
Back on subject ... 

OMG.  Another favorite scene.  The Finger.  sigh

The only way this scene could have been better, other than the obvious, would have been if XL called her bluff and shapeshifted into that woman!  XY would have leapt out of that pool so fast!  lol

This would've been hilarious.

Yo, I just started a war on Viki because there was a stupid lady saying stupid stuff about LYF and this was my reply:

"LMAO tell me more about how that drama of which you haven't got the slightest knowledge or grasp of is "all about violence against a women". [sic] 

Which woman? All women? Or that woman who happened to be a woman in a man's body, with all the male bits that come with it, trespassing on enemy camp with dubious motives while in the middle of a war. That woman? Who tried to kill a general and his mount with poison? That woman?

That drama is not voted high enough, and if it's got so much traction and so many people talking about is in big part because of Xiang Liu and his portrayal by Tan Jian Ci, who ate that role up so much that he's made a character created 10 years ago become even more famous and beloved than it already was. Take it up with the Chinese people and the millions there who keep making that drama one of the most important of 2023.

Shaming people for liking the dramas they like is getting so old. Just enjoy the things you enjoy and let others do the same.

PS.: Sucking her blood is super cool indeed by the way. There's that "feeling of frisson and excitement" as Tong Hua described in the novel. But more importantly, it's what is going to make Xiang Liu succeed in saving her life later on. If it wasn't for him, she'd be dead at least twice. Actually, a lot of people in that story would be dead if not for him. Such a villain, saving people's lives and doing all that without anyone knowing."

Yo, I just started a war on Viki because there was a stupid lady saying stupid stuff about LYF and this was my reply:

Did they delete their comment? I want to see this with popcorn :D

Which woman? All women? Or that woman who happened to be a woman in a man's body, with all the male bits that come with it, trespassing on enemy camp with dubious motives while in the middle of a war. That woman? Who tried to kill a general and his mount with poison? That woman?

Reminds me of those Jingers. It's like that lady only saw things at face value:   XL ordered her whipped which means he must be an abuser..... NO, JUST NO. XY attacked him and Furball first and she trespassed on their territory.... He stepped on her back which means he must be an abuser... NO, AGAIN. She riled him up and wasn't being compliant. Honestly, he could have had her executed but chose to spare her -_-

Shaming people for liking the dramas they like is getting so old. Just enjoy the things you enjoy and let others do the same.

The Xiang Liu fans can never win. The shaming, the deletion of what happened in the novel, adding stuff for that darned fox while downplaying XL's sacrifices. It's like one blow after another.

Did they delete their comment? I want to see this with popcorn :D

No! Let me send you the link:


It's a comment from 16 hours ago.

NO, JUST NO. XY attacked him and Furball first and she trespassed on their territory.... He stepped on her back which means he must be an abuser... NO, AGAIN. She riled him up and wasn't being compliant. Honestly, he could have had her executed but chose to spare her -_-

Exactly. She's lucky he didn't get her beheaded right then and there. It would have saved him a lot of trouble, to be honest.

Bunch of lunatics, thinking the violence that happens amidst a war is somehow comparable to violence against women. What does any of this have to do with abuse? People have no idea what any of those terms they keep throwing around mean.


No! Let me send you the link:


It's a comment from 16 hours ago. 

I don't think that's the right link.  It's for Dylan's new show.

The Xiang Liu fans can never win. The shaming, the deletion of what happened in the novel, adding stuff for that darned fox while downplaying XL's sacrifices. It's like one blow after another.

Actually, all of those things you mention just prove he's always winning. And us too, if you really think about it. Why would everyone bother to downplay everything he did in the novel and add stuff to make the fox look cool if they didn't know how important and fantastic he is? Imagine being a fan of that fox, knowing how badly written he originally was in the novel that the production apparently (judging by those cursed leaks) had to go to such lengths to make him more captivating to the audience. But it still won't be enough.

Same with the naysayers. They get so offended by people liking Xiang Liu instead of their "good guy" that they resort to displaying their indignation by shaming people who think differently. Even the Chinese people can see that. I was talking to Atmospheres the other day and she told me Xiang Liu has always been one of their most beloved fictional characters ever since his creation in 2013.


I don't think that's the right link.  It's for Dylan's new show.

It's the right link. That lady was talking about LYF in a show that has nothing to do with it. Pure clownery.

She was complaining about people complaining about her fav. Then she proceeds to complain about other people's favs.


It's the right link. That lady was talking about LYF in a show that has nothing to do with it. Pure clownery.

Okay.  I still don't see it.  Maybe I have to log in.  I don't see anything but 'reviews,' without comments on the 'reviews.'


She was complaining about people complaining about her fav. Then she proceeds to complain about other people's favs.

Well, that's about what I expect from these sort of people.


Okay.  I still don't see it.  Maybe I have to log in.  I don't see anything but 'reviews,' without comments on the 'reviews.'

Well, that's about what I expect from these sort of people. 

I'll send you a message there on Viki.

Oh, scratch that, I can't send photos on the Viki chat :/

It would have saved him a lot of trouble, to be honest.

Exactly, he wouldn't have had to feel everything she felt. And he could've survived longer. He lost like 3 lives saving her. My god..... Such a selfless person.


Exactly, he wouldn't have had to feel everything she felt. And he could've survived longer. He lost like 3 lives saving her. My god..... Such a selfless person.

His precious lives being used like that  ༎ຶ_⁠༎ຶ


I'll send you a message there on Viki.


Oh, scratch that, I can't send photos on the Viki chat :/


Need to sign up tonight.