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 Winny Aye:

Tushan Jing Fanarts Taken from Hani 7 page from Pinterest 

Beautifull!! And I just went to see yours @Winny... in the aesthetic thread! Thanks for all your sharing, I know i dont post much, but i really enjoy coming here and reading all this interesting posts.

 Winny Aye:
Xiao Yao ducked into his embrace “Your kiss is sweet.

My day is perfect  ! 

@ Hani OOOh my.  Thus is such a beautiful scene.  Season 2 will have some powerful XiaoJing moments. I am so please about hat. 

I'm eager to read more now! When you have time ladies please share!

 Winny Aye:

Tushan Jing Fanarts Taken from Hani 7 page from Pinterest 

Thank you <3


Beautifull!! And I just went to see yours @Winny... in the aesthetic thread! Thanks for all your sharing, I know i dont post much, but i really enjoy coming here and reading all this interesting posts.

My day is perfect  ! 

Hi ....lol nice to meet you again 

You are welcome!

Thanks so much too.

Yep visit here sometimes..♡


Thank you <3

heehehe you are welcome..♡

I have decided to share the google translate version of the last episode the leaked script we got from Hani7 . Its long because I think..the actual episode that will get may be shorten. But there 30 pages for last episode ...so i will divide my post into 6....so there will be 6 post for last episode .....which is referred to as ep 28 there...of course we will see how the actual thing will come out. but this is the spoiler we get so far..

Leak script page 1


人:小天(有白发)、相柳 (不戴面具)、高辛忆(阿念)、王母
|Field 1 hour; night turns to morning Scene: Yushan Yaochi Bank/Yaochi People: Xiaotian (with white hair), Xiang Liu (without mask), Gao Xinyi (A Nian), Queen Mother

△The Queen Mother and Ahan stood by the Yao Pond and waited, watching Xiang Liu coming across the waves with Xiao Yao in his arms.

阿念: (不解) 刚才相柳到底在做什么?我怎么看着像是相柳杀死了两个自己,
A Nian: (confused) What on earth was Xiang Liu doing just now? Why does it look like Xiang Liu killed two of himself?

王母: 小天和相柳有间命蛊,一人若死,另一人必亡,此蛊一旦种下,无法可解,相柳以命
诱骗蛊虫,含掉两条命和蛊虫同于尽,(叹息) 这种解蛊的方法也只有丸命相柳能用.
Queen Mother: There is a fate poison between Xiaotian and Xiangliu. If one dies, the other will die. Once this poison is planted, it cannot be solved. Xiangliu has a fate. To deceive the voodoo, swallowing two lives and dying together with the voodoo, (sigh) this method of removing the voodoo can only be used by Maru Mingxiangliu.

△A-Nian was shocked at first, then understood, and looked at Xiang Liu with warmth and regret in his eyes.

Xiang Liu had already arrived at Yaochi and handed the unconscious Xiao Tian to A Nian.

|阿念:(郑重) 谢谢,



相柳: 晚辈还有一事相求.


|A Nian: (solemnly) Thank you,

"Sauvignon Blanc" Episode 28 Script

 △Xiang Liu gave the Queen Mother the courtesy of being a junior, Xiang Liu: I have one more thing to ask of you, junior. Queen Mother: You say.
相柳: 小天曾说,此生此世永不想再見我,今夜之后,我和她再无关系,如果小天间起体内
Xiang Liu: Xiaotian once said that she never wants to see me again in this life. After tonight, she and I will have nothing to do with each other. If Xiaotian gets out of the body painting

王母:(了然) 我会告诉小天,是我解的.
Queen Mother: (clearly) I will tell Xiaotian that I solved it.

Xiang Liu saluted and expressed gratitude, but the Queen Mother avoided him.

王母: 医祖神农王曾是我的故交挚友,我元将尽,你不必担心我会泄密.
Queen Mother: King Shennong, the ancestor of medicine, was an old friend of mine. I am about to die, so you don’t have to worry about me leaking the secret.

Xiang Liu looked at A Nian,

Season 2 Episode 28

|Ahan: (dissatisfied) It’s so beautiful for Xiaotian, why can’t Xiaotian know?

相柳: (看向昏迷的小天)此生既然无缘,不如不相欠、不相念,就如……从未相识、相知,
阿念:(没想到凶名震大荒的相柳竞是这样,惊讶) 你· (感动,难受)你放心,今日之事

Xiang Liu: (Looking at the comatose Xiaotian) Since we have no destiny in this life, it is better not to owe each other or miss each other, just like... we have never known each other or known each other before. A-Nian: (I didn’t expect Xiang Liujing, who is famous for being so vicious, to be like this, surprised) You· (touched, uncomfortable) Don’t worry, what happened today , I won’t let Xiaotian know about my water,




△Xiang Liu didn’t trust anyone easily. His face was pale, he coughed, and he bowed to A Nian. A Nian could only say solemnly
 A Nian: I, Gao Xinyi, swear that I will never tell Xiaotian about this matter. If I break this promise, my life will be ruined and my fortune will be ruined. I will never pass away.

Leaked Script Page 2


人:小天(有白发)、相柳 (不戴面具)、高辛忆(阿念)、王母
|Field 1 hour; night turns to morning Scene: Yushan Yaochi Bank/Yaochi People: Xiaotian (with white hair), Xiang Liu (without mask), Gao Xinyi (A Nian), Queen Mother

△The Queen Mother and Ahan stood by the Yao Pond and waited, watching Xiang Liu coming across the waves with Xiao Yao in his arms.

阿念: (不解) 刚才相柳到底在做什么?我怎么看着像是相柳杀死了两个自己,
A Nian: (confused) What on earth was Xiang Liu doing just now? Why does it look like Xiang Liu killed two of himself?

王母: 小天和相柳有间命蛊,一人若死,另一人必亡,此蛊一旦种下,无法可解,相柳以命
诱骗蛊虫,含掉两条命和蛊虫同于尽,(叹息) 这种解蛊的方法也只有丸命相柳能用.
Queen Mother: There is a fate poison between Xiaotian and Xiangliu. If one dies, the other will die. Once this poison is planted, it cannot be solved. Xiangliu has a fate. To deceive the voodoo, swallowing two lives and dying together with the voodoo, (sigh) this method of removing the voodoo can only be used by Maru Mingxiangliu.

△A-Nian was shocked at first, then understood, and looked at Xiang Liu with warmth and regret in his eyes.

Xiang Liu had already arrived at Yaochi and handed the unconscious Xiao Tian to A Nian.

|阿念:(郑重) 谢谢,



相柳: 晚辈还有一事相求.


|A Nian: (solemnly) Thank you,

"Sauvignon Blanc" Episode 28 Script

 △Xiang Liu gave the Queen Mother the courtesy of being a junior, Xiang Liu: I have one more thing to ask of you, junior. Queen Mother: You say.
相柳: 小天曾说,此生此世永不想再見我,今夜之后,我和她再无关系,如果小天间起体内
Xiang Liu: Xiaotian once said that she never wants to see me again in this life. After tonight, she and I will have nothing to do with each other. If Xiaotian gets out of the body painting

王母:(了然) 我会告诉小天,是我解的.
Queen Mother: (clearly) I will tell Xiaotian that I solved it.

Xiang Liu saluted and expressed gratitude, but the Queen Mother avoided him.

王母: 医祖神农王曾是我的故交挚友,我元将尽,你不必担心我会泄密.
Queen Mother: King Shennong, the ancestor of medicine, was an old friend of mine. I am about to die, so you don’t have to worry about me leaking the secret.

Xiang Liu looked at A Nian,

Season 2 Episode 28

|Ahan: (dissatisfied) It’s so beautiful for Xiaotian, why can’t Xiaotian know?

相柳: (看向昏迷的小天)此生既然无缘,不如不相欠、不相念,就如……从未相识、相知,
阿念:(没想到凶名震大荒的相柳竞是这样,惊讶) 你· (感动,难受)你放心,今日之事

Xiang Liu: (Looking at the comatose Xiaotian) Since we have no destiny in this life, it is better not to owe each other or miss each other, just like... we have never known each other or known each other before. A-Nian: (I didn’t expect Xiang Liujing, who is famous for being so vicious, to be like this, surprised) You· (touched, uncomfortable) Don’t worry, what happened today , I won’t let Xiaotian know about my water,




△Xiang Liu didn’t trust anyone easily. His face was pale, he coughed, and he bowed to A Nian. A Nian could only say solemnly
 A Nian: I, Gao Xinyi, swear that I will never tell Xiaotian about this matter. If I break this promise, my life will be ruined and my fortune will be ruined. I will never pass away.

Xiang Liu: Thank you very much. △The Queen Mother saw that he was seriously injured.

Queen Mother: Although Yushan has no appearance, it is still okay to stay for a day or two. You might as well wait until your injury is better before leaving.

Xiang Liu: No need, facing Xuanyuan's army, one more life and one less life, it doesn't matter.

Ahan and the Queen Mother were both fine.

The sky was already getting slightly brighter, and Xiang Liu was drinking and saying goodbye to the two of them.


Xiang Liu: Farewell. △Xiang Liu took one last look at the unconscious Xiao Tian, then turned and left.




人: 小天(有白发)、相柳 (不戴面具)、高辛忆 (阿念)、母
Field 2 Time: morning outside Scenery: Aerial/Next to Yushan Yaochi/Yaochi People: Xiaotian (with white hair), Xiang Liu (without mask), Gao Xinyi (A Nian), mother

Xiang Liu drove the white eagle to fly toward the east in the rising sun. The sky was filled with morning glow, burning colors and flowing gold. He went like a strong wind.

Bai Nong is soaring and majestic, just like a celestial being.

A-Nian and the Queen Mother watched Xiang Liu go away. A-Nian looked at Xiaotian who was unconscious, and then at Xiangliu who was walking away.

阿念:(伤感) 碧水洗血,青山埋骨,这一再无重逢之时了吧?
A-Nian: (sad) The clear water washes away the blood, and the green mountains bury the bones. There will never be another time to meet again, right?


The Queen Mother was silent, Season 2 Episode 28

Song: Oh, Roy, please test my eyes and let my blood splash on your clothes, like peach blossoms on the branches. As long as you can wear me in your clothes, Oh, Luo Yiyo, please take out my heart and let my blood fill the wilderness, like peach blossoms on the mountain. As long as I can make you have me in your heart... (only for reference)

The snowflakes suddenly fell and fluttered, falling on the Queen Mother, Anian and the unconscious Xiaotian, and on the white flowers floating on the Yaochi. On the colorful seashells, the seashells melted quickly. After a while, the seashells melted into the yaochi, disappeared with the ripples of the water, and then disappeared again. traceless narrative,

这甸台词. 此场设计小天昏迷,看似小天一句台词没有,但阿念的视角、台词实际代替

Ah Nian couldn't help but sigh sadly. (Note: In fact, the above picture has been passed on, but if you feel it is not enough, you can introduce it to others. These are the lines. This scene is designed for Xiao Tian to be in a coma. It seems that Xiao Tian has no lines, but A Nian’s perspective and lines are actually substituted. |It’s Xiaotian,)
A-Nian: No trace left at all

Leaked Script page 3



△空镜: 风凰树.

Field 3 inside and outside time Scene: Shenyi Mountain, Xiaoyueding Medicine Valley, Bamboo Gate Hall, Phoenix Tree next to the Bamboo Gate Person: Paozhi, Lao Xuanyuan King, Jun Yi △Empty Mirror: Wind Phoenix Tree.
△Chingzhi and old King Xuanyuan are sitting across from each other, and old King Xuanyuan is preparing to make tea
Bao Zheng: Grandpa, the army has been assembled. Within a few days, we will give the order to launch a general attack on the Shennong rebels.


老轩辕王: 赤宸、炎脊、洪江…都只能死、不能折,只可杀,不可辱,

△Old King Xuanyuan didn’t show any joy at all, he sighed and said, Old King Xuanyuan: Chichen, Yanji, Hongjiang... they can only die, cannot be broken, can only be killed, and cannot be humiliated. |Po: And...Xiang Liu.


老轩辕王: 小天可好?
Old King Xuanyuan took the lead in silence and ended the topic. Old King Xuanyuan: How is Xiaotian?

Chizhi: A Nian wrote to say that the Queen Mother helped Xiaotian cure the poison, but her vitality was seriously injured and she was still recuperating. She spent most of the day He was lethargic and rarely woke up for a moment.


Old King Xuanyuan: What are you going to do when Xiaotian recovers?
△Bozhen was silent. He looked at the Fengfeng tree outside the window.

Bo Li: I thought that as long as the top of the purple gold roof was filled with wind phoenix trees, Shennong Mountain would be Xiao Tianshuiyuan’s home, but Shennong wanted Yueshu to die. Tushan Jing... As long as Shen Xinyue is here, Xiaotian is afraid that the water will not come back.

The tea was cooked, and King Lao Xuan divided the tea between himself and Lun Zheng.

Old King Xuanyuan: You spared no effort and I still have no news about Tu Shanhuan. Tu Shanhuan should be gone.
The result is a complex expression, making it difficult to distinguish between joy and sorrow.
Season 2 Episode 28

Old King Xuanyuan: Now there is no obstacle between you and Xiaotian... Have you thought about the future between you and Xiaotian?
Bo Zheng did not answer directly, but his eyes could not hide his tenderness, and his expression rarely showed the budding love.
Yanxian: There’s no hurry about this. We have to wait until Xiaotian lets go. Anyway, no matter how many years it takes, we will always be together. The old King Xuanyuan placed a cup of tea in front of Choi Gong and invited Bo Zheng to drink tea. Choi looked at the tea warily and did not dare to drink it. Old King Xuanyuan: Even if you want to drink the karma tea that only comes once in nine thousand years, I don’t have it.

Po Zhi: (Awkward, drinking tea in a disguised manner) The elder gave it to me and I dare not say goodbye. If grandpa wants me to drink it, I will definitely drink it.

