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The theme of identity and the power of personal choice has been a central focus in various philosophical traditions, with thinkers exploring the nature of selfhood, free will, and the implications of our choices. While it's challenging to pinpoint a single philosopher or set of words that encapsulate this theme, several notable figures and their philosophical perspectives contribute to our understanding of identity and choice.

The comparison with philosophers' words are wonderful... something to think.. 

thank you so much for sharing ..♡


Xiao Liu's Emotional Resilience:

  • Xiao Liu's response to Zhuan Xu's tenderness speaks volumes about her emotional resilience. Despite the hardships she endured and Zhuan Xu's past mistreatment, her ability to close her eyes and calmly respond to Zhuan Xu's question about pain suggests a level of forgiveness and acceptance.

    Character Development: Xiao Liu's character undergoes subtle yet significant development. Her past, filled with bloodshed and deception, contrasts with her present vulnerability. The juxtaposition highlights her capacity for growth and adaptation.

Foreshadowing: The mention of the missing red phoenix flower and the absence of Xiao Liu's past sanctuary hints at unresolved mysteries and foreshadows future challenges


 The scene where Zhuan Xu allows Shi Qi's attack to pierce his arm creates a symbolic link between Zhuan Xu and Xiao Liu. This shared blood becomes a metaphor for their intertwined destinies and the emotional wounds that connect them. It symbolizes a link between past actions and a tentative step towards reconciliation.

Xiao Liu understands Zhuan Xu/Cang Xuan and why he was ruthless. Yes its her forgiveness and acceptance, although she never really hated him (not yet). And yep there are unresovled mysteries around. I was a little confused by what you mean about "shared blood". Are you meaning Zhuan Xu allowing Jing to attack him and the bleeding represent emotional wounds from past actions now taking tentative steps towards reconciliation.?

I agree with all facts you said about Jing and Xiao Liu sharing compassionate nature. 

Chapter 9

My Analysis Part 3


The Grand Emperor didn’t summon Xiao Liu often, once every three or four days, and each time he said very little. “What do you like to drink?” “What color do you like?” “What plants?” ‘What…..”

Within Hua Yin Court, his dictates were everywhere, whatever Xiao Liu said she liked it would appear immediately. One time he asked what she liked and she shamelessly said “I like money, it’s even better if I have a mountain of money where I can roll around in.”

The next day when Xiao Liu got up, there was a mountain of money in the courtyard. It wasn’t jewels, it wasn’t jade, it was actually a mound of cold hard coins stacked as high as a mountain.

Seeing this glittering money mountain, Xiao Liu’s face darkened but Zhuan Xu who hadn’t so much as cracked a smile in the last two weeks suddenly burst out laughing. Even the reticent Shi Qi couldn’t help but laugh as well as he said very earnestly to Xiao Liu “Even I’ve never seen this much money before.”

Hearing Zhuan Xu’s laughter, Xiao Liu tossed her crutches aside and flopped on the money mountain and rolled around a few times.

Shi Qi asked “Happy?”

“No, it really hurts.” Xiao Liu laid on top of the money mountain and stubbornly persisted “But at least now I know what it feels like to roll around on a money mountain.”

Zhuan Xu and Shi Qi both laughed.

The servants from then on would always need to walk around the money mountain, and when Shi Qi and Xiao Liu were relaxing in the yard from any angle they could see the money mountain glittering shiny bright.

On a particular moon lit night, Xiao Liu was in the mood and wanted to see the moon, but when she opened the window all she saw was the shiny money mountain. In front of the money mountain, no beauty or beautiful sight could compare. Xiao Liu finally couldn’t take it anymore and said to a servant “Take it away.”

The servant explained “This is His majesty’s order, if young master wants it removed, you need to ask His majesty.”

The next time the Grand Emperor summoned Xiao Liu, it was the first time she spoke first to him “I don’t like the money mountain anymore.”

The Grand Emperor had no expression and slightly nodded his head. Only the very familiar Zhuan Xu could see the twinkle of mirth in the Grand Emperor’s eyes.

