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△Suddenly, Xiang Liu seemed to sense something, his expression became strange, and he slowly touched his lips with his fingers. △Xiang Liu’s eyes were filled with sadness and anger"

Xl getting angry lol. Well he wanted the bug connection. He has known of her feelings for Jing for a long time thanks to bugs. He refused to remove the bug. He controls it so, I am not feeling sorry for him. 

Lier and controller. That's how I see him sometimes 

A liar & a controller is definitely a RED FLAG 🚩… why won’t you remove the bug if you don’t want to feel kisses? Lmao I guess he wants to be attached to XY somehow & a bit longer even tho he knows where /whom her heart is yearning for.


 1. I was getting married to another man(whom I don’t love tho) 2. I’m not in love with you. 3. I don’t want to be controlled/ tracked by you.

These!. And that 3rd fact. Ooh my gosh  sometimes he purposely appeared in the same place she was. And I am not refering to when he saved her life. Lol xl was a stalker.


A liar & a controller is definitely a RED FLAG 🚩… why won’t you remove the bug if you don’t want to feel kisses? Lmao I guess he wants to be attached to XY somehow & a bit longer even tho he knows where /whom her heart is yearning for.

This is so creepy. Lol

Xl deserves an analysis  from me 


Xl deserves an analysis  from me 

yes we will talk about the man too...its our side opinion 


We see in these moments between them is that it is natural. No need of a 3rd party ( voodoo bug ) for them to connect. They long for each other . We see how Jing 's presence next to her is affecting Xiao Liu. His presence always moves her heart  as it is described :  some joy in her heart,   warm ripples  in  Xiao Liu 's heart .  

We also see that Jing carried the herbal pouch Xiao Liu made for him.  This is a way to carry Xiao  liu with him all the time. The scent of the herbs  is now imprinted on Jing  it is now on him and it breaking  peace to Xiao Liu, it brings him comfort, calm.   Xiao Liu is  heart is moved with warmth when Jing  is sending her off, looking at for her  go leaving the feeling of warmth that such and act leave with her. But Jing on the other  hand is  standing alone. 

As the events in story progresses  we see that Jing is getting jealous at the other man talking with ~Xiao Liu.  the realisation of this again  bring smile Xiao Liu. She is happy that Jing is jealous. The man she longs for is jealous of her chatting with another man.

In conclusion we  see that Xiao Liu who had in previous chapters claimed that her heart was  look and could not be moved  is having her heart being moved by Jing. Warmth is entering her heart.

This is peng analysis for our xiaojing scene. I am agreeing about no need of agents such as bugs to feel their hearts' connection. I love how this is only brief....but its like over sentimental longing. Their hearts still moved by each other presence.

and definetly about his jealousy....hehehhe

and yep she must be happy. :D

15 Years Promise For Jing VS Bugs Acceptance From Xiang Liu

There's so many XL fans who have too much problem with Jing asking 15 years promise from Xiao Liu. But what about XL not revealing to the type of bugs to Xiao Liu when telling her the way to removing it? Is it a bit like taking advantage ? 

Let me share the scene again I will talk more of it in my next reply.

Xiang Liu and Lover Bug

“How did you learn how to raise a voodoo bug?”

Xiao Liu’s eyes twirled “That old woman told me!” Xiang Liu coldly laughed “You’re full of shit. If she told you how to raise the bugs, how could she not have told you what the name of this particular voodoo bug was?”

Xiao Liu knew what he said was contradictory so just went with it “Why do you care how I know how to raise voodoo bugs. I just do.”

Xiang Liu said “The pair of voodoo bugs you have is very rare. If you want to remove it, the only way is to find another person and lure the bug into that person.”

“What are the requirements for that person?”

Xiang Liu said nothing, and after a moment, he stiffly barked “I don’t know!”

Xiao Liu didn’t believe him, yet he didn’t know why Xiang Liu wouldn’t come out and tell him. So he tried asking “Do you fit the requirement?”

