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I’m really mad about the proposal cut scene,cos Jing’s words were soo sweet & had an impact in XY’s heart. Upon all the scenes they could’ve gotten rid of,they JUST had to cut that one smh

Me too..super disappointed...its one of my most favorite scene too.. I need to reread the novel..I still hoping a proposal scene though


I’m really mad about the proposal cut scene,cos Jing’s words were soo sweet & had an impact in XY’s heart. Upon all the scenes they could’ve gotten rid of,they JUST had to cut that one smh

You know production team is against YaoJing. That much I believe 

So Xiao Yao is back listening to other aka CX instead of talking to Jing  about  if his clan would really be against him marrying her? 

Really? No more working thing out as a team , discusding thing together? 

I am disappointed in her. 


So Xiao Yao is back listening to other aka CX instead of talking to Jing  about  if his clan would really be against him marrying her? 

Really? No more working thing out as a team , discusding thing together? 

I am disappointed in her. 

Yeah that doesn’t right with me, but remember,he’s manipulating her to prolong the wedding since he knows those medical books will take decades. He did something like that in the novel but in the drama it’s definitely apparent. Clueless XY too believes & trusts him so she’s like,you’re right smh. While she hasn’t even discussed this with Jing & ASSUMED he already knew,when in fact he was trying to PROPOSE to her.


You know production team is against YaoJing. That much I believe 

You can tell,they’ve cut a lot of scenes out because of the 23 episodes smh. But atleast this proposal scene is ESSENTIAL in the story but the mixed her research & proposal scene together like huh?! Wtf?!


You can tell,they’ve cut a lot of scenes out because of the 23 episodes smh. But atleast this proposal scene is ESSENTIAL in the story but the mixed her research & proposal scene together like huh?! Wtf?!

I have been rating this drama low except the  heart to heart talk episode. 

Now no proposal? I will rate it 5. 


I have been rating this drama low except the  heart to heart talk episode. 

Now no proposal? I will rate it 5. 

Lmao you’re petty! It’s like it’s all over the place. They added things that shouldn’t have been added to the drama. The most essential lines too weren’t added. Like FFYY asking why Jing doesn’t hate her and his response, FengLong telling XY about Jing coming to see him to cancel the wedding & even XY thinking about why Jing looks pale

I'm seeing a lot of comments on weibo from yaojing fans complaining about them deleting/not filming the proposal scene correctly. Can someone link/provide that part in the novel.
It's also clear to a lot of us at this point the production team favors YaoLiu which sucks for us Yaojing stands T_T 


You know production team is against YaoJing. That much I believe 

can't agree more

I'm seeing a lot of comments on weibo from yaojing fans complaining about them deleting/not filming the proposal scene correctly. Can someone link/provide that part in the novel.

I haven't watched all the released episodes yet, so I don't know how the scenes compare yet, but here is the YaoJing proposal from the novel.


Chapter 38:

As the Summer headed towards its end, Gao Xing entered its rainy season which meant for the Xuan Yuan and Gao Xing armies a temporary halt to the war. For Jing, it meant that the one year memorial for his “dead wife” was now over and based on custom he could remarry again.

One afternoon Jing came to Xiao Yue Peak and said to Xiao Yao, “Let’s go out for a walk.”

Xiao Yao was working on her medical text notes and said, “Sure!”

Xiao Yao followed Jing out of the medicine valley and he summoned his crane winged ride and they got on.

Xiao Yao laughed, “I thought we would stay on Xiao Yue Peak for a walk, so where are you taking me?”

Jing smiled and said nothing as the crane took them deep into the clouds.

After some time Xiao Yao saw a peak appear and the crane descended next to a small pond. Xiao Yao got off and looked towards the hut in the distance, “Sometimes I think life is fated.”

Jing took her hand and sat her down, “I want to discuss something with you.”

Xiao Yao reached down to play with the water and said, “Tell me!”

