In summary, there are zip, zero, and zilch excuses or reasons that can justify Jing and XY's act of abandonment. So these two sick people and their sick relationship can take a long walk off a short pier.

I think we already discussed here how Xiao Yao and Jing would be terrible parents, so it's a relief that TH at least had the good sense of ending the story without adding any kids other than the poor abandoned Tushan child.

XY with her perpetual self-pity and Jing with his "I'll die if you die" attitude are not suitable to be taking care of anyone. They can't even take care of themselves so maybe this is all for the best. Ironically, XY used to care for people. Not sure how she even did that because that person is not suitable for this kind of work being selfish as she is.

I truly don't get how this ending is supposed to make up for the mistakes of the past when it ends the same way as XY's story began. Bunch of irresponsible parents abandoning their children. And yes, if XY was committed to being with Jing, his burdens are her burdens. She doesn't get to pick the best parts and discard the inconvenient ones. But selfish people gotta do what selfish people gotta do.

They are sick people indeed. The more I think about it, the less sense it all makes. Poor XL had to fall in love with this woman? Is she supposed to be a role model or something?

The poem on the poster for Feng Long

鹧鸪天·送欧阳国瑞入吴中⑵ - 

Partridge Sky⑴ ·Send Ouyang Guorui to Wuzhong⑵

By Xin Qiji (Song Dynasty)

莫避春阴上马迟,       Don't avoid the late spring clouds, 
春来未有不阴时。  as there will be a time when spring is not cloudy⑶ 
人情展转闲中看,  ⑷ See the unfolding of human feelings in leisurely time ,
客路崎岖倦后知。       and you will know when you are tired after the journey is rugged.
梅似雪,柳如丝。      The plum blossoms are like snow and the willows are like silk. 
试听别语慰相思。       Try to listen to other words to comfort lovesickness.
短篷炊饭鲈鱼熟,        Cooking in a short canopy makes the seabass cooked, except for Songjiang,
除却松江枉费诗。   which is a waste of poetry⑸ 

Notes on words and phrases

⑴Partridge Sky : Ci brand name, also known as "Sijiake", "Siyueren", "Jian Zhaoxia", "Drunken Plum Blossom", etc. There are fifty-five characters in double tone. The first part has four lines with three flat rhymes, and the second part has five lines with three flat rhymes.
⑵ Ouyang Guorui: A native of Qianshan, Jiangxi Province. Zhu Xi's "Postscript to Ouyang Guorui's Mother's Xigao" states: "In the second month of the spring of Jihai in the Chunxi period, Xi was lying ill at Chongshou Jingshe in Qianshan. Ouyang Guorui, a scholar from the city, came to see him and came out. Bi Xi also wrote the inscriptions on the tin horn of his mother, Tai Ru, and the postscripts on various famous places. Xi has a clear knowledge of national auspicious utensils and a very high level of meaning. He must have advanced the knowledge learned by the ancients and made the people of the country want to praise him. ." In what year Ouyang Guorui entered Wu, there is no way to test it.
⑶ "Spring is coming" sentence: It means that the spring is cold before and after the day and the sky is cloudy. This is adapted from " Two Chapters on Renri , Part 1" by Du Fu of the Tang Dynasty: "From Yuan Day to Renri, there is never a time when it is not cloudy."
⑷The change of human feelings: refers to the warmth and coldness of human feelings and the change of world conditions. Turn , repeat, change.
⑸ Two sentences of "Short Canopy": My friend is going to Wuzhong, which is a beautiful place with beautiful scenery. In the Western Jin Dynasty, Zhang Han abandoned his official position and returned to the south. " Shishuo Xinyu·Shijian " states that Zhang Han was an official in Luoyang, and when he saw the autumn wind blowing, he thought about water shield soup and seabass clams in Wuzhong, and said: "Life is so expensive, how can you control an official for thousands of miles to be famous?" ." Then he abandoned his official position and returned south. Short canopy , short canopy, refers to a small boat. Cooking rice is also called "cooking and drinking". Songjiang: the ancient name of Wusongjiang River . His name is Songling, also known as Lize. Originating from Taihu Lake in Suzhou , it is rich in sea bass and has a particularly delicious taste. Fan Chengda of the Southern Song Dynasty wrote in Autumn Pastoral Miscellaneous ": "Pound the rake carefully to buy bighead carp, and the west wind blows up the four-mouthed bass. The cedar is crisp and greasy, and there is nothing everywhere except the Songjiang River." 

vernacular translation

Don’t delay your trip just because of cloudy days in spring. After all, it will always be cloudy after spring comes. Only when you are powerless can you clearly see the warmth and warmth of human nature, just like walking on a rugged mountain road before you can experience the fatigue of the journey.
The plum blossoms are like snow and the spring willows are like silk, seeming to comfort you not to be sad about parting. Wuzhong, where you are about to go, is a place of beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery. You can sit on a boat on the Songjiang River, enjoy delicious food and wine, and recite poems and poems.

