
The gorilla mirror, love bugs, romantic calling crystal ball is all symbols of XY affection and attraction for XL.

1 question. Has XY ever bushed when looking at  the image of XL the gorilla mirror? I want to know.

No, she rather laughed cos she found it hilarious of what she did back then.


she had certain share of fear but later realized he wont really hurt her after he saved her life and she didn't really died at any circumstances. She would like to let out her traumatic experiences in front of him . In that case i think she is just letting herself out. But that made their bond started.

Bond of confidence, trust. This should not be taken as her falling  for him though. 

But she also knew to tread lightly cos he tried to kill CX once, both her & CX knows this & even told CX that, don’t worry I’ll be careful, cos I know he tried to shoot an arrow at you.

Anywhoo tong Hua has already made it clear who XY loves &  wants to be with. Let’s not get distracted & patiently wait for their makeup in s2. ✌? oh @dtsj_sapphire kindly post more fire arts whenever that lady on weibo post them, cos the gangster art got me in a chokehold?(also saved the devil/angel art too-the black one especially with piercings & a bunny Tehehe ?).


No but anytime symbolika 1 puts the HOT KISS from YaoJing, I always giggle ? cos why does it keep playing in my head?

Everytime I see that picture  this song comes to my head : 

The look of love is in your eyes

A look your smile can't disguise

The look of love

It's saying so much more than just words could ever say.......??


No, she rather laughed cos she found it hilarious of what she did back then.

Thank-you  sssoooooo mmuuuuuuccchh.

Exactly this.   The mirror should not be a symbol of their love or attraction at all.  More like symbol of friendship,  or that she felt free in his presence, relaxed in my humble opinion.

XL only kissed and embraced  XY when shes not complete conscious. He also initially forced bite her neck initially. Her feelings of sweetness is not written.

XC felt her excitement once I think when XL  was biting her . There was 1 scene when her XY was bored when XL was biting her abd she was kind of waiting for it to be over and done with. If I  remember correctly from the book.   ZY in the drama unfortunately  did not portray WXL  boredom well. She kind of rolled her eyes  and  lots of fans ( who had not read the book) thoughts WXL was getting turned on by the bite. 


IMPORTANT LinK=>            Please take note somewhere with care :))


                                                    THIS IS THE TONG HUA INTERVIEW 

as you will read/ remember  what follows, there is ZERO need to brainstorm whatever, please read (re read if necessary :D !):

=> CX is LOST FOREVER / The end.

                             =>As a romance story, the heroine Xiao Yao's LOVER is TU SHANJING.




HAPPY END. All got what they wanted, and ACHIEVED WHAT THEY WANTED MOST.

                                                 Merci Tong Hua . Merci Jing. Merci Xiao Yao.

AMEN ? ? ? ? 

1 question. Has XY ever bushed when looking at  the image of XL the gorilla mirror? I want to know.

No. The novel only shows XY pulling up and looking at those memories twice. 

In chapter 4, she laughs at the image of XL with the charcoal doodles she drew on his face. 

In chapter 13 she is sad about not being able to give her latest poison creation to XL, so she conjures up the image of XL under the ocean after the Lovers' Bug was transferred to him from CX. Her father (the Grand Emperor / King of Haoling) interrupts her. 

XL mentions the memories in chapter 22 (saying that XY needs to erase them) and looks at them before erasing them in chapter 48. 

The Grand Emperor conjures up the image of XL under the sea in her mirror in chapter 24 and asks XY if the person depicted in the memory is XL, the person who saved her life. XY confirms that he is. 

XY tried to look at the memories in chapter 51 after XL's death, but discovered that XL had erased them.

In terms of who and what makes XY blush in the novel, TSJ makes her blush at least four times. She also blushes at least six times when talking about TSJ with other people (e.g., Jing Ye, Feng Long and the Yellow Emperor) or when another person (the Yellow Emperor) finds her with TSJ.

She also blushes at least once with FFB and at least once with XL.

The competition  for XY heart is between  CX and YSQ. XL never did especially after he felt her love for Jin via thd bug when he let her swimm back  after she told him he was not the type a girl wants to dream about ( rejection ) and TSJ got her in his harm.  I wish people would respect that.  

His love for her is shown but not their love ( lover relationship, could have been etc )  because it was not there. Period.

XL only kissed and embraced  XY when shes not complete conscious.

XL kissed XY's forehead in chapter 35 when she was conscious. There are other situations where XY sits in XL's lap, lies on top of him, or wraps her body around him when she is conscious, but you're right that it's not exactly an "embrace". 

XC felt her excitement once I think when XL  was biting her .

Yes, there is one scene in chapter 6 where CX feels those sensations when XL is biting her and there are two other bites with similar descriptions later in the novel. 

There was 1 scene when her XY was bored when XL was biting her abd she was kind of waiting for it to be over and done with. If I  remember correctly from the book.

Yes, the scene where XL meets XY at the top of a tree in chapter 4. XY looks up at the full moon when XL bites her, instead of closing her eyes that time. She makes a sarcastic comment about him having multiple stomachs after he takes a while.


Even TH  knows that after revisiting the story, there were many weaknesses, she knew what she could’ve added regarding specific characters if she had stopped focusing on giving her fav character lot of “godlike attributes”, but what’s done is done ??‍♀️. Again she has identified Jing as XY’s lover, end of discussion…if you don’t like it, go & fight TH ?. I’ve emphasized many times that XY just wants a normal life & someone who’ll be with her all the way, all that war & running away with an enemy is just NOT for her. She’s already been through a lot & has reached at a point where she just wants to be happy with her husband & kids not being on the run & ending up as a tragedy 

Well said. Well said. 

I bet thst why they changed the part of XL saving TSJ from death.  Not gonna lie I like this change because I was getting tires of the serpent saving. 


Some I am sure will use this against Xioa Jinv love.

T They will say. XY hates Jing and Jing made her suffer. ????

 I swears someone ( 1 of them) will read this heart warming, touching beautiful scene and come up with   that silly conclusion . I swear ????

Of course they would lol... Anything they can find to hate on jing or diminish xiao yao's love for him ?



Even TH  knows that after revisiting the story, there were many weaknesses, she knew what she could’ve added regarding specific characters if she had stopped focusing on giving her fav character lot of “godlike attributes”, but what’s done is done ??‍♀️. Again she has identified Jing as XY’s lover, end of discussion…if you don’t like it, go & fight TH ?. I’ve emphasized many times that XY just wants a normal life & someone who’ll be with her all the way, all that war & running away with an enemy is just NOT for her. She’s already been through a lot & has reached at a point where she just wants to be happy with her husband & kids not being on the run & ending up as a tragedy 

Well said. Well said. 

I bet thst why they changed the part of XL saving TSJ from death.  Not gonna lie I like this change because I was getting tires of the serpent saving. 

I'm all for all the rumoured changes made for s2.. I have no problem with it at all. Especially If it's true, I'm glad they did away with xl saving jing cos I remembered how disappointed I was about that in the novel. 

To me the life saving pill xiao yao put so much effort into making should have been enough. It's one of those scenes in the novel where you could clearly see TH's bias towards her favorite character 


The gorilla mirror, love bugs, romantic calling crystal ball is all symbols of XY affection and attraction for XL.

1 question. Has XY ever bushed when looking at  the image of XL the gorilla mirror? I want to know.

Maybe she did.  But that should not matter. Because we could all blush while watching our idols on screen.?.. But its not the level..she became little bunny.???


Thanks so much for sharing the interview.  I know you are such a Darling. .hug.♡