After that, Xiao Liu no longer dared to bullshit when the Grand Emperor asked what she liked. She answered honestly, because having something she didn’t like in front of her every day was such a pain

Mount of Money Vs The Moon Light

Grand Emperor was still pampering Wen Xiao Liu and she was still randomly answering his questions of what she wanted. Without thinking much she answered what normally a person would want. Money of course. The way she roll on the money mountain was a fun scene. But yet the mountain made her unable to see the beauty of the moonlight she loved. She realized Grand Emperor was serious with her, so she no longer dare to bullshit with him.

In this particular scene, we could see Grand Emperor was still trying best to make Wen Xiao Liu feel comfortable. It also explained Wen Xiao Liu's love for the beauty of nature/moon more than a lot of money. In other words she is not materialistic but love  the beauty of the world that include moonlight.

Continue Abstract 

Xiao Liu’s legs got better and didn’t need the two crutches anymore. She used one crutch and could walk slowly by herself. She couldn’t sit still so she got bored of just wandering Hua Yin Court. She liked walking at sunset until she was covered in sweat and then she would stop.

Shi Qi would slowly follow behind her.

Xiao Liu nattered “Men love a beauty who doesn’t sweat, but that’s a bad idea to marry one. Life has so many annoyances that upset people and to keep it all inside is bad. To walk around in the sun and sweat it all out, that way a woman can feel relieved and not be so petty. Look at me, lately I’ve been so upset but after walking like this I feel much better.”
Shi Qi looked at Xiao Liu with a smile but said nothing.

"It's best not to marry the woman who do not sweat"
(Different usage of translation from thai ver, but I will still be using Koala ver, because its still the same)

We could see Wen Xiao Liu was feeling more and more comfortable at Grand Emperor's palace. In this certain passage on what she said to Jing/Shi Qi was that avoid marrying woman who are all beautiful  but not like to enjoy outside life but all kept themselves inside to be beautiful and not to get tired with sweat, such woman could be petty. Therefore marry someone like her who enjoy life? I could be wrong. So how do you interpret this passage?

In my personal opinion, Xiao Liu is accepting herself as a woman more and more. Moreover, I have a feeling as if she was indirectly flirting with Jing.

@Winny Aye 

I did not interpret it as her flirting with Jing. For me she was sharing indirectly her worry and how her life is changing and the expectations, how to behave properly that comes with it and she is not suited  for that. 

 Winny Aye:
The comparison with philosophers' words are wonderful... something to think.. 

thank you so much for sharin

 Winny Aye:
Jing and Xiao Liu sharing compassionate nature. 

Thank you too Winny, and thanks mostly to the writer for exploring the thematic ! :)

 Winny Aye:
My Analysis Part 3

Reading, analysing, will respond the soonest possible...<3


@Winny Aye 

I did not interpret it as her flirting with Jing. For me she was sharing indirectly her worry and how her life is changing and the expectations, how to behave properly that comes with it and she is not suited  for that. 

Yes we have different opinion on that...I think its fine.. Im still taking it as sort of subconscious flirt. She was saying about beautiful women...yet she tell Jing to choose someone like her (it might not be her intention. to me she sounds like she feels shes a woman now...I mean why would say of marrying at all to him.)..jing smiled at what she said ...but yep I think u are right too..i will look forward to your take on chapter 9.


Thank you too Winny, and thanks mostly to the writer for exploring the thematic ! :)

Reading, analysing, will respond the soonest possible...<3

Thank u ...i will be looking forward to your thoughts....

 Winny Aye:
.i will be looking forward to your thoughts....

Yeah yeah <3 Happy day to you, copied your part 3, to study it quietly <3

 Winny Aye:
Chapter 9

My Analysis Part 3
                                                          Mount of Money Vs The Moon Light   

Analysis of the Novel Extracts: Chapter 9 (Continued) Mount of Money Vs The Moon Light: 

The juxtaposition of the money mountain and the moonlight serves as a metaphor for Wen Xiao Liu's evolving understanding of her desires and the Grand Emperor's attempts at pampering her. The initial request for a mountain of money, fulfilled by the Grand Emperor, reflects a superficial desire that, when realized, brings little joy. The humorous scene of Xiao Liu rolling on the money mountain contrasts with the later realization that it obstructs the beauty of the moonlight she loves. The symbolic significance lies in the conflict between materialism and the appreciation of nature's beauty. Xiao Liu's preference for the moonlight over the mountain of money suggests a deeper connection to the  natural aspects of life. This shift in her preferences indicates a subtle transformation in her values and desires. The Grand Emperor's continued pampering, even when Xiao Liu changes her preference, reveals his attentiveness and adaptability. His silent acknowledgment, seen through a twinkle of mirth, indicates a deeper understanding of Xiao Liu's evolving feelings. This dynamic reflects a nuanced relationship, where gestures and responses speak volumes without explicit verbal communication. In essence, this part of the narrative explores the theme of genuine understanding and the importance of aligning one's desires with authentic sources of happiness, moving beyond superficial aspirations.

