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Nice Post @Symbolika1.  Very informative. 


Thanks so much for explaining more about fan and wind chimes. It explains more depth into the scene. All those analysis facts are fascinating ... 

Chapter 8:

My Analysis Part 2

Prince Zhuan Xu of Xuan Yuan  


Someone walked into the yard and Xiao Liu covered his eyes and said in annoyance “I’m resting, don’t bother me!”

The person didn’t speak and just sat down on the pallet being so still that if it wasn’t that his body didn’t have the scent of medicinal herbs, Xiao Liu almost thought it was Jing who left and came back.

Xiao Liu moved his hands and squinted, then his eyed popped wide open. It was Xuan!

Xiao Liu stammered “You…what are you doing here? I already removed the bug. You ought to have been able to feel it. If you don’t believe me, I’ll prick myself right now.” Xiao Liu looked around for something to prick himself but Xuan stopped him with a smile.

“I know the bug has been removed. I’m here for another reason.”

“Another reason.”

“My Master wants to see you.”

Xiao Liu’s heart raced and his body weakened but he forced himself to smile “Why does your Master want to see me? And who says that if he wants to see me, I will go see him.”

Xuan stood up “My real name is Zhuan Xu. Xuan Yuan Zhuan Xu. I am the eldest grandson of the Yellow Emperor of the Xuan Yuan Kingdom. My Master is the Grand Emperor of the Gao Xing Kingdom.”

Xiao Liu didn’t know how to react so feigned fear “Such lofty personages! I am from Qing Shui Town and not a citizen of either Xuan Yuan or Gao Xing Kingdoms.”Xiao Liu griped “If I don’t go to Gao Xing in the first place, then I won’t need your protection.”
Xuan said “There are two more hours until sunset and I’ve give you until then to pack your bags and say farewells. We’ll leave before dark, and if you try anything….” Xuan waved his hand and the entire pallet shattered into smithereens and Xiao Liu fell on the floor.
Last time when Xuan was in Qing Shui Town, he always tried to use Xuan’s side to solve problems. This time he was here as Zhuan Xu, and he was a Xuan Yuan Prince. 
Xiao Liu stared at Zhuan Xu as he stood there with his hands behind his back, an unwavering authority in his eyes. Xiao Liu suddenly felt a sense of comfort. It was good that Zhuan Xu was like this 

Xuan said “When I was healing in Yang Valley, my Master came to see me. I told him about you and for some reason he was very interested and asked me to tell him every single detail about my interactions with you. After he heard it all, he asked to meet you. He specifically ordered me to come take you to Gao Xing to meet him.”

Xiao Liu immediately said “I’m not going!”

Xuan sighed “This is an Imperial Summons, you can’t refuse. Xiao Liu, don’t make it hard for me, I don’t want to hurt you.”

Xiao Liu immediately switched tactics and smiled “That’s fine, I’ll go with you to Gao Xing, but you have to give me half a day to pack and say my farewells.” Xuan knew Xiao Liu’s sneaky and slippery personality, and he also knew that a lot of people knew his real identity in Qing Shui Town so Xuan couldn’t stay long either.

Xiao Liu begged “I saved you twice. You are a Xuan Yuan Prince, how can you treat a savior this way?”

Xuan was too smart for that and laughed “The first time you saved me, it was after you plotted with Xiang Liu to ambush me. I let it go means I let you off the hook that time. If you didn’t plant a voodoo bug in me, then the second time wouldn’t have happened and there would be no need for you to save me. Ah Nian is the Gao Xing Princess, and you’ve insulted and shamed her multiple times. You know she is dying to kill you and I’ve been the one keeping her at bay. This time going to Gao Xing, if you fall into her hands and she tries to kill you, don’t you want me to protect you? Who is whose savior is not clear here. ”

Xiao Liu griped “If I don’t go to Gao Xing in the first place, then I won’t need your protection.”

