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I have  updated my analysis see page 344

Xiao Liu asked “Why was there a bow and arrow embroidered on the window curtain?”

Wondering if FFYY did not trespass the clan's rule by showing off her own emblem on the Tuqhan carriage? It seem inappropriate ...is she just making her own parade? making a signal? 

Transgressing Tushan Clan Rules:

FFYY might be flouting Tushan clan rules or traditions by using a different clan's emblem on the carriage, her family emblem.  This could hint at her disregard for established norms or her desire to exert dominance within the Tushan clan. (we know she will later refuse to cancell her engagement - married to jing   as his widow she would not be allowed to marry Hou but she would rule the clan thanks to her grasp on "Granny")

Parade of Venue or Public Display: 

FFYY may be purposefully showcasing her presence and authority within the Tushan clan, using her clan's emblem. This public display could serve various purposes, including garnering support   and showing her grasp on the clan. The emblem could still be a deliberate signal or message directed at Xiang Liu, possibly indicating a hidden alliance, a shared agenda, or a means of communication between FFYY and Xiang Liu. (wich happens in ep.11 with the furball ball reaching her with a "go" to the plan...)

@ Symbolika 1

Passage 2: Tu Shan Family Carriage

Symbolism and Personal Connections:

The carriage, adorned with emblems of the Fang Feng and Tu Shan families, becomes a symbol of complex relationships. The mention of Miss Fang Feng as Jing's future second daughter-in-law adds a personal connection, implying a deeper history and potential conflicts.
Related Passage: "On the corner of the carriage, there was the nine-tailed fox emblem that represented the Tu Shan family."  + .... a golden arrow embroidered on it."

I cannot help but think not  a fox and the hunter. a weak fox : Jing and the skillful huntress FFYY. the combination is so wrong ton begin with. poor Jing. 

 Xiao Liu had by that time lost consciousness,  therefore felt nothing:"his eyes were gradually seeing black. 

Ch7"-a pair of cold lips pressed to his and passed air to him" 

 Agree , yes. She is unconscious "seeing black" , and his air pass is described as "cold".

Even the "pair" word seem off. If this was to be taken as a romantic touch...well..to each their own tastes eh...Lol.

No.Seriously, zero. Just makes me wonder how this whole drowning Xiao Liu is related to FFYY and his plan?. Will see further.

Because this action; had concrete repercussions on CX capacities to protect himself -> he suddenly fell backwards (simultaniously ep11) and let go his sword ,feeling bad...

@ Wynn Aye

"By this conversation, Xuan had some interest in Tushan Clan., whether the clan would became his ally or enemy. He might have wanted to use Xiao Liu for the connection. He might have guessed the influence Xiao Liu had on Tushan Jing.

And another fact  revealed in this abstract is that Xuan knew his limit that he might not be able to win on fight with a demon general as Xiang Liu."

  great catch on XC already trying to maybe use WXL connection to to Jing to his advantage. 

great catch on XC already trying to maybe use WXL connection to to Jing to his advantage. 

Les ennuis commencent! :p  Very serious problems are thrown at Xiao Liu/Yao and TSjing in this chapter!...

When Xiao Liu had finally regained consciousness,  he was still experiencing physical pain. XL did not as if Xiao Liu is alright, but rather if what he did to Xiao Liu  hurt  to which Xiao L replied :'he aka XC will hurt.'

By Xiao Liu reply, we can conclude that he does not know much about this bug, only that it provide a share pain.  It is important to notice Xiang Liu is the one to suggest that Xiao Liu remove the bug from XC his enemy.  he also offered himself as carrier.  Xiao Liu sincerely only wanted to transfer the bug into XL because he wants him ton suffer

We have see that Xiao Liu's first wish is about to be able to protect herself by inflicting pain on potential threads/attackers, today a woman would have a tear gas bomb for that in her pocket for that purpose.

She is ignorant about further implications. (the very same info, XL provided to himself, and kept for now to himself - lied on not knowing more.)

  great catch on XC already trying to maybe use WXL connection to to Jing to his advantage. 

