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There is no " could it be this " or " could it be that". If TH wanted it to be  all those, she would have showed  it in the text. She did not so all the " couldn't it be.." are not valid nor necessary especially  when TH is very  explicit.

We have detailed narrative of XY thoughts  to show us the reader what she is thinking. Why the need to  even think " could it be this.. " when Xiao Yao herself has been telling us since chapter 1 her thoughts and her actions are clear. TH has made sure of this.  There is not need to question WXL internal thoughts  or actions when she voices them clearly. She never once in that chapter mentioned transferring the big to XL so she could travel with him or even had a single thought about XL being a fre man. Doing so is  really doing the character of WXL a huge deserving.

She has honestly said to herself   why she wanted the bug removed from her CX. She has seen how she has been used to harm him via the bug.  I am sorry but where did she even mentioned  wanting  to be travelling with XL  or seeing him as a man who has entered her heart?  I really need to see the line in the novel that shows  this. 

Where is it written the WXL is looking at XL as a lover?  Not once from chapter 2 till 13 there is not a single sentence like this written by TH. 

WXL has never once so far  thought of using the voodoo bug  to call XL  see here in chapter 8

"After Xiaoliu analyzed it, he found that he had no chance of escaping on his own. Xiaoliu missed Xiang Liu very much at this time. He was the only one who didn't care about Xuanyuan and Gao Xin. Only by temporarily escaping into the territory of the Shennong Rebels could he avoid Xingxuan. But since the trip to Gaoxin, Xiao Liu has not seen Xiang Liu, and now in a hurry, there is no way to ask him for help."

As you can see she does not think of the bug that way.  

Deng Wei shared fireworks and wish everyones wish come true!! :D 

Happy New Lunar Year to ALL <3 !

We have wraped up our chapter 13 exploration/analysis, with related ep.19!

Find it here: 

Chapter 13: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2959463&page=14



There is no " could it be this " or " could it be that". If TH wanted it to be  all those, she would have showed  it in the text. She did not so all the " couldn't it be.." are not valid. 

We have detailed narrative of XY thoughts  to show us the reader what she is thinking. Why the need to  even think " could it be this.. " when Xiao Yao herself has been telling us since chapter 1 her thoughts. TH has made sure of this.  Why even question XY's  internal thoughts, her wants, her desire . XY is a character who knows what she wants and is not compromising. 

Your two cents are always worth more! :D

Absolutly agree. As I said this wraped chapter 13 left me...exhausted...too much of vicious mass ongoing stuff :D! For those curious, go and read here: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2959463&page=14 



Both Koala 

Chap 7 "However, Xiang Liu took Xiao Liu and sneaked into the deep and quiet seabed. Whenever Xiao Liu's breath was about to expire, Xiang Liu would give him another breath."

Chap 13 

" When the final breath was almost gone, Xiao Yao grabbed his hands and pleaded with him but he ignored her and kept swimming underwater. Xiao Yao felt her entire chest was about to explode and her hands no longer had any strength. She let go and Xiang Liu grabbed her around the waist with a smile and pointed to his lips indicating that if she wanted fresh air, she was going to have to get it herself." 

"Xiao Yao shook her head. In the past, she was Wen Xiao Liu, she never saw herself as a woman. But now, no matter what happened, she couldn’t do it."

"Xiao Yao finally spoke “I was planning to pretend I didn’t know you when I saw you again.”

"Xiao Yao knew exactly what he was asking – why did she refuse to kiss him and would rather die. She pretended to be clueless “Why what?”

As you can see  the 1rst one is not view as a kiss at all. And refering to it as such is wrong.  

The 2nd one is refered to as a "kiss "by XY. And  she rather die than have XL  kiss her. This is XY  action. 

You will see in chapter 13, XY is explicitly  telling herself and us  that  before when she did not see herself as a woman/ girl, it did not matter to her sharing air or " kiss XL  here. But NOW since she is a woman , it is an act she cannot do it under any circumstances.   She rather die that do this.

If she , like you said has see Xl in chapter 7 as a lover already why would she want to pretend not to know him now that she is a woman in chapter 13? Knowing fully well that this is the form XL is interested in?  Why would she rather die that kiss the one who is like you said in her heart? 