Embracing Nature and Life's Annoyances:
 Xiao Liu's newfound ability to walk, albeit with one crutch, symbolizes her increasing physical and emotional independence. The act of walking at sunset, embracing the warmth and sweating, becomes a metaphor for confronting life's challenges and shedding internal burdens. Her commentary on men preferring women who don't sweat juxtaposed with the idea that marrying such women might not be ideal provides insights into Xiao Liu's philosophy. She advocates for the therapeutic nature of facing life openly, allowing oneself to experience both joy and annoyance. This philosophy aligns with her character's resilience and adaptability, emphasizing the importance of embracing life in its entirety. Shi Qi's silent observation and smile indicate a shared understanding or, perhaps, an appreciation for Xiao Liu's perspective. This silent companionship contributes to the evolving dynamics between the characters, suggesting a growing connection beyond spoken words. 

Emotional Release Through Humor:

  • Xiao Liu's decision to play along with the situation, rolling on the money mountain despite the pain, showcases her ability to find humor in adversity. This coping mechanism aligns with her character's resilience and adaptability.
  • The interaction between Zhuan Xu, Xiao Liu, and Shi Qi, all sharing in the amusement, adds a touch of camaraderie. It highlights the potential for humor to act as a bonding element, transcending the weight of past grievances.
Interpretation and Character Evolution:
 Wen Xiao Liu's changing preferences and perspectives illustrate her character's depth and capacity for growth. Initially drawn to materialistic desires, her shift towards appreciating the beauty of nature signifies a maturation in her outlook. The Grand Emperor's responses reflect a nuanced understanding of Xiao Liu's evolving needs. His commitment to making her feel comfortable, even when it involves changing his gestures based on her changing preferences, demonstrates a level of care that goes beyond mere indulgence. In conclusion, these extracts delve into the complexities of desire, the symbolism of nature, and the evolving dynamics between characters.

***(draft for now :)

"Xiao Liu nattered “Men love a beauty who doesn’t sweat, but that’s a bad idea to marry one. Life has so many annoyances that upset people and to keep it all inside is bad. To walk around in the sun and sweat it all out, that way a woman can feel relieved and not be so petty. Look at me, lately I’ve been so upset but after walking like this I feel much better.” Shi Qi looked at Xiao Liu with a smile but said nothing."

My thoughts:

Xiao Liu's remarks about marriage and the type of woman to avoid might be her way of indirectly expressing her own views on relationships and perhaps signaling to Shi Qi about her own preferences. Considering Shi Qi's situation with the Tushan Clan's arranged marriage, it adds an additional layer of context to Xiao Liu's words.

Here are a few possible interpretations:

  1. Sympathy and Understanding: Xiao Liu might be indirectly expressing sympathy or understanding towards Shi Qi's predicament with the arranged marriage. By sharing her thoughts on the importance of a woman's personality and lifestyle, she could be subtly empathizing with his desire for a genuine connection rather than a superficial alliance.

  2. Encouragement to Pursue Genuine Connections: Knowing Shi Qi's discomfort with the arranged marriage, Xiao Liu's words could be encouraging him to seek a relationship based on shared values, emotions, and genuine connection rather than societal expectations.

  3. Testing Shi Qi's Reaction: Xiao Liu might be testing how Shi Qi reacts to her thoughts on marriage. If he responds positively or engages in a conversation about personal preferences, it could indicate that he values genuine connections in relationships.

  4. Shared Philosophy: Xiao Liu's words might reflect her own philosophy on relationships, which could align with Shi Qi's feelings. This shared perspective could serve as a subtle way of expressing compatibility and understanding between them.

Shi Qi's reaction of looking at Xiao Liu with a smile but not saying anything could be interpreted in a few ways within the context of the conversation about marriage and relationships:

  1. Agreement or Shared Sentiment: Shi Qi's smile might indicate agreement or a shared sentiment with Xiao Liu's thoughts. By not saying anything, he could be expressing that words are not necessary to convey understanding, and his smile might suggest that he resonates with her perspective.

