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Hahaha love the cat word - while she is curled in fox chest <3

Im seeing the picture ...lol...fox and kitty...

she's affectionate & clingy like a cat..

I prefer as Xiao Yao, Yeshiqi's sence of humor ...sh**t

(Loding pics mostly for Xiao and Jing, but ...uh when someone have been through physical violences in his life, this is very difficult for me to re watch / so the minimum will do :

Interesting : there is no way to feel a romance could emerge , even with time , from there...

I applause her brave attitude  will cover this , because she is outstanding<3 


((same timeline events)


Than tadaaa!!!

Yeshiqi arrive to save her <3: Shi Qi ran towards Xiao Liu and his spiritual energy was stronger than expected because he deflected all the soldiers trying to stop him. But these were trained soldiers and if he took down two then four more would step up so Xiao Liu yelled “Shi Qi, stop! My orders.”
Shi Qi stopped and the soldiers encircled him and glared but Shi Qi didn’t even look at him and only stared at Xiang Liu “I. Am taking Xiao Liu.”

Notice the tone changing in xiao Liu voice please, as soon as Yeshiqi is by her side at that moment: 

=> Xiao Liu tried to look alluring  

In pic moment :Composing the best she could  to YeshiQi: 

(novel) : Xiao Liu tried to look alluring

TSJ/Yeshiqi- Rescue pics from drama:

Yeshiqi : Healing the profound excrutiating painfull wounds (not mine adjectives)

Xiao Liu: protecting Yeshiqi 


Her face finally relaxed - and happy!

=> (the passage in the book: Shi Qi slowed down and turned to look at Xiao Liu and his lips touched Xiao Liu’s forehead. His hot breath brushed over Xiao Liu’s face and Shi Qi stiffly turned “Don’t be……scared.”
Perhaps it was because he was just tormented by Xiang Liu. Or because his hard shell that was forcibly opened wasn’t fully shut yet. 
Xiao Liu really craved this feeling of reliance and he closed his eyes and rested his head on Shi Qi’s shoulder and his head was pressed to Shi Qi’s neck. He was like a cat curled up against him... 


- I think we can integrate the full song post // jiujiu , to show present /and future covering (so later it gives us the opportunity to come back to quote from here, as it is it's evolution - evolution of the same song) - and I find it  clear and complete...(@winny-so to my post i will add thai ver as proof ..soon)..  ?

Yes i found that lyrics more complete ..because  it s supposed to be sorrowful song...but the one she sang for Jing is not sorrowful., but sort of longing to be with..

yes Im keeping it as reference too.

Xiao Liu really craved this feeling of reliance and he closed his eyes and rested his head on Shi Qi’s shoulder and his head was pressed to Shi Qi’s neck. He was like a cat curled up against him... 

Yeshiqi tells her as she is to compress pain, speacking a lot, and asking him does he like pigs? so she can be seen as a pig he is carrying (ep4-5:56) :

And he closes his eyes releaved , as she (please notice and look at the brighness in her eyes (there are tears)

Simple. Profound.

 Winny Aye:
Chapter 2 Wrap Up and Last Part

for full posts  , check out links

hahaha still not there yet :D 

Chapter 2. 

There are a lot of moment between them but I will focus on those

-"A fragrant smell came wafting out. Xiao Liu split the chicken in thirds, one part

went into the food bag, he gave Shi Qithe bigger remaining portion "You must

finish, you are too skinny." Xiao Liu ate his portion and watched Shi Qi. He WaS

still the same, every gesture was elegant and refined, as if he was seated

at the most lofty banquet eating themost incredible food. Xiao Liu sighed

"Shi Qi, you'l leave sooner or late." Shi Qi glanced at him "I. Won't." 


-" Xiao Liu stood up and said You stayhere, I need to go find something alone."
Shi Qi didn't nod, where Xiao Liu went he also went. Xiao Liu glared "You said
you would listen to me. If you don't listen, I don't want you anymore.
" Shi Qi
silently looked at him and the sliver of sunlight through the trees shone on his
scar along the hair line and the light sorrow in his eyes.
Xiao Liu softened and stepped forward wanting to grab his arm but
remembering that he didn't like to be touched so he grabbed his sleeve "Shi
Qi is the best and most obedient and most capable, I won't discard you

-"Xiao Liu fixed his waistband and waved "I'm off." "I. Wait for you." Shi Qi stood

underneath the tree There is no person who will wait for another for an entire lifetime. Xiao Liu smiled and with a hop and a skip disappeared into the trees,


-"Xiao Liu was dragged by the soldiers into the room and the army doctor

removed his clothes and put medicine on his back. Xiang Liu stood at the door

of the tent and coldly observed. Xiao Liu laid on a wooden board and docilely

allowed the army doctor to minister to him. When the medicine was applied

and everyone left, Xiang Liu said to Xiao Liu "Make whatever concoction I ask of

you. All other times you can continue being your healer in Qing Shui Town.

But when I summon you then you must obey immediately." "Fine but it's like ..."


-" half carried half propped him up. His hand gently passed over his back.
Perhaps it was mental comfort but Xiao Liu actually felt some pain lessen. Shi
Qi knelt down "Let's go home."

-"Shi Qi knelt down and Xiao Liu remembered that he didn't like to be
touched but right now there was no other way so Xiao Liu carefully climbed
on his back "I'm sorry, I know you don't
want to carry someone. You can imagine that I'm a rock and rocks don't
make any noise.......r you can imagined that I am a pig, a pig who
speaks. Oh, but do you dislike pigs?vThen you can imagine I'm a......"
Shi Qi's voice was low "I will think thatvit's you. I am willing to carry....you."
Xiao Liu paused and murmured "Fine, then you think that lI'm me." After saying
that he realized what he said and laughed a few times and stopped. "Shi
Qi, my back hurts, can you talk with me?" "Yes."


