Loooooll I corrected. Typing mistake lol

@Winny Aye. 

No she is not controlling but in control. The power, the final decision is in her hand. Like I said nothing is forced or imposed on her here.  

Nothing negative.  It set the tone of their future  relationship that we will see developed in the story

Not sure if I explain myself well. 

chapter 1 continue 

Lao Mu was rolling dough and said “I heard about that man’s injuries from Ma Zi.”

Xiao Liu drank his soup “Uhm hmmm.”

“Ma Zi, Chuan Zi – neither can see it, but you must be able to tell. He is from one of the God tribes , and he is definitely not one of the lowlier types of Gods like us.

Xiao Liu drank his soup and didn’t respond.

“Killing someone is just cutting off a head. These kind of injuries has a big reason behind it. Saving someone who shouldn’t be saved is like bringing death to the door.”

Xiao Liu chewed and said “Clean up that duck and put a bit of salt on it and nothing else, then roast it over a small fire.”

Lao Mu glanced over and saw that Xiao Liu didn’t care so he sighed and said “Understood.”

with Jing's conditions and torture , Lao Mu was warning Xiao Liu about the danger it might bring ..saving Jing against some highly god wish. But Xiao Liu was already determine. Of course, her helping Jing is because of her sympathy because she was once tortured too. Beside her job is healer to infertility, the job to give life, therefore she already had this nuturing heart.

 Some more XiaoJing scenes that gives me goosbump...

Xiao Liu wanted him to relax and joked “You are a man, how can you be afraid of a guy taking your pants off?” After the pants came off, Xiao Liu fell silent.

Im actually ...being beet red here...XD

But she can light up the mood...

After another half hour, the man’s entire body was covered in ointment and wrapped in gauze.

Wen Xiao Liu covered him with a clean blanket and softly said “I will need to check on your wounds often these next few days so I won’t give you any clothes. Don’t worry, we don’t have any females in this household. Even if you flash someone, no one will make you marry her.”

I find it light mood...joke..but Im giggling for some reason.

The cold ointment alleviated some of the pain and the man’s pursed lips softened slightly. Xiao Liu saw the blood staining his lips and applied some ointment there as well. The man quickly tried to shut his mouth and took Xiao Liu’s finger into his lips. It was the only time tonight Xiao Liu felt anything soft from his body.

There was not anything just like peng-peng said....but i still feel something ..her finger touching his lip.

and ohh i liked her washing his hair...

Xiao Liu scoffed “With your clumsy hands, I’m afraid you’ll undo my hours of hard work tending his wounds. You can just change the water.” Xiao Liu’s hand movements were gentle even more than usual, getting some suds from the soap and little by little washing the man’s hair. After thoroughly shampooing it, he ladled warm water over the hair to rinse away the blood and dirt. He used a scissors to snip away the ruined patches.


Xiao Liu didn’t want to use any pressure so he used up many clothes gently drying his hair. He worried the hair brush would hurt him so he used his fingers like a thick soft hair brush to detangle the strands

I love how she was extra gentle with him.  I find it sweet.

and of course ...we have lengendary bathing scene... 

The man closed his eyes and said nothing. During this entire time he was like that. Every time Xiao Liu touched his body, he shut his eyes and pursed his lips. Xiao Liu understood. After enduring so much torture, his body despised any type of touch and each time he had to endure it.

Xiao Liu put the cloth next to him and said “You wash yourself. Your hair isn’t fully grown back yet so don’t scrub so hard.”

Xiao Liu sat to the side and munched on a snack and kept him company.

Perhaps because each scar on his body was a type of shame, the man always kept his head raised and eyes closed as to not look at his own body. He took the cloth and started washing himself. From the neck down to the chest down to the stomach and finally lower towards his legs.

Xiao Liu’s eyes followed his hand when suddenly he turned to the side and munched loudly on the duck neck, making crunch crunch sounds.

The man’s eyes opened and he looked towards Xiao Liu. The sunlight shone through the window and bathed Xiao Liu in light. His cheeks were red and it was illuminated by the sunlight like a piece of beautiful jade with red spots on it.

and all in all ...ye shi qi give himself completely to Xiao Liu. a woman in man's body. 

Because he would not be cured if its not for Xiao Yao..and he would not let anyone heal him apart from her.

Ma Zi secretly gave Shi Qi some of his secreted away savings “Our little Hui Chun Clinic…..heh heh…..you can tell Brother Liu’s medical skills isn’t all that…..heh heh…….have you heard of the Flame Emperor’s Sheng Nong Clan? If you go to the other end of town, there is the Bao Cao clinic run by a doctor who is a many generation descendant of the Sheng Nong clan. His skills are very impressive and perhaps can heal your leg.” Shi Qi silently handed the money back to Ma Zi.

Ma Zi got impatient “Don’t! You can repay me slowly but your leg is a big deal. You can pay me interest if you want then.”

