Under this topic, I'd like to share all about Tushan Jing/ Ye Shiqi played by Deng Wei. ❤ 


Under this topic, I'd like to share all about Tushan Jing/ Ye Shiqi played by Deng Wei. ❤ 

Thank you for opening this thread. I'm looking forward to more posts.. 

Lost You Forever was my first time watching Deng Wei. Although he may not have the most experience in acting compared to many of his cast mates, he embodies the spirit of Ye Shiqi and Tushan Jing quite well.

The ending of S1 was hard to watch for me as it is arguably TSJ's lowest point. His full story and character arcs are not yet complete, and without knowing how things play out, to the audience, he may just seem like a kind-to-a-fault, weakling who can't even figure out what's going on around him.

But as this thread's title suggests, Jing's kindness is what the world needs. This may seem like a trite statement, but it's one of my favorite themes in the novel. In ch 34, after FFYY and TSH are caught in their schemes, FFYY says that she used to think Jing was weak and useless but realizes that to forgive requires true intelligence and strength of character. It's such an affirming moment - while it may have been more efficient to just kill Hou and FFYY, Jing would rather forgive and extend kindness - especially for the sake of his young nephew and break the seemingly endless cycle of revenge and violence.

Related to this is Jing's unwavering support for Cang Xuan. In such a dark, tumultuous world of Dahuang, Jing longs for a strong but compassionate ruler to ensure that all can enjoy a life of peace and prosperity. At the end of the novel, he states to CX that when he was learning to do business, he saw how many people were displaced by war and sought to support someone would would care for all the people (as CX does).

There's so much more to say, especially regarding the theme of healing, but maybe another post, another time.

Hello, thank you @Winny24  and @Sunbath12 ! Glad to see your replies.

I am a fan of the original novel, and it was through this drama that I came to know Deng Wei. I believe that Deng Wei is definitely an underrated, talented actor. At the very least, his portrayal of Tushan Jing is very successful, making me believe that he is the destined Tushan Jing. 

I completely agree with you (@Sunbath12 ) that the S1 ending stopped at a point where it's easy for people to misunderstand TSJ. But you know what? Before the advance screening on Tencent, many fans who liked TSJ were already worried and even prepared apology memes in advance, ready to explain on his behalf if he got criticized. However, after the advance screening ended, the situation reversed. Surprisingly, instead of blaming Tushan Jing, most viewers felt sorry for him and shed tears together with him. Even though the audience didn’t know the full truth, they were still moved by Deng Wei's performance. They felt that Tushan Jing had his own struggles and helplessness, which made people feel heartbroken that he couldn't be with the girl he loved. One of his crying scenes suddenly exceeded 10 millions of views overnight, with many drama fans spontaneously sharing and supporting him, explaining on his behalf. This unexpected turnaround was proof of how genuinely touching Tushan Jing is. If I have time tomorrow, I can look up some of the reactions from the drama fans at that time.

Tushan Jing’s kindness is also a quality that deeply moves me. Just like his personal theme song, kindness is his core. But he has many other shining qualities that might not be detailed in the original novel or were cut or simplified in the drama (for instance, the part where he helped XY escape from Qingshui Town: the novel actually describes Jing's unparalleled wisdom and bravery, but the drama didn't portray it). Doing some explanation and dispelling some misunderstandings about Tushan Jing is one of the reasons I wanted to start this thread. :) Looking forward to discussing with you more.

However, after the advance screening ended, the situation reversed. Surprisingly, instead of blaming Tushan Jing, most viewers felt sorry for him and shed tears together with him. Even though the audience didn’t know the full truth, they were still moved by Deng Wei's performance. They felt that Tushan Jing had his own struggles and helplessness, which made people feel heartbroken that he couldn't be with the girl he loved. One of his crying scenes suddenly exceeded 10 millions of views overnight, with many drama fans spontaneously sharing and supporting him, explaining on his behalf.

Yeah, I think Jing really comes to life on screen, which is a daunting task for a new actor with all the other interesting male leads in the story.

Hope for a a great conclusion in S2!