
What episode will be his fight with Hou?

It was 17


She was devastated about it.. ..I was a bit scared  the way XY talked, she's really in pain and mad and as if she really wanted to kill CX . That scene was so heavy..

Omg my heart breaks for her. Like CX is not the person she’d harm but rather protect. It’s crazy how it’s all changed because of Jing,wheew


Omg my heart breaks for her. Like CX is not the person she’d harm but rather protect. It’s crazy how it’s all changed because of Jing,wheew

It's unimaginable. When she said, she have helped him get everything he wanted while she only wanted Jing and he took him away from her. 😭

Not surprise about CX. After all he has been ready to give her to FLg.  He never truly cared for XY happiness even if he said he does.  Who is he to decide who is worthy of her? He  himself is the least worthy of XY .

Sigh, I knew jing scenes were going to be badly edited and cut, but they didn't even do a closeup shot of him before he went offline. Heck, that scene had more shots of TSH than jing, You know it's a problem when all over tiktok, twitter, weibo fans of all the characters are complaining and even non jing fans are recognizing the bias and unfairness to jing.

Heck,they didn't even bother explaining that jing guards were the TOPS and how cautious he was. How he purposely chose a place near the water so he had a chance of survival.Not that he "coincidentally"got knocked into the water lolol. All the lines and scenes that showed off Jing's cleverness is gone.

I was also hoping that FFYY would've said "I met Hou First instead of you because you are too good for me and I don't deserve you. Someone like me deserve someone like Hou"  T___T

At least they showed XY being sad and didn't glance over her love. I cried so much over her crying scene. AND THE FACT That someone said they're going to change the whole thing into a DREAM and that CX didn't actually kill TSj and it was Xingyue so that CX wouldn't get hate from the audience....please someone tell me that is just a rumor and not true because that is SO BAD

Haha someone said "Even the arrow that shot Jing got more close up and screen time. The arrow actually got a zoom in, HD quality, motion slow down, and special effect and all jing got was a 3 sec panoramic view". It's so sad and funny at the same time

True, it’s Xing Yue that’s the true culprit & CX’s own will be an illusion.

But yeah,I’m glad people have finally opened their eyes to see how bias the production team is,but that won’t stop Jing from being nr1 trending on weibo. Everyone has been complaining & they have the right to do so


Haha someone said "Even the arrow that shot Jing got more close up and screen time. The arrow actually got a zoom in, HD quality, motion slow down, and special effect and all jing got was a 3 sec panoramic view". It's so sad and funny at the same time

It made it seem like he got smacked around twice and that was it.  He was done.  His damned tails were ripped.😤😤

 I'm just watching now because there are only 5 episodes left, but the way they butchered the story as a whole is downright disgusting. I wouldn't have been able to watch 40 episodes of the current mess. 

Did you all see the  close up of the kiss? It was  hot.

So XY  unfeeling the pain was given to XL? Why ohh why could  we not have her feel the pain in her heart? 


True, it’s Xing Yue that’s the true culprit & CX’s own will be an illusion.

But yeah,I’m glad people have finally opened their eyes to see how bias the production team is,but that won’t stop Jing from being nr1 trending on weibo. Everyone has been complaining & they have the right to do so

i dont understand how that's going to work. There's a lot of plothole to shifting the blame to XingYue...
1. How will they explain her intentions? She clearly stated she wants TSJ and XY to get married. It doesnt make sense to kill off Jing and leave XY single and have a chance with CX (in her mind).
2. How does she have the power? I get she's the empress but FengLong won't support her in doing so. CX has the power and ability to command people to kill the Chief of Tushan, but anyone else doing is seems forced and out of their league

Heck,they didn't even bother explaining that jing guards were the TOPS and how cautious he was. How he purposely chose a place near the water so he had a chance of survival.Not that he "coincidentally"got knocked into the water lolol. All the lines and scenes that showed off Jing's cleverness is gone.

They may still explain this more in detail later (regarding picking the location near water), but I'm not getting my hopes up at this point. Grandfather alludes to Jing's abilities though - he and XY come to the same conclusion, that Jing is careful and had taken care of Hou already. Jing had brought his guards, and they were all killed by this mysterious faceless group of assassins. There was no other way for Hou to get back at Jing like this without someone powerful helping him.

At least they showed XY being sad and didn't glance over her love. I cried so much over her crying scene. AND THE FACT That someone said they're going to change the whole thing into a DREAM and that CX didn't actually kill TSj and it was Xingyue so that CX wouldn't get hate from the audience....please someone tell me that is just a rumor and not true because that is SO BAD

I don't usually cry often when watching dramas, but I certainly did when she was shouting at the ocean for Jing and then at the end of ep 18 at CX. Just pure chills.

One of the things that is lacking this season is the visuals/CGI in this season. First it was with XY meeting her Mom and now it's the fight between the brothers. I expected Hou to utterly crush Jing in that fight because Jing is not a fighter, but there could be have been a few cooler-looking moves and CGI to enhance it before Hou finally smacks him around.

This is just my guess, but I think with this being filmed all at one time, perhaps the production team did not anticipate how well-received Jing would be after S1. And unfortunately, it was too late to fix the script and re-film things to include more of what he was and did and said in the novel. But they should have realized it was pretty perfect in the novel and stuck to it lol. Oh well, I still enjoyed 17-18, much more than the previous 4 episodes.


So XY  unfeeling the pain was given to XL? Why ohh why could  we not have her feel the pain in her heart? 

Nope,the pain was too great,it made xl also feel the pain too.


i dont understand how that's going to work. There's a lot of plothole to shifting the blame to XingYue...
1. How will they explain her intentions? She clearly stated she wants TSJ and XY to get married. It doesnt make sense to kill off Jing and leave XY single and have a chance with CX (in her mind).
2. How does she have the power? I get she's the empress but FengLong won't support her in doing so. CX has the power and ability to command people to kill the Chief of Tushan, but anyone else doing is seems forced and out of their league

No, her intentions was to KILL XY not Jing. She knew XY will follow Jing to qingshui,that’s why she told FFYY she’d give her the antidote if she kills XY. But what they didn’t expect was tian calling for Jing,more reason why he went to tell XY but she decided to follow him cos she’s a physician & could help. Plus she resents XY cos CX is in love with her and she knows this now cos CX slipped up.

She’s still a queen, the weapons that were used to kill the tushan soldiers are from chuisui,so she must’ve found a way to do so,I’m guessing FengLong will find out & confront her about this. If FengLong knows,CX will know too. 


Nope,the pain was too great,it made xl also feel the pain too.

By the way I was pleased  to see your comments in the main comment section.