Winny Aye:
Jing is both soul mate(twin flame) and life partner . I haven't read novel yet. But I am very spoiled. 💞
I think XL is her twin flame, Jing is her soulmate and life partner. ( I had to look up when twin flame is 😂) and it fits XL more I think.
“twin flames are two separate beings that used to be one. Just like the name says, it's a flame that is split in two. You're one flame, and the other flame is a person with whom you feel a strong synergy and connection. There could be a powerful emotional pull that draws you together. After all, it’s your other half. However, both flames need to be awakened in order to experience the other. If not, then there is always a sense of “should’ve,” “could’ve,” and “would’ve.” Contrary to popular belief, a twin flame doesn’t have to be someone you love romantically. Instead, it could be someone with whom you share a close karmic, soulful, deep connection.”
A soul mate is more like a companion that you feel comfortable with at all times. You may have similar beliefs, experiences, or sentiments, or you may not. There are no rules for what a soul mate looks like or feels like, it’s just something you decide based on the magnetic pull that you feel towards each other. our soul mate can also be our life partner. At that time, the relationship between the partners is deeply spiritual, intellectual and emotional. They learn their life lessons together. And they stay together because they found that they meet each other's needs on every possible level.
To put it another way, your twin flame is part of your soul, while your soul mate is someone your soul feels at home with. A twin flame teaches you something about yourself, while a soulmate supports you as a friend, lover, or confidant.
Thought this was interesting to share lol