Shi Qi kept his head lowered and said “This. Is good.”

“What’s good about it? Do you want to be a cripple for the rest of your life?”

“He. Doesn’t care.”

Its too long this post i know...i m sharing a lot of abstracts. but this is so XiaoShi chapter ......but yep I will be doing chapter 2 tomorrow 


@Winny Aye. 

No she is not controlling but in control. The power, the final decision is in her hand. Like I said nothing is forced or imposed on her here.  

Maybe because i do not like the word control...because its the word i use mostly with ZX and XL manners. 

but yep now  I understand what u mean...she has the power..♡♡

Exactly lol

He. Doesn’t care.”

  This is so powerful .  This show the importance of  WXY  opinion to YSQ.


Loooooll I corrected. Typing mistake lol

Before I enter fully with you in chapter 1, please let me share my thoughts that emerged while I was going  through it again (with drama on my mind).....We left Xiao Yao in the prologue, as you can remember, heartbroken child....Now we are going to meet her again adult as Xiao Liu.

It's her profession that made me tilted!!!!!


Before I enter fully with you in chapter 1, please let me share my thoughts that emerged while I was going again (with drama on my mind).....We left Xiao Yao in the prologue, as you can remember, heartbroken child....Now we are going to meet her again adult as Xiao Liu.

It's her profession that made me tilted!!!!!

=> Xiao Liu's profession and The Underlying Theme of Creating Life in Wen Xiao Liu's Expertise in Fertility Treatments: 

Wen Xiao Liu's proficiency in fertility treatments serves as a thematic anchor in the narrative, providing a multifaceted layer to her re initiate- character. The focal point on infertility and the subsequent ability to overcome it not only establishes Hui Chun Clinic as a reputable establishment but also positions Xiao Liu as a facilitator of the life-creating process.

Xiao Liu as a Facilitator of Life: In the town doctor's role, Xiao Liu assumes a unique position—one that allows her to guide and support couples in their journey to create life. The theme of fertility treatments echoes broader cultural and societal associations with procreation, growth, and family continuity. Xiao Liu's expertise goes beyond the clinical; it is intertwined with the very essence of life itself.

=>Connections to Xiao Liu's Childhood:

Xiao Liu's Mother's Promise: The narrative hints at a deeper connection between Xiao Liu's chosen profession and her personal history. Xiao Liu's fear of abandonment is rooted in her mother's promise to return from war, a promise left unfulfilled. This unresolved aspect of her childhood becomes a significant emotional backdrop, shaping Xiao Liu's perspective on separation and loss.

Xiao Liu's Personal Healing Through Fertility: It is very much conceivable that Xiao Liu's dedication to fertility treatments is not only a professional choice but also a personal one—a way for her to navigate the complexities of her own past. The act of helping others create families could be a form of catharsis, a means of healing the wounds left by her mother's absence.

Reconciliation with Loss: Xiao Liu's expertise in fertility treatments might be a form of reconciliation with the loss she experienced. By actively participating in the creation of new life, she could be seeking a sense of control over the narrative of separation and abandonment that marked her childhood.

=>Fear of Abandonment and the Pursuit of Continuity:

Xiao Liu's Emotional Complexities: The fear of abandonment, stemming from her mother's unfulfilled promise, adds emotional depth to Xiao Liu's character. Her pursuit of creating life through fertility treatments could be seen as a response to this fear, a way of counteracting the sense of loss and creating a narrative of continuity.

=> !!!!!Fertility as a Symbol of Hope:!!! In Xiao Liu's world, where families are formed and expanded through her interventions, fertility becomes a symbol of hope, resilience, and the possibility of rebuilding what was once lost. The creation of life stands as a powerful antidote to the specter of abandonment that haunts Xiao Liu.

I see Wen Xiao Liu's expertise in fertility treatments as a poignant element in the narrative, interwoven with her personal history and the unresolved trauma of her mother's absence. The pursuit of creating life becomes a nuanced exploration of healing, continuity, and the delicate balance between personal and professional motivations in the face of profound loss.So:

                                                  THE HOPE THE RESILIENCE THE REBUILDING

1. Hope for New Beginnings: Fertility treatments, under Xiao Liu's skilled hands, represent the promise of new beginnings. Couples grappling with infertility often confront the profound desire for a family, and Xiao Liu's ability to guide them through this journey embodies the hope for a fresh start. In a world shadowed by past losses, the prospect of creating life anew becomes a powerful source of optimism.

2. Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Infertility can be a deeply challenging and emotional experience for couples. Xiao Liu's expertise in overcoming these challenges portrays fertility as a symbol of resilience. It signifies the human capacity to endure, adapt, and overcome obstacles on the path to creating life. The clinic, under Xiao Liu's guidance, becomes a sanctuary of strength where resilience triumphs over adversity.