Let's go...another manipulation  hahahaha...

 Winny Aye:
Xiao Liu asked Xuan “What did you feel when the arrow pierced you?” Xuan closed his eyes “In that moment, my body hurt, my chest was in pain, and cold….I felt a cold enter my body.”

The cold. He felt the cold.yes.yes.

Wondering if FFYY did not trespass the clan's rule by showing off her own emblem on the Tuqhan carriage? It seem inappropriate ...is she just making her own parade? making a signal?

Transgressing Tushan Clan Rules:

FFYY might be flouting Tushan clan rules or traditions by using a different clan's emblem on the carriage, her family emblem.  This could hint at her disregard for established norms or her desire to exert dominance within the Tushan clan. (we know she will later refuse to cancell her engagement - married to jing   as his widow she would not be allowed to marry Hou but she would rule the clan thanks to her grasp on "Granny")

Parade of Venue or Public Display:

FFYY may be purposefully showcasing her presence and authority within the Tushan clan, using her clan's emblem. This public display could serve various purposes, including garnering support   and showing her grasp on the clan. The emblem could still be a deliberate signal or message directed at Xiang Liu, possibly indicating a hidden alliance, a shared agenda, or a means of communication between FFYY and Xiang Liu. (wich happens in ep.11 with the furball ball reaching her with a "go" to the plan...)

says FfYY to the furball missive (adding pic).


Wondering if FFYY did not trespass the clan's rule by showing off her own emblem on the Tuqhan carriage? It seem inappropriate ...is she just making her own parade? making a signal?

 Just notice from rewatch and reread. Hope we get to clear this of in upcoming chapter.. Was she really allowed and appropriate in doing?  But knowing Tushan granny very fond of this lady in red...she might go blind eyes....


@ Wynn Aye

"By this conversation, Xuan had some interest in Tushan Clan., whether the clan would became his ally or enemy. He might have wanted to use Xiao Liu for the connection. He might have guessed the influence Xiao Liu had on Tushan Jing.

And another fact  revealed in this abstract is that Xuan knew his limit that he might not be able to win on fight with a demon general as Xiang Liu."

  great catch on XC already trying to maybe use WXL connection to to Jing to his advantage. 

Yes..and since chapter 5, I have a feeling that both WXL and Jing are used advantage between XL side and Xuan side. 

Chapter 7:

Xiang Liu Drowning Xiao Liu for Advantage 

Xiao Liu walked along the river and sat down on a rock with his mind in a daze. He plucked a flower and pulled off its petals, tossing it in the river. Suddenly a white condor called and before Xiao Liu could even gasp he was wrenched onto the back of the condor by Xiang Liu.

Xiao Liu waved with a smile “Long time no see. How’ve you been?”

“If Xuan was dead, I’d be a lot better.”

Xiao Liu shut up and tightly grabbed Xiang Liu’s arm, afraid that he would get pissed and toss him off. The white condor flew to the same lake they once came to. Before the condor could descend, Xiang Liu suddenly grabbed Xiao Liu and vaulted off.

Xiao Liu was stunned and could only grab onto Xiang Liu with a tentacled creature grasp. The wind whistled past and Xiang Liu stared coldly “Shall I use you as a cushion?” Xiao Liu violently shook his head with his eyes full of pleading but Xiang Liu didn’t appear moved. They were descending so fast as if they were going to be smashed to smithereens. Right at the moment before impacting the water, Xiang Liu suddenly turned and flipped Xiao Liu on top.

With a giant plop, the two of them entered the water and a giant wave rose up. Even though Xiang Liu absorbed the brunt of the impact, Xiao Liu was still rocked by the waves and his head was spinning and his entire body ached. Because his limbs were in such pain, he couldn’t grab onto Xiang Liu and his body sunk into the depths.

Xiang Liu floated in the water staring as he sunk towards the bottom of the lake. Xiao Liu tried to reach out but could grab nothing and his eyes were gradually seeing black. Just as he was about to take his last breath, he felt Xiang Liu embrace him and a pair of cold lips pressed to his and passed air to him.