Xuan said “There are two more hours until sunset and I’ve give you until then to pack your bags and say farewells. We’ll leave before dark, and if you try anything….” Xuan waved his hand and the entire pallet shattered into smithereens and Xiao Liu fell on the floor.

Last time when Xuan was in Qing Shui Town, he always tried to use Xuan’s side to solve problems. This time he was here as Zhuan Xu, and he was a Xuan Yuan Prince. Xiao Liu stared at Zhuan Xu as he stood there with his hands behind his back, an unwavering authority in his eyes. Xiao Liu suddenly felt a sense of comfort. It was good that Zhuan Xu was like this – at times warm and personable, but then able to flip a switch and be cold and ruthless. It was only this way that he could have survived in the precarious position he occupied.

Xiao Liu stood up and went into his room to pack but his mind was racing. There was no way he was going to see the Grand Emperor. He can fool Zhuan Xu, but there was no way he could fool the Grand Emperor. But how to escape when Zhuan Xu came specifically to get him and brought a lot of men. Plus he was under Gao Xing orders and could immediately call Gao Xing troops outside town. And if needs be, he can call on his identity as the Xuan Yuan Prince and use Xuan Yuan troops nearby as well.

Xuan had finally revealed his identity as grandson of Yellow Emperor of Xuan Yuan and disciple of Grand Emperor of Gao Xing.
His manners looked quite different than before. His command to Xiao Liu in such authority is intriguing. What I mean is he did not really care how Xiao Liu had saved him before. By his in here I felt like he could speak upside to get what he want. It appeared cold and ruthless indeed. But it  made sense on how Xiao Liu had sided with Xiang Liu before saving Xuan with life. Therefore it is not surprising how Xuan or now Prince Zhuang Xu might think Xiao Liu was shceming. However, for me is it looks too obvious on Xiao Liu sudden change on helping Xiang Liu to help Xuan. Xiao Liu understood Zhuang Xu although she was in fear. She understood the political matters and wars that there was no simplicity and scheming and intelligence were needed. So she was sort of proud of him on how he was coming. But it's not because she would go with him. Xiao Liu surely did not want to meet Grand Emperor, who would able to figure out who she is after all. So Xiao Liu was sort of running away from her past. 

In the drama, however, there was the scene of Xuan talking Grand Emperor and Ruso about who could be this Xiao Liu is sort of making him misunderstood that Xiao Liu might be the son of one of five princes who were rebel with Grand Emperor before.This scene came before Zhuang Xu coming to take Xiao Liu to Gao Xing/Haoling.

 Five God Mountains/Gao Xing/Haoling

clearly misunderstood..but it makes us understand CX character more

Chapter 8:

Analysis Part 3

Wen Xiao Liu Thought Of Escaping Zhuan Xu 

Even though Xiao Liu could change his face and form, but he was now under surveillance by a God and if there wasn’t anyone to block for him to avert their attention, then even if he changed forms he couldn’t escape.

Xiao Liu decided he couldn’t escape by his ability alone, he needed help. Right now he really missed Xiang Liu. Only Xiang Liu could care less about Xuan Yuan and Gao Xing authority, plus he could go hide in the Sheng Nong army base to run away from Zhuan Xu. But after their Gao Xing trip Xiao Liu hadn’t seen Xiang Liu and there wasn’t any time to summon him for help.

The only one left was Tu Shan Jing. The Tu Shan clan businesses blanketed the vast wilderness, including selling to the Sheng Nong resistance army. They had to have secret passages to move items in and out of town. But right now the Grand Emperor of Gao Xing and the Xuan Yuan Prince both wanted him. If Tu Shan Jing helped him, then he would be making an enemy out of the entire world. Would Tu Shan Jing be willing to make an enemy of both Xuan Yuan and Gao Xing for one little Wen Xiao Liu?

The moment this thought popped into his head, Xiao Luu suddenly wanted to know Jing’s choice even more than he wanted to escape Qing Shui Town. Xiao Liu looked at the ice crystal wind chime and smiled coldly. Whatever Jing chose to do, once Xiao Liu asked then he’ll know.