“There is a ballad that says “a beautiful young lady, a gentleman will pursue.” Every young man knows what this lyric means and will wonder about what their future wife will be like. When I was young I thought she would be a beauty like the moon and flowers, refined and calm, excel at all the arts, not talk too much or too little, know how to manage a household and also run a business so that she can discuss my work with me…..”

Xiao Yao compared herself to each description and her expression got progressively more and more sullen.

“When my mom was picking my bride and asked me what I wanted, I told all of that to her.”

Xiao Yao wondered, “And your mom didn’t say you were asking for too much?”

Jing laughed, “My mom said none of what I wanted was hard to find. Other than looks being given by birth, the rest all the ladies in the high families would be trained to be such. The only thing that is hard to gauge is whether she will really love me.”

Xiao Yao was quiet and realized he was right, he wanted a lot but for him it wasn’t hard to find. He just wanted someone who could understand and share in his life interests, not requiring that she be as talented and successful as him.

Jing continued, “But who knew…..that I would meet you!”

Xiao Yao scrunched up her nose, “What’s wrong with meeting me! I don’t have epic beautiful looks, I’m not refined and demure, I know zilch about the feminine arts, I do know how to poison people to death and can talk a lot. I don’t know how to dress myself up or how to manage a household or how to socialize for business…..”

Jing nodded, “Yes, you are all of those things!”

Xiao Yao glared at him with her fist clenched.

Jing continued, “But when I met you was when I realized that when a person fell in love then nothing mattered about requirements.” Jing tenderly smiled at Xiao Yao. “You’re not quiet but I’m plenty quiet enough and can use someone as talkative as you; you’re not refined and demure and constantly want to thwack me, but when you wash my hair and feed me medicine you are exquisitely gentle; you don’t know the arts but I do and I can show them off to entertain you; you can’t embroider but I’m not marrying a seamstress and I can buy the talents of the best seamstress around; you don’t know business but I do and I can make more than enough to take care of you; with how chatty you are, even in another thousand years we won’t run out of things to discuss; you’re not needed to run the household and you hate socializing which is fine by me because I would love to hide you deep inside my residence so that no one can see you and try to snatch you from me…..”

Xiao Yao’s expression got brighter and she stared at Jing.

Jing smiled. “Xiao Yao, you were right in saying you’re not an epic beauty. You are…….” Xiao Yao’s nose twitched and Jing lightly tapped her on the nose, “Even if the world was extraordinary it would not hold a candle to your one smile.”

Xiao Yao’s face turned bright red and she stood up to leave, “What’s gotten into you today! Talking about all these random things!”

Jing grabbed Xiao Yao’s hand and she suddenly realized a thick fog surrounded them. Within the fog a series of peach blossom trees sprung up and soon they were surrounded by thousands and thousands of peach blossoms all around them.

Xiao Yao knew this was a mystical illusion created by Jing but she couldn’t help but reach out to catch a petal.

Jing said “This place is where your father used to live. I brought you here today to ask you in front of your parents – Tu Shan Jing asks for Xi Ling Jiu Yao’s hand in marriage.”

Xiao Yao’s entire body froze.

Jing asked “Xiao Yao, will you marry me?”

Years ago when Xiao Yao and Feng Long were in the secret chamber and he asked, she didn’t feel shy at all. But right now she felt so shy and embarrassed and wanted to turn and run away. She murmured in a low voice, “If you want my hand you need to ask my grandfather and Zhuan Xu.”

“Of course I will ask them but before I do I want to ask you first. Xiao Yao, will you marry me?”

Within the blanket of falling peach blossoms around her, Xiao Yao felt like she could see her mother and father standing together and smiling at her.

“I will!” Xiao Yao tossed Jing’s hand aside and ran into the hut with her face burning up and her heart pounding uncontrollably. She looked at herself in the mirror and she was as red as if she drank wine. She cupped her face and chided her reflection in the mirror. “You’re so hopeless!”

