolf. (I will compare this scene to Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu seeing mermaid couple doing that too. There's differences)

Chapter 4: 

This part is going to be a bit different because im discussing about Xiao Liu scenes with others than with Shi Qi. But  somehow its essential to plot..

My Analysis Part 2

The Precious Mirror and Past Memory

Inside his room, Xiao Liu laid on his pallet with his legs up looking at his precious little mirror and giggling. The image inside the mirror was all his glorious handiwork that night. He drew nine heads on Xiang Liu’s face and his icy eyes were glaring at him like daggers.
Xiao Liu stared at the mirror and flicked Xiang Liu’s head “Go ahead and rage! Go ahead and rage!” After he was done flicking, he wiped the mirror and it returned to its original state. It appeared just a bit more ornate than an ordinary mirror but there was no sign that it contained anything from the past.
This seemingly ordinary mirror was actually created from the spiritual essence of a mythical gorilla type beast in the inner wild desert region. It was vicious and had the power to see into the past. It was a power that worked against nature so it was hard to develop this ability and these beasts were even rarer to encounter. And a mirror created from the spiritual essence of such a beast, there was only one such mirror in existence. The reason was that to seal the spiritual essence of such a beast into an magical object and have it show the past required the beast to be completely willing without a shred of anger. But there was no such beast who endured the painful training to develop such a power to see the past who would be willing to die without any anger.

Xiao Liu tucked the mirror away and put his hands behind his head. After that night, many months had passed and Xiang Liu never showed up again. So many people were looking to take him down so it’s normal for him not to appear. If he did appear Xiao Liu would feel like his life had reached the end. So Xiao Liu prayed every day for more people to be looking to take him down. Make his life so busy that he completely forgot about Qing Shui Town and one Wen Xiao Liu.
The tree was very high and could see far from the vantage point. The winding river glowed silver in the moonlight and if it wasn’t the middle of the Winter with the blustery wind blowing then the view would be perfect.
He’s here!
Xiao Liu raised his head and a white condor carrying Xiang Liu dove down from the center of the moon. White hair, white robe, flying down from the sky like falling snow, he softly landed beside Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu said “Three choices. Whip me 40 times. Kick me off from here. Or listen to me say something important. Important!”
Xiang Liu asked “Did you bathe?”
Xiao Liu was still cheeky “Bathed super clean, just waiting for my lord to arrive.”
Xiang Liu’s hand grabbed Xiao Liu’s shoulder and he lowered his head. Xiao Liu docilely tipped back his neck and when Xiang Liu’s sharp fang pierced his skin and started drinking his blood, Xiao Liu didn’t close his eyes and instead looked at the moon.
Xiang Liu wasn’t holding back and Xiao Liu gradually felt lightheaded. “Are you planning to suck me dry all at once? Even if you have nine heads, I didn’t hear that you had nine stomachs! Can’t you save some for next time?”
Xiang Liu’s lips were still on Xiao Liu’s neck and was right next to the artery that led straight to the heart “When do you think I should bite down right here? Tonight?”
Xiao Liu immediately countered “Not tonight since it’s too pretty out. Killing me is such a mood ruining thing to do, wait for the day when I really want to kill you.”
“You don’t want to kill me?”
Xiao Liu smiled “No! You clearly know I don’t want to kill you, and I won’t kill you.”

