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Chapter  8  It’s So Late, Why Have You Not Returned

I have updated my originalist  see page 349

I have updated my originalist  see page 349

Wouhouuu thank you and winny! <3 

 Winny Aye:
am really happy to read Xiao Liu and Shi Qi tender moments again. Jing was very happy to be her Ye Shi Qi again. Even though they were in chao situation, he was happy. Xiao Liu might have thought Jing would not follow her. But his being fine with helping her escape and being with her by all himself had expanded her wanting him even more. In other words, their bonds just got stronger.
I really like this metaphor of her looking at the stars. Stars could be metaphor of "Stars turn on as the day turn to night". The way I understand it is when the dark times come there will be little stars to see the light. Stars metaphor could be
"something written in stars", meaning destiny is already written, a force of nature we can't avoid,  and something we could not change.Stars can be metaphor for "Star Crossed Lovers" which is Romeo and Juliet.
The reference for Stars Metaphors

Beautifull text winny <3

Xiao Liu tired  to  leave quickly  and thought  hard and fast  on how to leave  undetected by Xuan and his people. He realised that he needs help to escape and  the best person  who could provide this is XL . The use of 'Right now " by the writer emphasised that it is only at this moment that he is missing  XL not  before and for this specific endeavour.  Xiao Liu is not longing for  XL.  Due to  XL alliance, he is the best option for Xiao Liu escape  and  also his army base could provide him great hiding place.  since he had not had contact with XL for a while he decides Jing is the only option left for him to escape. As We can see `Xiao Liu is again thinking of  using Jing despite having screamed  at him earlier on the leave him be, to stop bothering him.  It seems like Fate has plan for them 2 to meet before Xiao Liu leaves  and disappears completely from Jing's live as he planned to do.

Xiao Liu  knew the risk this would be for Jing and the Tu Shan clan .  Now more  that even leaving, Xiao Liu is interested in finding out if Jing would put him  above his clan reputation and interest  and help him against the Grand emperor  and Xuan Yuan.  This is again a way for Xiao Liu to see how much he is important to Jing. it is his way to measure the level of Jing's commitment  to him. This is now the  2nd time that Xiao Liu want to test Jing commitment.  We  know and so does Xiao Liu,  that Jing has already proven how much Xiao Liu is important to him.  Jing has also said in previous chapters, that any thing Xiao Liu want, he would give and if he does not have it,  he would do everything to procure it for him.  Jing has been sincere and has proven this by his actions.  

Xiao liu look at the chime and smile coldly . We have seen in @ Symbolic analysis, "The wind chime represents Jing's attempts to mend and connect". By looking at it with a cold smile,  Xiao Liu is determine to see if this connection is strong. the cold smile show that he sure that he will get a rejection from Jing, he is in fact ready for it.    It will all rest on Jing hand again. It will be a make it or break it moment for them both.  I my opinion, I find Xiao Liu  here unfair towards Jing. How many time does one needs to prove himself for him? I guess  we will have our answer when they finally meet and `Xiao Liu test Jing.   It is important to notice that Xiao Liu so far has only been interested inn testing Jing's  and only Jing's commitment towards him.  

Off Xioa liu goes to  Tu Shan Jing place 
Due to  XL alliance, he is the best option for Xiao Liu escape  and  also his army base could provide him great hiding place.  since he had not had contact with XL for a while he decides Jing is the only option left for him to escape. As We can see `Xiao Liu is again thinking of  using Jing despite having screamed  at him earlier on the leave him be, to stop bothering him.  It seems like Fate has plan for them 2 to meet before Xiao Liu leaves  and disappears completely from Jing's live as he planned to do.

Fate, destiny , and writer's choice.

"The wind chime represents Jing's attempts to mend and connect". By looking at it with a cold smile,  Xiao Liu is determine to see if this connection is strong. the cold smile show that he sure that he will get a rejection from Jing, he is in fact ready for it.    It will all rest on Jing hand again. It will be a make it or break it moment for them both.  I my opinion, I find Xiao Liu  here unfair towards Jing. How many time does one needs to prove himself for him? I guess  we will have our answer when they finally meet and `Xiao Liu test Jing.   It is important to notice that Xiao Liu so far has only been interested inn testing Jing's  and only Jing's commitment towards him.  