Also you are seeing a moment in chapter 7 as romantic when WXY does not . He is more interested in the flower  and the fish  than the sharing air with XL.

 Proof : " swam in the silent eerie bottom of the ocean. Every time Xiao Liu ran out of oxygen, Xiang Liu would pass a breath of air to him.

The bottom of the ocean was more colorful than on land, with fishes of any shape and color and lots of strange creatures. Xiao Liu stared at everything with wonder and Xiang Liu did not rush him along. The Gods loved to use pearls and jellyfish to make lamps so Xiao Liu saw many of those in the palace but it was the first time she saw a living jellyfish. It’s body was clear and it was fluid, like a natural lantern. It would be an insult to it not to make it into a lamp.

A huge sea conch with brilliant hued shell, Xiao Liu tapped it wondering what its meat tasted like and Xiang Liu said “It’s not tasty.”

There was actually grass growing in the ocean, tall and so green it looked black, billowing in the waves without end. Xiang Liu took Xiao Liu walking through the ocean grass plains and he saw a pair of seahorses laying on the plains.

There was all sorts of flowers growing in the ocean as well and it was like a rainbow so bright. He tried to touch one only to have it spring teeth and try to bite back. So the flowers were predators, too, and Xiao Liu glared at Xiang Liu for not warning him. Xiang Liu smirked and then picked up Xiao Liu’s hand and then held it to touch the “flowers” again. This time the flowers were shivering with fear and Xiao Liu laughed before kicking those “flowers” a few times for good measure.

Xiao Liu knew they were being chased by Gao Xing soldiers but never felt in danger. Because Xiang Liu was so calm that it didn’t feel like they were on the run, it felt rather like Xiang Liu was taking him on a stroll through the ocean. They swam for so long underwater but Xiao Liu was really happy and the time didn’t feel long. It wasn’t until they were completely free of the chasing Gao Xing soldiers that Xiang Liu took Xiao Liu up to the surface." 

TH is not detailing the air sharing because it is not important. WXL is not even thinking  of it as romantic  because it means nothing to him  he is interested  the flora and the fishes  in the sea. 

He felt happy about taking a stroll and having admired the sea plants and creature. Not once did WXL though of  the air sharing not once did he even had a body reaction to it. Not once. So how could you say it was romantic?  It looks romantic yes, but that does by no mean  equal to it is romantic for WXL. Or WXL view this as romantic. 

WXL was consciously  sharing air because at that time it did not matter to him. He is a man. XY explain this in chapter 13. He did not see it as a kiss. And if he did, it did not matter to him. 


Your two cents are always worth more! :D

Absolutly agree. As I said this wraped chapter 13 left me...exhausted...too much of vicious mass ongoing stuff :D! For those curious, go and read here: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2959463&page=14 


The vicious mass drained you. Bless you have some well deserved rest.

Happy  Chinese New year to you as well. 


quick answer for now. (have whole day work on sat..)

Symbolika1 and peng peng had already answered though. We could not see her emotions shown as "romantic". 

As about this ,her consciousness in this particular one...

the I reason why I said before that she's unconsciousness is because the word "her eyes were gradually seeing black"

Well if you like...you can take it as "gradually seeing black" is not "unconsiousness"or not completely ....but  to me "seeing black" means not able to consiously aware anymore...nevertheless I do not find the scene romantic as to say "he came into her heart", especially looking at how she's feeling, the words used there. 

Anyway....we will still have a lot to go through ...we will see how the character of XL and others will be revealed in upcoming chapters.

Gradually seeing black means that she is gradually losing her consciousness. 

I totally agree with Wynny  and Symbolika1. 


"] The Blissful Moments Under the Ocean" and "Xiao Liu was really happy"

They swam underwater for over 10 hours and since Xiao Liu could not breathe underwater yet then, whenever Xiao Liu ran out of air XL would "air kiss" Xiao Liu to pass air into her (this time Xiao Liu was totally conscious!), you could imagine how many times they "air kissed".     In the drama this scene was also presented as one of the most romantic scenes of the show."

Blissful moment or being happy does not always = to being in love 

Being one of the most romantic scene does not mean it was romantic for WXL .  I will challenge you to compare this  scene with  the scene  where XY and Jing share their 1rst kiss. ( not chapter 14) . Read XY's body reaction to it.  The words TH used to describe it.  TH does not waste her time describing the environment bit rather focus on describing  XY feeling regarding the kiss and her body reaction to it. That how  a writer focus on a romance she wants to show to the reader .