  2. Respectful Silence: Alternatively, Shi Qi's silence could signify a respectful acknowledgment of Xiao Liu's feelings. He might be giving her space to share her thoughts without interjecting his own opinions, especially if he considers the topic personal or sensitive.

  3. Unspoken Understanding: The smile could imply an unspoken understanding between Shi Qi and Xiao Liu. It might suggest that they share a connection or bond that goes beyond words, and he appreciates her openness about such matters.

In summary, Xiao Liu's comments could be a nuanced way of addressing Shi Qi's situation and signaling her own stance on relationships. It adds depth to their interaction and potentially opens the door for a more personal conversation about their own views on love and marriage.

Paving the way for more intimate conversations about their own perspectives on love and relationships.


Emotional Release Through Humor:

  • Xiao Liu's decision to play along with the situation, rolling on the money mountain despite the pain, showcases her ability to find humor in adversity. This coping mechanism aligns with her character's resilience and adaptability.
  • The interaction between Zhuan Xu, Xiao Liu, and Shi Qi, all sharing in the amusement, adds a touch of camaraderie. It highlights the potential for humor to act as a bonding element, transcending the weight of past grievances.

This is a fun humor lol. And the nature of female lead character is clearly shown. 


My thoughts:

Xiao Liu's remarks about marriage and the type of woman to avoid might be her way of indirectly expressing her own views on relationships and perhaps signaling to Shi Qi about her own preferences. Considering Shi Qi's situation with the Tushan Clan's arranged marriage, it adds an additional layer of context to Xiao Liu's words.

Yes ...i think her speech talk about marriage. And she was talking to Jing/Shi Qi. Yes she expressing her own  view on it. But it could also be her anxiety of becoming more proper lady which she might not keen on ..just like Peng Peng said.

Chapter 9

I will this time only focus on my fav moment in this moment and discuss it 

This take place after we all learn  that Xiao Liu is Xiao n You the daughter of the Grand Emperor  and the "little sister"/cousin of Zhuan Xu. She is now alone with Shin Qin and Zhuan Xu. 

"Shi Qi was silent and Xiao Liu would sneak peeks at him.

Xiao Liu knew Shi Qi guessed her real identity, but seeing with his own eyes is still very different. She knew Shi Qi didn’t want her to be the Grand Emperor’s daughter, the granddaughter of the Yellow Emperor. Just like she didn’t want him to be the son of the Tu Shan clan. But the only thing a person cannot choose is birth.
Xiao Liu said “Whatever you want to ask or say, go right ahead.”
Shi Qi said “Actually, I don’t care who you are. You are just you. Except things have become more and more complicated.”
Xiao Liu raised an eyebrow “What? You scared now?”
Shi Qi smiled “I’ve always been scared. To desire comes worry, to love comes fear. It would be strange not to be scared.”
The Shi Qi under the lamp was so warm, so calm, so peaceful, even Xiao Liu felt her heart warm. She laughed “I don’t understand.
Shi Qi played with his wine and smiled “What shall I call you from now on? When do I see your real face?”
“My father is the Grand Emperor. My mother is the daughter of the Yellow Emperor, she is the Xuan Yuan Princess. My full name is Gao Xing Jiu Yao. Because my forehead has the birthmark of a peach blossom, my parents gave me the nickname Xiao Yao, from the poem about how the peach blossom is blooming. But for now, you can still call me Xiao Liu.”
Xiao Liu only answered his first question and for the longest time never answered the second............

Xiao Liu’s voice started “During the final battle between the Xuan Yuan Yellow Emperor and Sheng Nong’s General Qi Yo, my mother died during battle. Before she went to battle, she left me with the Royal Mother in Jade Mountain. I wanted to go home, but year after year I waited and Dad never came to get me...................................

Shi Qi thought and realized that Xiao Yao’s childhood face was probably already a false one. If she had a false face from the moment she was born, that meant the Grand Emperor and the Xuan Yuan Princess must have used an incredibly powerful magic or the assistance of a magical object to transform the face of an newborn infant who had no powers yet. And do so in a way not to be seen through by others. But why? This inexplicable action must be hiding a huge secret, but one done so they could protect Xiao Yao. Shi Qi slowly said “I don’t know either. You should go ask the Grand Emperor, perhaps he will know why.”............................................................