Creative background

The specific year of creation of this word cannot be determined. Mr. Deng Guangming believed that Ouyang Guorui was from Qianshan, and Guangxin Academy originally placed the word before other words related to Wu Zisi, and believed that the word was written at the beginning of Xin Qiji's new residence in Qianshan. . Ouyang Guorui was a friend of Xin Qiji and was about to go to Wuzhong (now Suzhou, Jiangsu). Xin Qiji wrote this poem to see him off

FL's poem was about farewell to a friend and friendship. This poem express FL's message to CX. 



This is also one of the posters posted by the official Weibo of the TV series Lost You Forever

❤️ ▶ Tencent Video

▲Be stubborn and face the hesitation in your heart, and be gentle and cherish what you have now.

Right, but that also depends heavily on how you interpret XY's choices and deficiencies. Again, the way I see it is that XY's biggest fear was being abandoned by a loved one and her biggest wish was to have someone that can spend his entire life next to her. But I personally don't mix these 2 togheter, her fear and her wish are two different things IMO

I see these two as quite intertwined. Xiao Yao's insistence on someone who will never leave her partially has to do with her fear of loneliness (a trigger of sorts for her years alone in the mountains), but it also comes from her associating the idea of someone who never leaves her with love.  Xiao Yao's thinking is that, if they love me, they will never leave me, they will never put anything else above me, and I will always be their first choice. Xiao Yao's trauma manifested as a deeply rooted insecurity surrounding her worthiness, her lovableness. In her thinking, her mother abandoned her because she wasn't worthy/lovable enough. And if even her mother finds her not worthy enough, how will anyone else find her worthy? This is why, Jing's inability to live without her is so appealing to Xiao Yao - it's played right into her insecurity/trauma. It's not at all healthy.

So much of Xiao Yao's struggle with Xiang Liu is because she was never certain enough of his feelings for her. She always needed more reassurance, more confirmation. And the fact that Xiang Liu will not give up his commitment to Shen Nong's Army and his adopted father leaves Xiao Yao feeling very insecure. It's just a sign that she's not worthy or lovable enough. A healthy person would not automatically take their partner needing to prioritize certain things first at a certain point in time as some kind of personal rejection, but XY's thinking is warped and unhealthy, that's part of her psychological deficiencies.

Therefore, the fact that Xiao Yao continues to return to Jing despite his numerous failures just shows me that she was never able to move past this warped/unhealthy perspective  -  she continues to want Jing because his unhealthy worship of her makes her feel secure. It was never about if she could go on living without Jing or Xiang Liu, but more about how she derived her sense of security. Thus, her development was very minimal.

Upon this realization, she runs back to Jing and is adamant about resolving his personal affairs for him to make up for this insight. As someone who has grown, she should taken her lesson learned and put forth that foot for someone more deserving of her efforts.

If Xiao Yao had been able to see through Jing's unhealthy love, that would have been growth. Instead, Jing's inability to live without her is very much his biggest appeal for Xiao Yao as it assuaged her deep insecurity about her worthiness/lovableness and incredibly skewed/unhealthy perception that love means never leaving her, always putting her first. 

Therefore, her ability to live without XL, but her decision to accept Jing and overlook that he will abandon his commitment as a father, shows her taking a step forward toward healing but two steps back due to her deficiencies.

Yep. Xiao Xao learned a few lessons from Tan 'Er about how to compromise and work on a relationship. However, there was no one to teach her the crucial lessons about self-love and acceptance and how to pick a worthy partner. That ending with her and Jing abandoning TSZ just showed how messed up the two of them still are and their unhealthy co-dependent relationship.

XY with her perpetual self-pity and Jing with his "I'll die if you die" attitude are not suitable to be taking care of anyone.