“I don’t know. All I know is that you ought to hate me.”
“You don’t know and you dared to come see me while still nursing your injury? You really see me as a harmless bunny rabbit? Or are your nine brains fighting with each other and now you’re stupid because none of them work?”
Xiang Liu leaned in to clearly continue his meal so Xiao Liu quickly added “
Because I’m lonely!” Xiang Liu’s lips pressed against his neck and didn’t move.
“No matter if you believe me or not, but I really don’t hate you at all and don’t want to kill you. Because I’m very lonely. I developed a strange tic when I was hiding in the deep mountains and went many years without encountering another person. I caught a monkey and started talking to it all day long. The monkey tried to escape and when it couldn’t it actually hit its head against the cave wall and committed suicide. Later on, I encountered a snake that wanted to eat me and almost bit off my leg. But it could understand what I was saying and reacted to whatever I said. I knew it was dangerous but I couldn’t help myself and could constantly go prance around in front of it. It was so furious it almost went insane. Having it around, it wasn’t so lonely in the mountains anymore.” Xiao Liu laughed “After some time, he discovered I was super sneaky and wanted to leave but I wouldn’t let it and kept bothering it so it kept trying to kill me.”
Xiao Liu looked up at the moon and there was an indescribable sadness in his eyes “They say the Heavens favors the tribes of the Gods, but I think it favors the humans. They are just like the Gods in every way except their lives are so short in comparison. Look at the moon, it’s been there like that for the last thousand years. No matter how beautiful a sight one will still get tired of it.
“That snake, what happened afterwards?”
“You killed it?”
“No, the King of the fox tribe.”
“Nine-tailed fox?”
Xiao Liu shut his
“The Nine-tailed fox wanted to kill me but the snake believed only it could eat me so it blocked the path of that vicious fox…so it ended up dead!”
Xiang Liu softly chuckled “Interesting. And the fox?”
“I killed it.”
“You’re that powerful?”

“He should have killed me the moment he caught me. But he was consumed by hatred and greed. He used various special creatures to feed to me, forcing me to eat eat many disgusting things, all so that he could make me nice and plump before eating me. He intended to use my mythical blood to help him recover his lost powers……Oh, I forgot to tell you, he wasn’t a Nine-tailed fox by then, just an eight tail since he got a tail cut off so his powers were severely depleted. He raised me for thirty years and right when he was about to partake of the victory, one day he accidentally got drunk in front of me.”
“He kept you locked up in a cage?”

Xiang Liu was silent for a moment and his hand was massaging Xiao Liu’s neck “Am I the snake to help alleviate your loneliness?”
Xiao Liu smiled “Who knows? Perhaps I’m the snake who is amusing you.”
Xiang Liu released him “The important thing!”
“Does the brothel on Dong Gui street belong to you guys?”

“Why are you asking?”
“Chuan Zi wants a prostitute from there.”
“You want to ask me to help you secure her freedom?”
“Does that brothel belong to you guys? I guess not. It doesn’t seem like the way you operate anyways.” Xiao Liu smiled and a light glinted in his eye “No need to help me, I’ll go ask another person for help.”
The white condor Furball flew back and was circling overhead. Xiang Liu lightly leaped up and landed on the condor’s back “This was your important business?”
“Er…..Chuan Zi’s marriage is important………..Ah——”
Xiao Liu’s branch suddenly snapped in half and he fell, slamming through various other branches and causing Xiao Liu to start spitting up blood. Wham, Xiao Liu finally landed on the ground as a swirl of dirt blew up around him.

Furball was so happy and circling low overhead to mock Xiao Liu. Xiang Liu stood on his back with a smile “You are the snake egg that anyone can eat.” Furball rose higher and Xiang Liu left.

This gorilla mirror is precious because it has to have essence of gorilla's spirit  who was willing to die without anger. The mirror was able to record past memory. We can see Xiao Liu enjoyed seeing Xiang Liu in rage, something she thought she was able to get the hell out of him. Yet she was also very scared. Their relationship will be more explained in the next scene. In this scene we could Xiao Liu love to take risks to help his buddies. In here is Chuang Zi to get married with Tian Er. Once she knew she came for the wrong person, she just turn to leave. At the same time, she got to let out her chatty nature and about the monkey and the snake. And that she's actually lonely soul by looking at the moon. Because she never wanted to believe if anyone could stay with her although she wanted someone to stay with her. She knew that her buddies at   Hui Chun will all die before her and thought Shi Qi could leave her at anytime too.  I think she tried best to not give into Shi Qi completely because she did not dare to hope. I she could guess h's lonely too? And yess she got hurt again. I think the reason he hurt her here is because she risked her life to help others (help Chuang Zi get married)..their relationship is just like before, mixtured with her fear but letting it out(releasing) too at once ,  and he's capable of hurting her physical if he got sort of annoyed and yep he made sure that he was the one to control situation. 
Discussing Tian Er matters with Xuan

Xuan arrived and Xiao Liu warmly poured everyone a bowl of wine. Lao Mu and Chuan Zi drank their wine and promptly fell over fast asleep. Xuan smiled at Xiao Liu while Shi Qi quietly sat to the side. Xiao Liu said to Xuan “I asked you here to ask for something.”

