I still chuckle at the scene where CX had a crystal knife behind his back, while staring at XY’s room knowing damn well Jing & XY are in there. Dude wanted to kill Jing lmao ??‍♀️, he ALWAYS saw Jing as his love rival, even back when he was YSQ (CX saw how close XY & Jing were,inseparable even,no wonder he told her that she should cut ties with Jing cos at the end of the day Jing would side with YY?). I’m like huh?! XY didn’t listen & went to Jing anyway & asked him not to hurt CX , STILL went to him & asked him to help her escape,which Jing did.at the end he knows XY better than anyone so for him to be possessive & jealous when it comes to Jing says a lot. 


I still chuckle at the scene where CX had a crystal knife behind his back, while staring at XY’s room knowing damn well Jing & XY are in there. Dude wanted to kill Jing lmao ??‍♀️, he ALWAYS saw Jing as his love rival, even back when he was YSQ (CX saw how close XY & Jing were,inseparable even,no wonder he told her that she should cut ties with Jing cos at the end of the day Jing would side with YY?). I’m like huh?! XY didn’t listen & went to Jing anyway & asked him not to hurt CX , STILL went to him & asked him to help her escape,which Jing did.at the end he knows XY better than anyone so for him to be possessive & jealous when it comes to Jing says a lot. 

true about CX...he's jealous through out... but he cant do what jing does ..they are just not meant to be.

 Winny Aye:

he does't have 9 lives to share with her but he only have one life to follow her in death..??

Many do not have 9 lives to give nor a heart connection to hers so he could prevent her from dying. He only had 1 and gave her the remaining of  his power. I was very impressed and moved by this. Not many could do this so she would not be alone in death. 

I do not discount what loosing 8 lives does but it is too many to give. The sacrifice becomes  kind of ...... TH should have find something else of importance for him to sacrifice.  I was impressed the 1rst and 2nd time. Sorry but TH really tried for her fav.  I felt sad for CX the main protagonist. Lol

I wonder if we are going to see XY and Hou fake romance in season 2. 


I still chuckle at the scene where CX had a crystal knife behind his back, while staring at XY’s room knowing damn well Jing & XY are in there. Dude wanted to kill Jing lmao ??‍♀️, he ALWAYS saw Jing as his love rival, even back when he was YSQ (CX saw how close XY & Jing were,inseparable even,no wonder he told her that she should cut ties with Jing cos at the end of the day Jing would side with YY?). I’m like huh?! XY didn’t listen & went to Jing anyway & asked him not to hurt CX , STILL went to him & asked him to help her escape,which Jing did.at the end he knows XY better than anyone so for him to be possessive & jealous when it comes to Jing says a lot. 

I loved all of the scenes where  CX showed his jealous side ???


I wonder if we are going to see XY and Hou fake romance in season 2. 

I really hope they do lol, even tho Jing may know what she’s up to…. He still wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face.


Many do not have 9 lives to give nor a heart connection to hers so he could prevent her from dying. He only had 1 and gave her the remaining of  his power. I was very impressed and moved by this. Not many could do this so she would not be alone in death. 

I do not discount what loosing 8 lives does but it is too many to give. The sacrifice becomes  kind of ...... TH should have find something else of importance for him to sacrifice.  I was impressed the 1rst and 2nd time. Sorry but TH really tried for her fav.  I felt sad for CX the main protagonist. Lol

I actually sad for both XL and CX because they were both unsuccessful in love life..its true XL is sort of assualt and scary but CX also is not considerate of a lot of things ..i mean not only about killing Jing....but I am happy YaoJing is EndGame...??

I have been reading Once Promised. And I translated how Qi Yo first met A Heng. Well this is about XY parents and Jing parents in law. So its not so out of topic right. ?

For now summary for first chapter 

I am the outlaw beast!