老轩辕王:哦……(淡然端茶) 此茶长于北号山,千年开花、千年结果、千年成熟,三千年

Old King Xuanyuan: Oh... (serving the tea calmly) This tea grows in Beihao Mountain. It blooms for thousands of years, bears fruit for thousands of years, matures for thousands of years, and matures for three thousand years. The result is called "True Word". After drinking this tea, you will answer every question and speak the truth.

Leaked script page 4






呛政:(回避) 爷爷明知道神农馨悦不能死,何必间这种阿题?

老轩辕王:(温和却坚持) 你会同意杀了神农馨悅吗?
Po Hai: (unexpected, nervous) mantra tea. Lao Xuan Ape King: Just kidding, |Po:Grandpa! |Old King Xuanyuan: Although tea is a joke, there is indeed something to say. It concerns the people of the world, so you must answer every question and speak the truth.
△The old King Xuanyuan looked at the child with bright eyes, and he could only agree. |Ching Zheng: Okay. Old Xuanyuan King: (Gentle as Xiaotian insists on killing Shuyue, will you agree?
Yan Zheng: (Avoidance) Grandpa knows that Shennong Xinyue cannot die, why bother with such a question? Old King Xuanyuan: (gentle but insistent) Will you agree to kill Shennong Xinyue?

|呛政:(无奈) 不能,(明知道老轩较王什么都懂,却依旧努力解释,其实他想要解释说服的

Qi Zheng: (helpless) No, (even though he knows Lao Xuan knows everything better than Wang, he still tries to explain. In fact, he wants to explain and persuade. The target is not King Lao
| Behind Shennong Xinyue is the entire Central Plains clan. Now that the world has been decided, there can be no more disputes.

Old King Xuanyuan: (Without comment) The last question. (Seriously) Now, there are only two ways in front of you: one is to give up the throne, and Xiaotian is together; one way is to give up Xiaotian and continue to be King Xuan. Which path do you choose?



老轩辕王: (洞悉)地败,你不是小孩子,不贪心地说都要,你若把小天当作你紫金宫里
Choi Chi: (Feels ridiculous and doesn’t want to face it) Xiaotian helped me fight for the throne, so why should it be either/or? Season 2 Episode 28 Old King Xuanyuan: (Insight) Dibai, you are not a child, and you are not greedy and want everything. If you regard Xiaotian as your Zijin Palace A woman who looks down on Xiaotian, and even more so on yourself.

老轩辕王: 你很清楚,这世上没有人可以随心所欲,身为大荒之主,更不能!人生每一步,

珀政:(恳求,不想面对) 爷爷
△Ching Zheng didn’t want to face it, but he knew that what the old King Xuanyuan said was right, so he remained silent in sadness, Old King Xuanyuan: You know very well that no one in this world can do whatever they want, not even as the Lord of the Wilderness! Every step of life, All choices are made after weighing the pros and cons.
Bo Zheng: (pleating, not wanting to face it) Grandpa
老轩辕王: (冷峻)如今,你面而前有两条路:一条是放王位,和小天在一起,一条是放
Old King Xuanyuan: (coldly) Now, you have two ways in front of you: one is to give up the throne and be with Xiaotian, the other is to let go Abandon Xiaotian and continue to be King Xuanyuan, which path do you choose?


The child doesn't want to face it, doesn't want to choose, Old King Xuanyuan: (forcing) Xiaotian or the throne?


念,利弊得失,权衡计较……… 神情复杂痛.
Po Zhier opened his mouth for a moment, then fell silent again, but the old King Xuanyuan suddenly made a U-turn, retracted his aggressive attitude, and calmly raised his hand He sipped the tea slowly, as if he had not missed anything, but Po Zheng did not feel relaxed, and his heart was filled with a hundred emotions in an instant. Thoughts, pros and cons, weighing and calculating... My expression was complicated and painful.
△At this moment, Jun also came in suddenly,

Leaked script page 5
钓亦: (行礼) 隆下、太尊…




△呛眩接过木盒打开, 看到里面的物件,神色骤变,
Diao Yi: (Salute) Longxia, Taizun... △Ching Zheng felt relieved and hurriedly inquired about the room before Jun could finish his words.
Choi Zhi: What's the matter? Diao Yi: (putting a wooden box on top) This is something brought back by the leader of the Lishu clan. △Chixuan took the wooden box and opened it. When he saw the objects inside, his expression changed suddenly.




Field 4 |Time:Japanese Scenery: Yushan Person: Chamber Mirror △Time passes,




Field 5 (repeat)
 |Time:Japanese Scene: Yushan Yaochi Bank/Peach Grove
People: Xiaotian (white hair turns black), Chuxuan, Tushanhuan, Laosang


△On the Jade Mountain, the peach blossoms of Qianliji are in full bloom, and the vast expanse of blue waves are rippling in the wind. Amid the falling flowers, drinking and singing, Xiao Tian’s eyes are calm, and his whole body is calm. Dressed in pure white, she walked to the waterside pavilion while playing with a peach branch.


△In the distance, Bo Zheng is hiding in the peach forest, looking at Xiaotian with a heavy expression, and Lao Sang is accompanying him.
△Xiaotian looked at the figure reflected in the blue waves,

Season 2 Episode 28

小天:(用桃枝对倒影打招呼) 没想到,兜兜转转儿百年,竞然又回到玉山了,
Xiaotian: (greeting the reflection with a peach branch) Unexpectedly, after going around for a hundred years, Jingran returned to Yushan again.

△ 小天犹如和朋友聊天,话语惊心动魄,神情却很理智,时不时还带笑,犹如在拉家常,
△ Xiaotian is like chatting with a friend, his words are thrilling, but his expression is very sensible, and he smiles from time to time, as if he is having a family time.
A strong sense of separation. (Note: Shennong Xinyue killed Tushan Jing. Xiaotian could not let her go, but as smart as she was, she had already After thinking about the whole story, I realized that Yan Zheng and the old King Xuanyuan had known about it before Feng Long confessed, but they were just hiding it from her. Qing Qing Chu Di understood the attitude of old King Xuanyuan and Yan Zheng. She and Yan Gong walked side by side and walked hand in hand. But this time, because of the throne, They are opposites.
爱人、失去了朋友 (上一集为了珀政和相柳决裂),也即将和亲人背道而驰,最终只能
In other words, for Tu Shanjing, she had to make a choice and go against the grain. She was most afraid of losing the lonely person. He has lost his lover and friends (the previous episode broke up with Xiang Liu because of Bo Zheng), and is about to go against his loved ones. In the end, he can only Choose loneliness. Xiaotian is both rational and calm, but also downright sad. In this scene, the great sadness is silent, just like a person sinking into the bottom of the water.

continue last ep (from leaked script)

Leaked script page 6


△ 小天想起涂山環死时,那些没脸的死士,(闪回:第二季第 25集场 15)

He knew clearly that he was going to die, but he didn't struggle at all because he was too sober. If the separation in the illusion was dramatized, then the separation now is Divorce is a matter of daily life, we just walk apart step by step,) △ Xiaotian thinks of those shameless soldiers when Tu Shanhuan died (Flashback: Season 2, Episode 25, Episode 15) !

Xiaotian: Fenglong knows (not important)...Grandpa knows (both important and not important) Dihai knows (very important, if In the past, the two were forced to separate, but this time, Yanzhi took the initiative to leave Xiaotian)... I was the last one to know.

小天,王母说她寿元將尽,问我要不要接掌玉山.(故作思量) 做了王母,就是画地为牢,
Xiaotian, the Queen Mother said that her life was about to end, and asked me if I wanted to take over Yushan. (Pretending to be thoughtful) Being the Queen Mother means drawing the ground as a prison.
Outsiders can't get in, and I can't get out. Doesn't that sound pretty good? (Sentiment) Back then, I was desperate to escape, but I thought the world was so big. There is nowhere to go, but now I find that the world is so big that there is nowhere to go.

△ 小天随手从桃枝上撕了落花,扔给倒影,倒影也拾手,像是在接落花,与小天呼应,因
△ Xiaotian casually tore off the fallen flowers from the peach branch and threw them to the reflection, and the reflection also picked them up, as if catching the fallen flowers, echoing Xiaotian, because
Peach branches have spiritual power, and peach blossoms can’t be torn apart.

Xiaotian: Why do you think so? Queen Xuanyuan is my wife to kill, and King Xuanyuan will not allow me to kill his queen.

△ 小天一朵朵撕桃花.
Xiaotian tears peach blossoms one after another.

Season 2 Episode 28

Xiaotian: Killing Xuanyuan’s queen will not only make enemies of the Zhongyuan clan, but also the Xuanyuan clan. Although the wilderness is huge, you think I can Where are you going?

△ 小天和倒影互动,
△ Xiaotian interacts with the reflection,

Xiaotian: Are you asking Bo Zheng? My mother is not only my mother, but also the queen of Xuan; Chuan is not only my brother, he is also It belongs to Quanhuangzhi and Xuanyuan!

In the peach grove, Chi Zheng stared sadly at Xiaotian.

老桑:(纳网,担忧) 小姐一个人在说什么? 自言自语不是小姐丟掉脸的时候,一个人躲在
Lao Sang: (Nawang, worried) What is the lady talking about alone? Talking to herself is not the time when the lady is embarrassed and hiding alone. What's wrong with being in the mountains?


△Ching Zhengti thought about the past, but stopped. Step by step in life, weighing the pros and cons, but unknowingly, they seemed to be separated. Got it

老桑,(不解) 如今又不是在深山里我不到人,小姐想说透,为何不找唑下呢?
Lao Sang, (puzzled) It’s not like I’m in the deep mountains and I don’t know anyone. I want to tell you, why don’t you find me?

Lao Sang poked at Zhenhai's heart again with a confused look on his face.
Chizhi: Because of me, the little genius can’t find anyone to talk to.

老桑,(惊讶) 啊?性下做了什么?(乐观) 没事,小姐对唑下最好了,只要唑下道个歉就能


Lao Sang, (Surprised) Huh? What did you do during sex? (Optimistic) It’s okay, Miss, it’s best for me, as long as I apologize. reconcile. Choi Hai: (from the machine) You are right, Xiaotian is the best to me in this world.
Leaked script page 7


△ 小天撕了一把的花,眼內满是哀伤,

涂山環 OS: 小天!

△ 小天以为是自己的幻听,并没有转头,温柔地将手心的花吹开.


Lao Sang: Lu Xia, go over and talk to the lady! Yan Zheng: The person Xiaotian wants to see is not me.
△ Xiaotian tore a handful of flowers, his eyes were full of sadness, Tushanhuan OS: Xiaotian!
△ Xiaotian thought it was his auditory hallucination, and without turning his head, he gently blew the flowers in his palm away. Xiaotian; Huan, you've come to lie to me again! I won't be fooled this time, or else you'll be gone when I turn around.
 △The familiar voice came again

涂山環 0S: 小天!小天

△ 小天愣了一瞬,将信将疑地转头,看到:桃林深处,涂山環翩然而来,身如流云,姿若

明月,小天犹如做梦,双目圆睁,身体 敏直顫.


涂山環: (大喊)小天!

小天:(确认不是幻觉) 璟!
Tushanhuan 0S: Xiaotian! Xiaotian △ Xiaotian was stunned for a moment, turned his head doubtfully, and saw: Deep in the peach forest, Tushan Huan came gracefully, his body was like flowing clouds, and his posture was as if Under the bright moon, the sky seems to be in a dream, with eyes wide open and body trembling.
Xiaotian: Jing?
Tu Shanhuan: (yelling) Xiaotian! Xiaotian: (Confirming it’s not a hallucination) Jing!

△ 小天扔掉桃枝,桃枝化作漫天花雨,小天跌跌撞撞、不顾一切地沖着涂山環去,涂山
△ Xiaotian threw away the peach branches, and the peach branches turned into a shower of flowers. Xiaotian stumbled and rushed towards Tushan without any risk. Tushan

The service also quickened the pace.
难自禁. 小天泪如雨下,涂山環泪光闪烁.
Flowers fell one after another, and the two of them passed through the rain of flowers, over parting, and over life and death, and hugged each other tightly. Both of them were filled with sorrow and joy, and their love I couldn't help myself. Xiaotian burst into tears, and Tu Shanhuan's tears shone.

Tu Shanhuan: Xiaotian, I’m back,

小天:你、你…… (害怕地伸手,摸涂山環的脸)不是我做梦
Xiaotian: You, you... (fearfully reaching out and touching Tu Shanhuan’s face) It’s not my dream

Tu Shanjing: (holding Di’s hand) It’s not a dream, it’s real.

Xiaotian: (Afraid of dreaming) Is it really you?

Tu Shanhuan: I am Wen Xiaoliu’s Ye Shiqi. Because the herb you picked up has seventeen leaves, my name is Ye Qi.

Xiaotian; You are really back!

△ 小天叉是哭又是笑,时不时还很怨地打涂山環儿下.
Little Tiancha was crying and laughing, and from time to time he would hit Tushan Huan'er with resentment.

Season 2 Episode 28

Tu Shanhuan: Don’t cry, don’t cry…

△ 小天却号喝大哭来, -边泪如雨落,一边捶打着璟.
But Xiaotian howled and cried, with tears falling like rain, and beating Jing.

Xiaotian: I have been waiting for you, I have been waiting for you, I don’t believe you are dead! Every time the moon is full, I think you will come back, but you always fail
date... you clearly said you would never let go no matter what... I hate you, I hate you...