Wen Xiao Liu was thinking all the way to escape from Zhuan Xu taking her to Gao Xing. She even think of Xiang Liu whom she believed he could help her escape. But he wasn't in surrounding , and so finally despite her avoiding Jing, it seemed she still could not escape from him. It is mentioned she sort of wanting to know if Jing would choose her against the world. Because if he helped her Jing might be making enemies with both Xuan Yuan and Gao Xing. She wanted to know how much she was important to Jing. In the context, it is implied Jing 's choice is even more important to her than escaping. 

Farewell To Hui Chun Clinic Family and Qing Shui Town

Xiao Liu walked out and saw Tian Er memorizing medicinal herb concoctions. He said to her “I’m leaving Hui Chun Clinic in your hands. If Lao Mu is sad, tell him people come and go and having traveled a distance together is already enough.”

Tears came to Tian Er’s eyes and she silently knelt down to bow to Xiao Liu “Be filial to Lao Mu, you are a smart girl so overlook Chun Tao’s pettiness at times. Life is unpredictable and Ma Zi and Chun Tao can only rely on you and Chuan Zi, and you and Chuan Zi can only rely on Ma Zi and Chun Tao.”

Xiao Liu turned and walked out quickly. Leaving Hui Chun Clinic, whether or not he could successfully escape town, he would never be able to return here again. Close to 30 years of companionship had ended. Perhaps the next time paths crossed would be in front of Ma Zi and Chuan Zi’s graves.

Xiao Liu walked down the street and greeted all the neighbors. In the past 20 some years he was a well liked person and everyone smiled back at him. One called “Brother Liu, a hot out of the oven meat pie, have one!” Another called “Brother Liu, thanks for the headache reliever last time.” Xiao Liu smiled back and responded to each and every person. Even if he walked down the same road tens of years later, even if the places didn’t change, no one would be greeting him at that time.

 Wen Xiao Liu had made her Hui Shui family settled and able to live on without her. She had already planned to leave and wander again whether she would be taken to Gao Xing or not. It is already hinted here that she won't be coming back to Qing Shui town for a long long time and that next time she came back everyone might be getting old and leaving the world already. 


Nice Post @Symbolika1.  Very informative. 

 Winny Aye:


Thanks so much for explaining more about fan and wind chimes. It explains more depth into the scene. All those analysis facts are fascinating ... 

 Winny Aye:

just love him OoO

Thank you too both <3 And this face...sooo happy we'll get to see Deng Wei more on screen !

  Bless them.

Yeah...was thinking lately how much they're going through in the whole novel...and they still managed to be loving, caring and kind, still managed to keep their love untouched...<3

 Winny Aye:
clearly misunderstood..but it makes us understand CX character more

Hahaha yes...he is completly off here...:D Yet he nearly died twice already..so he can be suspicious ;)

 Winny Aye:
So Xiao Liu was sort of running away from her past. 

More than running away from her past, I think it took her quite a lot to build the life she enjoyed (after all she's been trough in past yes) - and I understand how much she want to preserve it for now, above anything else. Even if it means , to again, rebuild, elswere, far away, a new similar life, with a new discret name. 


More than running away from her past, I think it took her quite a lot to build the life she enjoyed (after all she's been trough in past yes) - and I understand how much she want to preserve it for now, above anything else. Even if it means , to again, rebuild, elswere, far away, a new similar life, with a new discret name. 

yes wxl likes exploring the world. i guess that in qing shui town , she felt all buddies are settled without her....i was mentioning the past because she just met her brother and politics things going on between Sheng Nong army general XL. And Jing was also engaged to another woman and was tied to his family . So i was thinking she wanted to leave things behind. But you are right she want again to rebuild the life elsewere again ..

 Winny Aye:
So i was thinking she wanted to leave things behind. But you are right she want again to rebuild the life elsewere again ..