Xiang Liu didn’t answer so Xiao Liu asked more “You are a nine-headed demon. Luring a voodoo bug into you, that can’t be a problem, right?”

Xiang Liu didn’t deny it so Xiao Liu took that as a tacit confirmation. Xiao Liu got all excited “You said with your nine-heads, even if my body hurt then it wouldn’t hurt you much, right? So can I lure the bug over into your body?”

Xiang Liu stood there with his hands behind his back, staring at the moon, saying nothing. After a few moments he said “I can help you lure the bug into me, but you have to promise that in the future you will do one thing for me. If I ask, you will do it.”

Xiao Liu thought about it “Other than killing Xuan.”


“I also can’t kill Tu Shan Jing.”


“You can’t ask me to kill the Yellow Emperor or the Grand Emperor.”

Xiang Liu said incredulously “My nine-heads would need to flooded with water for me to think you can kill the Yellow Emperor or the Grand Emperor.”

Xiao Liu wasn’t mad but asked again “The answer is…..”

“I won’t!”

Xiao Liu yelled “Then it’s a deal!”

Xiang Liu raised his palm and Xiao Liu clapped it to strike the deal “I promise that if Xiang Liu helps me remove the voodoo bug from Xuan, I agree to do one thing he asks of me.”

Xiang Liu coldly asked “What happens if you break the promise?’

Xiao Liu thought “The Heavens strike me into pieces. With your personality that won’t be enough. What do you think should happen to me?”

“If you break the promise, whatever you love will turn into pain, whatever you enjoy will turn into bitterness.”

Xiao Liu felt goosebumps run down his spine “You’re sure vicious!” He raised his palm to swear the promise “If I break this promise, then whatever I love will bring me pain, whatever I enjoy will turn bitter.” He put down his hand and thumped his chest “Don’t worry, I’ll do it.”

Xiang Liu had a slight smile on his lips “What do I have to worry about? If you can’t do it, you’re the one suffering.”

15 Years Promise for Jing

Xiao Liu casually added “I saved you, let you stay for 6 years, and now you’ve done everything and more for me. When we get out, we’re really even. You don’t need to worry anymore, I will never go ask you for anything and get you in trouble. I promise to stay far far away from you……”

Xiao Liu’s mouth was suddenly shut by Shi Qi’s hand. Xiao Liu struggled but Shi Qi wouldn’t release his hand. Finally Xiao Liu naughtily licked the center of his palm with his tongue and Shi Qi was like being hit with an electric shock and released him. Xiao Liu was also shocked by what he just did and his mouth was gaping open and his entire face was flaming red.


Shi Qi didn’t answer and stubbornly repeated “I won’t leave you.”

“What? Do you want to stay with me for the rest of your life then?”

Shi Qi was silent for a moment and then said with absolute certainty “My entire life.”

Xiao Liu sighed “I’m a man, don’t you think you’re being weird.”

This time Shi Qi’s response was immediate “You’re a girl.”


Shi Qi called Xiao Liu but she didn’t acknowledge, he tugged her a bit but she ignored him. He was afraid her leg hurt so didn’t want to use any strength.

Shi Qi was silent until Xiao Liu felt all wronged and grumbled “Such a little matter and you won’t even give me in to me.”

Shi Qi replied “It’s not a small matter.”

Xiao Liu pouted, if this wasn’t a small matter, then what counts as a small matter?


Shi Qi’s breathing was erratic and his heartbeat was also fast. Xiao Liu knew what he wanted to say but was embarrassed to say. So she didn’t rush and instead nestled like a cat on his shoulder waiting patiently.

“Xiao Liu….I……I know I am engaged and have no right to say this to you…..and I never dared to….but…….I will call off the engagement, I will call off the engagement! You wait for me for twenty years….no…..no, fifteen years. You give Tu Shan Jing fifteen years, and after fifteen years I’ll give you back a Ye Shi Qi.”

Xiao Liu asked “How do you want me to wait?”

