
I also question the lifespan of XY. She had low spiritual power which is dissolved in her blood. So she would age much faster than normal deity (as Royal Mother said when XY returned back to girl). Maybe they matched each other. 

If she was lucky enough, the presence of XL's blood might have some good influence to her health and lifespan

Oh I had this thought too recently, with XL blood, she might live longer than normal lifespan.

 Xiang lu forever:
I liked to comment but didn't coz that's their turf.I'm gonna get killed!I'm not brave enough like you or @natsketch who real goes heads on with them.

Courtesy and common sense means I don't go to their thread and talk shit about their man. I don't bother in the common comment thread because, frankly, there's no point. It's clear that our stances are completely different and the lack of general reading comprehension alone means that it will be a pointless exercise.

Xiao Yao told her Royal Father that they had not decided where to settle down yet, but planned to travel the world, collecting medical prescriptions and herbs, and updating medical texts. They would settle down once they found a place they both liked. She promised him that they would send word once they settled down, and not just disappear without a trace.

Awful! They're not even going to the ocean at the end.

so he put the responsibility of the Tushan clan and all its businesses on a little kid?

Yep. Horrible man. Putting everything on a kid so he could fly off into the sunset with Xiao Yao.


so he put the responsibility of the Tushan clan and all its businesses on a little kid? 

A little kid that thought of Jing as being his dad / father figure, if I am not mistaken. I have always been bothered by that, Jing took him under his wing up until he got back togheter with XY, after that he basically throw him under the bus. And XY, as an abandoned child herself didn't even raise this issue to him. 

This is the final installment of Ep20 (the finale), which covers Cang Xuan finally confessing his love to Xiao Yao, her marriage to Jing, their planned departure for Qingshui town, and what happened after that.

Thank you liddi!  I truly applaud this translation, cause this part of the script was clearly painful and smelled to high heaven.  You rock!


i have always wish for XY to live alone and overcome her trauma. That’s the true HE for me. 

Agreed :)

Thank you, liddi. What can I say, the drama definetely went for a happy ending, unlike the novel, who has a bitersweet one. There's no room for interpretation here. I am very frustrated, to be honest. It's like XY doesn't even care that much that XL is not going to be around anymore, she doesn't even glance at the doll or at least to hear her say something more meaningful other than alright. They left me wanting a tragic ending for all of them, XY looks so ungrateful and Jing such a pain in the a$$. They deserve eachother, for sure.

x1000. They went with the Happy Ending route rather than the not a tragedy one that was the novel.


Yes, speechless. Such shallow woman. 

Did you not find some of Xiao Yao's behaviour in the novel questionable and shallow as well? Novel Xiao Yao is not as bad as drama XY looks to be, but the way she flips from Xiang Liu to Jing gives you whiplashes. One minute she's crying because XL didn't want to see her, the next she was all over Jing because he couldn't live without her. One moment she sent the crystal ball to XL, not long after she pretty much ran back to Jing looking for a reconciliation. And no, XL's rejections aren't an excuse for Xiao Yao's own lack of steadfastness. Her behaviour is not all that different from someone who when they get rejected by one person, quickly finds a replacement because they can't bear to be alone. It makes you question just how deep and genuine her feelings are.

 Xiang lu forever:
I liked to comment but didn't coz that's their turf.I'm gonna get killed!I'm not brave enough like you or @natsketch who real goes heads on with them.

Well, I don't write anything on their forums because that's their space and I can respect that.

But if it's nonsense being said about Xiang Liu in the main comment section, then heck no.

I go full


Well, I don't write anything on their forums because that's their space and I can respect that.

But if it's nonsense being said about Xiang Liu in the main comment section, then heck no.

I go full

Yes that is what I meant.That you really go full head on in the main comment.

 Xiang lu forever:

Yes that is what I meant.That you really go full head on in the main comment.

Ah yes. Can’t be helped :) Not on my watch hehehehe

To be honest, I like to engage with them. And I love to write. So it’s a win-win situation :)

And the number of people I’ve converted lol. Wish I could enlist in the Chenrong army heuehuehe

My mantra is, and always has been, that it is an alleged  script and even if it is official, that doesn't mean it is the final draft or the shooting script.  We know how much these characters mean to Tong Hua, Tan Jian Ci and Yang Zi, and they will do their best to protect them and the work.  The first season has been praised for following the book, and it certainly has won over a huge audience.  The creators can't be blind to its success and Xiang Liu's popularity.

And I have my pitchfork ready, if I'm wrong. ;p


My mantra is, and always has been, that it is an alleged  script and even if it is official, that doesn't mean it is the final draft or the shooting script.  We know how much these characters mean to Tong Hua, Tan Jian Ci and Yang Zi, and they will do their best to protect them and the work.  The first season has been praised for following the book, and it certainly has won over a huge audience.  The creators can't be blind to it's success and Xiang Liu's popularity.

And I have my pitchfork ready, if I'm wrong. ;p

I might be mistaken, but I belive I have seen an interview with YangZi who said that there are some surprises/ differences în S2 compared to the novel. 


I might be mistaken, but I belive I have seen an interview with YangZi who said that there are some surprises/ differences în S2 compared to the novel. 

IIRC, she said it followed the novel, but there would be a few surprises.

Season 1 was the same.  It mainly followed the novel, right down to dialog, but some scenes were added and some were taken out.

Hi all

Been awhile. I skipped reading previous post because I cant keep up. But i read Liddi’s leaked script of ep20. What a pathetic HE for XY and Jing. I very much prefer the ending of the novel, at least at the end we all know XY admit she love XL through the way she still cry and feel for his death after her marriage and how she finally decide to move to live on an island in memories of XL. Not a TE but not fully HE. But in the leaked script the production team made XL’s sacrifice for XY worthless and pathetic. XY said she have no more burdens? She was kind of being force by A Nian to take the doll? Gosh..

Is there episode 21?

Please give XL and XY an afterlife but keep their old memories