Xiang Liu held him and they rocketed towards the surface like an arrow. Xiao Liu sprawled on Xiang Liu’s shoulder and violently coughed and took loud deep breathes. His nose and eyes were all filled with water. After some time, Xiao Liu finally asked “If you want to kill me, do it faster.”

Xiang Liu’s body fell backward and he laid down on the water’s surface. Xiao Liu’s entire body was still aching so he couldn’t move and could only lay on top of him. Xiang Liu pulled Xiao Liu’s arm “Does it hurt?”

“He will hurt a lot.”

Xiang Liu laughed “This voodoo bug is decent but not good enough.”

“If it was a life-linked voodoo bug, you wouldn’t even hesitate and would kill me, right?”

“Yup, too bad it just shares pain.” Xiang Liu’s voice shared his regret.

Xiao Liu closed his eyes and felt them rocking on the waves. The water supported everything so there was no need to use any strength and it was quite relaxing.

Xiang Liu asked “Since he’s so precious to you, why not remove the bug?”

Xiao Liu didn’t answer and thought for a long time. Since he was a demon, and demons and creatures and monsters were all in the same world, perhaps he might know something. “It’s not that I don’t want to remove the bug, it’s that I can’t. Last time I was injured, you used all sorts of weird medicines on me. The bug had some type of transformation. He asked me to remove the bug and I lied that I’ll do it when he leaves. Recently I’ve been trying all sorts of ways to coax the bug out of him but nothing works.”

Xiang Liu thought about it “If you don’t want to die, then don’t try calling it back. The only solution is to find a way to transfer the bug to another person.”

Xiao Liu sincerely said “The only person I want to make miserable is you.”

Xiang Liu softly laughed “Then put the bug inside me.” Xiao Liu scoffed “Like you would be so nice.”

“I’ll kill him before he leaves Qing Shui Town, then you won’t have to worry about how to remove the bug.”

Xiao Liu felt his legs weren’t shaking anymore so slid down his body and started swimming. “Can killing him bring back the Sheng Nong Kingdom?” “No.” “Did he ever go on the battlefield and killed Sheng Nong soldiers?” “No.” “Do you have a personal blood feud with him?” “No.”

“Then why do you still want to kill him?”

“My position. Knowing that he’s right under my watch and not killing him, I feel like I’m not doing my part.”

“You have some sort of principles?”

“To Sheng Nong I do.”


“It is laughable, and even I think I’m pretty pathetic. If I didn’t have principles, then I would go talk to the Yellow Emperor and personally lead him to destroy Gao Xing.”

Xiao Liu was silent and looked up at the crescent moon like a biscuit with a bite taken out of it. After a long time, he asked “What is General Gong Gong like? To lead to a demon like you giving him your allegiance?”

“He’s an idiot!” Xiang Liu quieted down for awhile and then said “He is a pathetic idiot. He leads a bunch of idiots, doing something pathetic.”

Xiao Liu said “The most pathetic one is you! They are all willing to do it, they don’t think they are idiots. They think they are doing something they would be proud of to tell their family in the grave. To let their descendants be proud. They are happy to go down in a blaze of glory. But you – you mock it yet you do it.”

“Who let me have nine-heads? Of course it gets complicated and contradictory.”

Xiao Liu couldn’t help but laugh out loud and almost swallowed water and quickly grabbed Xiang Liu’s arm “You…..you….didn’t you say you hate people mentioning you are a nine-headed demon? The nine-heads is your big sore spot. If anyone mentioned it, you would kill them.”

“You’re still alive.”

Xiao Liu mumbled “For now….”

What I loathe is that when they discuss me, they look down on me as strange and weird. I let you discuss it because……” Xiang Liu turned to the side and propped his arm under his head and looked at Xiao Liu “you may laugh at me but deep down inside you don’t think a nine-headed demon is strange.”

