In a meeting, TJC talked about the scene of female Xiang Liu: 

"At that time, the crew had a meeting and struggled with whether to let me play the scene on the boat in women's costumes, but then I thought that in case I didn't act well, the audience would dance, so I later decided to find a real girl to play the female version of Xiangliu. " 

Is there any drama where TJC had put on girly costume and makeup?


In a meeting, TJC talked about the scene of female Xiang Liu: 

"At that time, the crew had a meeting and struggled with whether to let me play the scene on the boat in women's costumes, but then I thought that in case I didn't act well, the audience would dance, so I later decided to find a real girl to play the female version of Xiangliu. " 

Is there any drama where TJC had put on girly costume and makeup?

omgad he would have slayed...hoho...but it might had been to comedic? Though the bit intself was humorous, it maybe have been a different type of vibe. 

Is there any drama where TJC had put on girly costume and makeup?

He's done it for variety shows and maybe music videos.  I think I saw a video recently.   But for dramas ... the only one I can think of off the top of my head is Winter Begonia.  Though that's hardly a 'normal' girl -- it was Chinese Opera characters.

Did he do it for Are You Safe?

In a meeting, TJC talked about the scene of female Xiang Liu:

"At that time, the crew had a meeting and struggled with whether to let me play the scene on the boat in women's costumes, but then I thought that in case I didn't act well, the audience would dance, so I later decided to find a real girl to play the female version of Xiangliu. "

omgad he would have slayed...hoho...but it might had been to comedic? Though the bit intself was humorous, it maybe have been a different type of vibe.

I agree.  In fact, I remember saying when I first saw the scene that they should have put Tan Jian Ci in that female costume, cause he would have been AWESOME.



Okay ... now that I got my immediate reaction out of the way.  Let me check my handy Supreme Hydra of Sexual Tension Guide Sheet out.

And it looks like he is ... a Happy XIANG BEI!

Haha! Of course some fans would have come up with this handy guide. There's a reason why Xiang Liu is the Hydra of Sexual Tension. Look at his intense gaze. Can I have them all? I feel like we need to add another category to the list. The Tan Liu. For moments like this 


Haha! Of course some fans would have come up with this handy guide. There's a reason why Xiang Liu is the Hydra of Sexual Tension. Look at his intense gaze. Can I have them all? I feel like we need to add another category to the list. The Tan Liu. For moments like this 

hhahaha....Tan Liu is definitely in a league of his own.


Haha! Of course some fans would have come up with this handy guide. There's a reason why Xiang Liu is the Hydra of Sexual Tension. Look at his intense gaze. Can I have them all? I feel like we need to add another category to the list. The Tan Liu. For moments like this 

I LOVE this!  So much fun.

Yes, I have to agree.  We definitely need to add Tan Liu to the list.

Another reason why I think XY isn't thinking clearly.  She COULD have all those lovely gazes focused right on her.  One of Tan Jian Ci's best features -- his beautiful eyes.


hhahaha....Tan Liu is definitely in a league of his own.

All the variations XL are in a league of their own ... The Tan League!


My Xiang Liu finally came. I am still waiting for his hair: lmao.

He's adorable. And he's in one of his natural elements. My poor XL has to deal with the heat and I can't take him swimming 'cause I think he might "died" :-)


My Xiang Liu finally came. I am still waiting for his hair: lmao.

I love it!  I can't believe you got snow just in time for his arrival.


He's adorable. And he's in one of his natural elements. My poor XL has to deal with the heat and I can't take him swimming 'cause I think he might "died" :-)

Oh no!  Plushie XL can't go swimming!


My Xiang Liu finally came. I am still waiting for his hair: lmao.

Beautiful baby. That snow is chef’s kiss. Grumpy little king ❤️

Alright my ladies. Asked and TJC's fans shall provide. You wanted TJC as female XL, here he is.

AI technology is creepy as hell. 


Alright my ladies. Asked and TJC's fans shall provide. You wanted TJC as female XL, here he is.

AI technology is creepy as hell. 

That’s Tanya :) 


Alright my ladies. Asked and TJC's fans shall provide. You wanted TJC as female XL, here he is.

AI technology is creepy as hell. 

It would have worked better, if AI had done the whole face, instead of just half-faced it. ;p   The lower veiled half is too large for the top half.


That’s Tanya :) 



It would have worked better, if AI had done the whole face, instead of just half-faced it. ;p   The lower veiled half is too large for the top half.


The veil probably got in the way of them doing the lower half. But you still got TJC"s eyes which is the most  recognisable feature in a face.

Who's Tanya?