
I should avoid going out there then? Got it.

I just saw some melon on Facebook that Winner is King is preparing to be sent away for review, but both leads are not hopeful. 

Is there a drama god I can offer some boba tea to get Winner is King to air this year?

I think we only have until May before the drama is lost forever lol

It’s unlikely it will ever see the light of day :( 


WARNING:  The comments section has once again fired up the furnace is burning brightly. ;p

Ahahahahahahahah I may have contributed to it :)

Dracarys 😊


I think we only have until May before the drama is lost forever lol

It’s unlikely it will ever see the light of day :( 

Why May? Is there some final deadline for dramas to either pass review or be forever locked up?


Why May? Is there some final deadline for dramas to either pass review or be forever locked up?

I saw this being talked about on the Weibo group. It will lose its license or something like that :(((((


I saw this being talked about on the Weibo group. It will lose its license or something like that :(((((

We need to ask @atmosphere to enlighten us on this particular topic.


I mean… this ain’t even funny anymore 


I don't know what he's doing, but he has great arm and core strength. I would have face-planted and knocked my teeth out :-)


Have you been practising in preparation for your "bad boy"; or have you been pretending this whole time? I don't think you need a "bad boy" to teach you things, Kikinaki, you seem pretty capable on your own :-).

Pampered pooches are living the dream life. Cute clothes and shoes. Travelling everywhere. Being carried around. Doing nothing but eating, napping, playing and getting pats and kisses. 


I think I have a dormant 'bad girl' inside me.

...all I need is a little coaching, a little biting, a little tHorning and I'm ready to go


I don't know what he's doing, but he has great arm and core strength. I would have face-planted and knocked my teeth out :-)

LMAO you know what is he doing because he's even smiling at the end hahahahah RIP my sanity


I mean… this ain’t even funny anymore 


And when I thought I already saw every clips on TJC under the sun, you managed to find another gem nathsketch. That should be from Shine Super Brother right? I think I recognize his outfit, but never see this clip before.


It is always a comfort to have a similar gutter like mind friend ;-)

About Winner is King, I thought that if a drama already has an airing license it means that it already passed review? But due to BL ban that WTK may not air a couple of year ago? Let us start a prayer circle and vodoo chants group (whatever works) to have another TJC drama to air soon, be it WTK, LYF S2 or LHF. Yes hope @atmosphere can enlighten us more on this or maybe she knows the newest update in c-net on this topic?


I should avoid going out there then? Got it.

I just saw some melon on Facebook that Winner is King is preparing to be sent away for review, but both leads are not hopeful. 

Is there a drama god I can offer some boba tea to get Winner is King to air this year?

The sacrifice of your beloved boba tea is GREAT and worthy.  ;p

For some reason, there are always melons about the BL ban being lifted or the last ones filmed getting released.  I think it's more a case of wishful thinking.

I think we only have until May before the drama is lost forever lol

It’s unlikely it will ever see the light of day :(

Why May? Is there some final deadline for dramas to either pass review or be forever locked up?

My understanding is that the broadcast license will expire in April or May, so if it doesn't air before then, it will have undergo the review process again, and with the BL ban, it's unlikely it will get another license.

That's the thing I don't understand.  Winner is King HAS a broadcast license, so I'm not sure why they haven't tried to sell it abroad.  Maybe they have.  Or maybe the license was rescinded?  Regardless, I think it's going to require a regime change at the broadcast licensing / censorship board, before we ever see the BL shows.

About Winner is King, I thought that if a drama already has an airing license it means that it already passed review? But due to BL ban that WTK may not air a couple of year ago? Let us start a prayer circle and vodoo chants group (whatever works) to have another TJC drama to air soon, be it WTK, LYF S2 or LHF. Yes hope @atmosphere can enlighten us more on this or maybe she knows the newest update in c-net on this topic?

That was my understanding, too.  And YES.  We need another new Tan Jian Ci show airing, asap!

We need to ask @atmosphere to enlighten us on this particular topic.



I mean… this ain’t even funny anymore 


LMAO! at your gif!  Perfect.

As for the link ...


I just have to say ... we all know that Tan Jian Ci is an introvert and kind of shy.  Imagine what we'd be getting if he was an extrovert and an attention hound? sigh.


I don't know what he's doing, but he has great arm and core strength. I would have face-planted and knocked my teeth out :-)

Bewildered WUT????  Who has stolen my guttermate?  You know. ;p



LMAO you know what is he doing because he's even smiling at the end hahahahah RIP my sanity

LOL!  Yessssss.



I think I have a dormant 'bad girl' inside me.

...all I need is a little coaching, a little biting, a little tHorning and I'm ready to go

adding this to the post, because this just seems to fit in the subject being discussed.



I think I have a dormant 'bad girl' inside me.

...all I need is a little coaching, a little biting, a little tHorning and I'm ready to go

I knew it!!! Well, you are in the right place for all the coaching you need or want :-)


LMAO you know what is he doing because he's even smiling at the end hahahahah RIP my sanity

Bewildered WUT???? Who has stolen my guttermate? You know. ;p

Shhhh! You two. Don't blow my cover. I need to keep up appearances once in a while. Otherwise, when I am being serious, no one will take me seriously ;-)

The sacrifice of your beloved boba tea is GREAT and worthy. ;p

It breaks my heart to give up some of my beloved boba, but for Winner is King, I'll do it. I might have to go back and finish the book.

That's the thing I don't understand. Winner is King HAS a broadcast license, so I'm not sure why they haven't tried to sell it abroad. Maybe they have. Or maybe the license was rescinded? Regardless, I think it's going to require a regime change at the broadcast licensing / censorship board, before we ever see the BL shows.

I don't know how any of this works either. Probably need @atmosphere again to enlighten us. I did read another melon that one of Yuan Bing Bing's dramas is negotiating with an overseas distributor (I think she's banned due to tax evasion), but who knows how true this melon is?