
Is the magnolia their flower? I think XY sewed a pouch to hold the life saving pill with the flower right? And then when she and Left Ear were fighting to escape the assassination, she saw the magnolia flowers and Jing

How nice to know the flowers' meaning in the drama. I still like to know more about the flower (Hibiscus? ) meaning in both scenes of XY reaching for when was in the 9-tail fox cage, and in Jing's hand when XY first found him all tortured and wounded. Anything to do with hope (yearning for the saviour with the last drops of their energy)? Can I say they were looking for the same thing from the beginning?


Guys look…. He looks ethereal 🥰

 He does indeed look ethereal. The comment on the post though,  "He is so expensive it hurts my heart and my wallet 💔 " .. Lol 


How nice to know the flowers' meaning in the drama. I still like to know more about the flower (Hibiscus? ) meaning in both scenes of XY reaching for when was in the 9-tail fox cage, and in Jing's hand when XY first found him all tortured and wounded. Anything to do with hope (yearning for the saviour with the last drops of their energy)? Can I say they were looking for the same thing from the beginning?

I would like to know more about the flower meaning too. I noticed that Jing  reached for the flower instead of the bread when XY found him. Does he want to live or does he not want to live? Logically he should have reached for the bread if he wanted to live, that's just survival, right. But reaching for the flower could also mean that he wants to live symbolically.


If they need to do this then it means XL is not all that.   Some even go as far as insulting XY and calling her stupid for not falling in love with XL. ( rolling my eyes) 



Hopefully to more magazines and photoshoots to come. Fashion is really his thing.

Yes to that!💙💎

 Blueberries Field:

I would like to know more about the flower meaning too. I noticed that Jing  reached for the flower instead of the bread when XY found him. Does he want to live or does he not want to live? Logically he should have reached for the bread if he wanted to live, that's just survival, right. But reaching for the flower could also mean that he wants to live symbolically.

For Buddhists, the hibiscus flower is also seen as a representation of compassion, due to its ability to thrive in difficult conditions.

 AH :

The FFF was still in her possession after it was removed. She used it to transform in chapter 46, so after it was removed she must have been able to use it to transform again. I posted the excerpts one page back. 

She still has the FFF in her possession as a peach blossom branch. It's just not inside her and impossible to remove any more. She uses it to transform in chapter 46. 

On their abilities to change their looks and not leave any traces, well those are powerful ones. But I think CX thought about it and has his own tracking device, the flower his mother gave him to give to his Love.  He gave it to XY and made her promise to put it in her hair forever ( I think in exchange for letting her travel with Jing before their wedding). I saw the flower on her hair in one of the final clips of S-2 when they were leaving the Yellow King and the city for good. (Are there any other reasons for this aside from giving her his love token?)

 His Smile:

For Buddhists, the hibiscus flower is also seen as a representation of compassion, due to its ability to thrive in difficult conditions.

That's interesting to see different religion and country each gives a slightly different or completely different meaning of the flower. In Christianity it is seen as a symbol of resurrection, in China it is seen as a symbol of luck, and in modern day, hibiscus is seen as a symbol of beauty, femininity, and sexuality. Thanks for the link! 


Y'all come see this, this is too funny. They better put some respect on my boy's name and yaojing love story 😂

They better be! Now, they know Deng Wei/Jing's impact.

 Blueberries Field:

That's interesting to see different religion and country each gives a slightly different or completely different meaning of the flower. In Christianity it is seen as a symbol of resurrection, in China it is seen as a symbol of luck, and in modern day, hibiscus is seen as a symbol of beauty, femininity, and sexuality. Thanks for the link! 

Thanks guys for sharing your thoughts on the flowers symbolic meaning in the drama. I’m still not sure about the writer‘s reason high lighting the upright red hibiscus flower on those two scenes.  Misery/pain/unfairness/…vs a beautiful red flower. Both trying to get it/keep it in their hand when in immense pain after torture. Both still have a pure desire for a tiny upstanding red flower! (On Jing’s scene why he hold the flower not the bread, it maybe, he couldn’t eat because  of his internal wounds.) I love this masterpiece novel/drama, it has lots of hidden meaningful details to discover and think deeply about it. 