Xiao Liu smiled “That’s because I used to be even more weird than you.”

“So you hid in the mountains and refused to see anyone?”


Xiang Liu lightly stroked Xiao Liu’s head and he stared on shock back at Xiang Liu “Is this considered having a heart-to-heart under the moonlight?”

Xiang Liu replied “Until the next time you anger me, then yes.”

Xiao Liu sighed “Peaceful times are short, just like happiness is momentary. Flowers bloom and wilt, the moon waxes and wanes. But the beauty in life is merely this.”

Xiang Liu snarked “Who said once that even the most beautiful view would grow old with time?” Xiao Liu smiled and said nothing. It was sunrise by the time Xiao Liu got home soaking wet.

Xiang Liu hinted how he wanted Xuan dead. Xiao Liu knew he wanted her to follow him, so she did. Xiao Liu might already guessed that Xiang Liu might hurt her. I felt uncomfortable in reading how Xiao Liu shook his head in fear and plead. In fact this whole scene is uncomfortable to me. In my previous post I have already shared Xuan got shot by the Fang Feng Yi Yang's arrow. The plan Xiang Liu and Fang Feng Yi Yang to work together to kill off Xuan. It was no surprise he will be using Xiao Liu, who had bugs connection with Xuan at the time. Even though she said she wanted make Xiang Liu miserable, she did not clearly hated him that is why she still can talk to him mostly in good manners. I guess she understood well that Xuan and Xiang Liu were from opposite side. Therefore they fought to kill each other may feel just normal to her. But at the same time , Xiao Liu was still clearly siding with Xuan. It was shown by her shaking legs and even to ask him about why he was loyal to Gong Gong. And their conversation is in bicker in nature as . Despite , Xiang Liu drowning Wen Xiao Liu for taking advantage in hurting Xuan, he managed to reveal he actually did not have bad feeling towards her even when she called in 9 heads demon because she did not really loathe him. And he only loathe those who look down on him because he 's 9 headed demon. And then he asked about voodoo bugs Xiao Liu used on Xuan as he was interested. All in all , the relationship between Xiang Liu and Xiao Liu could use the term "mixture of not friend & not enemy" . While Xiang Liu was using and hurting Xiao Liu, he did not want it up to get her killed , so far, andd Xiao Liu was scared of Xiang Liu, she still did not hate him and like mocking in front of him. 

About this last scene which looks like a kiss. But the author, Tong Hua used the word "put air into her " for the scene. Therefore I do not consider it a kiss scene. Besdes she's unconcious.  

Chapter 7

The Voodoo Bug and the Vicious Deal

One night, Xiang Liu vaulted off the condor to find Xiao Liu sitting cross-legged on the grass, his two arms resting on his thighs, his body hunched forward, staring dejectedly at the river.

Xiang Liu asked “What you are thinking?”

“How to remove that voodoo bug. Xuan’s follower came by once to ask.” With Xuan’s real identity, that bug might not hurt him, but it was more likely one day it’ll kill Xiao Liu since so many people wanted to kill Xuan. Xiao Liu also didn’t want people to use him anymore against Xuan so was genuinely racking his brains for how to remove it.

Xiang Liu said “I told you, find another person and plant the bug there.”

‘”Who would be willing? Maybe one of Xuan’s men?”

Xiang Liu very casually said “It can’t be just any person.”


“You raised the bug, you don’t know?”

“I…..I don’t know.” Xiao Liu confessed.

“Where did you get the bug?”