涂山環: (愧疚,难受) 让你担惊受怕了,对不起…是我失約了,对不起!
Tu Shanhuan: (Guilty, uncomfortable) I'm sorry for worrying you...I broke my appointment, I'm sorry!
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Season 2 Episode 28
小天:(哭着摇头表示不是他的错) ……我知道你一定会回来,一定会回来……你肯定受了
Xiaotian: (crying and shaking his head to express that it is not his fault) ... I know you will definitely come back, you will definitely come back... You must have suffered it So much suffering...
涂山璟:(爱怜地摸过小天鬓边的白发) 你也受了好多苦,
Tu Shanjing: (touching Xiao Tian’s white hair lovingly) You have also suffered a lot,
△ 涂山璟施展灵力,将小天的白发一点点染黑.
△ Tu Shanjing used his spiritual power to dye Xiaotian’s white hair black bit by bit.
Xiaotian: (Suggesting that there is no need to exert any effort) It will turn white again after the spiritual power dissipates. Just take medicine to adjust it and it will be fine.
Tu Shanjing: (still helping Xiaotian dye all his white hair black) Just keep the spiritual power from dissipating.
△ 小天
Xiao Tian Crying and laughing, Tu Shanjing also laughed with tears in his eyes. There was nothing else in their eyes except each other.
△ 桃花
peach blossom Under the tree, Cangxuan looked at Xiaotian, feeling relieved and pained. He turned and left silently, and Lao Sang followed him in confusion.
Field 6 Time:
outside/inside the day Scene: Taolin/Shennong Mountain Xiaoyueding Medicine Valley Bamboo House Hall
Person: Ling, Lao Sang, Lao Xuanyuan Wang, Jun Yi
△ 落花纷纷,玲玹虽然心里已有决断,可神情难掩凄楚,
△ Flowers fell one after another. Although Lingxuan had made a decision in her heart, her expression could not hide her sadness.
Lao Sang: Your Majesty looks unhappy.
沧玹:我开心! 姑姑、父王、我都让小天失望了,这一次涂山璟没有让小天失望。我开心!
Cangxuan: I'm happy! My aunt, father, and I have all disappointed Xiaotian, but this time Tushanjing did not disappoint Xiaotian. I'm happy! I'm very happy!
△ 老桑总觉得哪里不对,又想不出所以然,索性不想了,依旧喜滋滋.
△ Lao Sang always felt that something was wrong, but couldn’t figure out why, so he simply stopped thinking about it and was still happy.
Lao Sang: Your Majesty must be so happy. Why did Young Master Jing come back so suddenly?
Lingxuan: Even a cunning rabbit has three burrows, let alone Tu Shanjing?
(Continued from Season 2, Episode 28, Scene 3)
Jun Yi: (presenting a wooden box) This is something brought back by the leader of the Li Rong tribe.
△ 沧接过木盒打开,看到里面的物件,神色骤变。玠拿出细看,是一个心口破了一个
Cang took the wooden box and opened it. When he saw the objects inside, his expression changed suddenly. Jie took it out and took a closer look. He saw that one heart was broken and the other was broken. The nine-tailed fox tail puppet of the cave.
Jun Yi: The leader of the Li Rong clan has not yet found Tushan Jing, but he found this puppet, which belongs to Tu Shanjing.
△ 珍玹盯着傀儡,回想起离戎昶描述的涂山璟最后中箭落水的一幕 (闪回:第二季第 25
集场 13). 玲玹神色微动地抚摸着傀儡心口的洞.
玲玹:(沉思) 箭伤……(激动)中箭的是傀儡,不是涂山璟!(对钧亦) 传朕口谕,命离戎
Xuan stared at the puppet and recalled the scene described by Li Rongchang when Tu Shanjing was hit by an arrow and fell into the water. (Flashback: Season 2 Episode 25 Marketplace 13). Lingxuan stroked the hole in the puppet's heart with a slightly moved expression.
Lingxuan: (Contemplation) Arrow wound... (Excited) The one hit by the arrow was a puppet, not Tu Shanjing! (To Jun Yi) According to my oral instructions, I ordered Li Rong to leave the army.

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Season 2 Episode 28
Chang mobilized more manpower and continued the search.
Jun Yi; Yes!
(end of flashback)
Lao Sang: It turns out that Your Majesty saved Mr. Jing.
Canghai: It’s not me, it’s Xiaotian. (Recalling the past, feeling sad) From the beginning to the end, it was Xiaotian who saved Tushan Jing.
△ 老桑茫然不解,
△ Lao Sang was confused,
Field 7 Time: Japan Scene:
By the Yushan Yaochi
Person: Xiaotian (no gray hair), Tu Shanjing
△ 小天和涂山璟都神情宁静甜蜜,手牵手走到水榭,边走边聊,
△ Xiaotian and Tushan Jing both looked peaceful and sweet. They walked hand in hand to the waterside pavilion and chatted while walking.
Xiaotian: (Scorned sweetly) You are here to coax me again! How could I have saved you?
Tu Shanjing: Although I blocked Tu Shanhou's fatal blow with a puppet, my heart was damaged and my spiritual power was exhausted. I passed out and followed the west path. The river drifted into the sea. Fortunately, he was not swallowed by the sea monster. However, he encountered a large eddy on the sea floor and was sucked into an undersea cave. He suffered even more injuries. hurt………
Scene 8 (flashback) Time: within the day Scene: Undersea cave
Person: Tu Shanjing
△ 阴森恐怖的洞穴,伴随咳嗽声,涂山璟出现,他衣衫褴褛、遍体鳞伤,奄奄一息地躲避
△ In the eerie cave, with the sound of coughing, Tu Shanjing appeared. He was in ragged clothes, covered with bruises, and was dying to escape.
In a corner with no undercurrent, surrounded by numerous animal bones, it is obvious that there is no way forward, and it is a desperate situation in hell. Tu Shanjing observed carefully
I want to find a way out, but there are undercurrents and dangers all around. Wherever the undercurrent passes, the hard rocks are broken and broken.
(Note: The special effects pictures are not necessarily stones. Anyway, the purpose is to render the dangerous environment and Tu Shanjing’s difficulty in survival)
△ 涂山璟从怀里拿出小天赠给他的木棉花香囊,里面是小天送他的保命药丸(第二季第
16 集场 19),涂山璟眼中满是思念,他珍惜地将药丸含入嘴里.
△ Tu Shanjing took out the kapok sachet given to him by Xiaotian from his arms, which contained the life-saving pills given to him by Xiaotian.(Season 2 No. 16 Marketplace 19), Tu Shanjing's eyes were full of longing, and he took the pills into his mouth cherishingly.
△ 现在小天身畔的涂山璟画外音。
△ Tu Shanjing’s voiceover is now next to Xiaotian.
Tu Shanjing OS: Fortunately, the elixir you gave me helped me repair my heart and replenish my spiritual power, allowing me to find a glimmer of hope in a desperate situation...

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△ 此时又有石块落下,涂山璟看到一个坚硬的巨石被暗流搅碎,变成碎石砸落在四周,涂
Season 2 Episode 28 △ At this time, another stone fell. Tu Shanjing saw a hard boulder being shattered by the undercurrent, turning into gravel and falling around. Shan Jing treasured the sachet carefully.
涂山璟 VO:小天在等我!
Tu Shanjing VO:Xiaotian is waiting for me!
△ 有落石,有暗流,涂山璟却毫不犹豫,观察着一股股暗流的间隙,努力避开一股股暗流
△ There were falling rocks and undercurrents, but Tu Shanjing did not hesitate, observing the gaps between the undercurrents and trying to avoid them. Climb upward.
△ 涂山璟的十指都已溃烂,一条腿没有办法动,被涂山篌重伤的部位还会有血丝冒出,但
△ Tu Shanjing’s ten fingers were all ulcerated and he could not move one of his legs. There would still be bloodshot eyes at the place where Tu Shanhou was seriously injured, but He still insists on climbing up, (end of flashback)
(接第二季第 28 集场7)
Field 9 Time: Japan Scene: By the Yushan Yaochi Person: Xiaotian (no gray hair), Tu Shanjing (Continued from Season 2, Episode 28, Scene 7)
△ 涂山璟从怀里拿出一个破烂的香囊,
△ Tu Shanjing took out a tattered sachet from his arms, Tu Shanjing: You saved me again,
△ 小天看到香囊就知道他受了多少苦,心疼地看了一瞬,蓦然把香囊扔向瑶池. 涂山璟着
△ When Xiaotian saw the sachet, he knew how much he had suffered. He looked at it distressedly for a moment, and then suddenly threw the sachet towards Yaochi. Written by Tu Shanjing I am anxious, but I have always been reluctant to disobey Xiaotian, so I just stared at the lake reluctantly.
Xiaotian: It removes bad luck! It’s just a broken sachet. I will make a new one for you every year.
涂山璟:(甜蜜,郑重) ……好.
Tu Shanjing: (Sweetly, solemnly) ...Okay.
小天:(微笑) 你逃出海底洞穴后,遇到了离戎昶?
Xiaotian: (smile) After you escaped from the underwater cave, you met Li Rongchang?
涂山璟;(凝视小天) 嗯,昶说涂山氏已经有了新族长,放弃了寻我,只有你不肯放弃,
Tu Shan Jing; (gazing at Xiaotian) Well, Chang said that the Tu Shan clan has a new clan leader and has given up on looking for me. You are the only one who refuses to give up. His Majesty never gave up until he was waiting for me...
Xiaotian: (Sorry, deliberately mean)I guess you are wise and will come back in time! !If I don’t come back, I will become the Queen Mother.
涂山璟:(惊讶) 你当年颠沛流离、受尽苦难都不肯回玉山,怎么会想做王母?
Tu Shanjing: (Surprised) When you were displaced and suffered all kinds of hardships, you refused to return to Yushan. How could you want to be the Queen Mother?
Xiaotian: (avoidance after spilling the beans, trying to be understated)...I plan to...kill Shennong Xinyue...
涂山璟:(握住小天的手) 小天……
Tu Shanjing: (holding Xiaotian’s hand) Xiaotian…
△ 涂山璟难以言喻此刻心中的震动、感动。涂山氏都已经新选了族长,将他视作过去,小
Tu Shanjing could not describe the shock and emotion in his heart at this moment.The Tushan clan has already elected a new clan leader, regard him as the past. Xiaotian wants to make the world an enemy because of him who is missing.


continue last ep (S2 leaked scripte)

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Xiaotian, (you are obviously embarrassed, but you cover it up with a smooth tongue) You are so touched that you can’t repay it? Just repay it with your own body.
|涂山環: 好!
Tu Shanhuan: Okay!
利落地吻上. 小天愣了一愣,情投意合、顺心回应,
△Tu Shanhuan pulled Xiaotian into his arms without hesitation, Kissed him neatly. Xiaotian was stunned for a moment, and then he responded happily,
△On the lake, there is a reflection of Xian Shuang, and a woman in plain clothes has a smooth face. With peach blossoms and sweet eyebrows, there is no need to talk to your own shadow anymore.
|场 10



|Field 10 Time: Japan Scene: animation special effects Person: empty mirror

△(动画特效) 激烈的厮杀战斗声中,出现立体的地图,清水镇外养莽苍苍、青翠欲滴的重
△ (Animation special effects) Amid the fierce sounds of fighting, a three-dimensional map appeared, and the lush and verdant Chongqing outside Qingshui Town


|Field 11 The heavy mountain peaks are surrounded by yellow with the Xuanyuan flag. As the yellow surrounding circle shrinks little by little, one peak after another The base turned into earth color, and in the end only a little bit of the mountain peak was still green, and there was no way to escape.

|画外音 OS: 奉轩呛政之命,主帅際收不惜代价、重兵筑起包围圈,将神农叛军圈地围困,
Voice-over OS: Following the orders of Xuan Xingzheng, the commander-in-chief Jishou built an encirclement with heavy troops and surrounded the Shennong rebels at all costs. In order to achieve a quick victory, Mushou ordered the implementation of an encirclement and suppression strategy of clearing the country and leaving no grass behind, even setting fire to the mountains to let Shennong |The rebel Yuan Chu was hiding. With fierce battles, the encirclement gradually narrowed until the two armies met.

Time: night outside Scene: Shennong Army Base Camp

People: Xiang Liu (without mask), Hong Jiang, Shennong Army generals and soldiers
△The mountains of fire surrounded the Shennong Army camp, and the sky took on an ominous blood color.
Season 2 Episode 28
△Hong Jiang and Xiang Liu stood in front. The soldiers stood in formation. Because they did not have a good rest or sufficient supplies, the soldiers
The soldiers all looked thin and tired, but their expressions were extremely determined. Everyone was waiting for the last moment to come.
洪江: (沉重)明日清晨,轩辕军队就会攻破我们营地的隐匿阵法,
Hong Jiang: (Heavy) Tomorrow morning, Xuanyuan’s army will break through the hidden formation in our camp.
△The Shennong Army generals and soldiers looked at the Hongjiang River in silence.
Hong Jiang: There is no need to stand guard and patrol tonight. Brothers, have a good sleep. Tomorrow the two armies will meet for a decisive battle!
神农军将领士兵们:(坚定) 决一死战!
Shennong Army generals and soldiers: (firm) Fight to the death!
Hong Jiang: (eyes red) Go back and have a good rest!
Shennong Army generals and soldiers: Yes!
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The Shennong Army generals and soldiers all turned around and dispersed.
△Hong Jiang looked at Xiang Liu, his eyes full of gratitude and guilt, as if he wanted to say something, but Xiang Liu hurriedly spoke before he could speak.
Xiang Liu: Let's go and have a rest, foster father! I will sleep tonight.
△Hong Jiang patted Xiang Liu’s shoulder heavily, calming down all his emotions.
Hong Jiang: (There is something in the words) Thank you
△Xiang Liu nodded and Hong Jiang left.

|Field 12 | Time: Night outside

Scene: On the tree near Shennong Army Base Camp
Person: Xiang Liu (without mask)
△It was completely silent. There seemed to be no one in the entire camp. Only the surrounding sky was reflected red by the firelight.
|△Xiang Liu sits alone in a tree (if the picture is not good enough, you can also consider other picture designs), staring at the ice crystal ball in his hand,

This ice crystal ball was originally given to Xiang Liu by Xiaotian. Now Xiang Liu has transformed it and it is different from before: Modanhaihai middle
There are gorgeous colorful fish, red corals, a large white shell, and a beautiful female figure.
Sitting on the shell, half of the beautiful fish tail rests on the white shell and half floats in the sea water. Next to her stands a

The man held the outstretched hand of the female dumpling, and stared at the female dumpling. In the corner, a male dumpling was floating in the waves, looking at It seems that he is not far from the shell, but his distant posture makes people feel that he is actually in another world, not in that quiet and peaceful place. in the ocean.