Yes the winds are blowing her away from those two niché :)

@ Wynny Aye

" Wen Xiao Liu was thinking all the way to escape from Zhuan Xu taking her to Gao Xing. She even think of Xiang Liu whom she believed he could help her escape. But he wasn't in surrounding , and so finally despite her avoiding Jing, it seemed she still could not escape from him. It is mentioned she sort of wanting to know if Jing would choose her against the world. Because if he helped her Jing might be making enemies with both Xuan Yuan and Gao Xing. She wanted to know how much she was important to Jing. In the context, it is implied Jing 's choice is even more important to her than escaping"

Yes Xiao Liu is looking for  XL  as her mean to escape. She wants to use him nothing more. fate is  pushing her towards meeting  Jing again.   I love it.

Chapter 8:

My Analysis Part 4


Xiao Liu arrived at Jing’s residence and entered through the back and immediately told the guard who he was. A guard went to get Jing Ye who arrived furious with a “you again!” glare.

Xiao Liu smirked “Sorry to bother you, I’m here to see your young master.” Jing Ye rolled her eyes and turned to leave and Xiao Liu followed. It was just like last year, with flowers blooming everywhere and lots of ice crystal wind chimes hanging along the corridors to cool the air.

Jing Ye brought Xiao Liu to a study and inside Jing sat at a desk listening to two retainers give a report. Xiao Liu stepped back and enjoyed the flowers while the conversation finished inside. Jing Ye went inside to announce Xiao Liu and Jing came out and asked “What happened?”

Xiao Liu smiled wanly that Jing knew he wouldn’t be here if there wasn’t something he wanted. Xiao Liu turned around “Xuan Yuan’s Prince Zhuan Xu is waiting for me at Hui Chun Clinic to take me to see the Grand Emperor of Gao Xing Kingdom.”

Jing said slowly “I will accompany you to Gao Xing. The Grand Emperor is a sage ruler, he would not be looking to harm you.”

“It doesn’t matter to me if he’s a sage ruler or not. I don’t want to meet him!”

Jing asked “You want to run away?” Xiao Liu smiled “Yes, I want to run away.”

Jing replied “It’ll be very difficult.”

Xiao Liu nodded with more smiles “It is very difficult, if it wasn’t difficult I wouldn’t be here with you. The Tu Shan clan must have a secret passage way out of town. You help me escape.”


Xiao Liu’s smile froze and he stared at Jing “Once escaped then its resisting an Imperial Summons from the Grand Emperor. Zhuan Xu will send people to track us down, and if we continue to resist he won’t hesitate to kill. The road ahead will be perilous, and even if we escape, you will have made an enemy of both the Gao Xing and Xuan Yuan Kingdoms.

Jing took Xiao Liu’s hand and pulled him into the study and said to Jing Ye “Prepare clothes, I’m taking Xiao Liu and leaving Qing Shui Town.”

Jing Ye must’ve heard what they said and glared in rage at Xiao Liu but held it in “My lord there is no need for you to be in danger, I will have two men accompany Master Liu out of town. I will stake my life on protecting him.”

Jing gently said “Prepare clothes for us.”

Jing Ye knew Jing made up his mind so didn’t dare speak again and went to prepare the clothes.

Wen Xiao Liu had come to Jing after all. And Jing was fine to help her without any doubt at all. I think Jing's word, "fine" must had both surprised and touched her heart.

The Replica Dolls

Jing Ye brought two sets of clothes and the two changed into it and arranged their hair so they appeared like messengers traveling from place to place. Jing Ye took out a box and inside were two dolls. It wasn’t wood carved and was instead furry like an animal’s tail. Xiao Liu was curious and wanted to touch but Jing Ye slapped his hand away “This is a doll made from the fox tail of a ten thousand year old nine-tailed fox. It’s extremely rare. The nine-tailed fox is the best at transformation and the tail is where all the power gathers. These two tails have tens of thousands of years of power. Using it to make fake people, even if the dead former Emperors came back to life with their powers they wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.”