It does not matter how many time they shared aire. It is even irrelevant. This is why TH even did not focus on it   Yes she left us imagine a "how many "on purpose. And them  by minimising its importance  has an impact because it makes you realise that WXY had no reaction to them whatsoever .  His focus is elsewhere.  And this is helas because   they meant nothing, nothing at all to  WXL. It is none existant, not important.  And  while TH leaves you dreaming , speculating about it for  5 more chapters, in chapter 13,  she makes sure that you get the true picture. She crushes down all that romantic "whatever" .  How? Well she makes XY tell you all about  those air sharing moments  underwater    that you have been romanticism .   XY said straight that they meant nothing at all to her since she was a man. As a woman, she does not want this from XL.You have to listen to and focus on  what WXL/ XY says, how he/ she reacts, his/ her body languages, his/ her thoughts...etc. those are what is important.  Not the decor. 

A romantic environment is just that "an environment which is romantic ". It is totally different to  the character  experiencing or having romantic feeling.  If a romantic scenery = I am in love/ this man entered my heart   them love would be extremly cheap wouldn't it?  But thank God it is not so in real life and in LYF world.


"Could it be possible that XL would somehow got into Xiao Liu's heart (she did not make the 15-year promise with Jing yet at that time).  "

Where did TH hinted on this?  Where did XY hinted on this. Do you find WXL so cheap as to  then go and name a 15 years promise to Jing?    

"   The XL clip that Xiao Liu secretly took with the Gorilla Mirror was one of her most precious things.      Perhaps Xiao Liu was so happy because she felt that now she finally found a free man she likes who can take her away to places she truly felt happy and free (all she had to do was to convince XL to give up his duty with the Shennong army which she might feel that it is much easier than getting Jing to free himself from FFYY)???   " 

Again  where did TH and WXL  hinted at this ? 

  " And now she could perhaps leave Qing Shui and travel the world, now that she is connected to XL and could summon him whenever she wants."

WXL have said many times that she does not want to leave Qing Shui. Why are not dismissing what she said?  

 WXL in the book did none of those things you mentioned.  She  never thought of those things except  the scene she saved in the gorilla .   Does taking a picture of a beautiful moment = I am in love? Even if you cherish this moment?  

Why  focus on things that TH has not written nor hinted in the slightest rather than what she has written or hinted at?  Why dismiss what TH wrote in favour of  things that are  not even  written nor hinted? The story does not warrant these at all.  Nothing is hidden. 


@Symbolika1. @Winny Aye  thank you for the analysis  of chapter 13. Well done  that chapter was  very interesting to read. Looking forward to Chapter 14.

@Peng - Thank you for going through all   (again) in your post 

You've highlighted the importance of understanding the characters' perspectives and motivations in this scene. It's evident that WXLs focus is on the natural beauty of the underwater world and the creatures within it. 

The emphasis on the exploration of the sea flora and fauna, as well as the avoidance of detailing the act of air sharing, underscores the non-romantic nature of the scene. Additionally, your point about Xiang Liu's conscious sharing of air and his lack of romantic thoughts or physical reactions further from WXL supports the interpretation that the scene, while can potentially appearing romantic on the surface, is not viewed as such by the character.

It's important to consider the characters' perspectives and the author's intent in crafting the scene. By analyzing the characters' motivations and reactions, we gain a deeper understanding of the non-romantic nature of the underwater experience, despite potential romantic overtones.

Your insights into the characters' perspectives and the non-romantic nature of the scene provide a valuable lens through which to analyze the dynamics of reader interpretation and authorial intent. This analysis enriches our understanding of how readers may perceive romantic elements in scenes that the author intended to be non-romantic. 

here are some points that highlight the absence of romantic elements:

  1. Focus on Exploration: The passage primarily emphasizes the characters' exploration of the underwater world. There's a focus on the wonders of the ocean, the variety of sea creatures, and the vibrant colors of the marine environment. The emphasis is on the experience of discovery rather than any romantic interactions.