Xiao Liu knew Zhuan Xu was furious right now so pointed to Shi Qi to pick it up. She said to him “That night in the inn when you asked me to show you my true form, I declined not because I was planning to abandon you and disappear forever. It’s because I couldn’t show you my true form. That fox dummy mocked me correctly, if I don’t know what I really look like, how can she transform into me.

What I like in this chapter is  that we see how much Xiao Yao and Ye Shi Qi kind of parallel each one and she- Xiao Yao - is aware of it.   She understood  why he was quiet since the big revelation and that just like her not wanting him to be the son of the Tu Shan Clan, he did not want her to be the daughter of the Grand Emperor,  the grand daughters of the Yellow emperor.  She is right that we do not choose our birth.  his reply to her shows that  even though he knows that their situation is now getting more complicated, and  that scares him, he is not giving up. I honestly do not get why Xiao Yao does not understand  what he said in "To desire comes worry, to love comes fear". Maybe she does not because her believes her heart closed to love, she is not looking for love but for a partnerlol this will change before she knows it.

As their conversation progresses we see her Xiao Yao revealing her story to Ye Shi Qi/ Tu Shan  Jing  [ I call him  Jing because he introduced as such to then Grand Emperor :

" Shi Qi bowed to the Grand Emperor who asked “Tu Shan Jing?”
Shi Qi respectfully answer “It is I.”  

Again this show that  Ye Shi Qi and Jing are one and the same.  No offence but anybody believing otherwise really need to read the novel again for at this stage it would be  serious lack of comprehension ]

She told him about her parents, her full name and the reason for her name.  This is something extremely private and she only shared it with  him 1rst.  She did not need to share something so private WITH HIM BUT SHE DID . This shows how much she cares and respect him and want hims to know this important fact about her.  

Zhuan Xu  asked  her to tell him and Jing  about what happened to her. Again Xiao Yao share with them - she could have refused and asked Jing to leave but she did not  -all  that she went through in the past. She told them more than she ever told Xiang Liu.  So when people say that Xiao Yao  shared her story with only Xiang  Liu, they are lying because  that is not true as we can see in this chapter. She shared   her parents divorce, the feeling she had for her mother and father when she felt that they did not want her, she spoke about her near rape, her 1rst  kills,  during her tale, she looked for Shi Qi comfort and morale and emotional support  :

"Zhuan Xu knew now why Master couldn’t find Xiao Yao, she had been hidden away by a human in his residence.
Xiao Liu was cold but didn’t want to move and only curled up to keep telling her past. Shi Qi got up and opened a blanket, lightly covering her with it. He wanted to sit back down but Xiao Liu grabbed his sleeve and Shi Qi sat down next to her."

She told them about her face changing abilities, how she used it  many times,   and when she could nomore remember her own feature.  She told them  of the 9 tails fox in detail and  what he taught her  and the mirror he gave her.

"He said he was the Nine-tailed fox, a hundred years ago my mother’s………friend cut one of his tails off. He was greatly injured and his powers were severely diminished. Because of my special body, he wanted to raise me for tens of years to become the best medicine.”.........................................When he wasn’t having a crazy fit, he explained the various transformation powers to me and gave me a priceless treasure. It was the mirror made from the soul of a mystic gorilla beast that could record the past. He told me to use the mirror to record my face so that if it changed the next day I could use the mirror to change back. Gradually I learned to hold my face and when he took me out occasionally he would teach me how to differentiate between the plants and told me all the various demons and beasts he had killed. He told me all the weaknesses of the various types. In the end when I killed him, when I cut off each of his remaining 8 tails, then he and I ended our vengeance at that time. I’ve long stopped hating him so just keep this tail!”

It seems to me that the fox knowing  her body was different due to her true parentage( demon and god),  was able to turn her blood into a medicine hence why her blood can heal Xiang Liu and was going to heal the 9 tail fox and make him regain his lost power if she had not killed him.  She shared that  he taught her a lot.  We see that Xiao Yao is able to forgive the 9 tails fox of his time towards her.  How ironic is it that she is now  longing for a 9 tails fox-as long time partner.