“Please tell.”

“Chuan Zi wants Xan Tian Er, so can you help make it happen.” Xuan said nothing. Xiao Liu earnestly added “I know this seems rather abrupt but Chuan Zi’s marriage is very important so I am shamelessly asking you.”

“Why does Brother Liu think I can help?”

“I don’t know the true identity of you or Ah Nian but I know you are from no ordinary background. I was curious and wanted to asked around but you sniffed it out. If Brother Xuan wanted to help then you can.” Xiao Liu tried to be extra buddy buddy and called him Brother Xuan.

Xuan glanced at Shi Qi “Ah Nian and I just want to live a quiet life.”

“Yes, yes, I know. I promise I won’t bother you guys ever.”

Xuan stared at Xiao Liu who smiled “I have lived in Qing Shui Town for over twenty years. I am just me.”
Xuan got up to leave “Remember to invite me for the wedding banquet.”

So finally Xiao Liu had made the plead to the right person,  for Chaung Zi and Tiar Er. And Xuan was a lot easier to deal with. According to the conversation, Xuan did not really want to get anyone to get trouble. We can see how he treat every level of people equally and how good of a wine seller he was. And how he was even impressed by prostitutes. In their particularly this conversation, in some way, he would have liked a peaceful and family as well.

Tian Er Took Her Chance With Chaung Zi

“Why did you seduce Chuan Zi? I don’t believe you would spare him a second glance.”

“I’ve been seeing customers since I was thirteen and in the twelve years since I’ve seen enough guys. Chuan Zi may not have much but he’s the only one willing the marry me.” Tian Er smiled “Three months ago, a man came to me and gave me money to seduce Chuan Zi. I don’t have much position at the brothel so if I don’t save up then I’ll starve to death when I get old. I agreed and Chuan Zi never had a woman before so I just let him sample what a woman can give and he immediately vowed to marry me. Since I was thirteen such words leave me numb and I never believed it. But I can’t believe you guys really did come and buy my freedom. The madam hated that I found a guy behind her back so she purposely raised the price high. But last night the man came again and gave me another sack of money and said the deal between us was done. If I wanted to marry Chuan Zi, then use that money to buy my own freedom.”

“Do you recognize that man?”

Tian Er shook her head “Brother Liu knows, the gods and demons can all change their looks. I’m just a human.” Tian Er knelt down “Twelves years as a prostitute and my heart is cold and hard. Even now I don’t believe Chuan Zi won’t discard me one day and plans to live an entire lifetime with me. But I can try it, if Chuan Zi really wants to be with me….” Tian Er raised her hand “I solemnly swear to the Heavens that I will be true to him.”

Xiao Liu looked at Tian Er and said nothing.

Tian Er lowered her head and her voice was soft “A cold and hard heart can keep out the pain, but also keeps out the joy. I really want a man to turn me back twelve years ago, let my heart soften so that I can cry and laugh. If Chuan Zi is that man, then I will treasure him more than my own life.”

Tian Er was very honest with Xiao Liu.  It all started with scheming and lies. Although Tian Er never really believe in Chaung Zi, she was willing to give herself and him a chance. Even to truthful to him. I really like Tian Er because it seems her soul never dies. I mean she's definetly is willing to give in to family life, not the life full of  momentary service and lies. In other words, although born in the life she may not enjoy, but with chance coming she's willing to get into something she wants more. 

oki..i will be back discussing more XiaoQi in next post.

 Winny Aye:
Winny Aye 4 hours ago
So we are now in chapter 4..

My Analysis Part 1

The Nice & Easy Make Up Between Wen Xiao Liu & Ye Shi Qi

Ooo thank you, grabbing coffee and will  be enjoying your post! The first for chapter 4! Yeah:p

Here are some ...

gifs covering one scenery you talk about : (more lively )

(this is the ooooups moment :D)

                                                          ( ...Like: what am I doing??????? :D !!!!)