“You…..you won’t let another man……into your heart.”

Xiao Liu was silent.

In the darkness, Shi Qi couldn’t see Xiao Liu’s expression and he was so nervous he forgot to breath.

Xiao Liu suddenly burst out laughing and Shi Qi didn’t know if her laughter was mocking him for daring or….

Xiao Liu said “You, you really don’t know me at all. My heart is cold and there is a hard shell encasing it. Forget fifteen years, likely in fifty years there won’t be a man who goes inside.”

Shi Qi asked “So you’re agreeing? Let’s make a palm promise.”

Xiao Liu lazily raised her palm and Shi Qi felt where it was and then solemnly pressed his palm on hers. After they joined palms, he didn’t release and instead tightly held her hand “Xiao Liu, I’m, I’m so happy.” His voice was quivering as his heart soared.

Xiao Liu couldn’t help but smile “You said everything boils down to a business transaction, so why do I feel like I’m not getting the better end of the bargain here.”

Shi Qi shook her hand “That doesn’t include love, only love can never be measured by profit or loss. Family love, sibling love, friendship love, romantic love, it seems so easy but is a rare treasure that cannot be bought with any amount of money.”

Xiao Liu giggled “They say Tu Shan Jing is a shrewd businessman and great at conversation. I didn’t believe it since you’re always so stupid looking around me and rarely talking. Today I finally believe it.”

Shi Qi laughed lightly and his laughter was just like his personality – gentle, peaceful, pure.

Xiao Liu said “Shi Qi, I’m not like you. I’m not a businessman but I know that I am a ruthless person. I am ruthless towards others and even more ruthless towards myself. Do you know that?”

I do.”

Xiao Liu laughed “Do you really?”

Shi Qi said “I know you never give yourself hope so you don’t trust first and won’t give first. You have a true heart but if the other doesn’t appreciate it, then you won’t give it. I’m willing to wait, wait until you’re willing to hope.”

“What if in my entire lifetime I’m not willing?”

“Then I’ll wait an entire lifetime. As long as you don’t disappear, then even if it’s an entire lifetime it will still be happy.” Shi Qi smiled

My thoughts on these two scene will be in next post.


Difference is, Jing told her the truth, laid down his wishes & waited for XY to accept or deny. She wasn’t forced, she could’ve easily said no,but she didn’t now,did she? It was because she was WILLING. Those fans keep pointing their fingers at Jing for being “selfish” but are quiet as a church mouse regarding the bugs in which she said on different times she wanted to remove it but xl refused to remove it. Only narcissist & manipulative people will do such a thing as xl. Pfft!


Link to Chapter 11/Novel and it's ep.17 exploration: it's wraped! => On our way to chapter 12 and it's related ep. Bb to read ya !!

Seems I have to catch up here :D...

Jing wants a daughter^~^♡
Page550(Google translate)
Xiaotian and Tu Shanjing walked to the lake.  Xiaotian stared at the lake and vaguely heard the sound of playing in the water, and the clear and sweet laughter and shouts of children.  Childhood Xiaotian OS: Mom, Mom...
Xiaotian: When I was a child, my mother often took me to play in the water here. When I got tired, I would lie next to my mother to bask in the sun, while my mother fed me.  I ate ice raspberries while telling me about the naughty things she and her uncles did when they were young...  Xiaotian's expression became nostalgic and sad, and she looked at the plants and trees around her with a thoughtful look.
Tu Shanjing: (Relieved) We can build an identical garden in Qingqiu.
 Xiaotian: (Sadly) Even if the garden can be built exactly the same, my mother is no longer here.  
Xiaotian: My favorite on Wushen Mountain is Yiqingyuan.  After her father abdicates the throne, Anian will be the owner of this place. She will definitely renovate this garden according to her own preferences.
 Xiaotian let out a long sigh with a disappointed expression.  Tu Shanjing held her hand.  
Tu Shanjing: You can take your daughter to play in the garden and bask in the sun. You can feed her iceberg berries while telling her stories about you and His Majesty being naughty and mischievous when we were young, and about her grandmother and grandfather.  
 Xiaotian turned around suddenly and looked at Tu Shanjing. Tu Shanjing's face turned red and he was shy, but he still held Xiaotian's hand tightly and remained calm.  Tu Shanjing: It is impossible to bring back the good memories of the past, but your daughter will accompany you and leave new good memories.  Xiaotian: Shameless!  Who is going to have a daughter with you? 