In the drama it's in Episode14, while they are catched by CX that Xiao Liu admit on testing him :

AND WHY :) =>

(caressing his hairs)


She also reveal him that's because of her blood back than when she first found him, that he could have survived...He understand at that moment that it is for that very of her blood  and it's healing propriety that she interested someone else too, and that makes him smile. 

SHe OFFER him.

                                                                     PART 1 CH 8 - analysis

1. Zhuan Xu's Identity and Political Intricacies:

Textual Evidence: "My real name is Zhuan Xu. Xuan Yuan Zhuan Xu. I am the eldest grandson of the Yellow Emperor of the Xuan Yuan Kingdom."

Analysis: Zhuan Xu's revelation of his true identity introduces a layer of political complexity into the narrative. His royal lineage from the Xuan Yuan Kingdom adds an intricate dimension to the power dynamics that Xiao Liu is navigating. The stark contrast with Jing's steadfast loyalty emphasizes the political machinations at play, highlighting the intricate web of power that Xiao Liu finds himself entangled in.

2. Xiao Liu's Internal Conflict and Emotional Turmoil:

Textual Evidence: "Xiao Liu stammered 'You…what are you doing here? I already removed the bug. You ought to have been able to feel it."

Analysis: Xiao Liu's internal conflict surfaces as he confronts Zhuan Xu. The palpable struggle between self-preservation and political obligations is heightened by Jing's immediate support. The emotional turmoil Xiao Liu experiences becomes evident, setting the stage for the intricate choices he must make. Jing's unwavering loyalty accentuates the emotional depth, portraying a stark contrast to the potential political motives behind Zhuan Xu's actions.

3. Jing's Loyalty, Love, and Reassurance:

Textual Evidence: "Jing said slowly 'I will accompany you to Gao Xing. The Grand Emperor is a sage ruler; he would not be looking to harm you.'"

Analysis: Jing's unwavering loyalty and love shine through as he offers to accompany Xiao Liu. This loyalty stands in stark contrast to potential political motives. Jing's reassurance adds emotional depth, emphasizing the genuine care he holds for Xiao Liu. The contrasting motivations of Jing and Zhuan Xu contribute to the nuanced exploration of loyalty, love, and the intricate interplay between emotions and political considerations.

4. Escape Plans and Political Intrigue:

Textual Evidence: "Xiao Liu walked out and saw Tian Er memorizing medicinal herb concoctions. He said to her 'I’m leaving Hui Chun Clinic in your hands.'"

Analysis: The departure plans underscore Xiao Liu's resourcefulness and Jing's involvement, showcasing their ability to navigate the political landscape. This contrast with Zhuan Xu's political strategies hints at the characters' adaptability and determination to forge their own path. The juxtaposition of escape plans against political intricacies adds depth to the narrative, highlighting the characters' resilience and ingenuity.

5. Symbolism of Wind Chime and Fan:

Textual Evidence: "Soothing Sounds: The gentle tinkling might represent the potential for healing and resolution."

Analysis: In essence, the author employs the shapes and characteristics of the wind chime and fan to metaphorically convey the nuanced aspects of Xiao Liu and Jing's relationship. Through these objects, readers are invited to explore the intricacies of harmony, interdependence, fluidity, closeness, distance, and individual expression within the Xiao Liu and Tushan Jing evolving narrative and relationship. 


6. Metaphor of Stars and Unknown Future:

Textual Evidence: "Xiao Liu raised his head to look at the stars and wished for a duck neck to gnaw on to make this feel like a trip rather than running away."

Analysis: The metaphor of stars symbolizes the unknown future, emphasizing the unpredictability of Xiao Liu's journey. The desire for simplicity through a casual trip reflects the character's longing for a carefree existence, contrasting with the complexities of their current situation. The stars become a poignant symbol of hope and uncertainty, underscoring the emotional depth in Xiao Liu's quest for freedom.

7. Language - Words and Metaphors:

Textual Evidence: "Zhuan said 'This is an Imperial Summons; you can’t refuse. Xiao Liu, don’t make it hard for me, I don’t want to hurt you.'"