“Many years ago, I met an old lady from the Jiu Li tribe. You know that the legendary most fearless, vicious, cruel demon of all time Qi Yo was from the Jiu Li tribe. After he was killed by the Yellow Emperor, the entire Jiu Li tribe was demoted to slave status. The men and women were born into slavery. That old woman was a slave that no one wanted anymore. She was smelly and dirty, laying close to death in a pile of dirt. I found her very pitiful so I asked her what her final wish was before she died. She asked for a bath so she could go see her lover clean and pretty. I took her to the river
 and helped her bath, then brushed her hair into the hairstyle of a Jiu Li woman. She gave me a blackened shriveled walnut, saying that she had nothing on her except this pair of voodoo bugs. She gave it to me as thanks. She told me to leave and then she died. Her body immediately attracted a lot of insects and was immediately devoured clean. Later on, when I didn’t know how to deal with you, I suddenly remembered this walnut I carried with me for a long time. I used it to raise the two voodoo bugs according to the magic of Jiu Li. I fed it pieces of my own flesh and blood, then one bug chose me, and then other was meant for you but instead I planted it in Xuan.”

“How did you learn how to raise a voodoo bug?”

Xiao Liu’s eyes twirled “That old woman told me!” Xiang Liu coldly laughed “You’re full of shit. If she told you how to raise the bugs, how could she not have told you what the name of this particular voodoo bug was?”

Xiao Liu knew what he said was contradictory so just went with it “Why do you care how I know how to raise voodoo bugs. I just do.”

Xiang Liu said “The pair of voodoo bugs you have is very rare. If you want to remove it, the only way is to find another person and lure the bug into that person.”

“What are the requirements for that person?”

Xiang Liu said nothing, and after a moment, he stiffly barked “I don’t know!”

Xiao Liu didn’t believe him, yet he didn’t know why Xiang Liu wouldn’t come out and tell him. So he tried asking “Do you fit the requirement?”

Xiang Liu didn’t answer so Xiao Liu asked more “You are a nine-headed demon. Luring a voodoo bug into you, that can’t be a problem, right?”

Xiang Liu didn’t deny it so Xiao Liu took that as a tacit confirmation. Xiao Liu got all excited “You said with your nine-heads, even if my body hurt then it wouldn’t hurt you much, right? So can I lure the bug over into your body?”

Xiang Liu stood there with his hands behind his back, staring at the moon, saying nothing. After a few moments he said “I can help you lure the bug into me, but you have to promise that in the future you will do one thing for me. If I ask, you will do it.”

Xiao Liu thought about it “Other than killing Xuan.”


“I also can’t kill Tu Shan Jing.”


“You can’t ask me to kill the Yellow Emperor or the Grand Emperor.”

Xiang Liu said incredulously “My nine-heads would need to flooded with water for me to think you can kill the Yellow Emperor or the Grand Emperor.”

Xiao Liu wasn’t mad but asked again “The answer is…..”

“I won’t!”

Xiao Liu yelled “Then it’s a deal!”

Xiang Liu raised his palm and Xiao Liu clapped it to strike the deal “I promise that if Xiang Liu helps me remove the voodoo bug from Xuan, I agree to do one thing he asks of me.”

Xiang Liu coldly asked “What happens if you break the promise?’

Xiao Liu thought “The Heavens strike me into pieces. With your personality that won’t be enough. What do you think should happen to me?”

“If you break the promise, whatever you love will turn into pain, whatever you enjoy will turn into bitterness.”

Xiao Liu felt goosebumps run down his spine “You’re sure vicious!” He raised his palm to swear the promise “If I break this promise, then whatever I love will bring me pain, whatever I enjoy will turn bitter.” He put down his hand and thumped his chest “Don’t worry, I’ll do it.”

Xiang Liu had a slight smile on his lips “What do I have to worry about? If you can’t do it, you’re the one suffering.”

Xiao Liu asked “Then tell me now, how to remove the bug?”

“I don’t know! Don’t you know how to lure the bug into a person?”

Xiao Liu closed his eyes and his lips started speaking wordlessly as if reciting a chant. After some time “There is a way, but you and Xuan must be within a certain vicinity of each other before I can start the spell. Right now it’s too far.”

(I may skip a little here)


Xiang Liu’s voice was in Xiao Liu’s ear “We’re at Five Gods Mountain. It ought to be close to where Zhuan Xu is. You can try calling the bug into my body.”