 Tu Shanjing: (deliberately) OK!  If we don’t give birth to daughters, we give birth to sons. 

 Xiaotian: Tu Shanjing!  

Xiaotian felt ashamed and annoyed, shook off Tu Shanjing’s hand, and left quickly.  △Tu Shanjing hurriedly chased after Xiaotian and grabbed Xiaotian’s hand.  Xiaotian struggled a few times in a meaningful way, but before he could break away, he just let Tu Shanjing stay. It was obvious that he was not really angry.  26 o'clock in the scene: Sun Exterior scene: On the path outside the pavilion of Yiqingyuan in Wushen Mountain People: Xiaotian, Tushanjing, Laosang△Tushanjing and Xiaotian are walking hand in hand, both of them are smiling and looking sweet.  △At this time, Lao Sang suddenly appeared, stood in front of Xiaotian and Tu Shanjing, and saluted respectfully.  Lao Sang: Your Majesty is enjoying the cool air in the pavilion in front, and has ordered no one to disturb you.  A Xiaotian looked in the direction of the pavilion, but because it was covered by flowers and trees, he didn't see Lunxuan.  Xiaotian: Is it just my brother?  Lao Sang: Yes.  Xiaotian: (confused) Tomorrow is my brother’s ceremony. Why is my brother hiding here alone?  What happened?  Lao Sang: Lao Sang doesn’t know.  A Xiaotian noticed something was wrong and looked at Tu Shanjing.  Xiaotian: You go back first, I’ll go see my brother.  Tu Shanjing: Okay.

 Winny Aye:
My thoughts on these two scene will be in next post.

Thoughts on the subject:

In the provided extract, Xiang Liu's character is clearly  depicted as manipulative and self-serving. His actions and words demonstrate a lack of genuine care for Xiao Liu and a willingness to exploit her for his own benefit. This is evident in the way he casually disregards Xiao Liu's physical discomfort and instead tugs at her, showing a lack of empathy and consideration for her well-being. This behavior serves to highlight his disregard for Xiao Liu as a person, using her as a means to an end without regard for her feelings or autonomy.

Xiang Liu coldly asked “What happens if you break the promise?’ 

Furthermore, Xiang Liu's approach to making promises to Xiao Liu is emblematic of his manipulative nature. He demonstrates a willingness to leverage the situation to ensure Xiao Liu's compliance, showing a sense of entitlement and a lack of respect for her choices. This is evident in his insistence on making a promise in exchange for his help, disregarding Xiao Liu's agency and autonomy.

The impact of Xiang Liu's actions on Xiao Liu's emotional well-being is also worth exploring. By focusing on the emotional toll of Xiang Liu's manipulative behavior on Xiao Liu, the development can emphasize the negative effects of his actions on her mental and emotional state. This can further underscore the detrimental impact of Xiang Liu's self-serving behavior on Xiao Liu's overall well-being.

In contrast, the subsequent interaction between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi highlights a  very different dynamic:

Shi Qi laughed lightly and his laughter was just like his personality – gentle, peaceful, pure. 

Shi Qi's actions are driven by genuine affection and understanding, as he expresses his willingness to wait for Xiao Liu and makes a promise based on love rather than manipulation. This stark contrast serves to underscore the manipulative nature of Xiang Liu's character and the genuine care and understanding exhibited by Shi Qi. The development of these contrasting interactions serves to emphasize the stark differences in the characters' intentions and behaviors, further highlighting Xiang Liu's manipulative and self-serving nature.

