How's the casserole? Did you burn the house down? Hahahahah


that‘s me LOL.

OMG @nathsketch those photos are the best specimens ever. For the second time in row, I woke up randomly in middle of the night and found TREASURE. I must be psychic to everything related to TJC LOL. Counting mole is now officially the new cure of insomnia. See our scientific endeavor did make a breakthrough for the good of mankind =p



that‘s me LOL.

OMG @nathsketch those photos are the best specimens ever. For the second time in row, I woke up randomly in middle of the night and found TREASURE. I must be psychic to everything related to TJC LOL. Counting mole is now officially the new cure of insomnia. See our scientific endeavor did make a breakthrough for the good of mankind =p

Girl, so much psychic stuff happening. It's scary lol

They're like a constellation map :D

Take a good look and let him enter your dreams hmmmmm


I'm not really seeing things clearly anymore.


No comment.


How's the casserole? Did you burn the house down? Hahahahah

I found the convection oven!  Going to fire that baby up tonite.



that‘s me LOL.

OMG @nathsketch those photos are the best specimens ever. For the second time in row, I woke up randomly in middle of the night and found TREASURE. I must be psychic to everything related to TJC LOL. Counting mole is now officially the new cure of insomnia. See our scientific endeavor did make a breakthrough for the good of mankind =p

It is all of us.  Greedily awaiting all the goodies Tan Jian Ci is delivering.

LOL!  Science!

We all do seem to have a psychic connection to Tan Alerts.


More English from Tan Jian Ci!

啊! You posted it already! His accent is so adorable ❤️



No comment.

I found the convection oven!  Going to fire that baby up tonite.

Kokuto, forgive my ignorance, but what is a convection oven?


Kokuto, forgive my ignorance, but what is a convection oven?

It's a oven that has a fan and blower system that circulates hot air in the oven.  It's supposed to cook faster and brown better.  Some ovens have that setting.  Mine (or specifically, Mom's) is like a big toaster oven, separate from the stove / oven -- which I don't have.


It's a oven that has a fan and blower system that circulates hot air in the oven.  It's supposed to cook faster and brown better.  Some ovens have that setting.  Mine (or specifically, Mom's) is like a big toaster oven, separate from the stove / oven -- which I don't have.

Oh, is it like those professional ovens from bakeries? They have a big fan inside them. I’m trying to remember if there’s a different name for that kind of oven here, or if they’re all just called ovens.

The word oven is now sounding weird. You know when you repeat a word in your head many times and it starts to become odd? Do you have that?


Oh, is it like those professional ovens from bakeries? They have a big fan inside them. I’m trying to remember if there’s a different name for that kind of oven here, or if they’re all just called ovens.

The word oven is now sounding weird. You know when you repeat a word in your head many times and it starts to become odd? Do you have that?

Oven is a weird word.  And yes.  But I'm probably not the best person to ask.  I mangle words all the time.  lol

Hmmm.  I don't know.  Maybe.  They would be useful, except with cakes.  Convection ovens were a trend a while ago in home kitchens.  Now it's all air fryers.


Oven is a weird word.  And yes.  But I'm probably not the best person to ask.  I mangle words all the time.  lol

Hmmm.  I don't know.  Maybe.  They would be useful, except with cakes.  Convection ovens were a trend a while ago in home kitchens.  Now it's all air fryers.

I Googled convection oven and they look like those vintage ovens from the 60s.  Here they’re called “fogão elétrico convector”. It’s basically the same name :) And you’re right, most models here have an air fryer setting. 

The thing with the words, it’s not that the word oven is weird. That happens to me with any word (in English, Portuguese, etc.) if I think about it too long. For example, “fogão”. If I think too much about that word, it soon starts to sound and look odd after a while.

Lol I’m so weird. There’s also that thing with the colors and the numbers hahah


I Googled convection oven and they look like those vintage ovens from the 60s.  Here they’re called “fogão elétrico convector”. It’s basically the same name :) And you’re right, most models here have an air fryer setting. 

That sounds about right.  This thing is big and bulky.

I'm thinking about putting Zootopia on the background in honor Tan.  Hmmmm.  Have I seen this show?


That sounds about right.  This thing is big and bulky.

I'm thinking about putting Zootopia on the background in honor Tan.  Hmmmm.  Have I seen this show?

Yes, good idea!

What show?