△Xiang Liu used his finger as a blade and used his spiritual power to write two lines of small words on the ice ball: strong to protect yourself, someone to depend on, somewhere to go, wish
|You will live a life of peace and happiness,
△相柳打开木盒,拿出一个闭着眼晴打嗑睡 (或睡觉) 的憨态可潮的大肚笑娃娃,双掌汇聚灵力,用灵力将冰晶球封藏进娃娃的肚子里.
△Xiang Liu opened the wooden box and took out a naive and laughing doll with a big belly that was dozing off (or sleeping) with its eyes closed. He gathered his spiritual power with his palms and used his spiritual power to seal the ice crystal ball into the doll's belly.


 Season 2 Episode 28

△Xiang Liu’s eyes were gentle, and he looked at the sleeping baby with a big belly and a smile.

△(四回)第一季第17集场 23
△(four episodes) Season 1 Episode 17 23
Xiang Liu: Would a kiss be more terrifying than death?
小天:(欲言又止) 我哥哥,就是政了.有一天晚上我们聊天时,他笑我毕竟还是个会做梦的女孩子.
Xiaotian: (He hesitated to speak) My brother is Zheng. One night when we were chatting, he laughed that I was still a girl who could dream.
Xiang Liu: (ordering coldly) Continue.

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Season 2 Episode 28
小天: (赔笑) 虽然……可能性很小……可我还是怕一不小心,你会走进我梦里,你……绝
Xiaotian: (laughing apologetically) Although... the possibility is very small... But I am still afraid that if I am not careful, you will walk into my dream. You... will definitely It's not suitable to appear in a woman's dream. It's probably more terrifying than death.
△(Flashback ends)
△ 相柳惩罚地弹了一下睡觉的大肚笑娃娃的头.
△ Xiang Liu flicked the sleeping belly laughing doll’s head in punishment.
相柳:(警告) 不让我入梦,你此生可一定要安枕无忧,夜夜好梦!要不然……
Xiang Liu: (Warning) Don’t let me sleep. You must have peace of mind and have good dreams every night in this life! Otherwise...
△ 话语未完,因为没有要不然了。相柳看向了月亮(同下场戏月亮).
△ The words are not finished because there is no other way. Xiang Liu looked at the moon (same as the moon in the next scene).
时:夜 内/外
Field 13 Time: night inside/outside
Scene: Xuanyuan Mountain Chaoyun Hall Aheng’s dormitory (renovated from Zhenxuan’s dormitory)/corridor
Person: Xiaotian (no gray hair), Tu Shanjing
△ 半夜,小天独自躺在榻上沉睡,
△ 突然,小天从睡梦中惊醒。
△ In the middle of the night, Xiaotian lay alone on the couch and fell asleep.
△ Suddenly, Xiaotian woke up from his sleep.
小天:(惊惧,呓语) 相柳——
Xiaotian: (frightened, gibbering) Xiang Liu——
△ 小天心悸难安,难以入睡,她起身走到外面,坐在廊下。望月思人,她看到的明月,应
△ Xiaotian had palpitations and was unable to fall asleep. She got up and walked outside and sat on the porch. Looking at the moon and missing people, the bright moon she saw should be
△(闪回):第二季第19集场 13
△(Flashback): Season 2 Episode 19 13
Xiaotian: (Silent for a moment, puzzled) Chichen is said to be scheming, ruthless and ruthless. Why does he know that there is a dead end ahead? Still want to keep going down?
Xiang Liu: That war lasted for hundreds of years and resulted in countless casualties... Perhaps, instead of carrying the burden of all the deaths and continuing to live, It would be better to die. For a general, the best outcome is to die on the battlefield.
△ (闪回结束)
△ 小天黯然神伤,涂山璟走过来,轻轻把衣袍披到小天肩上.
△ (End of flashback) △ Xiaotian felt sad, and Tu Shanjing came over and gently put his robe on Xiaotian’s shoulders.
Tu Shanjing; Why don’t you rest?
Xiaotian: (Subconsciously pressing his heart) I suddenly dreamed of Xiang Liu. I felt heart palpitations and couldn’t sleep anymore.
涂山璟;(紧张) 王母不是说蛊已经解掉了吗?
Tu Shanjing; (nervous) Didn’t the Queen Mother say that the poison has been removed?
Xiaotian: (shaking his head sadly) It’s not Gu...
△ 涂山璟意识到什么,没有再询问,
△ Tu Shanjing realized something and didn’t ask any more questions.
Xiaotian: ...Everyone hopes that the war will end soon, but selfishly I want to go slower. It is best that it never ends...

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Season 2 Episode 28
△ 涂山璟知道无法安慰,只能陪伴,温柔地拥住小天,小天靠在他怀里,疲惫地闭上了眼
△ Tu Shanjing knew that he could not be comforted and could only accompany him. He hugged Xiaotian tenderly. Xiaotian leaned in his arms and closed his eyes tiredly. eye.
人:相柳 (不戴面具)、洪江(相柳幻化)、蓐收、覃芒、禺疆、赤水献、离怨、轩辕将领丙
Game 14 (repeat) Time: Japan Scene: Wilderness battlefield outside Qingshui Town People: Xiangliu (without mask), Hongjiang (Xiangliu in disguise), Lingshou, Qinmang, Yujiang, Chishuixian, Liyuan, Xuanyuan General Bing Xuanyuan Soldier B, environmental characters
△ 伴随悲伤的音乐,画面淡入:荒凉的山坡上遍地神农士兵的尸体,染血的残破旗帜插在
△ Accompanied by sad music, the scene fades in: the bodies of Shennong soldiers are strewn on the desolate hillside, and the bloody and broken flags are planted on the The corpse was surrounded by the cruel and bloody aftermath of the war,
△ 在山坡高处,轩辕士兵围攻者只剩下一人的洪江洪江虽然灵力高強,但已穷途末路,
High on the hillside, Xuanyuan soldiers besieged Hongjiang, who had only one person left. Although Hongjiang had great spiritual power, he was at the end of his rope. covered in wounds.
 蓐收站在一旁,亲自掠阵. 一旁的将领望着负隅顽抗的洪江感慨.
Ping Shuo stood aside and personally raided the formation. The generals on the side looked at Hong Jiang who was stubbornly resisting and sighed with emotion.
Xuanyuan General B: He has besieged Hongjiang for six days and six nights. I didn’t expect that he still had fighting strength.
△ 蓐收心中另有牵挂,目光透着等待,似乎没有听到,赤水献领着一队士兵匆匆前来,施
△ There were other worries in Liao Shuo's heart. His eyes were filled with waiting, and he seemed not to hear. Chishui led a group of soldiers to come in a hurry and offered him a hand. Ceremony report.
Chishui Xian: General, the last general pursued along the southwest direction, but Xiang Liu was not found.
△ 赤水献话音刚落,覃芒又领着士兵匆匆前来,施礼奏报.
△ As soon as Chishui Xian finished speaking, Qin Mang hurried over with his soldiers to salute and report.
Qin Mang: General, the last general pursued along the southeast direction, but Xiang Liu was not found.
△ 禺疆和离怨领着士兵赶来,
△ Yu Jiang and Li Yuan came with their soldiers,
Yujiang: General, the search in the northwest and northeast has been completed, and Xiang Liu has not been found.
蓐收:(沉思) 相柳如果想要逃生,应该早就离开了,不会等到现在……
Liao Shu: (meditating) If Xiang Liu wanted to escape, he should have left long ago and not waited until now...
△ 蓐收看向士兵围攻中的洪江,表情思索,随着洪江灵力衰竭,包围圈已经越来越小,眼
△ Piao Shuo looked at Hong Jiang, who was under siege by soldiers, with a thoughtful expression. As Hong Jiang’s spiritual power declined, the encirclement circle became smaller and smaller.
It looked like he could break through Hongjiang's defense and capture Hongjiang. Suddenly, Lingshou realized something was wrong.
蓐收:(喝令) 住手!所有人立即后退.
Ling Shuo: (ordering) Stop! Everyone retreats immediately.
△ 所有士兵困惑地停下,戒备地往后撤,洪江流露出惋惜的表情.
△ All the soldiers stopped in confusion and retreated cautiously. Hong Jiang showed a regretful expression.
萐胜: Prepare bows and arrows. You can only attack from a distance, not close.
△ 覃芒、禺疆、离怨、赤水献领着士兵忙各自占据一个方位,都拿起弓箭,将洪江的退路
△ Tan Mang, Yu Jiang, Li Yuan, and Chishui Xian led the soldiers to occupy their respective positions. They all picked up their bows and arrows to clear Hongjiang’s retreat route. Sealed.
Liao Shu: Xiang Liu, after fighting for so long, we finally meet face to face. Why not meet in person?

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Season 2 Episode 28
△ 洪江露出真面目,果然是相柳,众士兵惊骇,威名之下,诸人都没忍住,下意识地往后
△ Hong Jiang revealed his true face, and it turned out to be Xiang Liu. The soldiers were horrified. Under the prestige, everyone could not hold back and subconsciously moved back. Take a step back.
Liao Shu: It is indeed you.
Xiang Liu: The general is very resourceful and I admire him.
蓐收:(苦笑) 在相柳面前,我可无颜谈智谋,若情势相当,兵力相当,我不如你, (肃容)如
今天上地下皆是轩辕大军,已经无路可逃,不如放下过往,好好商谈。只要你愿意,我可 以
Ling Shou: (wry smile) In front of Xiang Liu, I have no shame in talking about wisdom. If the situation is equal and the troops are equal, I am not as good as you. (Su Rong) If Today, Xuanyuan's army is everywhere above and below the ground. There is no way to escape. It is better to let go of the past and have a good discussion. As long as you want, I can I promise for Your Majesty that I will make you king and enjoy a happy life.
Xiang Liu: (glances at the corpses of Shennong soldiers all over the ground) If Gao Xin and Xuanyuan fought to the death and Gao Xin's country was defeated, Zhenxuan would have treated him with great courtesy. Surrender, will Master Lingshou surrender?
△ 蓐收也看了眼神农士兵的尸身,沉默不言,
△ Pingshou also looked at the corpse of the peasant soldier and remained silent.
相柳:(淡笑) 蓐收大人自己都做不到,何苦来为难我?
Xiang Liu: (smiling lightly) Master Lingshou can't do it himself, so why bother to embarrass me?
△ 蓐收沉默地看着相柳,眼内有敬佩、欣赏、惋惜.
△ Ping Shou looked at Xiang Liu in silence, with admiration, appreciation and regret in his eyes.
Xiang Liu: (Looking at the Xuanyuan soldiers around him, sighing) Master Lingshou is worthy of being the chief disciple of King Gao Xin, he is extremely alert! If you had been there just now, A moment later, all the soldiers would have fallen into my killing array.
△ 随着他的话音,相柳笑着凝聚灵力.飞雪飘舞中,四周如同棋盘格子一般的血线阵法浮
△ Following his words, Xiang Liu smiled and gathered his spiritual power. In the flying snow, a blood line formation like a checkerboard floated around him. It turns out that every time he was injured and bled, he used his own blood as a matchmaker to arrange formations, hoping to capture them in one fell swoop. Extermination. Thousands of blood lines crisscrossed each other, as if they were alive. From stones to flowers and trees, they were all strangled, leaving no grass behind.
△ 之前围剿“洪江”的士兵一脸惊惧,急速后退,
蓐收:(大吼) 放箭!
△ The soldiers who had previously encircled and suppressed "Hongjiang" looked frightened and retreated quickly. Liao Shu: (yelling) Shoot the arrow!
△ 覃芒、禺疆、赤水献、离怨率领各自兵将,万箭齐发,有的箭被血线绞杀,有的箭穿透
△ Qin Mang, Yu Jiang, Chishui Xian, and Li Yuan led their respective soldiers and fired thousands of arrows. Some arrows were strangled by blood lines, and some arrows penetrated The blood line shot Xiang Liu, but the ferocity of Xiang Liu increased instead of decreasing. Six demonic bodies appeared in the air, and the blood line formed a criss-crossing array. The law spread outwards, and many Xuanyuan soldiers were strangled. In an instant, wailing and screaming resounded throughout the world.
蓐收: (大吼) 放箭!
Liao Shu: (yelling) Fire the arrow!
△ 覃芒、禺疆、赤水献、离怨都满面紧张,率领兵将继续射箭.
△ Tan Mang, Yu Jiang, Chishui Xian, and Li Yuan all looked nervous, and they led their troops to continue shooting arrows.
△ 密密麻麻的箭穿过阵法,射中相柳,天空中六头一个接一个死亡陨落,十分悲壮惨烈.
△ Densely packed arrows passed through the formation and hit Xiang Liu. Six heads in the sky died one after another, which was very tragic and tragic. In the end, Xiang Liu lost his breath, but his face was calm and his body still stood tall.
△ 满地残骸,众人一脸惊怕,一动不敢动,戒备地盯着相柳,
△ There were wreckage all over the ground. Everyone looked frightened and did not dare to move. They stared at Xiang Liu warily.
覃芒:(小声) 师兄,他……他死了吗?
Tan Mang: (quietly) Senior brother, is he... is he dead?
蓐收:(钦佩) 死了.
Liao Shu: (admired) Dead.

