
What is  the most recent rating if the couples in weibo. Which couple is number 1? 

In terms of cp they're second right now on weibo and the cp taking first is the second couple from my journey to you 


In terms of cp they're second right now on weibo and the cp taking first is the second couple from my journey to you 

Ahh thanks. 


Maybe when they went to qi Yo’s residence?


To see the ji... something  People? 

Yes i also think its them going to  meet voodoo king at jiu li tribe and qi yo portrait ...because i could not think of another scene with peach blossom yet . except their proposal scene, before she entered into become royal jade mother scene...oh..and also when she and him and grand emperor went to see her mother. But looking at the scene..i think it looks like ...Jiu Li tribe the most. I hope they keep their crane ride there...

About Xiao Yao....

I have been wanting to disccuss about our main character or female lead of LYF. Before I write..I would like to share what Tong Hua had said about her main characters....

I will type this again ....

Q: You once said that through the story of "Lost You Forever", you wanted to answer your own question: Can people like Zhuan Xu and Xiao Yao who were abandoned by their parents since childhood and who live with distrust of the people around them, be happy? Has this question finally been answered?

Tong Hua: I got a part of the answer! The injury and suffering of childhood cannot be decided by oneself, it is caused by adults and society, but it is up to oneself to choose whether to be defeated by injury and suffering, or defeat injury and suffering. I once watched a Western documentary, roughly saying that  victims of violence in childhood often become either a violent person or a law enforcement officer who surppresses violence when they become adults; either be defeated or defeat it.

Since the beginning of the drama, she wanted to play and CX company and protective of him. She clearly loved her family for sure. But she cannot stayed long on Jade Mountain and ran away from there. In here I think she longed for her family a more worldly or simple companion than the super power she's learning there. She disliked loneliness but she didn't go back with the two maids who gossip badly about her mother. She did not really believe it but she could not stand that too so she searched for her mother instead. She met all of that trouble and torture. I think it takes her about 300 years to finally settle in Qing Shui town, a life she really seems to enjoy the most. And she's the healer (lazy one just felt like she's living life randomly).  Many fans of drama and novel has explained about her abandonment issue that leading to choosing her life partner. Surely, Xiao Yao was abandoned by her mother for war. But thinking again about her running away from Jade Mountain, I think the main reason she just did not want to be there. it is not somewhere she wanted to live from deep bottom of her heart. All she wanted was normal life with those who she loves. With according to what Tong Hua had said I think Xiao Yao choose to defeat her suffering rather than be defeated by it. 

Her love for CX is not definetly small (she could die for him) and I do think she'd like to tell him who she is when she finally knew who he is at Quig Shui town. But then again she wasn't that enthrusiastic or eager in making him knew that of high level although she did show some signs that she's Xiao Yao to CX. CX was doubtful and did not realized. But then again life with CX was not something XY/WXL was chasing after. Personally I think thats why she's not that enthrusiasm. 

About her romantic life partner ...

WXL did enjoy freedom of living like man although she's a woman. And I like how she gained her female side back again with encountering TSJ/YSQ although he's cripple and bandages were all around him. 

Some may argue that WXL chooses YSQ because only him was available as she also said it herself in chapter 36 when reuniting with her mother. But then i think her attraction to him was naturally and love is not something that can be controlled. YSQ is caring indeed, but not everyone falls in love with those who are caring. And if she had not fall, I dont even she'd think much about all his caring actions except as graditude. But her abandonment issues make her not completely give in to him. She knew all along that  YSQ is high deity and could leave her one day. It was in YSQ that she had found what she had wanted  all along but her abandonment made her doubtful over it. Nevertheless, with YSQ she followed what her heart wanted. 

But once she became a woman and followed CX, she seemed to completely forget Quig Shui town family. Rather I take that as she forget her life as WXL   and that part of her. Her main purpose was to get CX to throne. 

I really like YaoJing love story. At first sight, it's just a mere direct sweet innocent sort of romance but it grew to committing and devotion and then to steady and solid.  It looks calm but the passion was burning inside. Like one cannot live without one another. Their love was precious like wine. And Im going to repeat again throughout the story, TSJ and XY yearn to be together knowingly and unknowingly too. They will yearn eternally if they cant be together. 

