Grumpy ... and vain in front of a mirror. lol

Who ya calling vain? :D


How long ago was this, because he's not looking like this currently. 

It was from Arena Homme + China January 2023 issue (he was on the cover as well, not sure when the actual shoot took place, probably a month or two after LYF filming wrapped). One of my favorite magazine shoots he's done, the chiaroscuro in some of the shots was really pretty.

This might be one of my favorite pics of him ever (MDL resizing it doesn't do the pic justice):

It was from Arena Homme + China January 2023 issue (he was on the cover as well, not sure when the actual shoot took place, probably a month or two after LYF filming wrapped). One of my favorite magazine shoots he's done, the chiaroscuro in some of the shots was really pretty.

Wow.  Just a year ago?!  I thought it was older than that.  It is a gorgeous shoot.  I love all those pics.

He may have done some push ups or something right before the photo, or is flexing, to help show off his muscles.


How long ago was this, because he's not looking like this currently. 

And yes, he's looking quite gaunt lately. Working far too much and not enough food and rest.

These are my dreams. These and being able to go on endless holidays while still having money flowing into my bank account :-)

Ha!  Yes, indeed.  

I agree, he's looking thinner right now.  I saw an interview somewhere that said he does lots of cat naps, in places like the car or maybe make up, cause he doesn't get much sleep.  I don't know how he's doing it and still looking fabulous.  And in this newest video, he says he needed to be thin, for a show he's doing, so he's STILL dieting!!  I think the translation was off, cause I know he's eating everyday -- but he may have meant he's not eating carbs for three days.  And apparently he hasn't eaten his beloved Lusiofen noodles in 3 months!!  How thin does he need to be? 


Who ya calling vain? :D


LOL!  Point proven.

Here's the full program from about coming movies, with English subs.


Lots of tidbits, including the stuff I mentioned about dieting, and the news that his movie, I MISS YOU is coming out on the same date as DUNE 2 in China.  :(   Ah well, I guess it counts as counter programing.

How long ago was this, because he's not looking like this currently.

I can't see the picture above, but since it's from the Arena Homme + China magazine that Atmospheres mentioned, then I can already imagine which one it is heueheuehe

Why are they making him become so thin? He better not get sick with all these ridiculous demands :(

I think the translation was off, cause I know he's eating everyday -- but he may have meant he's not eating carbs for three days.  And apparently he hasn't eaten his beloved Lusiofen noodles in 3 months!!

He was asked by the show's host that when he wasn't dieting and could eat without restraint/not caring about his body shape what is the most luosifen he's ever eaten in a day and he said he can eat it for all three meals a day. Then she asked that since he's currently filming and can't eat it, does he miss it? And he said that he used to feel uncomfortable if he went three days without having it (luosifen) but now he has become accustomed to not eating it and hasn't had it for 3 months.

Why are they making him become so thin? He better not get sick with all these ridiculous demands

It was unclear to me which project he was referring to when he talked about needing to be very thin, he made it sound like something he was working on right now which would be Filter. I don't really understand why he would need to be exceptionally thin for that show given he's mostly covered up in big long coats and turtleneck sweaters.  His weight has frequently fluctuated throughout his career, unfortunately he's not an ectomorph nor very tall so every little bit of weight gain shows immediately on him, especially on his face and neck, and he's the type that gains weight easily and must watch what he eats very carefully. If he wasn't an actor, especially in idol shows, it wouldn't matter.  Personally, I found him most attractive in Winter Begonia when he was a bit heavier (the hairstyle wasn't the greatest but in some scenes from some angles it looked pretty cute).


It was unclear to me which project he was referring to when he talked about needing to be very thin, he made it sound like something he was working on right now which would be Filter. I don't really understand why he would need to be exceptionally thin for that show given he's mostly covered up in big long coats and turtleneck sweaters.  His weight has frequently fluctuated throughout his career, unfortunately he's not an ectomorph nor very tall so every little bit of weight gain shows immediately on him, especially on his face and neck, and he's the type that gains weight easily and must watch what he eats very carefully. If he wasn't an actor, especially in idol shows, it wouldn't matter.  Personally, I found him most attractive in Winter Begonia when he was a bit heavier (the hairstyle wasn't the greatest but in some scenes from some angles it looked pretty cute).

I was wondering the same.  The translation said something about "acting in a group recently," so I thought the same as you, Filter -- but why???   Go East may have needed the character to be thin for costumes, but that was over three moths ago.  And he's supposed to be doing Under the Skin next, again, not a thinner character or costume character, IMO.  It's baffling.

Winter Begonia was very nice!  His weight does seem to fluctuate, which is shame, because he clearly enjoys eating, but I think he looks great in most of his appearances.  There was one time where he might have a bit heavy, right before Winner is King, I think.

If he had time, and the inclination, he could go back to working out a little and then eat more.  He just is looking a little too thin right now, IMO.


He was asked by the show's host that when he wasn't dieting and could eat without restraint/not caring about his body shape what is the most luosifen he's ever eaten in a day and he said he can eat it for all three meals a day. Then she asked that since he's currently filming and can't eat it, does he miss it? And he said that he used to feel uncomfortable if he went three days without having it (luosifen) but now he has become accustomed to not eating it and hasn't had it for 3 months.

Ah, thank you! Thank more sense.  I knew he wasn't going without food for three days.  But no snail noodles for three months?!  Torture.

I have to admit, when he said luosifen didn't have a smell, but a fragrance, I thought of you and HeadInTheClouds and your perfumes. :)


I can't see the picture above, but since it's from the Arena Homme + China magazine that Atmospheres mentioned, then I can already imagine which one it is heueheuehe

Why are they making him become so thin? He better not get sick with all these ridiculous demands :(

Yes, THAT one. hehehehe

The costume dramas really want them to be thin for the multiple layers of clothes, and the cut, I think.  Ironically the fitted robe costume can carry more weight.

But I don't think he's doing a costume drama, right now, so I'm not sure what the deal is.  He's thin enough.


Some Tan to make you all forget about those house maintenance issues

O_O the eyes, bro 

WOWWW !! SFGakGzybHzbKzgzjzjzbzbajhaahzjzjazlpajxnndjdizbzjdjhaha  l have no word ~:Click and save ^^


My dude arrived two days ago but I forgot to show him here hehehehe

Cutieeeee *_*


It was from Arena Homme + China January 2023 issue (he was on the cover as well, not sure when the actual shoot took place, probably a month or two after LYF filming wrapped). One of my favorite magazine shoots he's done, the chiaroscuro in some of the shots was really pretty.

This might be one of my favorite pics of him ever (MDL resizing it doesn't do the pic justice):

This is an sharing pics festival here very pleasant to watch hahaha >>

I read yesterday that CZY is having billing dispute issues again with Reba this time. Is this true? Are we going to see WIK one day? Will his agency going to do this to everyone for each work? Lmfao I thought about WIK hope it won't impact.