At the southwest of Sheng Nong, there was a place with the wildest, with ferocious beasts and poisonous atmospheres. It was called Jiu Yi tribe area. It was a very remote uncultivated tribe and the tribe villigers were treated as the lowest ranked citizens. The males were born to be slaves, the females were born to be maids.
  A hundred years before, the Jiu Yi tribe was unhappy with this cruel slavery and so started to rebel. Because of one strong malicious beast (Qi Yo)that helped the Jiu Yi tribe, they were able to deal with tens of great soldiers from the God Tribe and this caused the Yan Emperor/the Flame Emperor to be disturbed. The Yan Emperor called the best warrior in the Sheng Nong Tribe, Zhu Rong (the Fire God) to personally deal with this beast.
Qi Yo was called "beast" throughout this chapter.
Zhu Rong came to Jiu Yi Tribe and used cruel plan to caught Qi Yo. He would kill 10 villagers every hour until Qi Yo came out of forest.
Before Zhu Rong arrived, the tribe witch thanked Qi Yo for helping them, but they rather be slaves than had him killed. Apparently, they had already sent 100 males and 100 females to the Yan Emperor as a promise of obedience and he has decided to forgive them and the beast.  
Nevertheless, Zhu Rong had already beheaded twenty tribe villagers in order to lure Qi Yo out. Qi Yo came out to fight with his magic. Qi Yo tried to escape into the forest. For seven days, without food, he got weakened and was caught back. And then he managed to run away again and was at the edge of the cliff at peach blossom tree valley. That's where he met A Heng, his future wife. I had translated the whole scene. I will send in next reply.

lol... Qi Yo is addressed as beast and the lady is A Heng..its love at first smell. ??...im no good writer but this translation is detailed...if u guys dont mind..i may share more later..

The time was when the peach blossom bloom, under the moonlight to the cliff peach blossom trees are everywhere. The picture was just like classic beautiful painting and dreamy. It is obvious that the lady in green was in love with this place. She crouched herself on big rock at the edge of stream. She took off her hairpin and let free of her hair, took off her belt and then her dress. And then with her bare body, she dived into the stream just like the matcha leaves joyfully flowing in the stream, and then she cheerfully swam and then lay(sleep) on the face of water, let her body felt the touch of peach blossom petals that were falling down.
The beast (Qi Yo) sensed unfamiliar smell. It was a strange feeling, making his whole body pounding, yet he was excited and welcoming it.
There was sound of the owl now. Zhu Rong must be following nearer. But the beast was almost forgeting everything. The peach blossom flowers in front, which had been highlighten by the moon under the mountain, was so beautiful. It was just like the first flower bloomed in this desserted land, the first thunder lightening in the season of srping, making something familiar and unfamiliar feeling bursting out from him.
All these hundreds of years, the forest beasts would he living in couple in spring time. It was like a sudden behavior that his other beast friends would abandon him for their mates and even threatened him to stay away.
He did not understand why the little bird that made his nest very comfortable, would sang a beautiful song and begged the other bird to come and live with him. He did not understand why the cunning and greedy red fox would give the chicken he stole from the village to another fox and even begging her to take it. And why the white tiger , whom usually liked to stay alone would fight with several bigger tigers, refusing to run away even when getting hurt, for protecting another tiger.
Within the silcence , loniless yet suspection, he could   feel that there was something in front of him. Something that he could  be able to catch it he would understand why those beasts were this much happy and what had happened to them.  He would be able to understand the mean of spring season. He would understand why he felt lonely and had no answer for it before.
But right now he understood. He was just like other animals that, in spring time, the time for reproduction, would know this feeling when met their female species.
This lady in the stream, was making his secret instincts kept in soul coming out.
He wanted to carry her to his nest on the tree, took her to the valley, sang a song for her and begged for her to stay with him. He wanted make the comfortable nest for her that was strong and safe and protected her from dangers outside such condors, protecting eggs that she may gave birth. He wanted to hunt the best taste prey, rabbit and begged her to eat the best part of the meat just like the red fox did. He wanted to pee around the stream and evey rock around it to make other animals and hunters knew that this was his land, so that she could just safely, freely, joyfull play in the stream.  He would not let anyone came to hurt her. He would fight to death with them just like the white tiger.
Many feelings were coming to his wandering heart like a thunder storm and lighten his dark world.
This spring was truely his spring time.
He screamed as he was begging to the moon. His sound silenced all other animals out of fear. However, the silence made the stream among the valley a bit of trouble. Because the lady in the stream looked up at the cliff above. Nevertheless she just saw a dark shadow of wolf like creature. Maybe the cliff above was quite far. The lady was not afraid at all. She chuckled a little and continue playing in the stream, dancing happily, with her body up and down, wave. It looked like she was dancing like the peach blossoms whereabout under the moonlight for the beast.
The beast looked at her sadly for a moment. After that he took the opposite direction and then jumped down the cliff. He walked the opposite direction of the stream. He did not just left the trail but looked back at the stream if Zhu Rong and his men had passed there yet and were following him.
It was a spring time when the forest flowers were blossoming. The birds and butterflies were flying lonely. The suspection that he had been holding had disappeared.
But then this time that he had understood the beauty of spring, what should he do? He might not be still alive till next spring. All he could do now was to protect her from all the dangers that might reach to her.

