
Better than detox hahaha

Oh me too. I refuse to stop having hope.

As Fang Feng Bei said,

"It's nothing but following your heart, with endless patience & long waiting. As well as never giving up for a faint hope." 


As Fang Feng Bei said,

"It's nothing but following your heart, with endless patience & long waiting. As well as never giving up for a faint hope." 

So beautifully put. 


As Fang Feng Bei said,

"It's nothing but following your heart, with endless patience & long waiting. As well as never giving up for a faint hope." 

When I was only a drama watcher, I thought he was talking about waiting for her to look at him and not that other dude.......


When I was only a drama watcher, I thought he was talking about waiting for her to look at him and not that other dude.......

I can’t decide if reading the novel makes it all better or worse. 


When I was only a drama watcher, I thought he was talking about waiting for her to look at him and not that other dude.......

Like most of XL / FFB's quotes, it can be taken in a variety of ways.  He's talking about Left Ear, her, and I believe, himself.


I can’t decide if reading the novel makes it all better or worse. 

I've usually found reading the book makes it better, but not always.  Of course, I'm pretty forgiving of adaptations.

How's the heartache over Xiangliu these days. 

For those still grieving, here's a little message from TJC:

I cant wait for hxhxn to air, is it true, Nov. 18? 

btw, anyone managed to order from JD? I want to order the Valentino cushion foundation with the pouch (its not available where I am) but it says cannot ship to my country :( 


How's the heartache over Xiangliu these days. 

For those still grieving, here's a little message from TJC:

I cant wait for hxhxn to air, is it true, Nov. 18? 

btw, anyone managed to order from JD? I want to order the Valentino cushion foundation with the pouch (its not available where I am) but it says cannot ship to my country :( 

Oh, the heartache will never disappear :/

Beautiful, thanks for the link!

No, JD must have Jingers working undercover for them. I was talking to Kokuto about this. Just as I was about to place my order for the album, they sent me a message saying the purchase could not be completed because of my area. But Brazil was on the list of countries >:(

So hard to buy the stuff this man endorses! \O/

i just want to buy the foundation as its finally a product i can use. so frustrating. :( 

gossip sharing: this was on weibo and i havent verified if its the same kid but they say it is. 

today, TJC met xiangliu and xiao yao’s baby. There was a hotsearch on weibo previously about a kid that looks like xiang liu and xiao. picture from toastmybuns as i dont know how to share from weibo.

Dont know if this video has been shared. TJC is soo cute here.

gossip sharing: this was on weibo and i havent verified if its the same kid but they say it is.

today, TJC met xiangliu and xiao yao’s baby. There was a hotsearch on weibo previously about a kid that looks like xiang liu and xiao. picture from toastmybuns as i dont know how to share from weibo.

OMIGOD they should put this baby on season 2! Imagine the Jingers' heads exploding hahahahahaha

That's a very beautiful baby. He looks exactly like Tan, not just the eyes, but the lips too.

Dont know if this video has been shared. think its a new one. TJC is soo cute here.

Awww cute. The messy hair :3


i just want to buy the foundation as its finally a product i can use. so frustrating. :( 

gossip sharing: this was on weibo and i havent verified if its the same kid but they say it is. 

today, TJC met xiangliu and xiao yao’s baby. There was a hotsearch on weibo previously about a kid that looks like xiang liu and xiao. picture from toastmybuns as i dont know how to share from weibo.

Dont know if this video has been shared. TJC is soo cute here.

OMG that baby is a real TJC doppelganger when he was a child. Compare that with the pics in this vid (timestamp 1:32 and 4:06), it‘s so uncanny how similar they look (especially in the second photo).


OMG that baby is a real TJC doppelganger when he was a child. Compare that with the pics in this vid (timestamp 1:32 and 4:06), it‘s so uncanny how similar they look (especially in the second photo).

Yes! So similar! Beautiful baby, he may become stunning like Tan too one day :3

IMMA GET IT performance from last night:

Dancing with glasses, 'cause why not? Pros can do anything. Jaysus.


IMMA GET IT performance from last night:

Dancing with glasses, 'cause why not? Pros can do anything. Jaysus.


The next TJC dancing IMMA GET IT. He got moves.

I was a bit surprised to see him in the Valentino tie and white shirt and black pants -- WITH glasses, but he carried it off well.  Love the loosening of the tie and tossing of the coat.  And that was a nice coat!

Of course, it made more sense when you see the song he did before this (yes, we got TWO songs)  -- Darkness!