Neither of them are particularly healthy individuals. A few hundred years and Xiao Yao knows that she has issues, but she doesn't seem ready to tackle the core of her issue. Jing is even worse. I don't think he's aware that he has any issues at all. If you're not even aware that you have a problem, how can you start addressing the problem? If Xiao Yao is still a mess after hundreds of years, how long will it take Jing? 

They are sick people indeed. The more I think about it, the less sense it all makes. Poor XL had to fall in love with this woman? Is she supposed to be a role model or something?

I just chose to see it as Xiang Liu got catfished. The person that he fell in love with was WYL, unfortunately, this was just a "persona" and once XY regained her princess/girl identity, the messy real XY came out. The amount of people who have said that they much prefer WYL to XY has been considerable. I'm trying to make sense of this shift in her character.

The drama poster


"Autumn Wind Ci" by Tang Li Bai [1]

Autumn is clear,

Qiu Yueming,

Fallen leaves gather and scatter,

The jackdaw rests in shock.

When will lovesickness meet each other?

Embarrassed at this time and night!

Enter the door of my lovesickness,

Know that I am suffering from lovesickness,

Long-term lovesickness, long-term remembrance,

Short lovesickness is endless,

I knew it was so depressing,

Why didn't we know each other at the beginning.

The first six sentences are the first part [1]

The first and second sentences "the autumn wind is clear and the autumn moon is bright." Use three words to point out the time and season, that is, autumn night. The autumn wind blows, and the autumn moon shines brightly. The two characters "wind" and "moon" in the middle point out that the theme of this poem is a love poem.

The third and fourth sentences "fallen leaves gather and disperse, jackdaws roost and startle again." The use of five words is not only to set off the environment, but also to elicit the subject-people. Here I use the line drawing method to write the scenery of the autumn night in order to draw out the topic. That is to say, I write that I am drifting like fallen leaves in autumn, and lonely like a shivering crow in the cold autumn night.

The fifth and sixth sentences "I know when lovesickness will meet each other, but this night is embarrassing." In seven words, I write that the autumn night is like falling leaves, and I am lonely like a jackdaw. , excruciating pain. "Know what day" and "Embarrassment" express the helplessness of lovesickness and the pain of separation.

The last six sentences are the second part [1]

The first two sentences "enter my lovesickness gate, and you will know my lovesickness." It is written that I have suffered from lovesickness facing a bright moon on an autumn night. Knowing that the dream of lovesickness is hard to come true, but the feeling of lovesickness is aroused by the autumn wind and autumn moon. This is reminiscent of Li Bai's early work "Thinking of a Quiet Night": "The moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground. Look up at the moon and look down at your hometown." These four poems describe the artistic conception of homesickness, which is caused by the moon. The bright moon sends lovesickness thousands of miles away, and at night under the bright moon, I can't help but miss my relatives in my hometown, wondering if they are okay. This poem writes the lovesickness in a delicate and profound way, and I can't stop it.

The two sentences in the middle are "long lovesickness, long lovesickness, short lovesickness, infinity." "Long lovesickness" refers to the cycle of changing seasons throughout the year. With the passage of time and the change of seasons, everything that happens and everyone you meet will be remembered. It becomes a memory, time is gone forever, but some things and some people are deeply imprinted in my mind, and I want to forget them, especially in the night when the autumn wind is blowing and the autumn moon is shining brightly, the person with the deepest memory will come to me In my heart, I can't stop, once the fire of love is sparked, it will be difficult to extinguish. The past is not like smoke, it will come to my heart endlessly.

The last two sentences "I knew it was so stumbling, why didn't I know each other at the beginning." Lovesickness causes loneliness. I don't know if it is the autumn scenery that makes people lonely, or the lonely people make the scenery cold. The heart moves with the scene, and the scene changes with the heart. Li Baiyue fell in love with each other, loved but didn't see each other, and his heart was ashamed, so he sighed that he knew this before, so why bother. The end of the poem echoes the beginning. Year after year, my heart is ashamed. Every autumn, I will be awakened by the moon at night, which will trigger lovesickness. . The poet's feeling of not being able to love is constantly restored, so that he reaches the highest state of lovesickness-the longing is endless, and the lovesickness is as elegant as the wind and as free and easy as the moon.