 Winny Aye:
That feeling of stretching, paired with the warm sun

 Winny Aye:
to bask in the sun

 Winny Aye:
in the sun like he was doing

 Winny Aye:
Even though it was the same sun warming him, the same pallet he was laying on, but two people basking under the sun felt particularly nice for some reason.

..... *Just read the first part of your post for's interesting that they are sooo many (5 exactly) SUN quotes - only in that parts, as at the same time, they are both ( Yeshiqi and Xiao Yao) getting closer :) ***

                                                         (SOLAR related  Xiao Liu ? :D!)

In psychologie the Sun = consciousness. and I'm not even going  into that for now, as we are in explorative phase :) : 


brightness that allows you to see

  • lightLight streamed in through the window.
  • brightnessThe brightness of the sun hurt his eyes.
  • illuminationFor professional-quality photos, it is best to use several sources of illumination.
  • sunThis plant needs to be in full sun.
  • sunlightSunlight streamed in through the windows.
  • daylightHow much daylight does this room get?

Sun also means the light or heat that the earth receives from this star:

Sit in the sun where it’s a lot warmer.


=> (some general ref) :

Short : A solar symbol is a symbol representing the Sun. Common solar symbols include circles (with or without rays), crosses, and spirals. In religious iconography, personifications of the Sun or solar attributes are often indicated by means of a halo or a radiate crown.

/sʌn/ the star around which the earth moves and that provides light and heat for the earth: The sun is the center of our solar system. Sun also means the light or heat that the earth receives from this star: Sit in the sun where it's a lot warmer.

 And off course: The sun is 93 million miles from the earth. :D..But anyway seem to be often around Tushan Jing , and Xiao Yao  (still Xiao Liu yeah yeah ;)).


                                                                                                                                          (Bb after cofee time)


brightness that allows you to see

  • lightLight streamed in through the window.
  • brightnessThe brightness of the sun hurt his eyes.
  • illuminationFor professional-quality photos, it is best to use several sources of illumination.
  • sunThis plant needs to be in full sun.
  • sunlightSunlight streamed in through the windows.
  • daylightHow much daylight does this room get?

Sun also means the light or heat that the earth receives from this star:

Sit in the sun where it’s a lot warmer.

thanks for sharing definition of the more getting more clear sensation lol..

And yep all those gifs..♥

 Winny Aye:
more clear

Hahaha yes ! Let me add this jungian interpretation of your first extract from ch4...Why? Because we see Xiao Liu ACTING in SEDUCTIVE way to Yeshiqi - so this part the male - female type, got to get a closer attention and CG jung as you will see in  his  linked key concept, could help us understand some more angles and perceptions :).

***-(ref. ---->

Key concepts

C. G. Jung Institute, Küsnacht, Switzerland

Within the field of analytical psychology, a brief survey of major concepts developed by Jung include (alphabetical):[95]

  • Anima and animus—(archetype) the contrasexual aspect of a person's psyche. In a woman's psyche, her inner personal masculine is conceived both as a complex and an archetypal image; comparably in a man's psyche, his inner personal feminine is conceived both as a complex and an archetypal image.
  • Archetype—a concept "borrowed" from anthropology to denote supposedly universal and recurring mental images or themes. Jung's descriptions of archetypes varied over time.
  • Archetypal images—universal symbols that can mediate opposites in the psyche, often found in religious art, mythology, and fairy tales across cultures.
  • Collective unconscious—aspects of unconsciousness experienced by all people in different cultures.
  • Complex—the repressed organisation of images and experiences that governs perception and behaviour.
  • Extraversion and introversion—personality traits of degrees of openness or reserve contributing to psychological type.[96]
  • Individuation—the process of fulfilment of each individual "which negates neither the conscious or unconscious position but does justice to them both".[97]
  • Interpersonal relationship- The way we relate to other persons, is a reflection of the way we relate to our self. This may also be extended to relations with the natural environment.
  • Persona—element of the personality that arises "for reasons of adaptation or personal convenience"—the "masks" one puts on in various situations.[98]
  • Psychological types—a framework for consciously orienting psychotherapists to patients, by raising to consciousness particular modes of personality, differentiation between analyst and patient.
  • Shadow—(archetype) the repressed, therefore unknown, aspects of the personality including those often considered to be negative.
  • Self—(archetype) the central overarching concept governing the individuation process, as symbolised by mandalas, the union of male and female, totality, and unity. Jung viewed it as the psyche's central archetype.
  • Synchronicity—an acausal principle as a basis for the apparently random concurrence of phenomena.[99]

*****OK , enough for keys, let's analyse the Tong Hua ch.4 text that  Winny copyed here and explore it with jungian point of view :)

@   Novel part:                                                                                                             @

" Xiao Liu didn’t bother with Lao Mu and was instead laughing at Shi Qi and inched over “A scion of a well born family, even if unmarried there must be pretty serving maids in the house. How were the maids around you compared to this girl?”