That night when Zhuan Xu came to Xiao Yue Peak and unexpectedly saw Xiao Yao he was so happy.

He nodded at Jing before sitting down next to the Yellow Emperor.

Jing respectfully bowed to both emperors and said “I want to marry Xiao Yao, will Your majesties please grant me her hand in marriage.”

Zhuan Xu’s heart lurched and he stared at Xiao Yao. The last time when Feng Long asked to marry her she looked startled and unwilling but now she kept her head lowered but her face reflected her shy happiness and willingness.

I’m on the weibo fans side,no wonder why it took soo long for it to come out. I’ve had a lot of expectations for this drama but it’s beginning to fall short on me. Well,except their heart to heart talk,apart from that I’ve kinda fast forward a lot of scenes. So it’s understandable the fans are upset,cos soo many unnecessary scenes were added & people that were not to be in some scenes,were there.


Lmao you’re petty! It’s like it’s all over the place. They added things that shouldn’t have been added to the drama. The most essential lines too weren’t added. Like FFYY asking why Jing doesn’t hate her and his response, FengLong telling XY about Jing coming to see him to cancel the wedding & even XY thinking about why Jing looks pale

What on earth was the point of that snow flake scene. I get it and it is only 10 seconds but really what the hell is the point of this shit? 

And XY listening to CX really pisses me of lmao.  It does make more sense than in the novel that's for sure.

So now Jing is the one begging XL to remove the bug? What shit this. Why the change?  So people coukd again hate on him as if he does not have enough haters? 

CX spy declaring her crush  over him? Really is thus important? 

Xl changing face again ?   Why? 

Sorry but what the f..  is this s2. 

So now Jing is the one begging XL to remove the bug? What shit this. Why the change?  So people coukd again hate on him as if he does not have enough haters? 

CX spy declaring her crush  over him? Really is thus important? 

Xl changing face again ?   Why? 

Sorry but what the f..  is this s2. 


I’m on the weibo fans side,no wonder why it took soo long for it to come out. I’ve had a lot of expectations for this drama but it’s beginning to fall short on me. Well,except their heart to heart talk,apart from that I’ve kinda fast forward a lot of scenes. So it’s understandable the fans are upset,cos soo many unnecessary scenes were added & people that were not to be in some scenes,were there.

I did find myself fastfowarding as well. What a shame. This is not a drama I am going to rewatch.  

I'm seeing a lot of comments on weibo from yaojing fans complaining about them deleting/not filming the proposal scene correctly.

I've watched the non-proposal scene now, but I have to imagine that can't be it? There must be a proper YaoJing proposal scene that will come later?

Also I felt like the adaptation of the scene where TSJ faced off against the former King of Xiyan didn't fully do what it was supposed to do. In the novel, that scene is an important one that conveys TSJ's quiet, controlled strength. 


Jing came to visit Xiao Yao on Xiao Yue Peak and Xiao Yao asked him, “Did Zhuan Xu forget to pay the doctors? I feel their hearts are not really into doing their jobs!”

Jing was about to respond when the Yellow Emperor coughed. Jing said nothing but directly stared back at the Yellow Emperor and didn’t look cowed in the least.

Xiao Yao stared at the Yellow Emperor and then at Jing and noticed for the first time that Jing’s aura was not weaker than the Yellow Emperor at all. She suddenly jumped in front of the Yellow Emperor and blocked him from Jing before making a funny face. “Grandfather, what’s going on?”

“Girls, when you grow up you always side with your man!” The Yellow Emperor shook his head. “What’s going on? You go ask Zhuan Xu since neither Jing nor I want to be blamed for being loose-lipped.”

Xiao Yao smiled and pushed the Yellow Emperor to sit down. “You play a go match with Jing and I’ll brew tea for you guys.” She grabbed the tea set and went to the kitchen to work, seeming like nothing was wrong.