This poem was written in 756, when Li Bai was already in his fifties. After experiencing various changes in his life, he was naturally not full of hope and passion for life as he was in his twenties, but calm and reflective. At this time, he was more affectionate towards people and things, but after all, many people and things have become the past with the passage of time. No matter how much lovesickness has become memories, it has become impossible to meet each other. The exclamation of "I knew it was so stumbling, but I didn't know each other at the beginning", such a kind of helplessness in life is so deep and dignified, and so unforgettable. [1]


[1] https://min.news/en/culture/1b35572794a1d1a2789fef8217c6e03f.html

[2] https://inf.news/en/culture/7b015580fe56b5da4646b7aa655e9ca1.html

Hi guys well I'm totally aware that the scene in which Jing and FFB met to have a deal had already been dicussed still DO NOT make sense of FFB's words... his total intention and the pain in his speech and eyes well I'm completely in the dark in this case there was nothing in the novel unfortunately. IMO they should have kinda made it more clear if they wanna keep adding extra stuff to the drama.

My second q is related to the scene where XY said that XL used her as a bait (after ruining XL plan for killing CX) did he really have that intention from the first? And one more thing, during their fighting had XL and XY had this kinda plan to use XY physically damage thing to kill CX or XY intervene herself?
Cuz personally think that if it weren't for XY, XL would probably lose the fight.

My 3rd q. Regarding so called scene Did XL understood XY's true identity after ruining XL's plan for killing CX?

still DO NOT make sense of FFB's words.

If you want a story that is simple and clear, it isn't going to be LYF.  Tong Hua also had a hand in writing the script for the drama.  FFB / XL intention was getting the provisions he'd stolen out of town and back to his troops.  He has no money, so he offered his influence with XY.  Now, whether he offered to help or hurt Jing's pursuit can be argued, though Jing took it as a threat, so I doubt he was offering to help.

FFB was pained, because Jing insisted on taking ownership of the private relationship he had forged with XY, if he wanted to save his troops from starvation.

My second q is related to the scene where XY said that XL used her as a bait (after ruining XL plan for killing CX) did he really have that intention from the first? And one more thing, during their fighting had XL and XY had this kinda plan to use XY physically damage thing to kill CX or XY intervene herself?
Cuz personally think that if it weren't for XY, XL would probably lose the fight.

Yes.  XL used XY as bait.

Yes, XY was trying to help XL during that fight, by using the bug connection to distract CX. Why do think XL would lose a fight with CX?  XL is the finest strategist and fighter in the land, that's his main job for his entire life.  He's been running circles around CX's grandfather and an army that conquered the Chenrong empire.  And XL has been fighting since he was a child for his life in the slave pits.  Not to mention, he has 9 lives.  There's no way CX or any single person is killing or defeating him 9 times.

My 3rd q. Regarding so called scene Did XL understood XY's true identity after ruining XL's plan for killing CX?

No.  She lied about that.

Hi guys well I'm totally aware that the scene in which Jing and FFB met to have a deal had already been dicussed still DO NOT make sense of FFB's words... his total intention and the pain in his speech and eyes well I'm completely in the dark in this case there was nothing in the novel unfortunately.

This event did not happen in the novel. and some already made their opinion clear. There might be different way of comprehension this scene. 

My second q is related to the scene where XY said that XL used her as a bait (after ruining XL plan for killing CX) did he really have that intention from the first?

Yes, XL intended it first

And one more thing, during their fighting had XL and XY had this kinda plan to use XY physically damage thing to kill CX or XY intervene herself?

XY intervene herself. XL had told her to hide. 

However, XY was worried for XL, thus she followed the battle. In the novel, it's said that when she saw a mask with blood, she could not hide anymore and intervened herself by banging her

Xiang Liu said to Xiao Liu: "Xuan is coming very hard, and I just want to kill him. Tonight is a battle of life and death. Find a place to hide." Because he was wearing a mask, he couldn't see Xiang Liu's expression clearly. Only his eyes were like The ice and snow were frozen, so cold that there was no trace of warmth.

Xiao Liu didn't dare to talk nonsense, looked around, went into the woods, and hid under a rock.

Not long after, Xiaoliu saw Xuan leading a group of people coming in force.

More than thirty various mounts filled the sky with their spread wings. Xiao Liu raised his head and looked in shock, who is Xuan? How could he have such powerful power?

A fierce battle broke out in the sky.

Compared with Xiang Liu, Xuan had an absolute advantage in terms of numbers.