 I was extremely please to see Jing sharp mind he realised that Xiao Yao may never had had her true face  when  she was a child and that her parent must have done this to her when she was born hence the face Zhuan Xu knew of his childhood Xiaonyaomwas not even her true face.  I like that he is caring enough ntom not tell her this so not to worry her. he is considerate enough to tell her to  discuss it with her after.  

And finally the best moment for me is when she tells S Jing that the reason she did not dish him her face when he asked her was not because she did not want to but because she could not.  This is totally different to the reason she  got angry when Xiang Liu brushed the subject of her face.    Xiao Yao is telling him and us the reader that,  had  she been able to,  she would have shown Shi Qi / Jing her true face.   For  Ye Shi Qi/ Tu Shan Jing, Xiao Liu was willing, is sharing all of her story in details.

This is my 2 cents  regarding  chapter 9 

Chapter 9

Part 4


Suddenly there was a sound of a bird calling from above and a large swallow zoomed down from above and landed right next to Xiao Liu. Its body was inching forward and its head was bowed as if it was bowing to Xiao Liu and inviting Xiao Liu to pet its head.

Xiao Liu stepped back and dropped her crutch, her body stumbling.

Shi Qi wanted to go assist her but the Grand Emperor and Zhuan Xu arrived and the Grand Emperor raised his hand and a giant force blocked Shi Qi’s path. Shi Qi could see the swallow didn’t want to hurt Xiao Liu so he didn’t resist and quietly watched.

The swallow saw that Xiao Liu was ignoring it so it cocked its head quizzically and walked towards Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu backed away faster and faster and it walked forward faster and faster. Xiao Liu fell on the ground and the swallow thought Xiao Liu wanted to play with it so it happily called out and started rolling on the ground a few times. It then stretched its neck out and curled up next to Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu stared at it and the swallow was heartbroken and cried out pitifully. It put its head under Xiao Liu’s hand and whined, clearly it wasn’t going to stop complaining until Xiao Liu paid it attention. Xiao Liu finally reached out her hand and stroked its head.

The swallow flapped its wings and cried out happily in song, its joy evident to everyone watching.

Xiao Liu held the swallow’s body and slowly got up “You thing, how’d you get so fat?” She then raised her head and saw the Grand Emperor and Zhuan Xu staring at her.

Xiao Liu laughed and pointed at the swallow “This fat bird seems to like me a lot, likely it’s a female.”

The Grand Emperor said “I selected this swallow as the winged ride for my eldest daughter Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao slept with it every night when it was still an egg. When it hatched, the first thing it saw was Xiao Yao. She named it Yuan Yuan and every day she would ask when she could ride Yuan Yuan in the skies. I always answered “When both of you are all grown up”. Now Yuan Yuan is all grown up, but Xiao Yao still has not returned.”

Xiao Liu bowed apologetically “I didn’t know it was the Princess’s winged ride, if I insulted it then will Your majesty please forgive.”

The Grand Emperor stared at Xiao Liu and then left with Zhuan Xu without saying a word.

Xiao Liu saw them leave and then walked to rest on a rock with Shi Qi’s assistance. The swallow came over and Xiao Liu patted it “Don’t bother me, you go play by yourself.” The swallow Yuan Yuan crouched pitifully near Xiao Liu for a bit and then flew off.

Xiao Liu rested for a bit and then said to Shi Qi with a smile “Let’s go back.”

(Remark: the bird written in Thai ver is not exact a swallow but it is a bird from Chinese myth, written as Xiwian(เสวียน). It has four wings and has wild rough behavior. It looks like swallow at first but can transform into phoenix with a chicken crest on its head, its legs are like crane's and has a tail like peafowl.)


Xiao Liu was soon able to walk without crutches and she walked all over the court but never to the yard anymore. One day, a very hot and muggy Summer day, Shi Qi followed Xiao Liu to Qi Qing Garden and was resting under a tree when Xiao Liu said “This would be a perfect time for an iced melon.”

Shi Qi stood up “I saw some maids icing melons, I’ll go bring some.”

Xiao Liu laughed “I was just mentioning it, let’s wait until we go back.”

“I’ll be back quickly.” Shi Qi took off quickly and Xiao Liu sat down to wait for the iced melon.