Shi Qi said nothing and was trying to inch away from Xiao Liu but he was already against the wall. Xiao Liu restrained his laugh and continued to be his evil self. He pressed his hands against the wall around Shi Qi and trapped him, much like a playboy trying to seduce a gentle lady. “What kind of girls do you like? An innocent fresh-faced type, or a girl like this who is passionate?”

In the sound of the woman’s moans, Shi Qi’s face was starting to turn beet red and Xiao Liu was laughing inside so hard he was about to bust a gut. His evil naughty side was in control and he pressed close to Shi Qi’s face and asked “You want some, too?”

Unexpectedly, Shi Qi raised his head and despite the faint blush, his clear eyes were filled with laughter. Xiao Liu was stunned and the only thought he had in his head w
as “A wolf in sheep’s clothing!”

Xiao Liu was so embarrassed and it was his turn to blush red so he vented his frustration out on Chuan Zi."



                                               A  Jungian Analysis of this text:

1. Archetypal Symbols:

  • Shadow Archetype: In Jungian psychology, the "shadow" represents the unconscious and often hidden aspects of an individual's personality. In this scene, the shadow is vividly portrayed through the clandestine affair of Chuan Zi and the prostitute. The darkness of the alley serves as a physical manifestation of the shadow realm, where suppressed desires and societal taboos are explored.

  • Anima/Animus Interaction: Xiao Liu's interaction with Shi Qi reflects the anima/animus dynamic, representing the feminine and masculine aspects within an individual. Xiao Liu, with his playful and seductive demeanor, embodies the anima, teasing and probing Shi Qi's preferences. Shi Qi, in turn, displays a balance of both masculine and feminine qualities, surprising Xiao Liu with his laughter despite the seemingly compromising situation.

2. Integration of Opposites:

  • Sexuality and Repression: The sexual tension in the alley symbolizes the interplay between conscious and unconscious desires. Lao Mu's fury and Xiao Liu's laughter represent the conflicting emotions tied to societal expectations and personal inclinations. Shi Qi, caught in the middle, experiences a moment of integration, where he embraces both his composed exterior and the underlying sensuality.

  • Persona and True Self: Xiao Liu's initial laughter and subsequent embarrassment reveal the dual nature of the persona - the social mask we wear. Shi Qi's unexpected reaction exposes a more genuine facet of his character, challenging preconceived notions. This moment hints at the complexity of human identity and the constant negotiation between the projected persona and the authentic self.  Yeshiqi's unexpected response to Xiao Liu's provocations indicates a level of authenticity in his character. Instead of conforming to societal expectations or reacting defensively, Yeshiqi remains true to himself. This suggests a level of self-awareness and a willingness to defy societal norms when it comes to matters of personal identity and desire. 

  • The sexual tension in the alley: symbolizes the interplay between societal expectations (represented by Lao Mu's fury) and personal inclinations. Yeshiqi's ability to navigate this tension and respond with laughter suggests a moment of integration, where he acknowledges and embraces both societal norms and his own sensual nature.

Conclusion and summary =>  the relationship between Yeshiqi and Xiao Liu, as depicted in this Jungian analysis:

 is characterized by a nuanced understanding of each other's inner worlds. It suggests that their connection goes beyond surface interactions, delving into the exploration and acceptance of hidden desires, societal expectations, and the complexity of personal identity.


Episode 6 cover, 39:46- Xiao Yao and Yeshiqi are heading back from a long talkative and sharing thoughts moment by the river when suddenly: 

Xiao Yao slips and go to grab Shiqi's walking stick (better forget for a moment those psychological references...:D)....