continue last ep of S2

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Season 2 Episode 28
△ 覃芒等人都如释重负,长舒一口气,
△ Tan Mang and others were relieved and breathed a long sigh of relief.
Tan Mang: As expected of the Nine-Headed Fierce God, he was besieged by his senior brothers for six days and six nights, and almost killed us all at the last moment.
△ 不知哪个士兵哭嚎了一句,
△ I don’t know which soldier cried and howled, Xuanyuan Soldier B: Cut Xiang Liu’s corpse into thousands of pieces to pay homage to the brothers who died in the battle!
△ 赤水献盯着相柳,眼含仇恨,想要上前,不少士兵也蠢蠢欲动。
△ Chishui Xian stared at Xiang Liu, with hatred in his eyes, and wanted to step forward. Many soldiers were also ready to move.
Ping Shou: (orders) Come back! (Seriously) No matter what grudges you had against Xiang Liu before, he is an enemy worthy of respect. Who knows? If you dare to humiliate the corpse, you will be punished by military law!
Chishui Xian: Yes.
△ 赤水献冷着脸和其他士兵退了回来,
△ Chishui Xian and the other soldiers retreated with a cold face.
△ 收面朝尸体,施礼致敬,刚起身,就发现以相柳尸体为中心,有黑色毒雾漫延出来,
△ He turned his face towards the corpse and saluted. As soon as he stood up, he discovered that there was a black poisonous mist spreading out from the center of Xiang Liu’s corpse. Wherever it passes, everything melts.
△ 赤水献和所有刚才企图将相柳千刀万剐的士兵都又惊惧又庆幸,禺疆也一脸后怕.
△ Chishui Xian and all the soldiers who had just attempted to cut Xiang Liu into pieces were both frightened and thankful, while Yu Jiang also looked frightened.
You can't stay here for long, retreat immediately!
△ 蓐收领着所有将领和士兵撤退,
△ Ping led all the generals and soldiers to retreat,
覃芒: (唏嘘) 相柳够聪明,也够狠辣,可惜……唉,可惜!
Tan Mang: (Sigh) Xiang Liu is smart enough and ruthless enough, but it’s a pity... Oh, what a pity!
△ 整个山坡只剩下相柳一人,一身残破染血的白衣,安静地站在满地翻涌的黑色毒雾中.
△ There was only one person left on the entire hillside, Xiang Liu, dressed in torn white clothes stained with blood, standing quietly in the black poisonous mist billowing all over the ground. Xiang Liu's face was calm, his eyes were lowered, there was a faint smile on his lips, and he was staring at something between his fingers.
拉近,他的指间夹着一枚莹白的珍珠 (第二季第2集场19),相柳眼中含着脉脉柔情.
lens Pulling closer, he held a white pearl between his fingers (Season 2, Episode 2, Scene 19), and Xiang Liu's eyes were full of tenderness.
△ 随着黑色毒雾越来越浓,四周的一切都消融,相柳的尸体缓缓倒下,指间的珍珠变回一
△ As the black poisonous mist became thicker and thicker, everything around him melted, Xiang Liu’s body slowly fell, and the pearl between his fingers turned back into a Strings of tears fell one by one on Xiang Liu's face,
△ 画外音响起,
△ Voice-over sounds,
相柳 OS:小夭,还记得清水镇外初相逢,你嬉皮笑脸、满嘴假话,唯一的一句真话是“我
Xiang Liu OS: Xiaoyao, I still remember the first time we met outside Qingshui Town. You were smiling playfully and telling lies. The only truth you said was "I You are unable to protect yourself, you have no one to rely on, and you have nowhere to go." With decades of archery skills, you have the power to protect yourself. When you are no longer in danger, you can only use your body to protect yourself. With your body to protect you; with a wishful lover, you already have someone to rely on, and you no longer have to be alone to keep company with a widow; half-body with the blood of a nine-headed demon, You can travel across the sea, you already have a place to go, you don’t have to be chased by others anymore, you have nowhere to stay. Xiaoyao, from now on, I can no longer protect you You should take good care of yourself. May you be happy and worry-free for the rest of your life!
△ 伴随哀伤的音乐,往事一幕幕(闪回):
营帐内,玟小六对相柳说自己无力自保、无人相依、无处可去。(第一季第3集场 26) 防
风邶立在高空,看到小天用自己的身体保护。 (第一季第20集场7)
△ Accompanied by sad music, scenes from the past (flashback): In the camp, Wen Xiaoliu told Xiang Liu that he was unable to protect himself, had no one to rely on, and had nowhere to go. (Season 1 Episode 3 Episode 26) Defense Feng Bei stood high in the sky and saw Xiaotian using his body to protect him. (Season 1, Episode 20, Scene 7)

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Season 2 Episode 28
轩辕城外山间平地上,防风邶教导小天射箭. (第一季第 20 集场 19)
On the mountain plains outside Xuanyuan City, Fangfeng Bei teaches Xiaotian archery. (Season 1, Episode 20, Episode 19)
In Qingqiu Street, Xiang Liu deliberately acted fiercely to scare Xiao Tian away, watching her retreat step by step into Tu Shanjing's arms. (Season 2, Episode 4, Scene 14) Hai At the end, after Xiaotian found that he could breathe freely, he followed Xiang Liu to swim freely. (Season 2, Episode 7, Scene 8)
△ (闪回结束)
(注: 以上闪回从相柳进,从小天出)
△ (End of flashback) (Note: The above flashback begins with Xiang Liu and emerges from Xiaotian) Field 15
Time: within the day
Scene: Xuanyuan Mountain, Chaoyun Hall, Aheng’s dormitory (renovated from Zhenxuan’s dormitory)
Person: Xiaotian (no gray hair)
△ 往事历历仍在目,人却已经逝去不在,
The past events are still vivid in my mind, but the people have passed away.
△ 小天坐在窗前,悲戚哀痛,一串串泪珠顺着脸颊滑落.
△ Xiaotian sat in front of the window, feeling sad and sad, with strings of tears falling down her cheeks.
小天 VO: 虽然我一直警告自己你是敌人,可我……我并没有准备好!我希望一切都是假
Xiaotian VO: Although I have always warned myself that you are an enemy, I...I am not ready! I hope everything is false Of...you are so cunning, you can always stay alive if you want!
△ 小天想起他们最后一次见面是葫芦湖上针锋相对,他逼她血债血偿,她说永世不想再见
他 (闪回:第二季第27集场 16,可配合下文台词内容分段闪回),小天下意识地抚摸 曾
△ Xiaotian remembered that the last time they met was a tit-for-tat confrontation on Hulu Lake. He forced her to pay with blood, and she said she never wanted to see him again.
He (flashback: Season 2, Episode 27, Scene 16, the flashback can be divided into parts according to the lines below), Xiaotian subconsciously touched Zeng A bleeding wound.
小天:(悲痛) 你不是要了很多血吗?是不是血不够?早知道我应该再多放一些血……(后悔)
如果我知道……那是此生此世最后一次见面,我一定会说点别的,不管你对我多冷酷, 我
Xiaotian: (sad) Didn’t you ask for a lot of blood? Wasn’t there not enough blood? If I had known earlier, I should have given out more blood... (regret) If I knew... that was the last time we met in this life, I would definitely say something else. No matter how cold you are to me, I I don’t want to say those words either…
△ 小天拿出贴身收藏的狌狌镜,挥手抚去,一圈圈涟漪荡开后,却什么都没有.
△ Xiaotian took out the 狌狌 mirror that he kept close to his body, waved his hand and stroked it away. After the ripples spread out, there was nothing.
△ 小天惊慌恐惧,不甘心地一遍又一遍抚过狌狌镜,依旧什么都没有.
△ Xiaotian was panicked and frightened, and reluctantly stroked the mirror over and over again, but still found nothing.
Xiaotian: Impossible, impossible... Why is there nothing...
△ 小天再次抚去,依旧一圈圈涟漪荡开后,却再没有相柳.
△ Xiaotian stroked it away again, and after the ripples spread out, there was no more Xiangliu.
小天:(喃喃) 我以为你没有再提,是忘记了.没想到,你已经销毁了一切,
Xiaotian: (Mumbling) I thought you had forgotten it because you didn’t mention it again. Unexpectedly, you had already destroyed everything.
△(Flashback): Season 2, Episode 2, Scene 9 Shenshi Xiaotian turned around and wanted to say something, but he happened to see Xiang Liu smiling at Body Xiaotian and was stunned.
Xiang Liu: If you like, I will take you to see the full moon one day. The moon at that time looks a bit like your xíng. Mirror. What you secretly remembered in the mirror...

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神识小天:(大惊) 你……你怎么知道?
Divine Sense Xiaotian: (Shocked) You...how do you know? Xiang Liu was silent for a moment, and his smile faded.
 Xiang Liu: (Calmly) When you wake up, the memory in the mirror must be erased.
△ (闪回结束)
△ (End of flashback)
△ 相柳唯一留给她的东西也彻底消失了,小天不禁悲从中来,
△ The only thing Xiang Liu left for her completely disappeared, and Xiaotian couldn’t help but feel sad.
Xiaotian: Xiang Liu, am I really that unbearable in your eyes? You don’t even bother to keep a memory!
△ 小天无意识地摸着心口,曾经若有若无的联系已经彻底断绝,小天泪流满面,悲伤不已,
△ Xiaotian touched his heart unconsciously. The connection that once existed has been completely severed. Xiaotian burst into tears and was filled with sadness.
(Note: If necessary, you can add some better flashbacks here by Xiangliu/Fangfengbei)
Song: You are like the wind on the water, and I am like the lotus in the wind. When we meet, we miss each other. We miss each other when we meet. You are like the tree in the mountain, and I am like the vines on the tree, accompanying each other. Dependent, accompanying each other, you are like a bird in the sky, and I am like a fish in the water, forgetting and remembering each other, forgetting and remembering each other...
△ 悲伤的音乐声中,画面淡出.
△ The picture fades out amid the sad music.
Field 16 Time: Japan Scene: Wilderness Person: empty mirror
△ 山河日月,星辰交替.
△ Mountains, rivers, sun, moon, and stars alternate. Season 2 Episode 28 Field 17
Time: within the day
Scene: Shennong Mountain Xiaoyueding Medicine Valley Bamboo House Hall
Person: Zhenxuan, Lao Xuanyuan Wang, Jun Yi, Lao Sang
△ 沧玹和老轩辕王相对而坐,案上放着小菜,沧玹给老轩辕王敬酒.
△ Cangxuan and old King Xuanyuan sat opposite each other. There were side dishes on the table. Cangxuan toasted old King Xuanyuan.
Cangxuan: Congratulations, grandpa, for your wish came true, and the wilderness is finally truly unified. Old King Xuanyuan: I am delighted.
△ 说着恭喜、同喜,两人却都没有太多喜色,老轩辕王喝完酒,放下酒杯,轻叹一声,
△ While talking about congratulations and congratulations, neither of them looked too happy. Old King Xuanyuan finished his drink, put down his glass, and sighed softly,
Old King Xuanyuan: Ever since the destruction of the Shennong Kingdom, the Shennong rebels have been a major problem on my mind. Now that the big problem is gone, I didn’t expect that I would regret it so much. Too easy.
△ 珍玹神情赞同,将一杯酒傾倒在地上,遥祭相柳.
△ Zhenxuan looked in agreement, poured a glass of wine on the ground, and offered sacrifices to Xiangliu from afar.

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Cangxuan: Although we are enemies, this glass of wine is offered to Xiang Liu...Grandpa, I suddenly remembered something,
△(Flashback): Season 2, Episode 2, Scene 14
Cangxuan breathed a sigh of relief, couldn't help but smile, and his expression became calmer.
Cangxuan: So Xiaotian is healed? What do you want?
Xiang Liu: I want a peak of Shennong Mountain.
沧玹: (愣了愣) 什么意思?
Cangxuan: (stunned) What do you mean?
相柳:(望向前面的山峰) 所有跟随洪江的战士都是因为难忘故国,可颠沛流离,倥(kěng) 偬
(zòng)一生,即使战死,都难以回到故国,我要你允诺,如果有朝一日你成为轩辕国君, 划
Xiang Liu: (Looking at the mountains ahead) All the soldiers who followed Hongjiang were displaced because they could not remember their homeland. (zòng) Throughout your life, even if you die in battle, it will be difficult to return to your homeland. I want you to promise that if one day you become the king of Xuanyuan, you will Create a peak of Shennong Mountain as a forbidden area so that the ashes of all the deceased can return to the Shennong Mountain that they dream of.
玲玹:(心中竟生出震动感佩,沉默了一瞬) 如果我不能成为轩辕国君,这笔交易你会赔本.
Lingxuan: (She felt shocked in her heart and was silent for a moment) If I cannot become the King of Xuanyuan, you will lose money on this deal.
Xiang Liu: I put forward my conditions, and you just have to agree or not.
Canghai: OK, I agree.
△ (闪回结束)
△ (End of flashback)
老轩辕王:(感慨)相柳此生只亏欠了他自己……(敬重) 你既已许诺,就如相柳所愿吧!
Old King Xuanyuan: (sighing) Xiang Liu only owes himself in this life... (respect) Since you have promised, just do what Xiang Liu wishes!
沧玹: (扬声) 钧亦,
Cangxuan: (raises voice) Jun Yi,
△ 钧亦快步进来,
△ Jun also walked in quickly,
Jun Yi: (Salute) Your Majesty, Your Majesty,
Cangxuan: According to my decree, the bones of all Shennong soldiers should be carefully collected and their ashes buried at Liangwang Peak of Shennong Mountain, so that their souls can return to the world. Hometown, Poqi homeland,
Jun Yi: Yes.
△ 钧亦行礼后退下,老桑手里抄着一封信,乐颠颠地走进来.
△ Jun Yi bowed and stepped back. Lao Sang walked in happily with a letter in his hand.
Lao Sang: Your Majesty, I have a letter from Chao Yunfeng.
△ 接过看信,神色显得不自然,
△ When I took the letter, I looked unnatural.
Old King Xuanyuan: What does the letter say?沧玹:父王邀我和爷爷去朝云峰一聚,
Cangxuan: My father invited me and my grandpa to get together at Chaoyun Peak. Field 18
Time: within the day
Scene: Xuanyuan Mountain, Chaoyun Hall, Valerian ancestor’s dormitory Season 2 Episode 28
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Season 2 Episode 28
People: Lao Xuanyuan Wang, Lingxuan, Gao Xin Shaohao, Tu Shanjing, Lao Sang, Zhoushan, Guiwen
△ 老轩辕王、高辛少吴和玲坐在上首.舟山、龟文,老桑各自随侍一旁.
△ The old King Xuanyuan, Gao Xin, Shaowu and Ling were sitting at the top. Zhoushan, Guiwen and Lao Sang were each accompanying them.
△ 涂山璟恭敬地站在下方,神情严肃,
△ Tu Shanjing stood respectfully below with a serious expression.
涂山璟: (行) 小天于我,有救命之恩,患难之情,朋友之谊,相知之契.八荒之山崩倾,
Tu Shanjing: (OK) Xiaotian has given me the grace to save my life, the feeling of adversity, the friendship of friends, and the bond of understanding each other. The mountains in the eight wilderness collapsed,
瑟在御. (再次行礼) 求太尊,太上,陛下恩准我和小天书订鸳盟、永结姻谊.
Even if the water of Liuhe is exhausted, I dare not bear the burden. In this life, Tu Shanjing does not seek to achieve success or achieve fame, but only wishes to play the piano day and night. Se is in control.
△ 珍玹虽然早有准备,但亲眼面对,依旧Even if the water of Liuhe is exhausted, I dare not bear the burden. In this life, Tu Shanjing does not seek to achieve success or achieve fame, but only wishes to play the piano day and night. Se is in control.如刀割,不发一言.
△ 老轩辕王扫了一眼玲玹,咳嗽一声,珍玹面色恢复如常,
△ The old King Xuanyuan glanced at Lingxuan, coughed, and Zhenxuan’s expression returned to normal.
老轩辕王:(微笑) 你和小天两心相悅,我们做亲人的,只会盼着小天好,哪里会阻拦?这
Old King Xuanyuan: (smile) You and Xiaotian are happy with each other. As relatives, we can only hope that Xiaotian will be well. How can we stop this? I agree with the marriage.
涂山璟;(喜形于色,再次施礼) 谢太尊!
Tu Shanjing; (overjoyed, salutes again) Thank you, Tai Zun!