Xiao Liu felt the fish pulling his lower body along so he could move with ease. He took out a blackened walnut and bit his own middle finger. He smeared the blood on the walnut and then handed it to Xiang Liu and indicated he do the same. Xiang Liu pierced his middle finger and smeared blood on the other half of the walnut and handed it back to Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu indicated for Xiang Liu to raise the hand that was bloody and point it towards Five Gods Mountain. Xiao Liu said “You relax, and if possible, feel genuine happiness to welcome the bug to your body.”

Xiao Liu tightly clasped the walnut to his chest and started chanting, summoning the bug in his own body. After some time, Xiao Liu felt his own heart start to beat wildly, and incredibly he felt another heart beating as well. The two hearts were like friends who had not seen each other in a long time, beating wildly in joy to be together. Xiao Liu reached out his hand and pressed it on Xiang Liu’s chest, and it was indeed the sound of Xiang Liu’s heart.

Xiao Liu couldn’t believe it “The bug is planted into your body? That fast?”

Xiang Liu rolled his eyes at Xiao Liu “Someone like you dared to control a bug? A truly powerful voodoo master could summon a bug tens of thousands of miles away to kill someone. Do you think all bugs are like you, slow poke like ambling across mountains and ridges?”

“Eh” Xiao Liu felt something strange in his palm. He opened it to find the walnut glowing and then gradually melting into splashes of color. It was like little fireflies dancing around Xiao Liu and Xiang Liu. Half of each went into Xiao Liu and Xiang Liu’s palms and disappeared.

Xiao Liu couldn’t believe it and shook his hands a few times but it really just disappeared.

Xiao Liu’s expression grew dark and he said to Xiang Liu “I have a bad feeling about this. This bug is sooooo strange. It’s not as simple as I thought it was.”

The scene definetly is not simple because it wasn't just only Xiao Liu who wanted to remove the bugs from Xuan, so that he won't get hurt when she did, but it is also this 9 heads demon Xiang Liu seemingly wanted her to remove those bugs and nearly seem like he was offering himself for the task. But of course the deal is the vicious one , very much telling that its making a deal with the demon. It even made Xiao Liu feeling uneasy even after she had already make sure that the one thing she had to do for the demon is not to kill those whom she care. But if she broke the promise, everything she enjoy must become bitterness. We don't really know what that one thing Xiang Liu will be using her for! Nevertheless, the bugs were recognized as friends so everything should not turn out to be bad. The only thing is he sounds glad to have this bug connect! Why so! He must know something!

The Blissful Moments Under the Ocean

 Xiao Liu knew they were being chased by Gao Xing soldiers but never felt in danger. Because Xiang Liu was so calm that it didn’t feel like they were on the run, it felt rather like Xiang Liu was taking him on a stroll through the ocean. They swam for so long underwater but Xiao Liu was really happy and the time didn’t feel long. It wasn’t until they were completely free of the chasing Gao Xing soldiers that Xiang Liu took Xiao Liu up to the surface.

The gold crowned white condor Furball flew over and Xiang Liu carried Xiao Liu and vaulted on its back. They rode the condor back to Qing Shui Town and Xiao Liu felt hungry and tired. He tightly grabbed onto Furball’s neck and said to Xiang Liu “I’m going to take a nap.”

Xiao Liu promptly fell fast asleep.

Xiang Liu sat on the back of the condor and looked out over the vast cloud sea, his face as calm as a placid water surface without any joy or sorrow. After a long time, he looked down at Xiao Liu in blissful slumber and his hand slowly pressed on his own heart. A smile appeared on the corner of his lips before it swiftly passed.

Since chapter 3, we have already learnt that water (river&stream) makes healing and happy feelings to Xiao Liu. And in here again she was really happy to be in the ocean. But what more surprising is that Xiang Liu was happy and smiled. Did it mean that he was in love with her ? He already knew she's a woman in  man's body. If so he still treated her roughly before. Why did he make such a vicious deal with her? We will need to see how their relationship will continue to go.

Before I wrap up chapter 7...I would like to congratulate on Lost You Forever team and production and cast and everything ...

I wonder if this is from production team..