So now Jing is the one begging XL to remove the bug? What shit this. Why the change?  So people coukd again hate on him as if he does not have enough haters? 

TSJ did meet with XL to ask him to remove the bug in the novel, although we don't see it directly. 

After he and XY learned from the Shaman King that XY would die if XL died, TSJ was understandably concerned. XY did research into methods for removing the bug but wasn't able to find an answer. So TSJ arranged a meeting with XL to ask him directly about removing the bugs. 


Chapter 38:

“I…..I…..” Xiao Yao actually didn’t know what she wanted so she got tongue-tied. She finally said, “Help me break the voodoo bug spell and you can pick your price!”

Xiang Liu smiled. “Half an hour earlier, Tu Shan Jing said the exact same thing to me.”

“You came here to see Jing?”

“More accurate to say Tu Shan Jing asked to see me to discuss business.”

Xiao Yao understood now, Jing saw that she couldn’t break the spell so went directly to Xiang Liu to discuss terms. “Did you accept Jing’s offer?”

“His offer was tempting and I very much wanted to accept but it’s not that I’m refusing to break the voodoo spell, I really don’t know how!”

“You’re lying! Back then you broke it from Zhuan Xu and moved it over to you. How come you can’t do it now?”

Xiang Liu sighed loudly and shook his head. “You need to ask Tu Shan Jing to teach you how to conduct business. Doing business isn’t picking a fight, especially when you have something you want from the other person. You can’t just accuse the other person, what you want is for me to help you and not for me to be pissed at you.”

Xiao Yao glared at Xiang Liu. “But you’re clearly lying!”

“Do you think I would say such a lame lie? Tu Shan Jing is much smarter than you and he asked why I was able to break the spell before but not now?”


“The voodoo bugs are living creatures! Back then is not the same as now! You can beat a baby tiger to death but can’t you win a fight with a thousand year old tiger demon?”

Xiao Yao felt that what he was saying made sense but also this niggling sensation that he wasn’t telling her the whole truth. She slowly said, “I can’t, but that doesn’t mean you can’t?”

“If you don’t believe me then why keep asking me?”

Xiao Yao was silent before asking, “Did you come to Zhi Yi just to see Jing? When are you leaving?”

“If you didn’t stop me then I would have left already.”

Xiao Yao suddenly realized that she was still holding on tightly to Xiang Liu’s arm and she quickly let go.

“Where’s Jing? Still in the gambling den?”

Xiang Liu smirked and looked down the long corridor. “He’s been behind you this whole time.”

Jing walked forward and took Xiao Yao’s hand in his hand.

Xiao Yao wanted to warn Xiang Liu to be careful and leave as soon as possible but now she couldn’t say those words so remained silent.

Xiang Liu glanced at Xiao Yao and Jing’s joined hands before smiling at Jing. “Farewell!” He turned and vanished into the darkness.

Jing said to Xiao Yao, “I finished discussing matters with Xiang Liu and was about to part ways when I saw you were here so followed you while directing Miao Pu elsewhere.”

Xiao Yao didn’t want to discuss Xiang Liu anymore and shook Jing’s hand with a smile. “I don’t mind. I know you’re worried about me. Let’s go, I haven’t had dinner yet!”

The two held hands and walked together and Xiao Yao said, “Don’t worry about the voodoo bug. The boat rights itself at the end and it’ll be solved eventually.”

“Okay!” Jing said yes but he was still worried. The only comfort was how close Zhuan Xu was with Xiao Yao. When the day arrived, Jing hoped that Zhuan Xu would hold back the killing blow towards Xiang Liu for Xiao Yao’s sake.

Xl changing face again ?   Why? 

TSJ asked XL to meet with him in Xiyan. 

XL is an enemy of Xiyan, so he can't walk around Xiyan with his XL identity (white clothes, white hair, white mask). FFB is "dead", so he can't use that face / identity in Xiyan either. So his only other option was to transform.