Oh, Ericka wanted me to share this beauty <3


Oh, Ericka wanted me to share this beauty <3

Sex appeal to pass out >>>>>>>>>>>>>

Thanks you chinguuu  for the share *-*


Sex appeal to pass out >>>>>>>>>>>>>

Thanks you chinguuu  for the share *-*

I should be numb at this point. All the photos I’ve been seeing for months but I still get shook. 

Ericka always chooses the best ones :)



Waitttt the hospital doesn't care about charity with them. Who did he save again. Its' more like Xiayao save him from being butchering in an one to one with XL. Im dying from laughterrrrrrrrr their thoughts are erroneous. BAHAHHHAHAHAAHHAHAHA man came to save her so that she could beg XL not to kill him and he is the one seen as an savior. God have mercy for them finding an ideal partner.

LOLOL this is so funny!! They said Jing went there to save her but then XY had to be the one to save Jing once again by begging XL to spare his life. That post has contradictory statements xD

Oh, and XY didn't need saving anyway. Xiang Liu already said "Okay" when XY said she will never leave Qingshui Town. XL was already going to let her go on the condition that she makes medicines for him.

You guys should see the roasting that happens in the Insta group chat.

You would all be proud. It’s a wonderful thing to behold :D

Ladies you‘ve been busy I see=).  I‘ll take any reincarnation of TJC over DW anytime. If I speed this morning can I get Police Tan to arrest me pretty please.

@nathsketch: if you have time maybe you can post your favorite roast here like ‚roast of the day‘ or ‚best ten roast list‘ thing. Much appreciated  ;) 

Hands against the wall lol


Which reminds me...

Hmm. Is he demonstrating how he wants me to pose so that he can pat me down? Or is he asking me to pat him down?

Do I want option A or option B?

These gifs are hilarious

I think I missed my calling as a comedian :-)

I checked your post, and I think you summarized the psychological issues of each character really well. Someone on Tumblr mentioned how LYF took a few broken people and created a story about how trauma persists. I didn't expect LYF to be such a dark and interesting story when I started watching the series after seeing a few TikTok videos of XL. However, I now find it utterly fascinating despite all the tragedies.

Thanks, Maya. I appreciate getting some feedback on my musings.

As a romance novel LYF doesn't really work for me; since XiaoJing is not a healthy relationship, IMO. Xiang Liu was the standout of the novel when I read it years ago. This time around, I really struggled with Xiao Yao and her choices/behaviour. Once I read it as a story of a highly "damaged" person, it read a lot better for me. And Xiang Liu's death also makes sense in this context. You asked about my interpretation of the story in the other thread, I'll post it soon. Just have to edit it.

I posed the question about Jing on the other thread. Hopefully, the ladies over there will be able to give some insights.


Can you resist

The question should be: "Do I want to resist that?"

The only correct answer is: 

Unlike a certain someone whose initials is X.Y, I have immaculate taste, 20/20 vision and I have not been lobotomi....I mean, I don't have psychological shortcomings. 

Can you believe that XY had him in her bed for 3 nights and did nothing??? I'm not suggesting that she assaulted him while he was immobile - I may be "lewd and lecherous", but I have morals and am a law-abiding citizen. Could she at least, get some cuddling in? I'm sure he would have consented to that. Opportunities are wasted on that gal!

Morning my people!

The Elle magazine will soon be available for purchase help



The question should be: "Do I want to resist that?"

The only correct answer is: 

Unlike a certain someone whose initials is X.Y, I have immaculate taste, 20/20 vision and I have not been lobotomi....I mean, I don't have psychological shortcomings. 

Can you believe that XY had him in her bed for 3 nights and did nothing??? I'm not suggesting that she assaulted him while he was immobile - I may be "lewd and lecherous", but I have morals and am a law-abiding citizen. Could she at least, get some cuddling in? I'm sure he would have consented to that. Opportunities are wasted on that gal!

That woman has issues. Big issues. It’s a waste of all that pudding >:(




LMAO hahahahahaha

Pervert! Voyeur!





Mental gymnastics is needed to reconcile furry cuddly adorable silly bear TJC with magnificent cool aloof XL. Golly, dude's range is amazingggggggggggg.



Guys!!! I'm telling you!!

He's more insidious than we've been imagining. Dude is a fox. That's not a green flag at all!!

Wake up!! I really think Tong Hua decided to pull the rug.

omg him acting insecure/meek is all a lie to trap XY to him!! Reading about him in the XL & XY forum makes me believe this even more. It's so manipulative and shady.

Remember this scene in episode 34?

Look at him acting all sad standing in the rain. He could've used an umbrella BUT HE DIDN'T! This is all a deliberate move on his part to make XY feel bad for him.

See? She fell for it.

Such a manipulative person.

Me every time I see him now: