
I'll stay on that for now :D :D (bb later to read y all, thx again  @dtsj for the fun <3 )....

:D  => Yes yes we love Fluffy Hairy Fairy     :D omg :D!

I love this fluffy hairy fairy...both of them🦊😍😍


I'll stay on that for now :D :D (bb later to read y all, thx again  @dtsj for the fun <3 )....

:D  => Yes yes we love Fluffy Hairy Fairy     :D omg :D!

Lol didn't notice your replies busy going through comments as fast as I can but already tired, look at the page, our comments 😂😂. Oh, look at their eyes🦊🦊 missing Jing's fox spirit.


I will take my time to answer  when I get the time and post it. (must run irl noooow XD)

Looking forward to yours to, tc😉


Keep sharing some passage my friend I read them :p! Thank you for sharing <3

I will definetly do..share more from once promised. .💜


Lol didn't notice your replies busy going through comments as fast as I can but already tired, look at the page, our comments 😂

Go slow. and relax too...💜

 Winny Aye:

Thank U..🦊💕💜😁

 Winny Aye:

I love this fluffy hairy fairy...both of them🦊😍😍

I know your hands hurt and are tired from thinking and writing all those responses so you deserve that medal😅. 

So agree all same🦊🦊😍 {ok, I'll be quiet for a while} anyway, enjoy your reading😉

Oh thanks I surely will😅🥰


Oh, like that! no bluff, just truth😉 {well, others can come up with their what ifs but in another universe not in lyf}❣️

😂 That just made me laugh so hard.  Or please they can write their own fanfic with all of their "what if" theories 



Oh, like that! no bluff, just truth😉 {well, others can come up with their what ifs but in another universe not in lyf}❣️

😂 That just made me laugh so hard.  Or please they can write their own fanfic with all of their "what if" theories 

😂. that's a good suggestion so they don't go bully others or be very negative abt those they don't want to hear or watch or read.


Thanks for sharing this from reddit🥺

He got so many things going on, so many past scars and current torture that still lingers. I get some people find his romance with Xiao Yao “boring”, but it’s because he’s the most direct of them all. He’s not playing game, not hiding, so you’re not guessing anything with him. It’s okay if you find that boring but Jing himself is not a boring person.

This is why I like his character.  He laid  his cards on the table with XY. The 15 years promise was a smart move. I very dick move.  Why not when you have competition. Lol. And XY  considered this 15 years promise and accepted it willingly. Informed choice was given to her so sje can say yes or no. Whete as XL when he took the bug, he asked XY to make him  promise blindly. Why? To have control? I do not know but I surely disliked it.Here we can  YSQ is someone  who is honest. 

The 4 men made their move towards XY.

3 their move back fire, 1 won , fate had her own plan   for each one of them.


Answer from the survey posted 

Favorite yaojing scenes-- His piggyback her scenes.

got them here and

{Wasn't supposed to post the ones with their lines but all good they add to the emotions in the photos😅💜}


*waves* Bonjour! Oui oui! Et si ceci et si celà...endlessly brainstorming what if, but I understand that they feel unhappy :) _ while we feel relaxed and happy :).

Bonjour  lol. 


Moi aussi. Thanks to them  and the use of words like "hate" I'm over-cured from all poisons and charms :D!!!

Tout a fait d'accord  ( totally agreed) lol The way " hate" has lost its meaning thanks to them .lol. 


I'll stay on that for now :D :D (bb later to read y all, thx again  @dtsj for the fun <3 )....

:D  => Yes yes we love Fluffy Hairy Fairy     :D omg :D!

They look so cute. So cute 


Dropping in?

They look as delicate as a ?! so fairytale-ish too??

Love her in the blue dress.


I'll stay on that for now :D :D (bb later to read y all, thx again  @dtsj for the fun <3 )....

:D  => Yes yes we love Fluffy Hairy Fairy     :D omg :D!

They look soo much alike, those eyes & smile, you’d think he’s a fox in human form in reality ☺️



Answer from the survey posted 

Favorite yaojing scenes-- His piggyback her scenes.

got them here and

{Wasn't supposed to post the ones with their lines but all good they add to the emotions in the photos😅💜}

Hhoooo my heart .