But Xiang Liu's men live under the shadow of death every day. They have a tacit understanding accumulated through blood, and they are brave enough to do whatever it takes. The two sides are evenly matched.

With a loud bang, the golden fireball hit a person, and even the mount was reduced to ashes. After a while, another man was cut in half by a huge ice sword, and his mount screamed sadly.

The two men rode their mounts whizzing past the treetops, flying high into the sky while fighting. Xiao Liu couldn't see clearly who was who, he could only hear a shrill roar. Something fell from a high altitude, fell on a stone, and broke into several pieces. Xiao Liu picked it up and found a blood-stained mask.

Xiao Liu couldn't hide any longer, so he rushed out and quickly climbed up the tallest tree.

The sky was filled with flames of war, with changing lights and bursts of black smoke, but Xiang Liu's figure was not difficult to find. He was wearing white clothes and white hair, wearing a silver mask, and he was driving the white eagle, like a snowflake, whirling and flying in the nine days. Every seemingly beautiful dance was actually a cold and ruthless killing.

Four people occupied the four corners and besieged him. One of them was Xuan, and the other three were all masters of spiritual power.

Xiang Liu's style of play is all about life and death, only attacking and not defending.

The weapon he used was a scimitar that was as curved as a crescent moon. It was crystal clear, as if it were made of frost. As his figure fluttered, the scimitar gave off a white light, like frost flowers flying all over the sky.

Regardless of what was behind him, Xiang Liu moved forward quickly. A dazzling white light flashed, and a head flew up and fell. Xiang Liu's back was pierced by an ice blade and blood was visible.

The ice blade rolled towards him overwhelmingly. Xiang Liu didn't hide at all. He urged the white eagle to face the ice blade and slashed it with his hand. The crystal blade curved and whirled past. Frost flowers were flying. A man and his mount were crushed to pieces. But Xiang Liu was also injured, with blood streaming from the corners of his lips.

Leaves were flying in all directions, forming a wood spirit killing formation. Xiang Liu was impatient to break the formation and rushed directly towards the person who set up the formation, using his spiritual power to take damage and kill him.

Finally able to fight one on one, Xiang Liu chased Xiang Xuan, but he was already injured and most of his spiritual power was consumed. However, Xuan was unscathed and had abundant spiritual power.

The wooden spirit whip in Xuan's left hand and the golden spirit dagger in his right hand can actually activate two kinds of spiritual power. The whip is like a snake, curling towards Xiangliu, and the sword is like a tiger, with its mouth wide open, waiting for the opportunity to move.

Xiao Liu shouted: "Xiang Liu, left hand."

Xiaoliu slammed his left hand hard on the tree trunk. Xuan's move was deflected due to the excruciating pain.

"Right hand."

Xiaoliu slammed his right hand onto the tree trunk so hard that Xuan's weapon almost fell off.

In the midst of his busy schedule, Xiang Liu burst out laughing. Xuan's eyes flashed fiercely, and his long whip flew towards Xiao Liu. Xiao Liu shrank his head and slid down the tree trunk. Fortunately, the forest was dense and the mount could not enter, so Xuan could not pursue him.

Xiang Liu ordered: "Left leg, right hand."

Xiaoliu cursed in his heart, but had to be cruel. While hitting his left leg with a spiked wooden stick, he hit a raised stone with his right hand.

Xiang Liu's spiritual power surged, and he threw out his scimitar to block Xuan's retreat. He flew up like a roc and rushed towards Xuan, obviously wanting to kill Xuan in one fell swoop.

Xuanqing was in a hurry and rolled off his mount. Under Xiang Liu's front and rear attacks, his mount was shattered into bloody foam, but his life was saved.

Xuan fell from a high altitude and hit the tree hard, knocking down a big tree. He was seriously injured and covered with blood, but he did not dare to stop. He immediately jumped up and ran staggeringly, while shouting loudly and summoning his attendants.

In the mountain forest, the trees are dense and it is impossible for the mount to fly in. Xiang Liu drives the white eagle to fly over the forest for a moment, then leaps down and falls into the forest, chasing Xuan.... 

Cuz personally think that if it weren't for XY, XL would probably lose the fight.

XL could get more wound or injury without WXL's help. However, XL was the most powerful sea demon. And in the last battle, he himself could fight agaist thousands of Xuan Yuan. Xuan was not super high in spiritual power. XL might lose quite some power during the battle but as you can see in the text, his power get surged after a few moment. And if needed when he use his real body, the power could rise exponentially

My 3rd q. Regarding so called scene Did XL understood XY's true identity after ruining XL's plan for killing CX?

