I'm trying to get a friend into Thai movies. Low Season (much comedy, well-placed jump scares) was a success so now I can use Mario Maurer as bait :) Pee Mak (black comedy horror) is an easy sell, but he's seriously into horror and would appreciate a more traditional version of Mae Nak. Seems a better place to start too so he gets to experience the story, plus I can use Mario to sell an additional non-Mario movie :D  I've only seen Nang Nak, which will certainly do, but I'd also like to see more myself and there are SO MANY adaptations.

Any suggestions? What's the scariest Mae Nak (for my friend, I'm a bit of a wimp)? The best, in your opinion? Any to stay away from? Friend won't finish a series so movie recs for him. I'm open to series too.

Other supernatural or horror recs?

(My related recs are Enigma (4 eps supernatural but not *too* scary) and Nang Nak, plus Low Season and Ghost Host Ghost House even though it's more like they have supernatural elements.)