Shi Qi demonstrates genuine care and understanding in his interaction with Xiao Liu, which contrasts sharply with Xiang Liu's manipulative actions.

Shi Qi's expression of his feelings for Xiao Liu is characterized by patience and empathy. He offers to wait for her, showing an understanding of her situation and a willingness to give her the space and time she may need. This demonstrates a healthy respect for Xiao Liu's agency and autonomy, as he does not pressure her into making immediate decisions or commitments. His approach is rooted in genuine affection and consideration for Xiao Liu's feelings and well-being, rather than seeking to manipulate or leverage the situation to his advantage.

Furthermore, Shi Qi's promise to Xiao Liu is driven by love and understanding, rather than self-interest. He expresses his feelings for her without attaching conditions or expectations, and his willingness to wait for her demonstrates a healthy approach to building a relationship based on mutual respect and understanding.

In contrast to Xiang Liu's manipulative behavior, Shi Qi's actions reflect a healthier and more respectful approach to expressing romantic interest. His understanding, patience, and genuine care for Xiao Liu's well-being stand in stark contrast to Xiang Liu's self-serving and manipulative actions. This stark contrast serves to highlight the healthier dynamics present in Shi Qi's approach to expressing his feelings for Xiao Liu.

In conclusion, the comparison between Xiang Liu's manipulative behavior and Shi Qi's respectful approach to expressing romantic interest highlights the stark differences in their characters. Xiang Liu's actions reflect a self-serving and manipulative nature, as he disregards Xiao Liu's well-being and leverages the situation to his advantage. In contrast, Shi Qi's interactions with Xiao Liu demonstrate patience, empathy, and genuine care, reflecting a healthier and more respectful approach to building a relationship based on mutual understanding and affection.

The contrast between these characters serves to emphasize the detrimental impact of manipulative behavior and the value of genuine empathy and respect in interpersonal relationships. By highlighting these differences, the narrative underscores the importance of healthy and respectful interactions in fostering genuine connections and emotional well-being.

The"15 Years Promise for Jing" demonstrates patience, empathy, and a healthy approach to romance, making it the clear winner in the game of love gestures.

This might be my rant. But really I don't know why anybody hardly talk about anything wrong with XL taking that bug knowingly it's lover bug. He's the one that reveal to that the bug from ZX could be removed by transferring to someone right. Sure he's willing to take it. If I have not know the whole story before hand I will definetly think he did all this take advantage only of Xiao Liu by binding life and death with him to use Xiao Liu in getting to Zhuan Xu. Well I know he could able to help her life later. But well how could anyone predict the future ? No! We know XL sort of fell for XY after she saved Xuan's life for first time.  But he was still able to drown her to in order to assasinate Xuan. His mood is just something indeed. And ohhh his vicious deal of having her to do one unknown thing for him. Heaven striking Xiao Liu is not enough. All must be bitter for her. Overall the story he had done good things for her. He might not have known how to act toward love. But is this the right way? Even she realized it later it is not appropriate.  She never rise the bug to put in her lover but only to her enemy in the first place. Whatever it is XL is never sincere. I don't believe it is to protect her only. He just lose in his gambling with lover bug because she's his enemy's sister and she's attracted to another man.
It is just too risky to tie her life like that even if she's doing it for Zhuan Xu.
Now to Jing's 15 years promise, everything is sincere. He told her everything. He asked her to keep her heart for 15 years, and then he will wait for her his entire life as the deal. If we read the whole scene we know WXL had genuine feelings for him and thats why she accepted it. It is a direct call out from a man in love.
So who's the manipulating here!!.

I will end here for short now.