On their abilities to change their looks and not leave any traces, well those are powerful ones. But I think CX thought about it and has his own tracking device, the flower his mother gave him to give to his Love.  He gave it to XY and made her promise to put it in her hair forever ( I think in exchange for letting her travel with Jing before their wedding). I saw the flower on her hair in one of the final clips of S-2 when they were leaving the Yellow King and the city for good. (Are there any other reasons for this aside from giving her his love token?)

As far as I am aware, the flower that ZX gives to XY to wear for the rest of her life does not allow ZX to track XY. If it does, I don't think the novel mentioned it. 

The flower is a token of ZX's parents' clan and was only ever worn by the clan leader or the clan leader's wife. The person who holds the flower has the power to command the Ruo Mu clan's army. ZX's mother wore it, and before she died she gave it to ZX to give to his future wife.

ZX has XY promise to wear the flower for the rest of her life (including at her wedding to TSJ) in exchange for ZX allowing her wedding to TSJ to proceed smoothly and ZX agreeing to just be her "gege" (i.e., letting go, or at least pretending to let go, of his romantic feelings for her). ZX does not know about her plans to wander and explore the ocean before she leaves. 


Chapter 50:

Xiao Yao kneeled down and bowed three times “Fourth Uncle, Fourth Auntie, I’m here with Zhuan Xu to see you.” She grabbed a towel to wipe down the tomb but Zhuan Xu said, “I’ll do it.”

Xiao Yao handed him the towel and sat down to watch him clean. She heard that when Fourth Aunt committed suicide her blood spilled all over the grave so this area had no weeds growing and instead was covered with bright red flowers.

After Zhuan Xu finished wiping he kneeled down and bowed three times. “Mom, I don’t hate you anymore. You said that one day I would meet a girl who I want to give the ruo mu flower to, and then I would understand why you did it. I’ve met her, Mom, and you told me that when I met her I needed to bring her here so you and Dad can see her. I brought her here, Mom, and I know you and Dad will like her very much.”

Zhuan Xu turned to Xiao Yao. “Come here!”

Xiao Yao stood frozen. “What do you want?”

Zhuan Xu opened his hand and in his palm was a bright red flower with a long stem and folded petals, brilliantly beautiful like it was just plucked. It was the Ruo Mu Clan’s mystical Ruo Mu tree and the flower that grew on it. Since the dawn of time the flower was only worn by the clan leader or the clan leader’s wife. Xiao Yao remembered that her Fourth Aunt always wore the flower in her hair pin. And on the day she committed suicide she handed the flower to Zhuan Xu.

Zhuan Xu said, “Xiao Yao, come here so my dad and mom can see you clearly.”

Xiao Yao didn’t move and instead started to scoot back and Zhuan Xu coolly said, “If you want the wedding to be cancelled then go ahead and leave.”

Xiao Yao angrily made a fist but moved next to Zhuan Xu while glaring at him.

Zhuan Xu looked her over and placed the ruo mu flower in her hair and smiled. “Really pretty! Mom, what do you think?”

Xiao Yao was about to say something when Zhuan Xu put his hand on her head. “Bow!”

It was to her Fourth Uncle and Fourth Auntie so Xiao Yao didn’t resist, she kneeled beside Zhuan Xu and the two respectfully bowed three times. After the third bow Xiao Yao suddenly felt weird, it was just like she and Zhuan Xu were a couple getting married and bowing three times to the parents during the wedding ceremony.

Xiao Yao asked, “Zhuan Xu, what do you want?”

Zhuan Xu said nothing and got up, walking over to Xiao Yao’s mom’s grave and started cleaning it.

Xiao Yao wanted to take out the ruo mu flower and toss it but it was her Fourth Auntie’s precious item…..Xiao Yao didn’t dare and didn’t have the heart to. She rushed over to Zhuan Xu and perhaps because this was her mom’s grave she got up her courage and yelled, “Zhuan Xu, I know you’re not suddenly deaf! What do you want? Today tell me in front of my mom, your parents, grandmother, and our uncles!”

Zhuan Xu coolly said, “After I clean up Auntie’s grave.”

All the air deflated from Xiao Yao and she sat down dutifully and stared at Zhuan Xu.

