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More Michael Kors goodies:

Studio Update


Oh no. Not the side-eye :(


I'm going to be stunned if I end up liking LMLMV better than Fireworks, cause Fireworks looks like exactly my jam.  Of course, I never thought I'd enjoy LMLMV as much as I did.

Kokuto did you like it??! I couldn’t watch more than 14 episodes and don’t think I will watch more :O(. I had so much expectations about it and you know it but fir me it was a complete disappointment 


Allegedly Dylan was in talks to join Dilraba's newest drama, but ended up refusing the role, because he wanted top billing.  Not even sure if that is true.  But the fans went nuts, and started attacking each other and the stars.  It went from commentary on the stars acting abilities, or lack of, to accusations of Dylan having a 2cm .... sausage --which may or may not have trended / become a hot search on weibo.  LMAO.

Needless to say, it got ugly,  and supposedly the stars had to step in, and tell their fans to calm down and STFU.

Excuse me, what?

What’s that now? Are you serious?

Did he have to come out and set the record straight? Did people come with rulers and measuring tapes?

Ok, bye. 


I’m legit worried about Love Has Fireworks. WCR last drama has a rating of 2.8 on…somewhere from a picture I was sent. Douban maybe?

Anyway, we live in fear. Nothing new. Lololol

I don’t like her. I don’t think she is a good actress. She is beautiful but for me acting is not her thing. Her two lady dramas were bad. She wasn’t that bad in the longest promise 


More Michael Kors goodies:

Studio Update



Was that Fireworks of the Heart?  That was a giant dumpster fire for Cnetizens for some reason.  They kept finding things to hate about it, including roasting the drama for having the water running, and not conserving water, while a couple was making out.

But yes.  Wang Churan has been getting a lot of grief for her attitude too.

That drama wasn’t good for me. It was kind of boring and I watched because I like Yang Yang and because supposedly they are dating in real life so I wanted to see their chemistry but for me there wasn’t 


Kokuto did you like it??! I couldn’t watch more than 14 episodes and don’t think I will watch more :O(. I had so much expectations about it and you know it but fir me it was a complete disappointment 

I don’t know what happened to Kokuto, to you, to me, to the whole universe. Nothing makes sense. I talked to two more Tan friends and they all dropped it. Are we insane? Why don’t we like it? We were supposed to like it. This was meant to be liked.

More therapy needed. I need to send him my bills lololol


I don’t like her. I don’t think she is a good actress. She is beautiful but for me acting is not her thing. Her two lady dramas were bad. She wasn’t that bad in the longest promise 

Oh golly. 


I don’t know what happened to Kokuto, to you, to me, to the whole universe. Nothing makes sense. I talked to two more Tan friends and they all dropped it. Are we insane? Why don’t we like it? We were supposed to like it. This was meant to be liked.

More therapy needed. I need to send him my bills lololol

You know that I have watched so many dramas in 7 years but what I could watch was so weird, like I told you a week ago, that love confession is one of the worst one that I’ve seen, the chemistry isn’t there, so many weird scenes that don’t make sense :0(. And like I told you, Tan’s performance wasn’t that great either. He is so talented but I couldn’t see it there 


Allegedly Dylan was in talks to join Dilraba's newest drama, but ended up refusing the role, because he wanted top billing.  Not even sure if that is true.  But the fans went nuts, and started attacking each other and the stars.  It went from commentary on the stars acting abilities, or lack of, to accusations of Dylan having a 2cm .... sausage --which may or may not have trended / become a hot search on weibo.  LMAO.

Needless to say, it got ugly,  and supposedly the stars had to step in, and tell their fans to calm down and STFU.

LMAO! These fans really are nuts. I can't imagine getting all up in arms fighting for the honour of someone that I don't even know. 

Well, fan is just short for fanatic

I know. My hat's off to whichever genius saw the connection and used the term as such. Such an apt name. 

I will say that Tan Jian Ci seems to walk the line between acknowledging and appreciating his fans, and maintaining his distance.