One thing alike about XY and TSJ is that they were both very family oriented creatures. Definetly XY could support CX with life. She's interested in politics because of him. But what she wanted most was someone who will accompany her throughout life. TSJ's love family is shown although family was the one that hurt him most. But they both get what they wanted most in the end. 

The way Xiao Yao life was ended..

A few hundred years ago when Xiao Yao escaped Jade Mountain and wandered the world, it likely set in motion's today ending. She returned briefly to the world of Gods, from Five Gods Mountains to Xuan Yuan Mountain to Sheng Nong Mountain, she witness firsthand the unification of Wilderness. Perhaps it was to complete her mother final wish to let Zhuang Xu safely ascend the throne, and today Xiao Yao had fulfilled her mother's dying wish. Xiao Yao chose the path going forward of the water returning to the sea, the bird returning to the tree, once again returning to where she really belonged.

I really like this ending of her. We could really see Xiao Yao actually chased after what she wanted most in life from start by escaping Jade Mountain. She's not someone who doesnt know themselves. But throughout her life she had to adapt to whatever life is leading her. She's generally fierced when time call for it. But there are also times she just wanted to give up too. But with all those suffering and loss, she also gained what she wanted most. She escaped this godly world and get to travel the life with someone who will never abandon her through life and death. 

I have written long now but what I actually want to is here...

Her character development and growth..

Xiao Yao started out as lively and carefree and protective of those whom she loves. She maintained all these traits throughout the story but what we actually see her getting mature. Actually she thought she was mature enough lead her life. Yet life has surprises for her. She's scared of getting emotionally hurt but she had to get through this to know what she is capable of. She did learn about love and loss and unexpected. I think she wanted to settle somewhere she could really belong. But with what happened to her and ZX, she had once again to leave his godly world. Things only get extreme because ZX could not accept that he and XY dont belong to each other as he had wish. That result in XY decided to roam the other world. I think she learnt life is actually roaming experiences and people come and gone and create memories and nothing seems like certain in life but whatever as long as TSJ is with her, she will be living the life and happy.

Sharing some pics of bombastic Deng Wei from today! <3


more here=>

:D BB to read you here!


Sharing some pics of bombastic Deng Wei from today! <3


more here=>

:D BB to read you here!

Deng Wei with white hair....♡..serious look..

 Winny Aye:

Deng Wei with white hair....♡..serious look..

Mamma Mia :D yes!!!!

New page of the XiaoJing ArtBook from owner...My eyes are in Heaven today!:D

 Winny Aye:

Yes i also think its them going to  meet voodoo king at jiu li tribe and qi yo portrait ...because i could not think of another scene with peach blossom yet . except their proposal scene, before she entered into become royal jade mother scene...oh..and also when she and him and grand emperor went to see her mother. But looking at the scene..i think it looks like ...Jiu Li tribe the most. I hope they keep their crane ride there...

Came to same conclusion for now....:D

 Winny Aye:
Q: You once said that through the story of "Lost You Forever", you wanted to answer your own question: Can people like Zhuan Xu and Xiao Yao who were abandoned by their parents since childhood and who live with distrust of the people around them, be happy? Has this question finally been answered?

Tong Hua: I got a part of the answer! The injury and suffering of childhood cannot be decided by oneself, it is caused by adults and society, but it is up to oneself to choose whether to be defeated by injury and suffering, or defeat injury and suffering. I once watched a Western documentary, roughly saying that  victims of violence in childhood often become either a violent person or a law enforcement officer who surppresses violence when they become adults; either be defeated or defeat it.

Thank you Winny for pointing out what makes Xiao Yao  in the depth and nuances a compelling/interesting character and a relatable feminine protagonist. 

The Journey to Belonging:

I see  Xiao Yao's quest for a place where she truly belongs as her central theme. Her travels and experiences shape her perspective, and in the end, she finds belonging not in the godly world,  but in the companionship and love she shares with Jing. 

The symbolism of water returning to the sea and the bird returning to the tree encapsulates her journey, signifying a return to her authentic self and true home. Herself as a woman, as Jing's wife :).