No. He did not aware of her real identity at all. That contributed to his decision to accept her request of moving the bug from CX to himself

Reading that battle, it's clear that CGI costs have to be a big factor in some of the stuff that got left out, like the chapter where XL had to assume his true form to resist the whirlpool.


"Now, whether he offered to help or hurt Jing's pursuit can be argued, though Jing took it as a threat, so I doubt he was offering to help." 

I don't want to insist on this scene, but Jing thought XL is threating him with XY only at first, right after XL answered him with" No, I am only telling you what I can offer" and made things clear and I am sure Jing got the drill. 

 AH :

Few words, big actions. Darcy. Dignity. Deep feelings internally vs. a restrained exterior.

All of that. 100%

Something that we agree wholeheartedly on. I need some rec for shows/books with Darcy or XL-like characters. Besides Darcy, my other Austen's favourite is Captain Wenthworth. His letter to Anne at the end. The line, "For you alone, I think and plan" *sigh*. My teenage literature crush was Blythe Gilbert from Anne of Green Gable. I haven't re-read those novels for a long time. I wonder if I will still feel the same way as I did back then.

 AH :
But I find major plot point differences actually help with the mental separation, so all the changes in S2, as much as I don't like most of them, sort of help serve as a reminder that it's just not the same story so I shouldn't worry too much about details that don't feel "true" to the novel version of the story.

The issue for me is that if they change it so much that it changes the essence of the story and the characters, I get really annoyed. Lol. I'm OK if you want to make changes so that it can be adapted, but what's the point if the characters no longer resemble themselves?

 AH :
When CX and his guards arrived at the kill maze after the flame sequence had started, CX wanted to run directly into the flames (throwing away rhyme and reason and responsibilities) to look for XY

My comment about Jing throwing away all responsibilities, rhyme and reasons was about his overall attitude throughout the novel, rather than specifically to this one instance. And when I said that Jing folded like a cheap house of cards, I was referring to him mentally folded - he mentally gave up because Xiao Yao was "dead" and he could not live without her. Cang Xuan getting knocked out was not the same thing. Cang Xuan has a strong survival instinct that's lacking in Jing. Cang Xuan would have tried to get Xiao Yao and himself out of there and dragged Xiao Yao's body to every doctor he could find to try and find a solution. Even if it's out of delusion, I'll take that never-say-died attitude (within a reasonable limit) over Jing's sitting there waiting to die any day. 

 AH :
TSJ's thoughts showed that he believed XY was dead. Continuing to transfer his power to her was seemingly futile. But he continued to do it anyway. IMO, that's what saved her.

I acknowledge that TSJ got lucky.

And that's one of my issues with this entire thing. Jing got lucky. Jing inadvertently helped save Xiao Yao. If Cang Xuan's people hadn't come, his action would have meant squat (just a plot device really). I just find it really hard to give him credit when he gave in to his helplessness and got lucky.

 AH :
I feel rather lucky. I can't think of anyone in my life who fits this description. Maybe that's why his ineptitude doesn't bother me quite as much?

Let's hope that you never have to AH. The trick with these kind of people is to have very clear boundary with them. Don't take on their problems as your own; let them solve their problems. Beware of your sympathy for them; that's how they suck you in.



"Now, whether he offered to help or hurt Jing's pursuit can be argued, though Jing took it as a threat, so I doubt he was offering to help." 

I don't want to insist on this scene, but Jing thought XL is threating him with XY only at first, right after XL answered him with" No, I am only telling you what I can offer" and made things clear and I am sure Jing got the drill. 

Except Fang Feng Bei didn't tell Jing "no," I'm not threatening you.   Nor did he make anything clear, as Jing was the one who did all the antagonistic offering after that.  If Jing didn't continue to think FFB was threatening, then why didn't he just take the alleged helpful deal that FFB was offering?

Reading some comments in the LYF S1 page.  I really have to wonder if I'm watching the same show as others.  And I'm not talking about a YaoJing post either.

It's really weird.  I know some of it may be a language problem but I also think some folks aren't paying attention or ... I don't know.  I mean, from the beginning, Jing lied about almost everything about himself and what he would do, and yet he's honest?