But he gently put it a side, and hop her  in his arms,

                                                                     ...All the way through the gardens....

to home :D.

Please put ON HOLD button and watch carefully this image 41:09 +

Last  image covering the scene :

***Same frame on the left Xiao Liu, on the right Yeshiqi. (You can even start to analyse deeper all the  visual elements in the backgrounds-  if it amuse surely amuse me...!!! :D ...

green plant for her/baskets and coton tissues for him-ref.bandages/provision/carrying/food/ for her the vase/feminity/herbs/grow/maturity...the circle around her visage that look so much as the divine circle around spiritual beings vs...him having like a form that relates to wings be it butterflies or spiritual angels...It's Beautifull how with only all those simple details, one unique frame express so much meanings. I'm BLUFFED :D <3***

=> INDOOR = Xiao Liu tries to pull  herself together by slapping his own cheeks           

      OUTDOOR =Yeshiqi savour happily and calmly the moment.

 Winny Aye:
I guess we have all notice that female to male attraction Xiao Liu held for Shi Qi since chapter 1. And in this scene I think it actually let out some of her unconscious attraction although she may just be teasing. I mean his refine manners roused her. She did all those naughty act, only to be met with his "laughter" or wolf inside of him, which brought up her feminine fragile side, and went all red.

Yeap :) Added to it :) I wouldn't have minded to  have  an even more daring scene  :D But I love it this way very much anyway!

 Winny Aye:
This scene to me is sync with the kiss scene in chapter 20. .where she compared him to the wolf. (I will compare this scene to Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu seeing mermaid couple doing that too. There's differences)

Oh ! Clap-clap-clap! Can't wait :) 

 Winny Aye:
Chapter 4:

This part is going to be a bit different because im discussing about Xiao Liu scenes with others than with Shi Qi. But  somehow its essential to plot..

My Analysis Part 2

The Precious Mirror and Past Memory

Oh interesting too!! Yeah! That's another good point to go through ;) .

 Will read you as soon as back , to be able  give some replies /share my thoughts on what you wrote further ! Thank you Winny, it's always a pleasure to interact <3


  • Shadow Archetype: In Jungian psychology, the "shadow" represents the unconscious and often hidden aspects of an individual's personality. In this scene, the shadow is vividly portrayed through the clandestine affair of Chuan Zi and the prostitute. The darkness of the alley serves as a physical manifestation of the shadow realm, where suppressed desires and societal taboos are explored.

  • Anima/Animus Interaction: Xiao Liu's interaction with Shi Qi reflects the anima/animus dynamic, representing the feminine and masculine aspects within an individual. Xiao Liu, with his playful and seductive demeanor, embodies the anima, teasing and probing Shi Qi's preferences. Shi Qi, in turn, displays a balance of both masculine and feminine qualities, surprising Xiao Liu with his laughter despite the seemingly compromising situation.

Integration of Opposites:

  • Sexuality and Repression: The sexual tension in the alley symbolizes the interplay between conscious and unconscious desires. Lao Mu's fury and Xiao Liu's laughter represent the conflicting emotions tied to societal expectations and personal inclinations. Shi Qi, caught in the middle, experiences a moment of integration, where he embraces both his composed exterior and the underlying sensuality.

  • Persona and True Self: Xiao Liu's initial laughter and subsequent embarrassment reveal the dual nature of the persona - the social mask we wear. Shi Qi's unexpected reaction exposes a more genuine facet of his character, challenging preconceived notions. This moment hints at the complexity of human identity and the constant negotiation between the projected persona and the authentic self.  Yeshiqi's unexpected response to Xiao Liu's provocations indicates a level of authenticity in his character. Instead of conforming to societal expectations or reacting defensively, Yeshiqi remains true to himself. This suggests a level of self-awareness and a willingness to defy societal norms when it comes to matters of personal identity and desire. 

  • The sexual tension in the alley: symbolizes the interplay between societal expectations (represented by Lao Mu's fury) and personal inclinations. Yeshiqi's ability to navigate this tension and respond with laughter suggests a moment of integration, where he acknowledges and embraces both societal norms and his own sensual nature.

Im loving these Jungian analysis ♡♡♡♡♡