△ 高辛少是不动声色地看了论坛一眼,
△ Mr. Gao Xin glanced at the forum calmly.
Gao Xin Shaohao: (smile) You and Xiaotian have gone through many twists and turns, and finally today, I naturally agree.
Tu Shanjing; Thank you, Your Majesty!
△ 珍玹依旧没有说话,众人看向沧玹.
△ Zhenxuan still said nothing, and everyone looked at Cangxuan.
Cangxuan: I have something to ask,
Tu Shanjing: May I ask, Your Majesty?
△ 珍玹走到涂山璟面前,对峙相视,
△ Zhenxuan walked up to Tu Shanjing and looked at each other.
沧玹:丰隆临死前告诉我,“弃轩辕山, 占神农山”的计策是你提出,你不但说服他接受,
Cangxuan: Before Fenglong died, he told me that the strategy of "abandoning Xuanyuan Mountain and occupying Shennong Mountain" was proposed by you. Not only did you persuade him to accept it, I also spared no effort to promote the Central Plains clan to support me.
Tu Shanjing; Yes.
Cangxuan: Why hide it?
Tu Shanjing: All I ask for is Xiaotian.
Cangxuan: (The tone is strange, and it is difficult to distinguish between emotion and anger) It seems that you chose to support me because of the little genius.
△ 众人都以为涂山璟会说“是”,毕竟他是在求婚.
Everyone thought that Tu Shanjing would say "yes", after all, he was proposing.
Tu Shanjing; No!
Cangxuan: No?

Continue last ep of S2 (leaked script)

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Season 2 Episode 28
涂山璟:我曾随着涂山氏的商队,走遍大荒,见过人间离乱, 一国之君,事关天下苍生,我
Tu Shan Jing: I once followed the Tu Shan family’s caravan and traveled throughout the wilderness. I saw chaos in the world. The king of a country has a bearing on the people of the world. I You can abide by the clan rules for Xiaotian and not support Deyan and Yuyang, but you can never violate the ancestral precepts, break the clan rules, unite the four families and The Central Plains clan supports His Majesty’s ascension to the throne.
△ 玲玹目光如炬,涂山璟坦然正视.
△ Lingxuan’s eyes are as bright as a torch, while Tu Shanjing is calm face.

Tu Shanjing: I spared no effort and traveled everywhere, just because His Majesty’s mind and talent convinced me that what I did was right!
△ 珍玹定定看了涂山璟一瞬,一言不发地转身回到座位,大厅内众人屏息,气氛凝重.
△ Zhenxuan looked at Tu Shanjing for a moment, then turned around and returned to his seat without saying a word. Everyone in the hall held their breath and the atmosphere was solemn.
△ 珍玹突然面带微笑,从容下旨,
△ Jinhyun suddenly smiled and calmly issued an order,
Cangxuan: Jing and Xiaotian are in love. They are a match made in heaven. Let’s choose an auspicious day to get married!
涂山璟: (大喜)谢谢陛下.
Tu Shanjing: (overjoyed) Thank you, Your Majesty.
△ 众人都如释重负地笑.
人:小天 (没有白发)、沧玹
△ Everyone laughed with relief. Game 19 (repeat) Time: Japan Scenery: Xuanyuan Mountain Chaoyun Peak Phoenix Forest Person: Xiaotian (no white hair), Cangxuan
△ 凤凰林内,花落簌簌,沧玹和小天并肩而行,
△ In the Phoenix Forest, flowers are falling, Cangxuan and Xiaotian are walking side by side,
Lingxuan: I didn’t expect you to get married so soon.
Xiaotian: Isn’t that fast? I’m decades behind you!
△ 珍玹眼神痛苦,越走越慢,渐渐站定。小天也停下脚步,奇怪地看着玲.
△ Zhenxuan’s eyes were filled with pain. He walked slower and slower, and gradually stood still. Xiaotian also stopped and looked at Ling strangely.
Xiaotian: What’s wrong? You seem worried and unhappy.
△ 玲玹欲言又止,若木花出现在他掌上,递到小天面前.
△ Lingxuan was about to speak but stopped, Ruo Muhua appeared in his palm and handed it to Xiaotian.
Cangxuan: This... is for you.
△ 小天迷惑地盯着花。
△ Xiaotian stared at the flowers in confusion.
△ (闪回);昌仆临终前把若木花留给珍玹,让他送给心上人,
△ (Flashback); Before his death, Chang Pu left Ruo Muhua to Zhenxuan and asked him to give it to his sweetheart.
(Season 1, Episode 1, Scene 3)
Xiaotian: This is a token left by your aunt for you to give to the girl you like. How could you give it to me casually?
沧玹:(依旧伸着手,把花递给小天) 我现在就是送给她……我一直喜欢的姑娘!
Cangxuan: (Still stretching out his hand and handing the flower to Xiaotian) I am giving it to her now...the girl I have always liked!
△ 小天震惊地愣住,不敢相信地看着玲玹。
△ Xiaotian was stunned and looked at Lingxuan in disbelief.
Xiaotian: Cangxuan...are you kidding?
Cangxuan: Xiaotian, I love you