  2. Xiang Liu's Attitude: Xiang Liu's behavior towards Xiao Liu is more like that of a guide or companion. He doesn't rush Xiao Liu along and seems to be patient and accommodating, allowing Xiao Liu to take in the wonders of the underwater world at his own pace.

  3. Interaction with Sea Creatures: The interaction with the sea creatures, such as the sea conch, the jellyfish, the ocean grass, and the predatory flowers, highlights the characters' curiosity and the unique nature of the underwater environment. These interactions are focused on the novelty and sometimes the danger of the sea life, rather than on any romantic sentiment.

  4. Absence of Romantic GesturesThere are no romantic gestures or expressions of affection between the characters in this passage. The focus is on the characters' reactions to the underwater world, their interactions with the environment and the sea creatures, and their evasion of the Gao Xing soldiers.

It's clear that the focus is on the characters' experiences and reactions to the underwater world, and the absence of romantic gestures is evident in the passage. The misinterpretation of air passing as kissing by some readers highlights the potential for varying interpretations of a scene, but the absence of romantic gestures within the passage itself is evident.

Overall, the passage emphasizes the characters' exploration of the underwater world and their interactions with the marine environment, without any explicit romantic elements or gestures between the characters.


@Peng - Thank you for sharing your thoughts and providing such a detailed analysis!

<3  Kisses and hugs ! 


This is WXL being naughty and hot in chapter 8-(excerpt):

" Xiao Liu naughtily licked the center of his palm with his tongue and Shi Qi was like being hit with an electric shock and released him. Xiao Liu was also shocked by what he just did and his mouth was gaping open and his entire face was flaming red."

There are so many interesting XiaoJing physical, loving interaction, this is just an exemple; there are more and earlier in the book. ...But saving those for now, as when we'll have covered novel and drama in our TH thread, I 'll be happy to write them all and share them. Untill than, sharing  just this one :)The provided excerpt from the interaction between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi in chapter 8 presents a distinctly different tone and dynamic compared to the underwater scene from the previous passage. Here's a comparison of the two:

  1. Tone and Sensuality: In the interaction between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi, there is a clear sense of sensuality and intimacy. Xiao Liu's action of naughtily licking the center of Shi Qi's palm and the subsequent reaction of both characters conveys a more intimate and potentially romantic or flirtatious tone.

In contrast, the underwater scene emphasizes exploration and wonder, with no romantic gestures or interactions between the characters.

  1. Physical InteractionThe interaction in chapter 8 involves direct physical contact and a sense of electricity or shock between the characters, indicating a more personal and intimate connection. In contrast, the underwater scene focuses on the characters' experiences and reactions to the underwater world, without any physical or intimate interactions between them.

  2. Emotional ResponseXiao Liu and Shi Qi both exhibit a strong emotional response to the interaction, with Xiao Liu showing shock and embarrassment, and Shi Qi experiencing an electric shock. This emotional response highlights the personal and  romantic nature of their interaction.

In contrast, the underwater scene does not involve any emotional response between the characters beyond their reactions to the underwater environment and their evasion of the Gao Xing soldiers.

Overall, the interaction between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi in chapter 8 presents a more intimate, personal, and romantic dynamic, while the underwater scene emphasizes exploration, wonder, and evasion without any romantic elements.


I didnt imagined this. I read this. 

Have a good week end! *waves off*

Ps/ I know we agreed with you @Peng  and @Winny, to post a comparative, wich you wrote soo effectivly...It's not only a good idea as we said, but it will also allow readers, and drama viewers to size more effectivly the differencies!.  (tones, settings, context etc).

Exactly.  The most passionate moment for XY.  No amount of air kisses compares to this. 

@Symbolika 1

Hopefully you'll have some XIAOJING questions for us

Actually my post was about Xiao Yao-Jing, I was re-reading chapter 18 in my Thai translated book volume 3 page 24... this part was already covered by @winny some time back.     When Jing and Xiao Yao was swimming in the deep pond by the Shennong cottage Jing just bought to be used by him and Xiao Yao when they meet.    During the swim Jing and Xiao Yao seemed to get upset with each other and it was the first time I saw that Jing was not obedient to Xiao Yao when she wanted him to "air kiss" her in the deep pond.     Jing said (to the effect) "just now, I was not in your eyes" ... I could not understand what made them so upset so I went and looked up all that stuff from chapter 7 I posted yesterday that made you all so upset as well (sorry)...

