The character of Tu Shan Jing 's granny is indeed the main obstacle for yaojing and also responsible for YaoJing break up.. I rereading certain lines about her...

Chapter 24

When they were alone, the Grand Madam asked Jing “Do you want to marry the Gao Xing Princess?”

Jing answered clearly “Yes!”

The Grand Madam sighed “It’s too bad she’s the Gao Xing Princess, and also the granddaughter of the Yellow Emperor! You know the number one rule of our clan is that we do not get involved with politics between the royals. The Four Great Clans have remained so powerful because we do not get involved. Xiao Yao is the Princess but she’s not in Five Gods Mountain but instead by the side of the Xuan Yuan Prince Zhuan Xu. She’s clearly picking sides on the battle for the Xuan Yuan throne succession. She’s not a woman who can be underestimated. I don’t want the Tu Shan clan dragged in. Right now the vast wilderness is at peace but I calculate that the Xuan Yuan Yellow Emperor and the Gao Xing Grand Emperor will inevitably battle each other. Xiao Yao will bring danger to the Tu Shan clan. It’s not that I don’t like her, but for the Tu Shan clan, even if your engagement with Yi Yang is dissolved, I still won’t agree to let you marry Xiao Yao.”

Jing thought his grandmother would see Xiao Yao and change her mind but her mind was even more firmly set. He kneeled down to plead “The Four Great Clans have their self-preservation rules but rules were set thousands of years ago by ancestors and the situation has changed now. It’s not always correct and we need to change according to the times.”

The Grand Madam’s goodwill towards Xiao Yao evaporated in an instant and she harshly rebuked “You are the clan leader, how can you say such awful words? You’ve been well-behaved since childhood and when have you became as careless as Feng Long? Did the Gao Xing Princess teach you this?”

“No, Xiao Yao never said this, it’s my own observation after seeing the current situation.”

The Grand Madam didn’t believe him and was sure Xiao Yao pressured him and wanted to use the Tu Shan clan to help Zhuan Xu get the crown “Tu Shan Jing, as clan leader you cannot overthrow our ancestral rules for a woman! How can you…..” The Grand Madam couldn’t continue as she pressed her chest to catch her breath.

 Winny Aye:
Jing hurriedly transferred power to her “Grandmother, Grandmother, please take care!”

The Grand Madam said “You promise your grandmother that you’ll give up the Gao Xing Princess.”

Jing remained kneeling and said nothing, only bowing his head repeatedly.

The Grand Madam saw the despair in his eyes and said forlornly “You wretch!” She stroked his head and cried “Jing, don’t hate grandmother, this is what must be!”

My personal take on her first glance she's quite sensible woman and she gave her all to her clan and thats including her grandson happiness and I wont repeat her level of doing so. But there this saying  she's so strict with rules. The only reason she wanted Jing to be leader is because he's direct blood to the clan, not Hou because of being the maid's son. But with what Jing said about the change and not to stick with direct rules and also the possible change that might be taking place. From what is happening in the story, I somehow sort of understand that sticking too much to old rules sometimes bring despair to surrounding.

more about granny to her ending ...

The courageous and stubborn woman who lost her husband young, then lost her son, lasted through the hundred year battle between Xuan Yuan and Sheng Nong, used her fragile body to protect the entire Tu Shan clan, after her passing the clan elders unanimously agreed the entire vast wilderness Tu Shan businesses would be in mourning for a month. It was the first time such an honor was bestowed on someone not the clan leader, but not a single Tu Shan clan member objected.

Zhuan Xu didn’t want Xiao Yao to have anything to do with Jing so didn’t tell her the Grand Madam passed. It was only when Xiao Yao went to deliver poisons to Xiang Liu at a Tu Shan clan messenger store that she learned of her passing.

When Xiao Yao treated her back then, she thought the Grand Madam would at most live a year. Who knew she would last another two more years. It was likely due to Hou and Jing’s filial care for her that she lasted until her great-grandson was born.

The Grand Madam died without any regrets, but did she realized she left many regrets in others?


The reason why I am sharing this is because i felt it somehow relate to YaoJing going against of sticking to old beliefs and certain old rules. 

The Grand Madam didn’t believe him and was sure Xiao Yao pressured him and wanted to use the Tu Shan clan to help Zhuan Xu get the crown “Tu Shan Jing, as clan leader you cannot overthrow our ancestral rules for a woman! How can you…..” The Grand Madam couldn’t continue as she pressed her chest to catch her breath.

GRANNY TRICKS=> Not TRUST anyone nut herself. not RESPECTING his choices.

                     Manipulative  / THEATRICAL DRAMA QUEEN ( playing with her own health)

JING's DOING=>               RESPECT (kneeling)

                            WILLING and Proposing ( renewing out of observation of clans rules)

"The Four Great Clans have their self-preservation rules but rules were set thousands of years ago by ancestors and the situation has changed now. It’s not always correct and we need to change according to the times.”