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Season 2 Episode 28
△ 小天震惊得不能言语,倒退两步,难以接受.
△ Xiaotian was so shocked that he could not speak and took two steps back, unable to accept it.
沧玹:(苦涩) 一路行来,一次又一次选择,我权衡利弊,衡量得失,从没有选你!如今,
我亲口表白,你都不能相信。 (难过) 可是……小夭,从开始到现在,我的心意从未变过,
Cangxuan: (bitter) Along the way, I have made choices again and again. I have weighed the pros and cons, weighed the gains and losses, and I have never chosen you! Now, I confessed it myself, but you can’t believe it. (Sad) But... Xiaoyao, from the beginning to now, my mind has never changed. I have always wanted to give this Ruomu flower to you, and the only person I want to give it to is you.
△ 小天张口结舌,
△ Xiaotian was speechless,
Xiaotian: You, you...how could...I...
Cangxuan: Who else in this world can treat me better than you? This flower only belongs to you.
△ 沧玹霸道却温柔地将若木花簪到小天的发髻,小天想拒绝,沧玹按住了她的手.
△ Cangxuan domineeringly but gently tied Ruomuhua's hairpin into Xiaotian's bun. Xiaotian wanted to refuse, but Cangxuan held her hand down.
Cangxuan: This flower can mobilize the warriors of the Shui Tribe... Just think of it as my dowry to you, a blessing from your elders, my mother. You and your mother definitely want you to wear it.
△ 小天迟疑了。
△ Xiaotian hesitated.
Cangxuan: You may have forgotten everything, but I always remember that in this Phoenix Forest, you promised to be my husband and wife. We will never be separated in our lives.
△ 小天愣住.
△ Xiaotian was stunned.
△(Flashback): Season 1, Episode 1, Scene 7
After Cang agreed, he thought of something else and showed a confused expression.
Cangxuan: ...In the future, you will grow up and get married. When the time comes, you will eventually leave Chaoyunfeng and me.
小天:(皱眉,灵机一动) 如果我嫁给你,我们是不是就一辈子都不会分开了?
Xiaotian: (Frowning and having an idea) If I marry you, will we never be separated for the rest of our lives?
Little Tiantong said childishly, Lingxuan didn't understand the matter, she just thought it was a good idea.
论:(惊喜) 对啊!我爹说过,夫妻就是一辈子在一起的人,不论发生什么都不分离.
Comment: (Surprise) Yes! My dad said that a husband and wife are people who stay together for a lifetime and will never be separated no matter what happens.
小天:(开心) 那一言为定,等我长大了,就嫁给你,和你做夫妻,
Xiaotian: (Happily) It’s a deal, when I grow up, I will marry you and be your husband and wife.
Cangxuan: It’s a deal!
△ (闪回结束)
△ (End of flashback)
△ 已经被尘封的记忆复苏了,小天神情恍惚。 凤凰花簌簌而落,景致和当年一模一样,可
△ The dust-laden memories revived, and Xiaotian was in a daze. The phoenix flowers are rustling and falling, and the scenery is exactly the same as before, but The boys and girls who were innocent in their childhood have gone through many hardships and turned into men and women.
小天:(难过) 你竟然一直记得!我以为……以为……
Xiaotian: (sad) You actually remember it all the time! I thought... thought...
Cangxuan: Do you think I am just like my grandfather, who only has the throne in my heart?
△ 小天轻轻地点了下头,没有否认.
△ Xiaotian nodded gently and did not deny it.
△ (闪回);抢对轩辕王说他想要王位守护朝云峰和保护小夭,(第一季第1集场11)
(Flashback); Qiang told King Xuanyuan that he wanted the throne to protect Chao Yunfeng and protect Xiaoyao, (Season 1, Episode 1, Scene 11)
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Cangxuan: I am determined to want the throne just because it can protect you and prevent us from being separated.
△ 小天想起两人的被迫分离。 (闪回:第一季第1集场13)
△ Xiaotian thought of the forced separation of the two. (Flashback: Season 1, Episode 1, Scene 13)
Xiaotian: You chose the throne to protect me...
△ 小天真正理解了珍玹一步步的选择,眼泪潸然而落。沧玹为她轻轻擦去眼泪.
△ Xiaotian truly understood Zhenxuan’s step-by-step choices, and tears fell from his eyes. Cangxuan gently wiped away her tears.
难) 我知道我心底真正的选择是……是……
Cangxuan: A long time ago, it was because of you that I wanted the throne; it was because we would no longer be separated that I embarked on the road to power, but Yes, as I walked, I changed unknowingly... Grandpa asked me, if there are only two roads in front of me, which one must be between the throne and you? What would I choose? At that time, I didn’t answer Grandpa for a long time. When I was lying on the couch alone in the dead of night, (hardly) Difficult) I know that the real choice in my heart is... is...
Xiaotian: (clearly, softly)...throne. (Note: When Xiaotian was talking to himself by the Yaochi in this episode, Xiaotian knew that he had no king. bit important)
(泪意朦胧) 小天,我.……我......对不起!我..……我已经不是当年的我,那个小瑜坛失去了
能只为了一个你就放弃……放弃所有(眼泪落下)。 明明(或虽然)这个世界是你不惜性命, 帮
我打下来的,可我……我竟然没有选你……我没有选你…… (悲痛) 对不起,对不起……小
Cangxuan: (nodding guiltily) Since grandpa asked this question, I often think of the past, even if I turn back time, even if I know clearly I knew I would lose you today... If I could do it all over again, I would make the same choice every time... as before. (Tearful) Xiaotian, I...I...I'm sorry! I...I am no longer the same person I used to be. That Xiaoyutan is lost. Father, lost his mother, lost everything, only you are left in his world. But my world is no longer just about you, I can’t To be able to give up just for one you... give up everything (tears fall). Obviously (or even though) this world is a place where you risk your life to help I defeated you, but I... I didn't choose you... I didn't choose you... (Sadness) I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Xiao
天: (理解地哭) 没有对不起!我帮你,只因为你是我哥哥,我从未想得到什么,我只要 你
Tian: (Crying with understanding) I’m not sorry! I help you just because you are my brother. I never want to get anything. I only want you. Live well... You have done a good job, we are all alive, and we all live well is the best result...
△ 正是因为小天不计回报,不惜一切,他却选王位,没有选小天,他才悲痛愧疚啊!珍玹
△ It is precisely because Xiaotian did not care about rewards and did not hesitate to do anything, but he chose the throne instead of Xiaotian, so he is sad and guilty! Zhenxuan Holding Xiaotian and crying loudly.
△ 凤凰花簌簌飘落,犹如绵绵春雨.
△ The phoenix flowers are falling like a steady spring rain.
△ 逝者如斯夫,小时候的珍玹、小天和现在的珍玹、小天,身影不断交错叠印。
△ The deceased are like this. The figures of Zhenxuan and Xiaotian when they were young and Zhenxuan and Xiaotian now are constantly intertwined and overlapped.
在奶奶榻前握着手发誓(第一季第1集场5),一起偷着喝酒(第一季第1集场4)、一起 吃凤
凰花蜜 (第一季第1集场4)、泽州城里携手对敌(第二季第8集场24)、珍玹背着小天(第二季
第8集场29)、小天被涂山璟所伤时,珍玹贴心陪伴(第二季第6集场 12) ……
Holding hands and swearing in front of grandma's bed (Season 1, Episode 1, Scene 5), secretly drinking together (Season 1, Episode 1, Scene 4), eating phoenix together Phoenix Honey (Season 1, Episode 1, scene 4), Zezhou City joins hands to fight against the enemy (Season 2, Episode 8, scene 24), Zhenxuan carries Xiaotian on his back (Season 2, episode 24) Episode 8, scene 29), when Xiaotian was injured by Tu Shanjing, Zhenxuan accompanied her attentively (season 2, episode 6, scene 12)…
△ 白云苍狗、流光匆匆,时间道是无情却有情,道是有情却无情,
场 20 (重场)
△ The white clouds are like a dog, and the time is hurried. The Tao of time is ruthless but sentimental. The Tao is sentimental but merciless. Game 20 (repeat) Time: within the day Season 2 Episode 28
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人:小天 (没有白发)、珍玹、涂山璟、老轩辕王、高辛少昊、高辛忆 (阿念)、离戎昶、 老
△ 殿內虽然布置简单,但四周喜气洋洋,满是喜庆吉祥.
△ 老轩辕王、高辛少昊、玲玹坐在上位,小天穿着嫁衣,和涂山璟拜堂成亲。阿念含笑站
Season 2 Episode 28
Scene: Xuanyuan Mountain, Chaoyun Hall, Valerian ancestor’s dormitory
 People: Xiaotian (without gray hair), Zhenxuan, Tushanjing, Lao Xuanyuan Wang, Gao Xin Shaohao, Gao Xinyi (A Nian), Li Rongchang, Lao Sang, Zhoushan, Guiwen, Junyi, Miaopu, Xiaoxiao, Haitang, Jingye, Hu Zhen
△ Although the interior of the temple is simply decorated, the surroundings are filled with joy and auspiciousness.
△ The old King Xuanyuan, Gao Xin Shaohao, and Lingxuan were sitting in the upper seats. Xiaotian was wearing a wedding dress and went to the church to get married to Tu Shanjing. A Nian stands with a smile Watching the ceremony beside Gao Xin Shaohao, Zhoushan, Guiwen, Miaopu, Xiaoxiao, Haitang, Junyi, Jingye, Hu Zhen, Li Rongchang, etc. People also gathered around to watch the ceremony.
△ 老桑挺胸昂头,一脸高兴地担当礼官.
△ Lao Sang held his chest and head high, and acted as the ceremony official with a happy face.
△ 小天和涂山璟并肩叩拜天地.
△ 小天和涂山璟叩拜老轩辕王、高辛少昊和玲玹,老轩辕王和高辛少昊都神色欣慰喜悦,
△ 小天和涂山璟相对而拜,两人都面色含羞带喜.
老桑:(喜悅地抹眼泪) 礼成!
阿念:(俏皮地笑) 恭喜姐姐、姐夫!
离戎昶:(凑趣) 恭喜璟、恭喜嫂嫂.
Lao Sang: I worship heaven and earth.
△ Xiaotian and Tu Shanjing bowed to heaven and earth side by side.
 Lao Sang: I pay my second respect to your elders.
△ Xiaotian and Tushan Jing kowtowed to old King Xuanyuan, Gao Xin Shaohao and Lingxuan. Both old King Xuanyuan and Gao Xin Shaohao looked pleased and happy. Cangxuan smiled slightly. Lao Sang: The newlyweds greet each other.
△ Xiaotian and Tu Shanjing bowed to each other, both looking shy and happy.
Lao Sang: (wiping tears with joy) The ceremony is done!
 A Nian: (laughing playfully) Congratulations to sister and brother-in-law!
Li Rongchang: (Just for fun) Congratulations Jing, congratulations sister-in-law.
△ 小天和涂山璟相视一眼,都不好意思地笑,众人七嘴八舌地道喜.
△ 苗莆激动地擦眼泪,静夜也抹眼泪,胡珍安慰地握住她的手.
△ 龟文和舟山一个端盘子,一个倒酒,将酒杯递给涂山璟.
△ 涂山璟给珍玹敬酒.沧玹居然客气地站了起来,众人都愣了一愣.
△ 沧玹把酒一饮而尽,
△ Xiaotian and Tu Shanjing looked at each other and smiled sheepishly, and everyone expressed joy. Everyone: Congratulations, congratulations...
△ Miao Pu wiped her tears excitedly, Jing Ye also wiped her tears, and Hu Zhen held her hand comfortingly.
Gao Xin Shaohao: Xuan can't stay long. We must rush back to Shennong Mountain as soon as possible. Let's not stick to vulgar etiquette. Xiaoyao, Jing, you Everyone came to propose a toast to Cangxuan.
△ One of Guiwen and Zhoushan held the plate, the other poured the wine, and handed the wine glass to Tu Shanjing.
 △ Tu Shanjing toasted Zhenxuan. Cangxuan stood up politely, and everyone was stunned for a moment.
Lingxuan: You are kind-hearted and resourceful. The most rare thing is that you are devoted to Xiaotian and put her first in everything. Xiaotian can marry her. For you, not only my brother, but also my aunt and grandma will be satisfied.
△ Cangxuan drank the wine in one gulp.
Tu Shanjing: (embarrassed to salute) Thank you, Your Majesty.
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△ 珍居然对涂山璟郑重行礼,
△ 涂山璟先是惊,继而平静受了礼.
涂山璟:(郑重允诺) 陛下放心, (看小天) 璟定不敢相负,
Season 2 Episode 28
△ Zhen actually saluted Tu Shanjing solemnly,
 Cangxuan: From now on, Xiaotian will be entrusted to you.
△ Tu Shanjing was surprised at first, then calmly accepted the gift.
Tushan Jing: (solemnly promises) Your Majesty, don’t worry,
(looks at Xiaotian) Jing will not dare to betray you,
△ 小天端着酒杯上前给玲玹敬酒.玲玹接过酒杯,看向小天鬓边插着的若木花,含笑祝福.
△ 沧玹笑着把酒饮了,
△ 喜庆的音乐声中,欢乐融融的画面淡出,
△ Xiaotian came forward with a wine glass to toast Lingxuan. Lingxuan took the wine glass, looked at the Ruomu flowers on Xiaotian’s temples, and blessed her with a smile.
 Cangxuan: Husband and wife are united in love, and their love will last forever.
Xiaotian: With my brother’s blessing, I will definitely do it!
△ Cangxuan drank the wine with a smile,
△ Amidst the festive music, the joyful scene fades out,
(Note: In this scene, Zhenxuan knew intellectually that this was her choice and had already approved of Tu Shanjing, but it was definitely not true emotionally. He is really happy, but he is deep-seated and can control his emotions rationally, preventing others from prying into his thoughts. But to the audience, he You can’t reveal your secret, but you can’t not reveal it)
人:小天 (没有白发)、涂山璟
△ 小天带着涂山璟来上坟,祭告亲人,
△ 两人一一叩拜,从外婆到大舅、二舅、四舅……最后是母亲,
Field 21 Time: morning outside Scene: Xuanyuan Mountain Chaoyunfeng Back Mountain Cemetery Person: Xiaotian (no gray hair), Tu Shanjing
△ Xiaotian brought Tu Shanjing to the grave to pay homage to his relatives.
△ The two of them kowtowed one by one, from grandma to uncle, second uncle, fourth uncle...and finally mother.
涂山璟:(磕头) 小婿涂山璟叩见母亲.
△ 两人连着磕了三个头,站了起来.
小天:(看着亲人们的坟茔) 最艰难的时候,只要想起他们,我就觉得无论如何都要走下去,
Xiaotian: Mom, his name is Tu Shanjing, and he is my husband-in-law.
 Tu Shan Jing: (Kowtow) My son-in-law Tu Shan Jing kowtows to his mother.
 △ The two kowtowed three times in succession and stood up.
 Xiaotian: (Looking at the tombs of relatives) In the most difficult time, as long as I think of them, I feel that I have to go on no matter what. Otherwise they will definitely die with their eyes open,
△ 涂山璟宽慰地握住小天的手.
涂山璟: 以后你想做什么?
小天:(微笑地看向涂山璟) 我已经卸下一切重担,你呢,涂山公子?
△ Tu Shanjing held Xiaotian’s hand with relief.
Tu Shanjing: What do you want to do in the future?
Xiaotian: (looking at Tushan Jing with a smile) I have relieved all my burdens, what about you, Mr. Tushan?
Tu Shanjing: I have nothing to worry about. Tu Shanqi has succeeded the clan leader.
It would be embarrassing for me to go back.
 Xiaotian: Over the years, what I will never forget most is those days in Qingshui Town.

 Winny Aye:
I have decided to share the google translate version of the last episode the leaked script we got from Hani7 . Its long because I think..the actual episode that will get may be shorten. But there 30 pages for last episode ...so i will divide my post into 6....so there will be 6 post for last episode .....which is referred to as ep 28 there...of course we will see how the actual thing will come out. but this is the spoiler we get so far..

Cheering your spended time for it ! I will  take time to read it  O-O...Thank you <3


Cheering your spended time for it ! I will  take time to read it  O-O...Thank you <3

yes you should ...its really good. ♡

P.S Wei Wei is cute

Continue last ep of S2 (leaked script) LAST PART

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△ 小天和涂山璟心有灵犀,相视而笑.
他孤身站在亲人的坟茔前, 目送两人远去消失,
△ 瑜身后是亲人的坟墓,身前是属于他的青山连绵,江山如画,
Tu Shanjing; me too.
△ Xiaotian and Tu Shanjing have a good understanding of each other and smile at each other.
Xiaotian: In that case, how about we...
Shan Jing held it without hesitation, and the two left together. He stood alone in front of the tombs of his relatives and watched them disappear.
Cangxuan VO: Mom, aunt, Xiaotian and I are both very good.
 △ Behind Yu are the graves of his relatives, and in front of him are the rolling green hills and picturesque landscapes that belong to him.
Season 2 Episode 28
△ 小天伸出了另一只手,涂
△ 远处,等他们离开后,珍玛才过来.
△ Xiaotian stretched out his other hand and painted
△ In the distance, after they left, Gemma came over.
人:小天 (没有白发)、涂山璟、老轩辕王、高辛少昊、高辛忆(阿念)、海棠、环境人物
Field 22 Time: Japan Scene: Gate of Xuanyuan City
 People: Xiaotian (without white hair), Tu Shanjing, Old Xuanyuan King, Gao Xin Shaohao, Gao Xinyi (A Nian), Haitang, environmental characters
△ 城门口,不少旅人折柳赠别,满是离愁别绪,老轩辕王、高辛少昊和阿念也在送别小天
△ At the gate of the city, many travelers broke willows to say goodbye, full of sorrow and farewell. Old King Xuanyuan, Gao Xin Shaohao and A Nian were also saying goodbye to Xiaotian. With Tu Shanjing, Xiaotian and Tu Shanjing were dressed like ordinary couples.
Gao Xin Shaohao: (sadly) Have you decided where to go?
 Xiaotian: Not yet. Let’s walk around first, just in time to collect prescriptions, medicinal herbs, and compile medical books. (Looking at Tu Shanjing sweetly) If you find a place that both of you like, you might stay there. Gao Xin Shaohao: After you settle down, remember to tell us and don’t check your traces as soon as you go.
△ 小天看向老轩辕王,面对离别,老轩辕王倒是淡然,
△ Xiaotian looked at the old King Xuanyuan. Facing the separation, the old King Xuanyuan was indifferent.
Old King Xuanyuan: I conquered most of the wilderness in my life, but I am trapped in the Sifang Palace. You and Jing go and help me take a good look at this wilderness. shortage.
Xiaotian: (laughing) Okay! If I find grains I haven’t seen before, I will find a way to have the merchants bring them back to you. Old King Xuanyuan: Okay!
△ 小天又看向阿念.
小天:(叮嘱) 阿念,你若在五神山待得无聊了,就来轩辕山看父王,不过一定不要踏足中
阿念:(无奈) 姐姐,我连战场都已经上过,仗虽然是單芒帮着打的,但所有鲜血、死亡,
△ Xiaotian looked at Anian again.
 Xiaotian: (Instructions) Ah Nian, if you get bored staying in the Five Gods Mountains, come to Xuanyuan Mountain to see your father, but be sure not to set foot in it. Original. A-Nian: (helpless) Sister, I have even been on the battlefield. Although Shan Mang helped fight the battle, all the blood and death... I am facing this myself, and I have a sense of discretion in my heart, so don’t worry!

