Of course, XY is responsible for her own life, and she did well for herself. I’m talking about a relationship that I thought would have been the best for her, IMO. XL didn’t give XY a chance. He knew all the key information about what she needed and why she was with TSJ. He could have provided what she needed too and better than TSJ, IMO. But, he made a decision for both of them and didn’t give her a say in it.

I'm talking about even in the relationship.  Maybe even moreso in the relationship.  This is why the misunderstanding 'conflict' trope is so annoying.  If you love someone, you have to trust that they aren't going to betray you or do things to hurt you on purpose.  What I'm fumbling explaining, is that XL made his decision withought all the information when he accepted the PLB.  XY could do the same.

 Of course, XL was so much better choice than TSJ, but he couldn't be someone who was not an enemy of her family.  Telling her he loved her wasn't going to change that.  Even so, I think he would have tried to find a solution, had she confessed and been happy leaving her family.  I still maintain, he didn't intend to die with the army when he took the PLB.

XL did give XY a chance.  I believe he repeatedly gave her chances, though I may be alone in that theory / belief.  He gave her a chance on the beach on Haolin.  He gave her a chance when he broke up her marriage to Feng Long.  If she acted differently when he took her to Qingshui Town, had she answered she wanted to spend her life with him, I think things would have ended differently. 

Exactly.  Modern standards aren't meant to apply to these stories.

Those philosophies didn't end in 1911 in China, however.  Those ideals still resonate in Asia, IMO.  Especially the 3 accomplices and 4 virtues for women.  O_O

What percentage would you say that they resonate?

I think love just seems to happen too. My long-time version of this is, “You can’t explain love.” For example, there are things like physical chemistry that a resume can’t explain. And, I think love can be stymied, like in the situation with XL and XY. (I want all good people to be happy, especially worthy people, like XL. But, it doesn’t always happen.)


I like non-modern takes on love, because the obstacles to love are more epic and can be symbolic, and cathartic.  I mean, if Romeo and Juliet can stand up to their parents, under such epic threats, then maybe I can have a conversation with my parents.  At least I won't end up dead in a poison / message screw up, right?  That's rhetorical and not a situation I was ever in... though I did wait until the last minute to tell my folks I was getting married. ;p

Yes.  Love in real life also can be difficult. :(


What percentage would you say that they resonate?

it depends on each family, education level. In general, the society is still more biased to men. But Women play more and more important role in family and society. The concept of 3 accomplices is quite odd for the morden life. In my family and many of my friends' family, men and women are equal. There is a new way of interpreting the 4 virtues to make it suitable for modern life. Of course there are still families (especially those in the rural countryside with low education level) the husband or father plays dominant role in most of the decision making. It is very difficult to estimate exact percentage. But yes, it still resonate here or there with 1 or 2  the accomplices 

 Of course, XL was so much better choice than TSJ, but he couldn't be someone who was not an enemy of her family.  Telling her he loved her wasn't going to change that.  Even so, I think he would have tried to find a solution, had she confessed and been happy leaving her family.  I still maintain, he didn't intend to die with the army when he took the PLB.

I don’t think CX viewed XL as a true and total enemy. He tried to work with XL, but XL refused every offer in favor of Gong Gong’. I'm sorry, what is PLB?


I don’t think CX viewed XL as a true and total enemy. He tried to work with XL, but XL refused every offer in favor of Gong Gong’. I'm sorry, what is PLB?

The poisonous love bug.


‚I think definition of patriotism is different across heritages. In some oriental Asian countries such as China, Korea, Japan or Vietnam, the concept of patriotism is very different than western view. Sovereignty is very important issue. Moreover, in Confucianism, loyalty (generally to the country and the King) is the top among the most 5 important value for each man (Loyalty>>Filialness>>Courtesy>>righteousness>>creditbility).‘

This is interesting. can you please elaborate more about courtesy. What is it mean exactly? Like politeness and giving the others  ‚face‘ even when they are actually in the wrong as to save their dignity in public? If yes, then it‘s really interesting why Confucius put it as more important than righteousness ?  

though I did wait until the last minute to tell my folks I was getting married. ;p

Yes.  Love in real life also can be difficult. :(

Big hug! I did the same. It turned out that my parents loved my husband!


What percentage would you say that they resonate?

The woman's accomplishments and virtues?  I'd say 100%. I'm sure a portion of people understand that's misogynistic and not how things should work, and don't consciously have those expectations, but I have no idea of the percentage.  But that doesn't mean it still doesn't resonate at some level.

I mean, look at the netizens having a hissy fit about Black Pink's Lisa at the cabaret at Paris during Fashion Week.

Even in the West, who is expected to do the cooking?  Who is supposed to look beautiful?

I don’t think CX viewed XL as a true and total enemy. He tried to work with XL, but XL refused every offer in favor of Gong Gong’.

CX was a competent politician. He was even better than Huangdi from politic point of view. He could gain power via non-fighting route. And he actually tried to avoid militarial activities for expanding his power (or land)

XL is a loyal soldier. He orbeyed his commander. Unfortunately, Gong gong was not a politician. He considered himself as a general of Yan Emperor and Shen nong kingdom. He must be loyal to his king and his country. GG considered Xuan Yuan as enemy which CX was the ruler from the 2nd half of the story. Thus, XL (not FFB) considered CX as his enemy. 

Of course there are other reasons for XL's choice. 


it depends on each family, education level. In general, the society is still more biased to men. But Women play more and more important role in family and society. The concept of 3 accomplices is quite odd for the morden life. In my family and many of my friends' family, men and women are equal. There is a new way of interpreting the 4 virtues to make it suitable for modern life. Of course there are still families (especially those in the rural countryside with low education level) the husband or father plays dominant role in most of the decision making. It is very difficult to estimate exact percentage. But yes, it still resonate here or there with 1 or 2  the accomplices 

Thank you. This is very helpful! I'm going to think about it more too. :)


As long as it's not that dude-who-shall-not-be-named, I'm fine with Cang Xuan. Heck, I'm even fine with Fenglong. Just keep my boy alive and get that fox out of my face.

The End.

Bahahahahahahaha yes, I'm a villain.

?you love and hate with passion?


?you love and hate with passion?

It's my Latin blood LOL

Everyone here talking about their serene and peaceful Asian roots and I'm just like:

Replace it with Brazilian hahaha ??

Also, the moment they kill my bae:


Big hug! I did the same. It turned out that my parents loved my husband!

That's awesome!

My dad was pretty easy going.  My mom ... was not.  But Courtesy is one of the virtues.  lol.  My husband was as odd to her as I was, so it was okay.  Plus, given how totally unfilial she was to her parents, she had no reason to complain.


It's my Latin blood LOL

Everyone here talking about their serene and peaceful Asian roots and I'm just like:

Replace it with Brazilian hahaha ??

Also, the moment they kill my bae:

LOL!  Too funny!

I think my mom missed out on that serene Asian gene.