Analysis: The tension in Zhuan Xu's language underscores the power dynamic at play. Contrastingly, Jing's reassuring and supportive language highlights the difference in approach, showcasing the characters' distinct attitudes and motivations. The choice of words becomes a crucial element in revealing the characters' intentions and the intricate power struggles they navigate.

8. Foreshadowing Language and Anticipation:

Textual Evidence: "Xuan had finally revealed his identity as the grandson of the Yellow Emperor of Xuan Yuan and disciple of the Grand Emperor of Gao Xing."

Analysis: The revelation of Xuan's identity foreshadows future conflicts, creating anticipation for the reader. This adds complexity to the narrative and sets the stage for the challenges Xiao Liu and Jing will face in the upcoming chapters. The foreshadowing language enhances the storytelling, keeping readers engaged with the evolving political and emotional landscape.

9. Replica Dolls and Resourcefulness:

Textual Evidence: "Jing Ye brought two sets of clothes and the two changed into it and arranged their hair so they appeared like messengers traveling from place to place."

Analysis: The use of replica dolls showcases the characters' ingenuity in escaping Zhuan Xu's pursuit. Jing's plans and the introduction of the dolls provide a unique contrast to the political complexities, emphasizing the characters' resourcefulness. This adds a layer of depth to the narrative, showcasing the characters' ability to navigate challenges creatively.(not shown in the drama).

10. The Longing In Xiao Liu's Heart Has Expanded and Emotional Complexity:

Textual Evidence: The moment this thought popped into his head, Xiao Luu suddenly wanted to know Jing’s choice even more than he wanted to escape Qing Shui TownXiao Liu looked at the ice crystal wind chime and smiled coldly. Whatever Jing chose to do, once Xiao Liu asked then he’ll know. 

Analysis: Xiao Liu's internal struggle and the lack of inquiry from Jing contribute to the deepening of Xiao Liu's longing. The emotional connection between the characters becomes more pronounced, highlighting the complexity of their relationship. The unspoken understanding and emotional resonance enhance the narrative, portraying a nuanced exploration of Xiao Liu's internal conflicts and the evolving dynamics between characters.

11. Xiao Liu's Internal Struggle and Lack of Inquiry:

Textual Evidence: -Xiao Liu turned around  - "Fine!” +.Xiao Liu was stunned. Jing knew all along that he was fake. 

Analysis: Xiao Liu's reluctance to divulge the reasons behind his desire to escape and Jing's decision not to press for an explanation adds a layer of complexity to their relationship. The unspoken understanding between them becomes a powerful element in the narrative, suggesting a mutual recognition of the weight of Xiao Liu's past and the emotional toll it has taken on him.

12. Symbolism of Leaning Head and Trust:

Textual Evidence: "A raspy voice said 'I. Am Shi Qi.' Xiao Liu still looked up at the stars and said nothing, but after a few moments his head slowly tilted and lightly rested on Shi Qi’s shoulder."

Analysis: The symbolic act of leaning his head on Shi Qi's shoulder conveys Xiao Liu's vulnerability and a subtle invitation to trust. This gesture serves as a metaphorical opening of Xiao Liu's heart. In the silence that follows, Xiao Liu communicates a willingness to share his burdens, hinting at the unspoken connection between him and Shi Qi. It contrasts with the political intricacies and power struggles, emphasizing the intimate and personal aspect of Xiao Liu's journey.

13. Opening the Heart in Silence and Emotional Richness:

Analysis: Xiao Liu's choice to remain silent yet lean on Shi Qi's shoulder becomes a poignant expression of trust and a desire for comfort. This silent exchange becomes a powerful element in the narrative, contributing to the depth and complexity of the characters' relationships. Jing's lack of inquiry may reflect his respect for Xiao Liu's privacy and certanly  a shared understanding that some wounds are too painful to articulate. 


Overview of Tones:

  • Tension: The political tensions between Zhuan Xu and Xiao Liu contribute to an overall tone of tension. The escape plans and the need for secrecy amplify this suspenseful atmosphere.

  • Emotional Depth: Amid the turmoil, there are moments of emotional depth, especially in the expressions of loyalty, love, and the deepening connection between characters. These moments add a layer of warmth to the narrative.

