
This is me side eying those cringe comments >.>

me in my head

Good thing you guys commented. I wouldn't have been as mature if I commented myself ahahaha 😂

I couldn't hold myself. Too much nonsense being spewed.

Another melon (https://min.news/en/entertainment/f3f44f8be08c5186094a6aedd5795e28.html)

This article is written so terribly jaysus ahahahaha I'm in tears reading this

"Even if it is really Tan Jianci, everyone will express their blessings more, after all, he is now so old"

Excuse me, how on Earth is he "now so old"? Please, I'm taking this personally as I was born in the same year. 💀👵🏻

Bye world, time for Nana to go take her nap. enough chatting with you kids ahahahahahahahaha


This article is written so terribly jaysus ahahahaha I'm in tears reading this

"Even if it is really Tan Jianci, everyone will express their blessings more, after all, he is now so old"

Excuse me, how on Earth is he "now so old"? Please, I'm taking this personally as I was born in the same year. 💀👵🏻

Bye world, time for Nana to go take her nap. enough chatting with you kids ahahahahahahahaha

Yes, the article is questionable, but it seems to me like it is originally a chinese article that google translated into english. But it‘s not the worse, believe me I‘ve read worse translated article which basically saying nothing other than repeating  an actor’s general info everybody know already from wiki and only a clickbait 🤦‍♀️🙈😂. This source at least although badly translated, seems to have some really juicy tidbit and post the messages screenshot as well. In Asian generally when you hit thirty you‘re old 🤣. Specially for women, I think in china they got called ‚left over women‘ if their still single/unmarried in their thirties.  In my home country, your family will start pushing and trying to matchmake you if you still single in your thirties. A friend of mine dreaded calling her parents because everytime her mom asked her if she‘s still single or if she already found someone 🙈. They‘ll hound you to death until you give in and marry the first guy you can grab from the street LOL.  And  I remember feeling really bummed as salespeople starting calling me ma'am, instead of miss 🙈😂🙈 as I got older. 

In my home country, your family will start pushing and trying to matchmake you if you still single in your thirties. A friend of mine dreaded calling her parents because everytime her mom asked her if she‘s still single or if she already found someone 🙈.

I know, right?? This is sort of funny from an outsider's perspective, but it must be so annoying to go through it. Too much pressure.

They‘ll hound you to death until you give in and marry the first guy you can grab from the street LOL.

Sheesh, that's awful. Really.

Completely unrelated but I was taking a look at other melons from that website you showed me and this one actually got me spooked:


I really hope none of these things are actually true. He's my second favorite actor ever. But I'll just brush it off the same as everything else on this cursed website 😹

Rotten melons, that's what they are hahaha


I know, right?? This is sort of funny from an outsider's perspective, but it must be so annoying to go through it. Too much pressure.

Sheesh, that's awful. Really.



Completely unrelated but I was taking a look at other melons from that website you showed me and this one actually got me spooked:


I really hope none of these things are actually true. He's my second favorite actor ever. But I'll just brush it off the same as everything else on this cursed website 😹

Rotten melons, that's what they are hahaha

Oh God, there are already people on his page writing stuff.


I couldn't hold myself. Too much nonsense being spewed. 

Yes, the nonsense. That's what's wrong with some of them. Criticizing a character is fine. It's going after the people that support him that's wrong. I can't stand people making generalizations about us. Saying stuff like we're more likely to be in abusive relationships since we support XL is absurd.

Anyway, more gifs soon. We need happy vibes in this forum and the other XL forum lol


"Saying stuff like we're more likely to be in abusive relationships since we support XL is absurd."

THIS. when people say that it makes me 🤬

It makes me want to reply with, "people who like Jing are more likely to be in a people pleaser relationship 🤮" or "people who like Jing are more likely to be in a manipulative/controling relationship" <-- just too make them see the other unrealistic side, even though that is all BS. 

😀🤪☃️feed me🍲🍵🫕

***don't mind me just testing how emojis are shown through the 'spoiler' grey out thingy, instead of being 'greyed out' (not sure if others see it?)***



"Saying stuff like we're more likely to be in abusive relationships since we support XL is absurd."

THIS. when people say that it makes me 🤬

It makes me want to reply with, "people who like Jing are more likely to be in a people pleaser relationship 🤮" or "people who like Jing are more likely to be in a manipulative/controling relationship" <-- just too make them see the other unrealistic side, even though that is all BS. 

Yeah. It's so childish really. And we're the ones that are supposed to be toxic.


😀🤪☃️feed me🍲🍵🫕

***don't mind me just testing how emojis are shown through the 'spoiler' grey out thingy, instead of being 'greyed out' (not sure if others see it?)***

Hahahaha emojis don't get the spoiler treatment.


Anyway, more gifs soon. We need happy vibes in this forum and the other XL forum lol

Wonderful! Your pretty gifs are a work of art!

Elise, any progress with your Weibo account?