
7 kids. Teacher Assistant. 

That's just wonderful. I think your teacher is very lucky to have an assistant like you. You're doing a great job.

As a physician, my fascination with the series "Lost You Forever" started from the profound depth with which it explores trauma and its lasting impact on individuals. The author's ability to create such wonderfully complex characters goes beyond the realms of a typical love story, delving deeply into how trauma, especially childhood trauma, shapes personalities and influences behavior throughout life.

Trauma responses are multifaceted and vary significantly depending on when the trauma occurs. Childhood trauma can have a profound impact on a person’s developing brain and personality. This is why mental health professionals are cautious about diagnosing personality disorders before the age of 18, often referring to them as behavioral disorders during these formative years. Early diagnosis and management of mental health disorders can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals, helping them lead more fulfilling lives from a mental health perspective.

Support and love during the formative years of childhood are crucial for healthy psychological development. This is evident in the characters of Xiao Yao, Cang Xuan, and Jing, who all experienced familial love during their childhood. Jing, particularly, had a loving family dynamic till his adulthood, before his brother turned on him.

In stark contrast stands Xiang Liu, a character who did not receive any support or love during his formative years. This lack of nurturing can lead to profound and long-lasting effects on an individual's ability to form healthy relationships and manage emotional stress. Xiang Liu's complex personality and actions are deeply rooted in his traumatic childhood experiences, which is why he came across as a cold, indifferent or ruthless character.

Trauma responses in adulthood differ from those in childhood. For instance, TSJ's response to his trauma highlights how adult trauma can shape an individual's behavior and emotional state. Adults have more developed coping mechanisms and support systems, but the scars of past traumas can still profoundly affect their mental health and relationships.

What makes "Lost You Forever" particularly compelling is the recognition that no character is inherently better or worse than the other. Each character is a nuanced individual, embodying varying shades of grey rather than fitting into the simplistic dichotomy of good and evil. Their behaviors and personalities are the sum of their experiences, traumas, and the love or lack thereof they received during their formative years.