Hello, I'm starting this new topic because lately it seems it takes more and more time for edits and new titles/actors additions to be reviewed. I have submitted some edits weeks ago now (more than 20 days), but they are neither accepted or rejected, so I'm wondering why. Is it because there is a shortage of staff ? Could you please make an announcement about it ? That would be nice to have a board or something where we can know the average time to wait for edits to be reviewed, or better, to have a personal page were we can see and follow the status of edits submitted, because currently once an edit is made if you d'ont track of it personally in some way there is now way to know what or when an edit was done. Thank you !

No answer from the staff for a week now. And I remember having edits submitted one month ago that were neither accepted nor rejected, so I guess there is really an issue with the staff. Edits related to actors seems to be managed, but edits regarding titles information no. That's would be nice to communicate about it. Especially because if people don't know, of course more and more submissions will be made for the same thing.

You might want to try posting this in Support and not here. Maybe an admin would see it then. 

"This forum is a section where everyone can keep track of what needs to be done (on MDL), and as a community we can get them done." I guess here is the right section for this (the edits), but it seems there is more activity from the management in the Support section so, yes, I'll give it a try even if it's not a technical issue.