Jing pricked his middle finger and touched the doll and it transformed into the exact replica of Jing. The fake Jing handed the other doll and gently told Xiao Liu “It needs a drop of your blood.”

If Xiao Liu didn’t just see it with his own eyes, he would think that fake Jing was real and the sitting real Jing was fake. He pricked his finger on the doll which quickly got bigger and was the same size as Xiao Liu but its features were completely blank.

Jing Ye was stunned “How can this be, this was a treasure left by the Tu Shan ancestors and I’ve never heard of it transforming this way.”

Xiao Liu nervously laughed “Probably because I look so plain, the doll can’t recognize it.” Jing stood up and touched the fake Xiao Liu’s face and arranged his features until it looked just like Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu sighed in relief “Fine, fine, it’s all fine now.”

The fake Xiao Liu doll laughed like Xiao Liu and spoke in the exact same voice as him “You don’t even know what you look like yourself, why blame me?”

Xiao Liu’s face turned white and he angrily threatened “You’re a dead fox so shut up now before I burn you up!”

The fake Xiao Liu huffed and walked over to the fake Jing, who actually patted him on the arm to comfort him. Xiao Liu stared in shock and Jing Ye said proudly “If it wasn’t so alike then it wouldn’t be a rare treasure, now would it.”

Xiao Liu asked Jing what his plan was.

“Let them pretend to be two servants and leave with a batch of goods. We’ll transform our looks and pretend to be messengers and leave town the other way with a group of departing messengers.”

Jing Ye immediately cautioned “That’s too dangerous. If Prince Zhuan Xu finds you guys missing, he will station men everywhere searching for people using godly powers. My lord’s powers are all recovered and can mask it, but Master Liu can’t.

Jing ordered “You take them to change.” Jing Ye knew he made up his mind and went with the two dolls.

Jing walked up to Xiao Liu “If you change your looks, can it avoid all detection?” Xiao Liu hesitated and then nodded. Jing smiled “Then we’ll go with the plan.”

Xiao Liu’s heart was thumping wildly “You….you always knew I could transform my face?”

The power of transformation wasn’t a very hard power to learn, but only those with great power using it can truly transform and avoid detection. With Xiao Liu’s power, no one would believe him using the skill could avoid detection using a magical object seeker.

Jing said “The Tu Shan clan aren’t simply from the God tribe. One of our ancestors was the far-reaching original nine-tailed fox. So the bloodline of the Tu Shan family can all transform. I have the spiritual eye and can usually see through all transformation and masking spells and powers. That was how I was able to see Ah Nian’s true face and knew to avoid her. But everything about you seems real even to me, except my instinct tells me your face is fake. So…..that is why I can’t leave you. If I leave and you disappeared, it would be without a trace.”

Xiao Liu was stunned. Jing knew all along that he was fake.

Jing Ye came back “Everyone is prepared but there are people already stationed outside keeping watch on the residence, likely sent by Prince Zhuan Xu.”

Jing Ye brought a carriage and she had transformed into an old man. The fake dolls got into the carriage first, and then Jing Ye opened a secret compartment underneath that could fit two people. Xiao Liu and Shi Qi squeezed in and when Jing Ye leaned in to close it she whispered “My lord, he only let you stay for 6 years. Tu Shan clan can repay him another way. Why put yourself in danger?”

Jing calmly said “In three days you go back to Qing Qiu, if I escape successfully then I will find you there. If not, you and Lan Xiang find a guy and get married.” He closed the secret compartment.

Jing Ye pursed her lips to restrain her sobs.