  1. Water Returning to the Sea:

    • Water is often used as a symbol of life, adaptability, and fluidity. Xiao Yao's life, marked by travels, challenges, and experiences, can be likened to the flowing nature of water.
    • The sea, in this context, represents a vast and boundless destination—a place of origin and ultimate belonging. Just as water returns to the sea, Xiao Yao's journey leads her back to her true essence and origin.
    • Xiao Yao's experiences in the godly world and her interactions with various characters represent the twists and turns of a river's course. Each encounter shapes her, but the ultimate destination is a return to her authentic self.
    • The sea symbolizes a sense of completeness and a return to her fundamental nature. Choosing a life with Jing represents finding her true home, a place where her essence is at peace and in harmony.
  2. Bird Returning to the Tree:

    • The image of a bird returning to a tree carries connotations of roots, stability, and a place of origin. A tree is a symbol of grounding, growth, and connection to one's roots.
    • Xiao Yao's journey, like that of a bird, involves exploration and seeking, but there's a profound desire to return to a stable and secure foundation.
    • Throughout her travels, Xiao Yao explores different aspects of herself and the world. The tree represents a stable and rooted existence, something she yearns for amid the transient nature of her adventures.
    • Choosing a life with Jing signifies finding her place of belonging, akin to a bird returning to a tree. Jing becomes the anchor, providing stability and a sense of home that she may have longed for since her escape from Jade Mountain.
  3. Encapsulation of the Journey:

    • The combined symbolism of water and the sea, along with the bird and the tree, encapsulates Xiao Yao's entire journey—a journey of self-discovery, growth, and the quest for authenticity.
    • Xiao Yao's life is likened to a cycle where she explores the world, learns about herself, and ultimately returns to her authentic self and true home with Jing. The journey, much like water and a bird's flight, is a natural and transformative process.

In essence, this symbolism underscores Xiao Yao's evolution from a wandering soul to someone who finds solace, fulfillment, and her true home. It's a poetic representation of her profound journey of self-realization and the discovery of a life that aligns with her deepest desires and her choice for TushanJing.

From TH point of view : She positivly defeated and overcome the violence with Jing on her 


Some may argue that WXL chooses YSQ because only him was available as she also said it herself in chapter 36 when reuniting with her mother. 

This is something I dislike about her. She makes her own feeling for him look cheap and second and honestly it would make her mother and other think that she is settling as if she has no other options.  Is she ashamed to say it loud that he is in her heart even if let say he was 15% in it? 

 If let say my daughter come and say something like this about the msn she is introducing to me, I would tell her that there are may fish in the sea and that she is still young and does not need to settle. 

I do not like this kind of heroin at all. She needed too much push and guidance from  others.  Her want are not that clear. Lol. 

 Winny Aye:

Deng Wei with white hair....♡..serious look..

Finally 1 who looks exceptional and divine with the white hair wig. It looks natural on him and it does fit him. 

japan can cast him as Sesshoumaru. I will not complain lol.


Finally 1 who looks exceptional and divine with the white hair wig. It looks natural on him and it does fit him. 

japan can cast him as Sesshoumaru. I will not complain lol.

Yeah I feel your vibes :D

Errrr,I might be wrong but didn’t she say that, it’s only him, he’s the only one who wouldn’t leave her? She chose him because he’s the one for her? Dunno where he’s only available came from? But hey again, I might be wrong 🤷🏽‍♀️.


Some may argue that WXL chooses YSQ because only him was available as she also said it herself in chapter 36 when reuniting with her mother. 

This is something I dislike about her. She makes her own feeling for him look cheap and second and honestly it would make her mother and other think that she is settling as if she has no other options.  Is she ashamed to say it loud that he is in her heart even if let say he was 15% in it? 

 If let say my daughter come and say something like this about the msn she is introducing to me, I would tell her that there are may fish in the sea and that she is still young and does not need to settle. 

I do not like this kind of heroin at all. She needed too much push and guidance from  others.  Her want are not that clear. Lol. 

But I thought she said,’yes it’s only him, he’s the only one who wouldn’t leave me’. So where’s the availability coming from? Even Jing would’ve had second thoughts if she said only him is available.