  • Symbolic Optimism: The introduction of symbols like the wind chime and the metaphor of stars brings tones of optimism and hope, even in the face of political challenges. These symbols suggest the potential for healing and resolution.

  • Silent Understanding: The silent gestures, such as Xiao Liu leaning on Shi Qi's shoulder, contribute to a tone of silent understanding and unspoken connection. 


+ Drama cover ep.14 contribute to let us know what are Xiao Liu's feelings for Jing:

  1. Fear of Emotional Entanglement:

    • Xiao Liu's testing of Shi Qi could stem from a fear of emotional entanglement. He might be afraid of forming deep emotional connections, especially considering the circumstances of his life and the potential dangers associated with his identity.
  2. Reluctance to Confront Feelings:

    • By admitting to testing Shi Qi, Xiao Liu might be revealing a reluctance to confront his own feelings. This could indicate that he is struggling with internal conflicts, possibly arising from past experiences or traumas that make him hesitant to embrace emotional vulnerability.
  3. Protection Mechanism:

    • Testing Shi Qi could be seen as a protective mechanism employed by Xiao Liu. If he can create distance or discourage Shi Qi from pursuing a closer relationship, Xiao Liu might believe he can shield himself from potential emotional pain or complications.
  4. Deep Feelings and Longing:

    • Ironically, the act of testing Shi Qi could be an indication of deep feelings on Xiao Liu's part. The fear of attachment and longing in his heart, as previously explored in the text, might be driving these actions. Xiao Liu's internal struggle could be rooted in the conflict between his desire for connection and his fear of the associated vulnerabilities.
  5. Character Growth and Evolution:

    • This revelation sets the stage for character growth. Xiao Liu's acknowledgment of his testing behavior opens the door for potential self-reflection and development. It creates opportunities for Xiao Liu to confront his fears, understand the true nature of his feelings, and possibly move towards a more open and authentic connection with Shi Qi.

In summary, Xiao Liu admits to testing Shi Qi as portrayed in the drama, it say outloud how  deep is the emotional turmoil within Xiao Liu. We already knew that some of his actions may be driven by a fear of attachment and a reluctance to confront his own feelings. However, this revelation also creates opportunities for self-discovery, and  for a more profound connection between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi as the story unfolds. Xiao Liu admit to himself that he have feelings for Yeshiqi. It's a huge step foward! :).


As Xiao Liu caresses Shi Qi's hair while admitting that he tested him, it adds a layer of physical intimacy to the emotional revelation. Here's an exploration of this gesture:

  1. Tender Gesture Amidst Emotional Revelation:

    • The act of caressing Shi Qi's hair while admitting to testing him adds a tender and intimate dimension to the conversation. Xiao Liu's touch is like  a non-verbal expression of care and affection, contrasting with his  testing harsh words he spoke to him.
  2. Seeking Comfort and Connection:
    • Xiao Liu's gesture may convey a subconscious desire for comfort and connection. In the midst of revealing his inner conflicts and fears, the physical touch might be an instinctual way for Xiao Liu to seek solace and reassurance, both for himself and for Shi Qi.
  3. Vulnerability and Openness:
  • The act of caressing someone's hair is often associated with vulnerability and openness. Xiao Liu, who might have been guarded or reserved in expressing his emotions, is momentarily allowing himself to be vulnerable. This physical gesture can symbolize a moment of emotional nakedness and authenticity.

             4.Symbolic Sign of Affection:

  • Hair caressing is a symbolic sign of affection and tenderness. It could indicate that, despite Xiao Liu's testing and reservations, there is a genuine fondness and affection for Shi Qi. The physical touch  signify a connection that goes beyond words or tests.

           5.Contrast with Verbal Expression:

  • The contrast between Xiao Liu's verbal admission and his physical gesture adds depth to his character. It reveals a multi-faceted approach to communication, where words alone may not fully convey the complexity of emotions. The caress serves as a silent apology or reassurance, a way of saying, "Despite my fears, there is genuine affection between us."