 Winny Aye:
The courageous and stubborn

 Winny Aye:
used her fragile body to protect the entire Tu Shan clan,

*using* *courage+stubborn* yes :).

 Winny Aye:
i felt it somehow relate to YaoJing going against of sticking to old beliefs and certain old rules. 

=> Right!

1. Both Xiao Yao and Jing challenge traditional beliefs and rules. Xiao Yao, as a princess, defies expectations by involving herself in political matters and choosing to be on Zhuan Xu side instead of following a more conventional path. Jing challenges the Tu Shan clan's long-standing rule of avoiding involvement in political conflicts.


2. Jing's argument for adapting to the times echoes Xiao Yao's own choices. They both recognize that clinging rigidly to old rules may not be suitable in the face of changing circumstances. This reflects a shared willingness to embrace new perspectives and adapt to the evolving world around them.  

3. Just as Jing faces resistance from the Grand Madam due to his desire to marry Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao herself grapples with the conflict between personal feelings and her duty as a princess. Their individual choices challenge societal expectations and the constraints of their respective positions. 

4. The generational shift seen in Jing's plea for change is mirrored in Xiao Yao's actions. Both characters represent a younger generation that questions and challenges the norms upheld by their elders. They embody a more progressive mindset that seeks to break free from the limitations imposed by tradition. 

5. The mention of regrets in the passage about the Grand Madam's passing could be symbolic of the potential regrets faced by those who adhere too strictly to old rules. Xiao Yao and Jing, by challenging these rules, may avoid the same sense of regret, choosing to forge their own paths despite the challenges and criticisms they face. 

6. Risking Consequences for Love:

Both Xiao Yao and Jing are willing to risk the consequences of their choices for the sake of their love. Xiao Yao's and Jing's desire to marry - go against the traditional expectations of their roles, indicating a prioritization of personal happiness over societal norms.

Thank you for putting this subject here! <3


Found one with Yang Zi on LyF filming set :D=>

She's covering his foot so he don't get too nice!<3

Another use of his life saving blanket ;-)

Is he filming all his scenes alone? We never see his co actors. 


Is he filming all his scenes alone? We never see his co actors. 

Maybe the Reuters clip that we saw focused mostly on him, hence we rarely see his co actors. Check these short videos, I can see his co actors in there.

 Blueberries Field:

Maybe the Reuters clip that we saw focused mostly on him, hence we rarely see his co actors. Check these short videos, I can see his co actors in there.

Ahhh thanks 


The Grand Madam didn’t believe him and was sure Xiao Yao pressured him and wanted to use the Tu Shan clan to help Zhuan Xu get the crown “Tu Shan Jing, as clan leader you cannot overthrow our ancestral rules for a woman! How can you…..” The Grand Madam couldn’t continue as she pressed her chest to catch her breath.

GRANNY TRICKS=> Not TRUST anyone nut herself. not RESPECTING his choices.

                     Manipulative  / THEATRICAL DRAMA QUEEN ( playing with her own health)

JING's DOING=>               RESPECT (kneeling)

                            WILLING and Proposing ( renewing out of observation of clans rules)

"The Four Great Clans have their self-preservation rules but rules were set thousands of years ago by ancestors and the situation has changed now. It’s not always correct and we need to change according to the times.”

Yes Granny will do anything to make what she thougt was right for the clan but not right for her grandson.

1. Both Xiao Yao and Jing challenge traditional beliefs and rules. Xiao Yao, as a princess, defies expectations by involving herself in political matters and choosing to be on Zhuan Xu side instead of following a more conventional path. Jing challenges the Tu Shan clan's long-standing rule of avoiding involvement in political conflicts.


2. Jing's argument for adapting to the times echoes Xiao Yao's own choices. They both recognize that clinging rigidly to old rules may not be suitable in the face of changing circumstances. This reflects a shared willingness to embrace new perspectives and adapt to the evolving world around them.  

Yes this is what I think about YaoJing and their arc for the story. I mean out of 3 men in XY life, Jing is the only one she did not share love bug but she choose him with her heart and mind and to her he's the only one  for her. I dont know if Yang zi had said if XY had choice or not, but for now I completely think XY choose Jing, the man who make himself option and also respect her the most.

3. Just as Jing faces resistance from the Grand Madam due to his desire to marry Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao herself grapples with the conflict between personal feelings and her duty as a princess. Their individual choices challenge societal expectations and the constraints of their respective positions. 

4. The generational shift seen in Jing's plea for change is mirrored in Xiao Yao's actions. Both characters represent a younger generation that questions and challenges the norms upheld by their elders. They embody a more progressive mindset that seeks to break free from the limitations imposed by tradition. 

