
Cuties <3

I love that Chubby was included.


I love that Chubby was included.

He looks so tired, poor Chubby hahaha

Also, Chibi Chubby


He looks so tired, poor Chubby hahaha

Also, Chibi Chubby 

It takes a lot of energy to be that grumpy.

Plus all the transport he provides XL.  lol

Some goodies from 11 hours ago:

Did the images disappear? Am I being trolled? WTH


Did the images disappear? Am I being trolled? WTH

Ok.  That's just weird.  Are they still on the site where the pics came from?


Ok.  That's just weird.  Are they still on the site where the pics came from?

Yes, they're from my Pinterest.

Why is everything so weird with me, I'm suffering, I'm feeling oppressed ahahahah

I'll try one by one:


Yes, they're from my Pinterest.

Ah.  Pinterest is weird.  I can't get it show up on different boards.  Maybe their address link expired.  That happened for me one time with a pic from Facebook.  Had no idea that they did that.


Why is everything so weird with me, I'm suffering, I'm feeling oppressed ahahahah

Jinger blocking and oppression is real. ;p

So cute, my gosh. 

The Legs™  ԅ(‾⌣‾ԅ)


I'll try one by one:

Ohhhh, yesssss!  The new Valentino pics.  So pretty!

Jinger blocking and oppression is real. ;p

I'm already weird by nature, I don't need this extra weirdness HELP

Ah. Pinterest is weird. I can't get it show up on different boards. Maybe their address link expired. That happened for me one time with a pic from Facebook. Had no idea that they did that.

Oh, it wasn't an outside link, it was from my own treasure trove :) I'm saving everything in case the apocalypse arrives hahaha

This skin Jeeeeeesus

Please, sire, stop.

This skin Jeeeeeesus

Please, sire, stop.

No!  Don't.  Stop.  ;p

I can't believe how much awesome he gives us almost daily.  Thank goodness for his own PR studio.