                6.Foreshadowing of Deeper Connection:

  • This intimate moment could foreshadow a deeper connection between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi in the narrative. It sets the stage for potential growth in their relationship, as Xiao Liu begins to confront his fears and Shi Qi becomes a source of comfort and understanding.

In summary, if Xiao Liu caresses Shi Qi's hair while admitting to testing him, it enhances the emotional and intimate aspects of their relationship. This physical gesture becomes a poignant expression of vulnerability, affection, and the potential for a profound connection between them. Xiao Liu caress Yeshiqi's hair, but she also caress her own desires to let go on further and free, her own feelings toward him.


(quick draft recap)

@ Wynn Aye

"Wen Xiao Liu had made her Hui Shui family settled and able to live on without her. She had already planned to leave and wander again whether she would be taken to Gao Xing or not. It is already hinted here that she won't be coming back to Qing Shui town for a long long time and that next time she came back everyone might be getting old and leaving the world already."  

'Xiao Liu walked out and saw Tian Er memorizing medicinal herb concoctions. He said to her “I’m leaving Hui Chun Clinic in your hands. If Lao Mu is sad, tell him people come and go and having traveled a distance together is already enough.” 

thanks for this.  I actually find it sad that Xioa Liu had decided to not come back to Qing Shui Town for a long time.  Regardless of the circumstances he had decided  before even ZX coming to take him  to the  `grand Emperor, he had decided that he was ongoing to leave. I still remember in chapter 4 , his words even though he  was angry and felt self pity : 

[ Lao Mu startled for a moment “Did you convince the owner?” “You can say that.” Lao Mu gave the Heavens a thanks. Xiao Liu added ‘Don’t worry, I’ll be with you until you are old and send you off. You’re life span is shorter so I’ll be with you until you die. I won’t let you be all alone, with no one to rely on and no one to talk to. Who knows who will be with me until I die………”
Lao Mu shook Xiao Liu “You’re starting to pity yourself….” Xiao Liu said “Lao Mu, at least you’re reliable!”. 

I know she has abandonment issue , but here she is the one doing the abandonment. She  who planned to   abandon  everything. and every one long  before  Grand Emperor's order. 

@Symbolika1  I am not yet at that part  lol.  It will come

 I cannot yet jump to her  reason of testing Jing  until I get there lol. 


@Symbolika1  I am not yet at that part  lol.  It will come

 I cannot yet jump to her  reason of testing Jing  until I get there lol. 

mouahahahaha :D 

 I am never late. look

I have updated my  analysis on page 349. I will complete it tomorrow. 


 We see Xiao Liu thinking about why he tested Jin  using this cruel method.  I am glad that he admitted that the method was indeed cruel. As he explained,  it is was in oder to cut the thread of longing in his heart.  It is important to note that the thread of longing  in his heart is only mentioned in relation to Jing. Xiao Liu has NEVER related his  thread of longing in his heart  to Xiang Liu nor Xuan. Only to Jing.   I love  how  Jing's acceptance to help him without asking  Why, has expanded  the longing in Xiao Liu's heart. Xiao Liu should have known that Jing would have helped him without any question or conditions after all he did say in chapter 2  "
“No matter what reason, there won’t be a second time when you need me but can’t find me.

Yes. This kind of cruel method in testing, will be only for Jing though. Because she was saying herself he won't do. So she could cut everything out. Most of the time, people mostly revolve thoughts on themselves. The fact is I think she never wanted to believe Jing. But deep down I think, in my personal opinion, she wanted him to do this for her. 


mouahahahaha :D 

omg...i love this scene. I love Gandalf and Frodo....and Shire...and yes Gandalf is wise.


I know she has abandonment issue , but here she is the one doing the abandonment. She  who planned to   abandon  everything. and every one long  before  Grand Emperor's order.

Actually I am not sure when she started to think so leaving. But she had this lonely feeling that there won't be anyone with her till the end. Before her Hui Shui family would be gone before her. And I also think that she felt like she was not needed at Hui Shui anymore because Tian Er was doing well.  And everyone was on their own. Besides, Jing was on his own too (tied to his family). I think Xiao Liu was sort bored, out of place, lonely and want to cut her longing for Jing. So she decided to leave for somewhere to explore the world again.