Xiao Liu remembered when she was small, she loved playing in the water and often when it was hot out she stayed in the water and refused to come out. Her mom would lure her out with a big plate of iced melon, eating it on land and indicating that she would finish it all if her daughter didn’t come out. She would quickly climb out and run to her mom’s side and open her mouth wide waiting for her mom to feed her a bite.
.......(I am skipping the whole scene of Ah Nian's torture)
Ah Nian saw her mom and immediately forced a smile and asked “Mom, why are you here?”

Xiao Liu kept her head lowered to let the servants hit her, but when she heard what Ah Nian said, her body shook and she wanted to look up but didn’t dare. This woman might not be the Empress, but she was the only woman now in the Grand Emperor’s life. Almost no one in the entire world had ever seen her before, rumors were that the Grand Emperor kept her hidden because she was so beautiful.

Consort Jing An said nothing but Ah Nian called out “Stop!”

Xiao Liu slowly raised her head and in the split second when she saw Consort Jing An’s face, her entire body spasmed with pain and her heart was shattered. She cried out through the muffled shoe in her mouth “Mom, mom……” Her cries was unintelligible but she desperately tried to crawl over and violently struggled to escape the hands of the servants holding her. She desperately reached for the woman wearing blue standing there.

Xiao Liu’s hands were bloody and bruised and the woman was startled and took a step back. Ah Nian quickly held her mother and screamed “Hold on to that lowlife!”

The servants were afraid that Xiao Liu would hurt the Consort and violently pushed her down on the ground but Xiao Liu appeared to be possessed and her strength was shockingly great as she struggled with all her might to grab the Consort.

“Mom, mom…….” Xiao Liu’s mouth was stuffed up and she couldn’t make a sound.

The Consort looked at her like she was a crazed dog and Xiao Liu could only cry and cry and reach her hand towards her. She just wanted to hold her mom, to not let her leave again “Mom, mom….don’t abandon me….”

She wanted to ask why her mom abandoned her so many years ago. You promised to come pick me up, but you left and never returned. Did I do something wrong? No matter what I did wrong, if you tell me then I’ll change! As long as you don’t leave me! Am I really a cursed spawn who should have never been born? Mom, you tell me, why don’t you want me?

When the Grand Emperor and Zhuan Xu rushed over, all they saw was a bloody Xiao Liu being pressed to the ground by servants as she struggled with all her might staring at Consort Jing An, her face streaked with tears, her hands outstretched, begging her not to leave “Mom, mom…..”

The Grand Emperor’s entire body shook and he appeared to be unsteady on his feet.

Zhuan Xu felt his entire head burst open in that very second and he rushed forward like a crazed person. He pushed everyone aside and grabbed Xiao Liu as he cried “Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao, she’s not! She’s not Auntie!”

Zhuan Xu pulled the shoe out of his mouth and crumbled it into ashes. Xiao Liu’s entire body was shaking like a dried leaf “Mom, she’s mom. Gege, I want to ask her why she didn’t want me anymore. Was it because I was being bad? I will be good, I promise I will be good, I will be good…..”

Zhuan Xu’s entire face was buried in Xiao Liu’s shoulder as his tears came down “She’s not Auntie, Auntie already died on the battlefield. She is Consort Jing An, she just looks a lot like Auntie.”

Xiao Liu’s entire body shook and she howled through her tears like a wounded wolf “She said she would come pick me up, she said she would come pick me up. I waited for her for over 70 years! She never came, she didn’t want me anymore! I don’t blame her but I just want to know why…..:

Zhuan Xu tightly embraced her, just like when they were small, when his father died, his mother committed suicide, in those endless dark nights he held her tightly.

Xiao Liu’s cries gradually subsided but her body continued to shake and spasm. She could feel Gege’s tears silently soaking the collar of her robe. He was still like when they were kids, no matter how hurt, he would never let anyone see him cry. Only her. Xiao Liu’s hands slowly reached out and encircled his back and she tightly hugged him back.

The two of them said nothing, just tightly holding each other. They were each other’s comfort, each other’s strength.

My Thought

Xiao Liu's memories and past are coming back. 