-"Shi Qi's footsteps slowed and Xiao Liu gave his chest a few comforting slaps "I

know, you're Shi Qi. I wish you stayed Shi Qi for the rest of your life. But I

know that isn't possible. But for each day you don't leave, then you are Shi Qi

for an additional day, and you have to listen to me......" "Mmmm hmmmm."

"You have to listen to me!" "Mmmm hmmmm. Xiao Liu was as happy as a mouse

stealing oil and he felt her back pain lessen. Sprawled on Shi Qi's back, "

-"The days and nights in the mountains were very desolate and those who

couldn't move was even lonelier. Xiao Liu grabbed Shi Qi to talk with him -

everything under the sky they talked about. A delicious dish, a spectacular

sunse......Shi Qi quietly listened to it all. Xiao Liu sometimes felt a twinge of

guilt "Am I talking too much? 1 lived alone for twenty some years and during

that time - developed a strange quirk. was afraid to see people and wandered

alone. In the beginning I never spoke but as the days passed one day in th

mountains I forgot the name of a fruit. " 


- " Xiang Liu kept staring at Shi Qi and Xiao Liu got nervous and actually grabbed Shi Qi’s face like a child would and yelled “Don’t you get any ideas about him. He’s mine.


From all those extracts we can see that WXY is kind of worried that SQ will leave But SQ keeps saying that he won't . Again  WXL WANT him to keep his word that he WILL listen to her.  She keeps threatening him that she will disregard him if he does not. She them soften when she see his reaction to that and say that she will not disregard him.  SWL does not believe him when he said will wait for her.     Here SQ just said that he will wait  till sje comes back from  fonding what she wants but WXL  is   thinking about waiting for someone for an entire LIFE TIME. This  scenes have a sad note in them. 

 After SQ has taken her back with him we see that she is more relaxed  more happy. She is enjoying her time with him. She is chatty, extremly chatty. She also open up to him about her without him asking her about it.  She talked about everything understand to sun . Its like SQ  has proven himself,     his reliability by coming to her rescue  unexpectedly. WXL  still reiterating her condition " you have to listen to me"   This is so important to her . 

Xl is imposing himself with what he wants. He is not giving WXL a choice.  He wants him to do what he ask and when he ask. No bargain here. A pact is made with WXY but WXL is not  control aka she is not the one setting the conditions more or less. 

 Before leaving WXY Xiao Liu tried to look alluring and yelled

'My lord! I am already your person!"

Those words......caused all the soldiers

at the base to grimace . WXL remind XL that he cannot harm her anymore since  their agreement. She belongs to him in a way.  Then  further down " 

"Xiang Liu kept staring at Shi Qi and Xiao Liu got nervous and actually grabbed Shi Qi’s face like a child would and yelled “Don’t you get any ideas about him. He’s mine.”

XL seems to recognise  YSQ.  WXL does not realise this.   She them Clain YSQ as her own. 

That my 2 cents . 


@ Winny Aye

I  agree  with your presentation of XL.

What touched me the most is this chapter regarding their meeting  is this : 

Xiao Liu didn’t dare to move but the beads of cold sweat came down and there where unshed tears in his eyes because the hard protective shell placed in the last tens of years got forcibly peeled open.

I agree ,  the FORCIBLY PEELED,tells it's not only the physical pain / but a deep emotional distress too. Excruicating: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/excruciatingly

extremely painful; causing intense suffering; unbearably distressing; torturing.

from Oxford : https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/american_english/excruciating

Excruciating can describe extreme painfull feelings, treatments, or death related ones.

Xiang Liu stared at him

"Xiang Liu kept staring at Shi Qi and Xiao Liu got nervous and actually grabbed Shi Qi’s face like a child would and yelled “Don’t you get any ideas about him. He’s mine.”

 1 st time someone who should fear him,  brought this sudden reaction out of   him?  I do not know  of course

What I actually get of what obviously amuses him :

Is not only Xiao Liu saying Shi qi is hers/his. But both of them. Is it his first time seeng a merging couple ? The couple he sees is what makes him :

was about to smile but stopped himself. He coughed a few times"

You  usualy cough-cough... when something is embarrassing you, while being intrigued :)


I never would have notice the difference betwer the 2 songs. I love how she made it personal . Thanks @Winny Aye  for thus. 

Yeah we will add this <3

 Winny Aye:
death not life...in comparaison to some points we've been talking about from ch1 :)

Clearly yes :)

 Winny Aye:
yes Im keeping it as reference too.

We agree nice! :))


What I actually get of what obviously amuses him :

Is not only Xiao Liu saying Shi qi is hers/his. But both of them. Is it his first time seeng a merging couple ? The couple he sees is what makes him :

You  usualy cough-cough... when something is embarrassing you, while being intrigued :)

Now that you mentioned it yes.  It is 2 men Sqand wXL    1 trying to be alluring.  That scene itself is strange.


That my 2 cents . 

Will add. Same point of view. Short answer for now :)

The contrast are quite black and white regarding the 2 male characters - feels realy day and night...many symbols to cover too. And the ongoing XiaoJing evolution in their relationship <3...

Because as she says...taste delicious.

(BB to capture all, analyse etc...see if you have added, take your time :)