@peng peng

Many do not have 9 lives to give nor a heart connection to hers so he could prevent her from dying. He only had 1 and gave her the remaining of  his power. I was very impressed and moved by this. Not many could do this so she would not be alone in death.

No cos I remember fighting someone in the main comment section when jing was getting berated over this. They think xl giving one of his 9 lives is worth praising but jing giving his one and only life to protect her equals him being useless and dumb and not worth it  


I still chuckle at the scene where CX had a crystal knife behind his back, while staring at XY’s room knowing damn well Jing & XY are in there. Dude wanted to kill Jing lmao ??‍♀️, he ALWAYS saw Jing as his love rival, even back when he was YSQ (CX saw how close XY & Jing were,inseparable even,no wonder he told her that she should cut ties with Jing cos at the end of the day Jing would side with YY?). I’m like huh?! XY didn’t listen & went to Jing anyway & asked him not to hurt CX , STILL went to him & asked him to help her escape,which Jing did.at the end he knows XY better than anyone so for him to be possessive & jealous when it comes to Jing says a lot. 

Yes he only saw jing as a love rival. Even when xiao yao was spending time with bei he really didn't care much. He only warned her of being a playboy. It's like he knew exactly where her heart lies. 


@peng peng

Many do not have 9 lives to give nor a heart connection to hers so he could prevent her from dying. He only had 1 and gave her the remaining of  his power. I was very impressed and moved by this. Not many could do this so she would not be alone in death.

No cos I remember fighting someone in the main comment section when jing was getting berated over this. They think xl giving one of his 9 lives is worth praising but jing giving his one and only life to protect her equals him being useless and dumb and not worth it  

yes I remembered ...I also fought with several people on S1 main comment section about this. They laughed at Jing for being useless and only know to suicide. But we are able to see the other way. The ending is already written there, who needed her the most to live and will be with her till end...they were all this lashing him and then and we called out protect our character then, they all act so innocent  and we became bad guys? ??  People people. its because i only chose to talk about good things on XL so far..which is true about his sacrifice, good intention and his deeds have good result on yaojin, his loyalty as a soldier. However, if I have to say his other way around ....what if I comment like XL is too innocent on love ..yes yes...stay only behind the scene for her because deep down inside him he's sadist and loves pain that's why he could never be her life partner.   I think XL fans will be burning over me?? well well ?...lets stick with YaoJing

Does anyone have the links to Chapters: 12, 15, 25 and the Epilogue?

Somehow I can no longer access the Novel chapters and these chapters aren't in my history