He seems smart and sane. He probably also loves the work rather than in it solely for the fame or adulation. Plus, his path hasn't been the easiest so it might have kept him grounded. It's very easy to let all the adoration go to your head.  Hopefully, he will continue to keep a level head. 

I think there are a segment of fans that are the same all over the world. There's also been PR firms that try to manipulate fans and press since the 20s. But I think the Chinese fans are just much better organized, as you said, and very dedicated.

I don't doubt that crazy is universal :-). Anyone who has ever peak into the Supernatural fandom will be able to attest to that. Those people are craze-craze. It's highly entertaining for someone who just likes to watch the drama. PR games are still very much a part of current Hollywood, except the stars have more control.

The current Asian's systems resemble to studio system of Old Hollywood. And the idea of incredibly well-organized fan clubs that worked in conjunction with the stars and their PR/management team seems to be more of an Asian thing. 

Yes, I'm a lazy fan. I don't want to stand in line for anything. lol I think there's an actual endorphin high fans get from doing that in person, though, plus the whole group / collective belonging feeling.

Lazy is very much my middle name. That, plus stingy. I'm stingy with my time and money unless it's towards myself or people that I have actual relationships with :-). I can understand the joy of shared experiences. Kinda like going to a concert or a premiere. But just hanging around waiting for someone to show up at the airport? Hard pass.

I think there's a lot of joy in finding something that you connect with and sharing it with like-minded people. The key is moderation, which for the "stans" is non-existent.  There seems to be a huge component of identity to these fans and the way they see their idols. Being a fan of X has become a part of their identity, so if someone criticizes X, that is seen as a personal attack and these fans go nuts to protect their idol i.e. themselves. This is understandable in young people who are still searching for their identity, but when you see it in a grown adult, you just wonder where it went wrong. And the parasocial aspects. It makes you wonder what is missing in these people's lives that they became so utterly invested in a stranger.  When you get all these people together, they just feed off each other in a not-so-positive way.  

Hmm, maybe I should do a PhD on fans and their psychological make-up, linking in with failed identity formations and potentially poor interpersonal relationships :-)


Kokuto did you like it??! I couldn’t watch more than 14 episodes and don’t think I will watch more :O(. I had so much expectations about it and you know it but fir me it was a complete disappointment 

Yes!  I couldn't believe it.  It was so darn sappy and there was hardly any plot.  But every episode, I was sitting there grinning until my face hurt.  I think there were subliminals that worked on me.  Plus, I took great enjoyment in yelling at my TV, "See, Xiao Yao!"  lol

I love the dubbing stuff and the songs and the concerts.  And I enjoyed the interactions with the supporting cast.  Everyone's family and friends were fun.  I also liked the travelog and food.


You know that I have watched so many dramas in 7 years but what I could watch was so weird, like I told you a week ago, that love confession is one of the worst one that I’ve seen, the chemistry isn’t there, so many weird scenes that don’t make sense :0(. And like I told you, Tan’s performance wasn’t that great either. He is so talented but I couldn’t see it there 

I know! You watched almost 2000 dramas so I trust your judgment. I couldn’t even go past episode 5, so I never really saw that confession, except for some clips. 

I watched those five episodes back to back after the CCXP. Maybe I was tired, I don’t know. I did try to watch some random episodes that were recommended to me but, unfortunately, the FL ruined this for me. I can’t really say anything about Tan because my bias blinds me. I just dislike people saying he acts weirdly with her. No, he doesn’t. It’s that darn girl that behaves like a toddler. She needs a nanny. It’s like he has to do everything, as always. Sorry, not sorry.


Oh no. Not the side-eye :(


I don’t like her. I don’t think she is a good actress. She is beautiful but for me acting is not her thing. Her two lady dramas were bad. She wasn’t that bad in the longest promise 


Oh golly. 


I'm going to be stunned if I end up liking LMLMV better than Fireworks, cause Fireworks looks like exactly my jam.  Of course, I never thought I'd enjoy LMLMV as much as I did.

Teach me your ways, master.