Here's my answers to survey. 💜
There's some level of seriousness though so answer as honest as you can be. Thanks😻
On a scale of 1-10,
how much does Jing weigh in your heart?
10+++...jing is my ideal man especially in romantic relationship.
are you that head over heals him {like love him without reservations}?
Nope, it's all because how he act in certain time. He has dilemma and problems. However, it is to say good and nice guy exists in this world but never the perfect man.
can you say the same for YaoJing?
YES. But again not perfect. Like how he has loveless engagement already because of his family. And she has another man she's attracted towards. But at the end of the day their love survive.
how in love are you with their story
100% in love. A fierce girl go soft and flirty in front of her man (sometimes silly too) and a refine intelligent man who become all shy and stupid yet cunning enough to know how to handle his lady is what make romantic seed in me bloom.🥰 (I don't like bickering romance).
how do you rate their relationship?
have you ever wavered support for them {Jing/YaoJing}?
Not really but I was prepared to waver when tragedy strike as he was raped by his own family. But that's not happened. I am happy with the way they made up.
What do you think about Deng Wei as Tushan Jing?
Deng Wei perfectly bring Tushan Jing to life. Charming, gentle, considerate, and sly eyes.
What about his perspectives on Jing/Shiqi and YaoJing, how much do you agree that he's the captain of his own ship or the no.1 fan of YaoJing?
He said about this Jing's forgiveness to the world and optimism. And that makes himself (DW) see beauty in every little things. I like how he said it reminding that happiness is actually not so far away. And also about this calmness of Jing because he(DW) has this anger for what happen to Jing but he had to be Jing and had considerate a lot and not showing anger. Hmm as for his being no.1 fan of YaoJing,.. I loves the couple so much but many of us also do?
Deng Wei said in an interview or interviews that XY and Jing healed each other and are soulmates, how much do you agree?
XY and Jing are romantic soulmates for sure. He needs healing from XY more than anyone and she also needs healing from him. One may argue that XL is her soulmate, not to disagree with that but I rather thinkYaoLiu is soul partners. Besides there can be more than one soulmate in lifetime. I am taking this quote as what describe romantic soulmate. We can never deny their physical sensual attraction, and passion as well. See how she went all flirty and him become passionate. We can all see they are very destined since the begining with their goals in life "to be with someone who can cherish".
“Romantic soulmates ignite one another’s passion throughout their time together,” explains Dr. Tobin. “They have the capacity to bring one another to heights of physical and emotional pleasure.” However, we’ve all experienced breakups, even if we were with someone who hit the hot and heavy marks. “Passion can be a brief flame that burns hot and then extinguishes. For those rare romantic soulmates, the flame burns continuously because they’re both committed to keeping the fire lit throughout their time together.”
More about soulmates at..
Oki I will continue in the next comment. ..