Jing wants a daughter^~^♡
Page550(Google translate)
Xiaotian and Tu Shanjing walked to the lake.  Xiaotian stared at the lake and vaguely heard the sound of playing in the water, and the clear and sweet laughter and shouts of children.  Childhood Xiaotian OS: Mom, Mom...
Xiaotian: When I was a child, my mother often took me to play in the water here. When I got tired, I would lie next to my mother to bask in the sun, while my mother fed me.  I ate ice raspberries while telling me about the naughty things she and her uncles did when they were young...  Xiaotian's expression became nostalgic and sad, and she looked at the plants and trees around her with a thoughtful look.
Tu Shanjing: (Relieved) We can build an identical garden in Qingqiu.
 Xiaotian: (Sadly) Even if the garden can be built exactly the same, my mother is no longer here.  
Xiaotian: My favorite on Wushen Mountain is Yiqingyuan.  After her father abdicates the throne, Anian will be the owner of this place. She will definitely renovate this garden according to her own preferences.

 Xiaotian let out a long sigh with a disappointed expression.  Tu Shanjing held her hand.  
Tu Shanjing: You can take your daughter to play in the garden and bask in the sun. You can feed her iceberg berries while telling her stories about you and His Majesty being naughty and mischievous when we were young, and about her grandmother and grandfather.  
 Xiaotian turned around suddenly and looked at Tu Shanjing. Tu Shanjing's face turned red and he was shy, but he still held Xiaotian's hand tightly and remained calm.  Xiaotian: Tu Shanjing!  
Xiaotian felt ashamed and annoyed, shook off Tu Shanjing’s hand, and left quickly.  
Tu Shanjing: It is impossible to bring back the good memories of the past, 
but your daughter will accompany you and leave new good memories.
Xiaotian: Shameless!  Who is going to have a daughter with you?  
Tu Shanjing: (deliberately) OK!  If we don’t give birth to daughters, we give birth to sons.

Sun Exterior scene: The path outside the pavilion of Yiqingyuan on Wushen Mountain People: Xiaotian, Tushanjing, Laoye

Tushanjing, Laoye
Tushanjing and Xiaotian are walking hand in hand, both of them are  Smiling and sweet looking.  
△At this time, Lao Sang suddenly appeared, stood in front of Xiaotian and Tu Shanjing, and saluted respectfully.  Lao Sang: Your Majesty is enjoying the cool air in the pavilion in front, and has ordered no one to disturb you.  Xiaotian looked in the direction of the pavilion, but because it was covered by flowers and trees, he didn't see Cangxuan.  
Xiaotian: Is it just my brother?  Lao Sang: Yes.
Tu Shanjing hurriedly chased after Xiaotian and grabbed Xiaotian’s hand.  Xiaotian struggled a few times in a meaningful way, but before he could break away, he let Tu Shanjing hold him, obviously not really angry.

Haaaaaaaaaaannnnniiiiiiiii!!!!!! <3!!!!! Thank you!!!! 

Xiaotian: Shameless!  Who is going to have a daughter with you?  
Tu Shanjing: (deliberately) OK!  If we don’t give birth to daughters, we give birth to sons.

 Page550(Google translate) of the script I'M OFF to celebrate! :D!!!!  Waowwwwwwwww!!!



Difference is, Jing told her the truth, laid down his wishes & waited for XY to accept or deny. She wasn’t forced, she could’ve easily said no,but she didn’t now,did she? It was because she was WILLING. Those fans keep pointing their fingers at Jing for being “selfish” but are quiet as a church mouse regarding the bugs in which she said on different times she wanted to remove it but xl refused to remove it. Only narcissist & manipulative people will do such a thing as xl. Pfft!

Thank you this reply. Definitly XL's the one manipulating here. Yes those fans are just something. ..always finding ways to defend. Whatever he did later. ...wrong is still wrong...even worse is not sincere. If they want to just throw off all bad on on ml...they should also accept their ml actions are very wrong.  

@Hani Tehehe oh myuyyy Tehehe look at XY malfunctioning again lol. Her subconscious mind already blurted out her greatest desire to have kids,have a family & Jing by the smart ass picked up on it & laid it on her, only for her to be caught off guard lmao.