I really like this idea of having fake Jing and fake Xiao Liu. Even those replicas reaction to Xiao Liu was fun. It's a pity that the drama did not include this part. I also like the line how Xiao Liu thought that fake Jing looked more real than the real Jing. I am not sure about  what  the author intented. But sometimes in our society, people tend to think fake is real but ignore reality. It is already much revealing here that Xiao Liu's appearance was fake one. She was just stunned that Jing was no surprised with it and that he had known about it, maybe for a long time already. The loyal maid, Jing Ye could see, Jing chose to go with Wen Xiao Liu all the way Jing had given Wen Xiao Liu more than Jing Ye might have thought. And it was his choice. Even if she was sad, she would still have to help him. The fantastic carriage with secret counter part is all fun. (Although we don't have that in drama).
In this particular part I am glad to read more wonders about Tushan clans and their abilities. The fake replica is truly awesome. And again Jing proved that he understand and know about his Wen Xiao Liu more than she would ever imagine, more than we, readers know.

Jing mentioning to Jing Ye about getting married when he's not back, maybe indicating Jing may have already determined to get gone with  Xiao Liu forever if fate has destined them. I mean when it comes to Xiao Liu, he did not care about other things much. 

Chapter 8:

My Analysis Part 5

The Longing In Xiao Liu's Heart Has Expanded


The carriage started to move and it was dark and Xiao Liu and Jing were tightly pressed together due to its cramped space. When Xiao Liu went to look for Jing, it was a spur of the moment thing. He wanted to see Jing put in a tight spot, he wanted to hear Jing try to talk him into going to see the Grand Emperor and it was no big deal. Xiao Liu wanted to hear all of this with his own ears, so that he could use this cruel method to cut the final threads of longing in his heart, so that he could leave without a care, so that he could let Wen Xiao Liu vanish forever without any sadness.

But when Xiao Liu said he didn’t want to go and Jing never asked why he would rather risk death to escape than go, nor did he pause to think about his own danger before agreeing to help him escape, the longing in Xiao Liu’s heart expanded instead of being severed.

The carriage had an accident allowing Jing and Xiao Liu to sneak out disguised into the messenger group from town. Fake Jing and Xiao Liu continued on in the carriage while Jing and Xiao Liu went back to Qing Shui Town with the messenger group.

The group continued on until dark when they returned to the inn for dinner before sleeping outside to guard the goods being transported. It was Summer so it wasn’t cold out at night. The entire town was asleep and the stars out were especially bright. Xiao Liu raised his head to look at the stars and wished for a duck neck to gnaw on to make this feel like a trip rather than running away.

Jing said “If you’re tired, go to sleep.”

Xiao Liu replied “It’s crazy outside of town, isn’t it?” Zhuan Xu thought he left town so was searching outside but in truth he was still in town.

Jing explained “Tomorrow the messenger group will depart for Gao Xing.” Xiao Liu laughed, Zhuan Xu would never think that he was running away from going to Gao Xing would then be headed to Gao Xing. Xiao Liu said to Jing “I thought you were so honest, who knew you were this sneaky.”

Jing said “Tomorrow will be exhausting, you rest leaning on me.” Xiao Liu looked up at the stars and said nothing. A raspy voice said “I. Am Shi Qi.”

Xiao Liu still looked up at the stars and said nothing, but after a few moments his head slowly tilted and lightly rested on Shi Qi’s shoulder. Shi Qi didn’t dare move as if afraid he would scare him away. Until he heard Xiao Liu sleeping did he slightly turn his head to gently look down on the sleeping Xiao Liu.

I am really happy to read Xiao Liu and Shi Qi tender moments again. Jing was very happy to be her Ye Shi Qi again. Even though they were in chao situation, he was happy. Xiao Liu might have thought Jing would not follow her. But his being fine with helping her escape and being with her by all himself had expanded her wanting him even more. In other words, their bonds just got stronger.
I really like this metaphor of her looking at the stars. Stars could be metaphor of "Stars turn on as the day turn to night". The way I understand it is when the dark times come there will be little stars to see the light. Stars metaphor could be "something written in stars", meaning destiny is already written, a force of nature we can't avoid,  and something we could not change.Stars can be metaphor for "Star Crossed Lovers" , such as Romeo and Juliet.

The reference for Stars Metaphors