In chapter 9, it is too obvious that Xiao Liu memories of her being princess and her mother. Especially in I felt she completely felt she was a woman. First she encountered her bird (wing ride purpose) whom she had to be parted with since it's still in its egg. But the bird still recognized her.
Then she remembered how she once played with her mother in this garden.
And then after the torture and meeting Consort Jing An, who exactly look like her mother but not her mother. We can see how much this affected her and how much she missed and longed for her mother. Because she totally lost to act as Wen Xiao Liu. At the moment she was the princess Xiao Yao, her original and former self.
And Zhuan Xu came to embrace her. This is how he reunited with Xiao Yao. We can definetly see their bond was indeed very strong. According to the context, when they were young they supported each other when left alone together by parents and elders. As Xiao Yao (Xiao Liu) hugged him back meaning she's accepting to be his sister again, his accepting his support (and to back in his life to continue support him.)

Chapter 9

Part 5


Xiao Liu rushed into the Grand Emperor’s arms as her tears spilled forth.

The Grand Emperor held his daughter, after three hundred years, after her laughter turned into tears, his daughter was finally home. Xiao Liu said “They say you….you don’t want me anymore. Why didn’t you come to Jade Mountain to pick me up?”

The Grand Emperor patted her on the back “Back then I didn’t pick you up because your five uncles revolted and there was battles to the West and assassinations in the Palace. I was worried I couldn’t handle it alone and you would be injured. So I wanted the Royal Mother to take care of you in Jade Mountain. Wait until I finished ending the revolt then I would pick you up. Who knew you would sneak off the mountain. If I knew this would happen, I would have kept you by my side no matter the danger.”

Xiao Liu asked “Are you really my father?”

The Grand Emperor raised her face and looked directly into her eyes and said with absolute certainty “I am your father! Even if you don’t call me dad, I am always your father!”

Xiao Liu suddenly felt like a dam burst and she was laughing and crying “Daddy…..daddy.”

The Grand Emperor smiled and helped Xiao Liu up and handed her a white handkerchief. She wiped her face but her eyes felt so heavy like she wanted to keep crying, like the tears she had been holding back for hundreds of years needed to come out.

Zhuan Xu was all smiles as he walked over with Shi Qi following behind.

Xiao Liu looked at Shi Qi and felt so guilty “I….I…” wanting to explain but not sure how to say anything.

The Grand Emperor shook his head “He’s a member of the Tu Shan clan of foxes. He’s way smarter than you. Even if initially he didn’t know, he likely long since figured it out.”

Xiao Liu smiled wanly. He’s right, neither the Grand Emperor nor Zhuan Xu were easy going people. For them to endure and be patient for so long, there were very few people in the world that would merit such treatment.

Shi Qi bowed to the Grand Emperor who asked “Tu Shan Jing?”

Shi Qi respectfully answer “It is I.”

The Grand Emperor said very leisurely “I remember you are engaged to the youngest daughter of the Fang Feng family. Or am I mistaken?”

Jing started to sweat and he answered very stiffly “No.”

“No, you aren’t engaged? Or no, I am not mistaken?”

“Yes, Your majesty is not mistaken.”

Xiao Liu couldn’t watch this anymore and said “Dad!”

The Grand Emperor looked at Shi Qi for a long time.

My Thought

Xiao Yao Reunion with Grand Emperor and Tushan Jing
 Xiao Yao was reunited with her dad after her long anxiety. It seems like she was afraid he would not accepted her because he did not came to pick her up at Jade Mountain back then. But both are very happy; father and daughter.
Xiao Yao was guilty that she did not tell her true identity to her Shi Qi before when Shi Qi told her everything about his background. To my personal opinion, she did not tell him because she herself was not sure how things will turn out to be. Besides, I have a feeling she has sort of feeling haunted by her past loss and things that had happened, and still wanted to run away from it. But now everything was well settled.

And then in the next scene when Shi Qi or Jing showed up in front of Grand Emperor. Grand Emperor knew who he is and straight talk of his fiance, Fang Feng Yi Yang. It must be very difficult feeling for Jing. I think Grand Emperor knew what is going on between Jing and his daughter. That's why he brought up this engagement topic to Jing, sort of reminding him. Because Grand Emperor is his Wen Xiao Liu's father, Jing was very nervous and sliped out "No" and had to admit he was. He can't deny his truth. Engagement is something he had to handle.
We all know he wants her, and so was Grand Emperor I guess. 

And then Xiao Liu/Xiao Yao did not want her father to make Jing uncomfortable. Besides she had already agreed to wait for him.