@Noush I don’t think the Ruomo flower has a tracking device,cos after everything ZX has done to XY, he wouldn’t dare do that. Besides the Grand emperor & Y.E. said ZX would be angry when he finds out,XY isn’t in his territory anymore,but will eventually understand.
Lol we all wish they’ll show them with their kids at the end of the show but it’s highly unlikely 😩. But errm the white haired son part will be weird lol,I don’t want Jing & XY to be chastised, esp XY when they take the kids to visit their grandparents, last thing we want is for people to point fingers at XY for cheating on Jing, cos the kid doesn’t look like him nor have black hair😢(even tho XY would never do that, but you know how people be)… and I don’t want Jing to be depressed again cos he'll feel hurt & be suspicious but will never tell XY. We need them to live happily cos they’ve both suffered.
Yes agreed. Lol if he could track her that easily, he would’ve given her the flower a long time ago haha.