After Zhuan Xu plucked all the weeds and cleaned the tomb, he dug a hole and buried a knife inside.

Xiao Yao couldn’t help but ask. “What are you burying?”

“This is your dad’s military knife. It’s called the Qi Yo Knife and many people who hated your dad spent time trying to acquire it. I had it found and brought to me to bury it now with Auntie’s battle armor. Later when you come to pray at the grave it will finally feel like closure.”

Xiao Yao was so touched and could say nothing.

Zhuan Xu fixed the grave and then gestured for Xiao Yao to come over.

Xiao Yao kneeled in front of the grave as did Zhuan Xu, who said, “Auntie, Uncle, today Xiao Yao will marry Tu Shan Jing. You guys don’t need to worry, he’s not bad and will take good care of Xiao Yao.”

Xiao Yao turned in shock to gape at Zhuan Xu who looked at her. “Aren’t you going to bow to your mom and dad?”

Xiao Yao and Zhuan Xu kneeled side by side and bowed three times to her mom and dad.

Xiao Yao stood up and was going to rush back and change. She touched the ruo mu flower on her head to take it off.

Zhuan Xu said, “This flower is now yours and keep it safe. It’s not just a powerful mystical flower, it’s also the token of the Ruo Mu Clan. No matter when or where, this flower can command the entire clan’s military might.”

Xiao Yao’s heart softened. “Gege, you…….you…..did you come to attend the wedding and give me your blessings…….or………or, you know Fourth Auntie wanted you to give this flower to your wife…..”

Zhuan Xu asked, “Do you want to successfully marry Tu Shan Jing today?

Xiao Yao turned to look across at all the graves. “I do!”

Then promise me one thing and from this day forward I am only your Gege.

Xiao Yao said “I agree!” But she asked “Tell me what first.”

Zhuan Xu said, “Wear this flower every day for the rest of your life.

This easy? Xiao Yao touched the flower and thought “Okay, I promise you!”

Zhuan Xu said, “In a short while during the wedding you can’t take it off either!

Xiao Yao furrowed her brows. “Don’t be so difficult!”

“I’m the ruler of the entire world, and this is me taking the biggest step back already!” Zhuan Xu’s face was impassive and his voice steady.

Xiao Yao stomped her foot. “Fine, fine! I’ll wear it and I’m going to view it as Fourth Auntie’s present to me!

Zhuan Xu smiled. “Whatever you want, you just have to always wear it!”

I loved this chapter when I read it. Still so many hidden detail. Thanks for your notes! The mystic flower, Clan’s military commander, bowing three times together to the parents, and more. CX is the most sophisticated character in the novel to me, what was he thinking? Maybe that is why I thought he could track XY and Jing by this flower later ( as you mentioned not in the novel just my imagination to answer some of my questions)


Lol leave them. They seem to forget this is a fictional story. As you said, XY was in pain, lost her appetite & couldn’t even sleep well all those years after her break up with Jing. Even after his “death” she waited for him every full moon & had already proclaimed she’s his wife. Those people choose to ignore all that & make up their own lil hullabaloo in their heads😂🤦🏽‍♀️.  If she wasn’t in love with him, she wouldn’t have made the promise,sneak glances at him,have all those lovey dovey moments. XL may have loved her, but remember he’s an enemy to her kingdom & she’ll NEVER let him attack her people esp ZX. She’ll choose her family over him, which she’s said countless times. She’s not stupid to run off with a man who’s doomed from the start nor her being an enemy to her OWN family & kingdom for a guy. 

I love this comment. Yep lovely dovey moments 🥰🦊 stolen kisses...her blush& flirt nature...and possessiveness over YSQ❤️ hehehe.. and her despair at the loss of Jing.

I don't have anything against YaoLiu. But their relationship is meant to be something special in life but not share lifetime together. Both sides rejected that (her heart had not been only his as a whole from the start but he did have chance at times). But then their decision was mature one. 

 His Smile:

They are my visual couple. 💜💜

Wow Chemistry 🔥💞

They really need a modern drama together or another one.❤️


I’ve noticed he has hazel eyes. Those eyes can make your heart flutter.

So true😍