The change is unavoidable in our world and I like how it is also discussed here. The circumstances  actually caused by human (creatures deities in this story). Change is needed to solve the problem. Another reason world is progressing and sticking to old rules doesnt work and could bring negative than positive. It all happens naturally.

5. The mention of regrets in the passage about the Grand Madam's passing could be symbolic of the potential regrets faced by those who adhere too strictly to old rules. Xiao Yao and Jing, by challenging these rules, may avoid the same sense of regret, choosing to forge their own paths despite the challenges and criticisms they face. 

Yes I said above regrets happened when things were being too strict to one side.

6. Risking Consequences for Love:

Both Xiao Yao and Jing are willing to risk the consequences of their choices for the sake of their love. Xiao Yao's and Jing's desire to marry - go against the traditional expectations of their roles, indicating a prioritization of personal happiness over societal norms.
That is the most truthful about YaoJing's love and their commitment comes from what they prioritized. And they chose to be happy in the time they get than to wait for everything to be perfect first. And it's one of the reason I support YaoJing. 

Thank you so much for this detailed response and your points of view. I somehow think this is one of the most highlight arc in the story.

One of my fav scene

Xiang Liu took off and the noise stopped. Xiao Liu heard a soldier ask “Who are you and why have you stormed the Sheng Nong army base?” A scratchy voice replied “Ye Shi Qi. Xiao Liu.”

It’s Shi Qi! He came? Xiao Liu crawled outside and yelled “My lord Xiang Liu, please don’t harm him. He’s my servant and came to find me.”

Shi Qi ran towards Xiao Liu and his spiritual energy was stronger than expected because he deflected all the soldiers trying to stop him. But these were trained soldiers and if he took down two then four more would step up so Xiao Liu yelled “Shi Qi, stop! My orders.”

Shi Qi stopped and the soldiers encircled him and glared but Shi Qi didn’t even look at him and only stared at Xiang Liu “I. Am taking Xiao Liu.”

Xiao Liu tried to look alluring and yelled “My lord! I am already your person!” Those words…….caused all the soldiers at the base to grimace.

Xiang Liu furrowed his brow but lowered his hand and the soldiers parted. Shi Qi flew to Xiao Liu’s side and half carried half propped him up. His hand gently passed over his back. Perhaps it was mental comfort but Xiao Liu actually felt some pain lessen. Shi Qi knelt down “Let’s go home.”

Xiao Liu crawled on his back and smiled cheekily at Xiang Liu “My lord, I’m going home now.”

Xiang Liu kept staring at Shi Qi and Xiao Liu got nervous and actually grabbed Shi Qi’s face like a child would and yelled “Don’t you get any ideas about him. He’s mine.”

Xiang Liu was startled and was about to smile but stopped himself. He coughed a few times “After investigating and confirming you are a citizen of Qing Shui Town and not a threat to the Sheng Nong army, you are free to leave.”

Xiao Liu continued the charade and said “Thank you my lord, after I return I will be sure to spread word of my lord’s vast kindness.”

The soldiers left and Shi Qi carried Xiao Liu on his back and rushed off. It was only after there was no sound behind them that Xiao Liu wearily said “Shi Qi, I’m thirsty.”

Shi Qi gently put him down and took out a flask for him. Xiao Liu drank a few gulps and let out a long sigh “Let’s hurry before that Xiang Liu changes his mind.”

Piggy back time...

 Winny Aye:

Piggy back time...

Piggy back! :D Hahaha! <3 Thank you Winny! Him carrying her is a veryyyy loooooooong visual thread by itself :D Wont re-do it :D! Loving those expressions and their meanings!

                                                     Loving those expressions and their meanings!

 Blueberries Field:

Another use of his life saving blanket ;-)

From TODAY TOO :D!!!=>

The smell must follow him? Like the soap and sunshine (his signature in LyF novel) :p


 Winny Aye:
That is the most truthful about YaoJing's love and their commitment comes from what they prioritized. And they chose to be happy in the time they get than to wait for everything to be perfect first. And it's one of the reason I support YaoJing. 

Thank you so much for this detailed response and your points of view. I somehow think this is one of the most highlight arc in the story.

Same, and thank you for enjoying it! <3

Sharing here too, because I found it beeautifull: an art book of XiaoJing , handcrafted ( more pages on this thread started by Winny <3 =>

Subject=> Helping out your compagnion in his every day concerns:

                                       TSJ/Yeshiqi helping with her running the clinic:

The result:


Xiang Liu kept staring at Shi Qi and Xiao Liu got nervous and actually grabbed Shi Qi’s face like a child would and yelled “Don’t you get any ideas about him. He’s mine.”

do you think XL recognised TSJ hence why he was staring at him ?


Sharing here too, because I found it beeautifull: an art book of XiaoJing , handcrafted ( more pages on this thread started by Winny <3 =>

Very beautifull.