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小天:(抱歉地笑笑,惩罚地敲了下自己的头) 对啊,我家阿念已经长大了.
△ 阿念故作傲娇地哼了一声,看向身后的海棠. 海棠捧着一个木盒上前,阿念打开,取出
Xiaotian: (smiling apologetically and knocking his head in punishment) Yes, my A-Nian has grown up.
△ Ah Nian pretended to be arrogant and snorted, looking at Haitang behind him. Haitang came forward holding a wooden box, Ah Nian opened it and took out A sleeping, belly-laughing doll made of fuso trees (Season 2, Episode 28, Scene 10), handed to Xiaotian.
阿念:(表情看似轻松,眼神却份外慎重) 姐姐,这是我送你的新婚礼物,祝你和……璟永
Ah Nian: (his expression seems relaxed, but his eyes are extremely cautious) Sister, this is my wedding gift to you. I wish you and... Jingyong Join us and grow old together.
△ 小天愣了一愣,笑着接过,抱在怀里,
阿念:(嘱托) 姐姐,带着这个娃娃,一起畅游天下, (克制难过) 把…… (轻) 我……缺的那一
△ Xiaotian was stunned for a moment, took it with a smile, and held it in his arms. Xiaotian: Didn't you give a gift before? However, no gift is too much. Since you want to give another gift, I will accept it again. A-Nian: (Ask) Sister, take this doll with you and travel around the world together, (Control your sadness) Give... (Light) the one I... lack Make up for it together. Xiaotian:Okay.
△ 小天看了涂山璟一眼,两人默契地同时行礼,
△ 高辛少昊满目不舍,一时没有开口,
△ 小天和涂山璟上了马车,涂山璟驾车,小天头上插着若木花,怀里抱着大肚笑娃娃,冲
△ Xiaotian glanced at Tu Shanjing, and the two of them saluted at the same time in tacit agreement. Xiaotian and Tushanjing: Grandpa, father, we are leaving.
 △ Gao Xin Shaohao was filled with reluctance and did not speak for a while. Old King Xuanyuan: Go ahead.
△ Xiaotian and Tu Shanjing got on the carriage, and Tu Shanjing drove. Xiaotian had Ruomu flowers on his head and a big-bellied laughing doll in his arms. He waved his hands lively to everyone.
△ 车轮辘辘,小天和涂山璟的马车普普通通,汇入了南来北往的车流中,与所有行在路上
△ The wheels rolled, Xiaotian and Tushanjing’s carriages were ordinary, merged into the traffic flow coming from south to north, and all the people walking on the road Just like a car, even if you have spiritual power, you can no longer tell the difference between the people in the car and other people.
Song: You are like the wind on the water, and I am like the lotus in the wind. When we meet, we miss each other. When we meet, we miss each other. You are like the clouds in the sky, and I am like the moon in the clouds. We fall in love with each other. Cherish, love and cherish each other; you are like a tree in the mountain, and I am like a vine on the tree, accompanying each other, relying on each other; why are there joys and sorrows in the world, and why are people There are gatherings and separations in life, but I only hope to stay with you forever and never be separated...
△ 高辛少昊和老轩辕王并肩而立,目送小天和涂山璟渐渐远去,
老轩辕王:(淡然) 我也忘记了.
高辛少昊:(难过,欣慰) 小天实现了阿珩未实现的心愿……
△ Gao Xin Shaohao and the old King Xuanyuan stood side by side, watching Xiaotian and Tu Shanjing go away.
Gao Xin Shaohao: (indifferently) Oh, I forgot to tell the forum that Xiaotian and Jing are leaving.
Old King Xuanyuan: (Calmly) I forgot about it too. Gao Xin Shaohao: (sad, happy) Xiaotian realized Ah Heng’s unfulfilled wish... Old King Xuanyuan: As long as the world is peaceful, our little sky will live well. Field 23 Time: within the day Season 2 Episode 28
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Season 2 Episode 28
 Scene: Main hall of Daming Hall, Zijin Palace, Shennong Mountain
 People: Zhenxuan, Yin, Shangyang clan chief, Yujiang, Shennongyi, Linshou, Qinmang, Lirongchang, Chishuixian, Liyuan, Junyi, Lao Sang, Tan Shutong, the chief of the Huhe clan, the chief of the Shusha clan, the chief of the Guliang clan, the chief of the Yanyu clan, the chief of the Qin clan, the Fan clan Chief (Fan Bin), Chief Zheng, Chief Yao, Chief Jiang, Chief Ji, environmental figures
△ 沧头戴王冠,身穿王服,端坐在王座之上,不怒自威.钧亦,老桑护卫在旁.
△ 殿内朝臣分列两侧,神农熠、商羊氏族长、禺疆、赤水献、蓐收,覃芒、离戎昶等重臣,
△ 鄞站在中间,身后还站着几个身穿医服的医师,有男医师,也有女医师,有年老者,也
△ 鄞捧着书单,朗声禀奏.
△ Cang wears a crown and royal clothes, sitting on the throne, showing no anger and authority. Jun is also guarded by Lao Sang. △ The courtiers in the palace were lined up on both sides, including Shennong Yi, the chief of the Shang Yang clan, Yu Jiang, Chishui Xian, Ling Shou, Qin Mang, Li Rongchang and other important ministers. Regardless of region, we gather together to unite the world and create a majestic atmosphere.
△ Yin stood in the middle, and behind him stood several doctors in medical uniforms. There were male doctors, some female doctors, some old people, and some doctors. There were young people holding volumes of medical books.
 △ Yin held the book list and sang loudly.
Yin: I have lived up to your majesty and your great respect, and it took fifty-seven years to complete the compilation of the medical book. There are fifty-five volumes in total, divided into two parts. Most of it. Thirty-seven volumes record the medicinal herbs, prescriptions and medical techniques in the wilderness, and discuss the path of life and death; eighteen volumes are about preventing diseases before they occur, Discuss the way to nourish yin and yang.
△ 钧亦走下来,从鄞手里拿过书单,呈给瑜坛,
△ 珍玹翻看医书卷目,思索,老桑准备好笔墨,玲玹提笔,老桑和钧亦展卷,珍玹龙飞凤
△ Jun also walked down, took the book list from Yin’s hand, and presented it to Yu Tan. Yin: The medical book has not named me yet, please give me a name by Your Majesty. △ Zhenxuan looked through the medical books, thinking, Lao Sang prepared the pen and ink, Lingxuan picked up the pen, Lao Sang and Jun also unfolded the scroll, Zhenxuan was busy writing Dance and write.
△ 老桑和钧亦将写好的字,展示给众人看:圣济外经,圣济内经
禺疆: (喜悅) 这两部医书能令天下苍生去除病痛,让万民得欢乐,是帝王之喜,也是天下
△ Lao Sang and Jun also showed the written words to everyone: Shengji Waijing, Shengji Neijing
Cangxuan: Thirty-seven volumes of medical books that discuss the path of life and death, named "Shengji Waijing", and eighteen volumes of medical books that discuss the way of nourishing yin and yang. Given the name "Shengji Neijing",
Yu Jiang: (Joy) These two medical books can relieve the pain of all people in the world and make all people happy. This is the joy of the emperor and the joy of the world. The joy of the people is actually a merit that will last forever.
△ 朝臣们纷纷含笑点头.
△ 鄞捧着一份参与编撰医书的人员名单,继续朗声禀奏.
△ The courtiers smiled and nodded.
△ Yin held a list of those who participated in the compilation of medical books and continued to report aloud. Yin: During the fifty-seven years, a total of 68 doctors participated in the compilation of medical books, and 3,773 doctors participated in the collection. In order to collect medicines, doctors traveled all over the wilderness. Thirty-eight people fell off the cliff and died, and fifty-two people died in flash floods and violent storms. Missing in the wind and snow, sixty-one people died from monster poisons, and seven doctors died of illness in front of the writing desk. They were still holding their pens when they died. Record prescriptions.
△ 鄞眼中泪光闪烁,身后的医师有的默默流泪,有的眼眶发红,
△ Tears shone in Yin’s eyes. Some of the doctors behind her were weeping silently, while some had red eyes.
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△ 沧玹动容,老桑走下来,把名录拿去,呈给沧玹.
△ 沧玹翻看时,目光微变,视线忍不住在编纂者名单最前面的“西陵玖瑶”的名字上久久
△ 众人都屏息静气等候.
△ Cangxuan was moved. Lao Sang came down, took the directory and presented it to Cangxuan.
△ When Cangxuan was flipping through the pages, his eyes changed slightly. He couldn't help but stare at the name "Xiling Jiuyao" at the top of the compiler's list for a long time. stay.
△ Everyone waited with bated breath.
老桑: (提醒) 陛下,
沧玹: (回神) 传朕旨意,立碑为纪,将所有参与医书编撰、搜集的医师名字刻录其上,叙
朝臣:(一起行礼称颂) 陛下圣明!陛下圣明!陛下圣明——
△ 群臣朝拜,万众归心,玲玹面带笑意,独坐高位.
Lao Sang: (Reminder) Your Majesty, Cangxuan: (Returning to his senses) To pass on my will, erect a monument as a record, and burn the names of all the doctors who participated in the compilation and collection of medical books on it, and narrate it. Describe your achievements for future generations to remember and admire,
 Lao Sang: Yes! Pingshou: Your Majesty is wise.
Courtiers: (all salute and praise) Your Majesty is Holy! Your Majesty is Holy! Your Majesty is Holy— △ The ministers paid homage and everyone returned to their hearts. Lingxuan sat alone in a high position with a smile on her face. Season 2 Episode 28
△ 茶寮内,生意兴隆。石先生摇头晃脑,在讲故事。众茶客一边喝茶,一边听书.兔子精
领着她的兔子娃们在听,七个兔子娃刚刚化形,还未完全,一人捧着一个萝卜在啃. 小
Field 24
Time: Within/outside the day Scene: Inside/outside the teahouse in Qingshui Town People: Zhenxuan, Gao Xinyi (A Nian), Laosang, Haitang, Rabbit Jing, Mr. Shi, Waiter, Tea Guest A, Jianghu Langzhong, Huan environment characters
△In the teahouse, business is booming. Mr. Shi shook his head and told stories. The guests were drinking tea and listening to books. Rabbit Spirit The rabbit babies leading her were listening. Seven rabbit babies had just transformed and were not yet complete. Each of them was holding a carrot and gnawing on it. The second one carried a kettle and walked around, enthusiastically refilling water for the tea guests.
 Mr. Shi: Today, the story I want to tell you is called "The Legend of the Wilderness". There was once a popular ballad in the Wilderness, Singing: One mountain, two kingdoms, three royal families and four aristocratic families...
△ 一个性急的年轻茶客忍不住插嘴.
△ 石先生高深莫测地笑笑.
兔子精:(热情地帮腔) 这都是你爷爷的爷爷的爷爷的爷爷……的事情了.
△ 众人都笑,年轻茶客不好意思地笑笑,
△ An impatient young tea customer couldn’t help but interrupt. Tea Guest A: Everyone knows about the Four Families: Chishui, Tushan, Xiling, and Guifang! But what does the Three Royal Families mean? It’s obviously just one. The Xuanyuan royal family!
△ Mr. Shi smiled enigmatically.
Mr. Shi: Young man, be patient. It’s precisely because you don’t know that you have to listen to this little old man!
 Rabbit Spirit: (Helps enthusiastically) This is all your grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather...
△ Everyone laughed, the young tea guest smiled sheepishly,
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△ 镜头从茶寮内拉开,出现茶寮全貌,这是一个参天大树下的简朴茶寮,人们三五成群,
△ 珍玹和阿念一身便服,往茶寮里面走,老桑和海棠跟随在后,
△ 一个背着药箱的江湖郎中正低着头匆匆往外走,和阿念擦肩而过时,药箱不小心碰到阿
Season 2 Episode 28
Tea Guest A: Okay, okay, I’ll listen patiently.
△ The camera pulls away from the tea house, showing the whole tea house. It is a simple tea house under a towering tree, with people in small groups. Drinking tea and chatting, resting and taking a rest, listening to Mr. Shi’s story with great interest,
△ Zhenxuan and Anian were dressed in casual clothes and walked into the teahouse, followed by Lao Sang and Haitang.
△ A charlatan carrying a medicine box was walking out in a hurry with his head lowered. When he passed by Ah Nian, the medicine box accidentally touched Ah Nian. The other party did not notice Nian's clothes and walked straight past. Ah Nian didn't care and smiled indifferently, but Ling turned around suddenly. He grabbed the opponent.
△ 珍玹定定看了一瞬,抱歉地放开,
△ 江湖郎中匆匆离开,沧看着江湖郎中隐入川流的人潮,怅然若失,怔怔出神.
Cangxuan:Xiaotian! Charlatan: (confused) What did the young master say?
△ Zhenxuan looked at it for a moment, then let go apologetically. Cangxuan: Sorry, I recognized the wrong person. Charlatan: It doesn't matter.
△ The charlatan left in a hurry. Cang looked at the charlatan disappearing into the crowd of people, feeling lost and lost in thought. A-Nian: Brother Cangxuan, do you think of your sister?
△ 沧玹怅然地看着热闹的市井,因天下平定,比当年初来清水镇时更加繁华,可那个人却
阿念:(顺着珍孩的目光看向市井) 姐姐也许是那卖花的娘子,也许是那布店打瞌睡的老板
△ Cangxuan looked at the bustling market with sadness. Because the world was peaceful, it was more prosperous than when he came to Qingshui Town at the beginning of the year, but that person was Hard to find. Cangxuan: Water returns to the sea and birds enter the forest. Xiaotian has returned to where she came from. I wonder where she is now and whether she is living well. A-Nian: (Following Zhenhai’s gaze and looking towards the market) My sister may be the flower seller, or the owner of the cloth shop who is dozing off. (Male), maybe the woman who bought sweet syrup for her children.... (As the camera swept over, everyone was living an ordinary, serious and energetic life. (B) Just looking at them, you know that no matter where your sister is now, she must be doing well.
△ 珍玹看着热热闹闹的烟火人间,怅然中有欣慰.
阿念:(宽慰) 四海为念,天涯比邻,总有相见之日,
△ 沧玹笑着把心绪掩过.
△ 珍玹和阿念走进了茶寮.
今生重共伊…… (2.注:歌词暂定,可替换最终音乐)
△ Jinhyun looked at the lively fireworks in the world, feeling sad but also relieved.
 Cangxuan: Little Heaven is among all living beings, and all living beings are Little Heaven. A-Nian: (Relieved) We are thinking of each other, and we are close to each other from the end of the world. There will always be a day when we meet.
△ Cangxuan smiled to hide his emotions. Cangxuan: Let’s go and see what story that talking stone is telling now.
 A Nian: OK.
△ Zhenxuan and A-Nian walked into the tea room.
 Song: You are crazy and I am obsessed. At this point, I am obsessed with who the two are. Ask Tiantian how he knows. Long lovesickness, extreme lovesickness. I hope that the cause and fate will be fulfilled before it is over. Together in this life we will reunite... (2. Note: The lyrics are tentative and can be replaced with the final music)


 Winny Aye:
The wheels rolled, Xiaotian and Tushanjing’s carriages were ordinary, merged into the traffic flow coming from south to north, and all the people walking on the road Just like a car, even if you have spiritual power, you can no longer tell the difference between the people in the car and other people.
Song: You are like the wind on the water, and I am like the lotus in the wind. When we meet, we miss each other. When we meet, we miss each other. You are like the clouds in the sky, and I am like the moon in the clouds. We fall in love with each other. Cherish, love and cherish each other; you are like a tree in the mountain, and I am like a vine on the tree, accompanying each other, relying on each other; why are there joys and sorrows in the world, and why are people There are gatherings and separations in life, but I only hope to stay with you forever and never be separated...

 a sliver of warmth in her heart (ch11), I'm speachless, beautifull!! 

?News ?:  A XiaoJing Magazine is created online! For all Xiao Yao-Yeshiqi lovers ? follow the link and enjoy! Nb: Many spoiler content! :https://whysodrama.com/2024/01/27/our-yaojing-magazine/  Have a good day?! 