Like you all, I am also a big fan of Jing and Xiao Yao, that was why I was so interested in how they felt about each other.      Nothing would make me happier than reading the sweet love between them, but sometimes some thing did not feel right and I just would like someone knowledgeable to clarify to me, the last thing I want was to upset you all, you all have been so awesome and your analysis so helpful...


Sorry for my last post I think I did not really answer you last time. I am really sorry.  I am very uncomfortable about what Xiang Liu did in Chapter 13. 

I will recall your post.

In case you are still visiting our thread. So I will answer you, probably not answer you because you probably have your preference to see things already. But I will still say what I personally think about that scene. 

Let me share that part from the chaper. 

XL passed oxygen into WXL. But I am focusing more on her feelings towards the guy which was not told here. It was all about surrounding the ocean. She was thrilled by it. As well as she thrilled by "Xiang Liu" . I got this from the scene on their way to Five Gods Mountains. 

It's still vague assumption but it does give me vibes that she was fascinated by Xiang Liu.   it sorts of said that Xiao Yao liked thrill dives in Chapter 13. (But her female self did not accept Xiang Liu ...so i did not call her attachment to XL as romantic. That's how I feel in chapter 13. ). Her happiness in getting into exploring Ocean and their relationship development, still uncertain about her romantic feelings. 

Getting to save XL in gorilla mirror to me is not equal to her being in love. Because so far I don't find Tong Hua writing indicate as XL is the man Xiang Liu want as a man at all. Since all those feminine attraction feel were written for Jing. No matter whether other think XL bites and giving air as kisses, if Xiao Yao does not take it as kisses. Then no. Sorry but I just could not feel XY longing for XL in such a way. 

About Gorilla mirror... umm...its precious to her because it kept her on track to who she was. 

For me personally, all three male leads are vital in Xiao Yao life one way or another. So I do not consider any of their relationships as "cheap" in overall feel. 

Xiang Liu and Wen Xiao Liu relationship started out with him opening up her wounds and dealing with her fear. With her nature she did not hate him but overall fascinated by him instead. But I do feel the connection with Gorilla mirror to Xiang Liu..because the mirror is rare and showing about the past but not future.  Xiang Liu to me sounds more like XY escapism and dealing with her dark side which was caused by her past trauma . i may be repeating this my take so far is her fascinating towards XL in the ocean moment that she took memory of him . The object used is to keep memory from the past....if there is more feelings from Xy towards XL... hope i find more in later chapter. She chose to look at it when she made poison...she made poison because her anger was provoked by Ah Nian. 

As for Cang Xuan, he was her brother, and family.  Out of all 3 relationship ...yep I can still say he's number one bond for Xiao Yao so far even though theres no romance feelings as such from her. But then with the nature of the story love should not be only considered when it is romantic. 

As for Jing, or Shi Qi is the one who provoke a feminine feel from WXL. Their love story started out as "first love" between young couple ...that has to face challenges both external and internal from both sides.

This is a detailed reread for me and I am still at chapter 13. I guess that there are many things I yet will get to explore more. 


Any new pictures from s2? And when a girl tells you, you’re not the type to appear in a woman’s dream should NEVER be a compliment. That’s the most scariest thing any man would never want to hear.

Also xl NEVER had his way with XY nor got into her heart,dunno where that thought is coming from. She has been attracted, very possessive of Jing since day 1. You think she’d waste her time getting jealous of Jing’s maids, skipping the 227 stars as she counted or even looked at her side when panzi was getting married & shi qi had to avoid ah nian? Or her telling him that when she looks at him, she wants to pull him down & keep him for herself? Whiles xl she fears him. XY isn’t stupid to flee with an enemy, she’d be on people’s hit list cos not only people want to kill xl,they also want to off XY knowing who her biological father is? Not even ZX would’ve been able to protect her, plus she’s not stupid. 

Yes I am looking forward to new leak pics...which are not yet up. 

Xiao Yao is jealous of women around Jing. Feminine jealousy. And  I am repeating whatever the reason, the book never give me the vibe that XY was in love with XL. All those matters should prevent her from falling in love with him. Because love is not just something we can choose with head all the time. She is just not for him in such a way.