3. Rebuilding What Was Lost: The act of facilitating the creation of families through fertility treatments is, in essence, a process of rebuilding what was once lost. Xiao Liu, driven by her personal history of abandonment, invests not only in the physical act of conceiving but also in the emotional and psychological restoration of families. Fertility becomes a vessel through which broken narratives can be rewoven, offering the possibility of wholeness and continuity.

4. Antidote to the Specter of Abandonment: In Xiao Liu's world, where the specter of abandonment looms large, fertility stands as a potent antidote. The creation of life becomes a defiant response to the haunting echoes of separation. It is a tangible manifestation of Xiao Liu's determination to counteract the lingering shadows of her own past by actively participating in the formation of new familial bonds.

5. Symbol of Healing and Empowerment: Fertility, within the context of Xiao Liu's expertise, transforms into a symbol of healing and empowerment. The process of conceiving and bringing forth life represents a journey of emotional and physical restoration for both individuals and couples. Xiao Liu's role as a healer goes beyond the clinical, extending into the realm of emotional support and empowerment for those who seek her guidance.

In summary, fertility in Xiao Liu's world transcends its biological implications to become a rich symbol of hope, resilience, rebuilding, and empowerment. It serves as a transformative force, offering solace and strength to those navigating the intricate tapestry of life itself and all families, including her, in the face of past losses and the fear of abandonment. She ROCKS!!!!OMG she rocks! <3

(it's late here bb later yesyes hopefully having cath you up...or not :D) *friendly cheers* 

I love this so much.  One thing though. WXY said that when she entered that profession it was with the intention to kill people not to save live.  I wonder what made her change. 


I love this so much.  One thing though. WXY said that when she entered that profession it was with the intention to kill people not to save live.  I wonder what made her change. 

when did she say it? I missed it...i guess. The way u said it is scary lol..."she entered that profession....intention to kill people..".  its like you are making the one who said shes psycho coming true...it doesnt sound so good to say enter profession to kill people ...or i dont think its what she meant in that context...words are something ..I think she meant she's learning this subject/profession to learn to poison and to kill those who will hurt her ..because she's tortured before. but its become a profession she earn to make living with.....so please 

 Winny Aye:

when did she say it? I missed it...i guess. The way u said it is scary lol..."she entered that profession....intention to kill people..".  its like you are making the one who said shes psycho coming true...it doesnt sound so good to say enter profession to kill people ...or i dont think its what she meant in that context...words are something ..I think she meant she's learning this subject/profession to learn to poison and to kill those who will hurt her ..because she's tortured before. but its become a profession she earn to make living with.....so please 

  The last paragraph in chapter 2 a 

"When Xiao Liu entered the medical profession, it all began with the wrong intentions. He wanted to learn to kill someone and not to learn to save someone. Yet here was Xiang Liu eating his poison like candy! Xiao Liu thought and thought and decided to keep on learning, learning how to kill someone. He vowed to keep walking down the wrong path with the goal of poisoning this big demon sooner or later!"

She is not psycho. I think she wanted this skill to defend herself.  She was weak after what that fox did to her.  So those who call her psycho are wrong and do not understand her.  

Those intention changed along the way as we see she is a healer. 

i see it like you no worries lol.


"When Xiao Liu entered the medical profession, it all began with the wrong intentions. He wanted to learn to kill someone and not to learn to save someone. Yet here was Xiang Liu eating his poison like candy! Xiao Liu thought and thought and decided to keep on learning, learning how to kill someone. He vowed to keep walking down the wrong path with the goal of poisoning this big demon sooner or later!"

She is not psycho. I think she wanted this skill to defend herself.  She was weak after what that fox did to her.

Well it's explained there in the text...meaning her main intention is to kill not to save. She wanted to learn to kill her enemies with the knowledge of poison with the way that fox tortured her. But its in context not her own saying...ands he continued that wrong path because she wanted to poison XL to death....kekekekeke 

But reading it in one sentence alone make me think something else.

 Winny Aye:


"When Xiao Liu entered the medical profession, it all began with the wrong intentions. He wanted to learn to kill someone and not to learn to save someone. Yet here was Xiang Liu eating his poison like candy! Xiao Liu thought and thought and decided to keep on learning, learning how to kill someone. He vowed to keep walking down the wrong path with the goal of poisoning this big demon sooner or later!"

She is not psycho. I think she wanted this skill to defend herself.  She was weak after what that fox did to her.

Well it's explained there in the text...meaning her main intention is to kill not to save. She wanted to learn to kill her enemies with the knowledge of poison with the way that fox tortured her. But its in context not her own saying...ands he continued that wrong path because she wanted to poison XL to death....kekekekeke 

But reading it in one sentence alone make me think something else.

Lol she sure wanted to continue on this path to end him. She was trying   hahaha haaaa