XJ wake up.  everybody lying to her how she rescued by her father and nobody tell about SF as he requested TS not to tell her.  * crying*  But she is frustrated and holds her head as if she is having headache.  Maybe she will remember everything, since she got a view of HC killing LHJD when she was disturbing the lamp at the cave before she was saved by SF

Omg SF talking about his happy days to come in front of HC and HC scheming with his pea brain arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Just a really off topic question for people watching new episodes: Do you guys understand Chinese? 


Just a really off topic question for people watching new episodes: Do you guys understand Chinese? 

i understand limited chinese...   u?


select the below server if anyone facing streaming problem on mmov.tv


XJ wake up.  everybody lying to her how she rescued by her father and nobody tell about SF as he requested TS not to tell her.  * crying*  But she is frustrated and holds her head as if she is having headache.  Maybe she will remember everything, since she got a view of HC killing LHJD when she was disturbing the lamp at the cave before she was saved by SF

what episode?

For once someone is spilling more blood than SF but gosh do I wanna punch HC

edit: SF spits blood again 😢

BTW, Qianxun already released up to Ep. 53... so I don't think anyone can catch up unless skip alot...LOL

ep 47 ... i kinda v v v sad seeing XJ accusing SF and stab him.. 

gosh.. ... i want to see ep 48..

fast fast fast...


BTW, Qianxun already released up to Ep. 53... so I don't think anyone can catch up unless skip alot...LOL

people watching  9 episodes in 10X mode lol...

 Drama Empress:

people watching  9 episodes in 10X mode lol...

9 episodes is at least 6 hours... either watch in 10x mode or they in heaven realm time zone LOL


i understand limited chinese...   u?

Oh, I'm fluent. We're so lucky to understand Chinese!


9 episodes is at least 6 hours... either watch in 10x mode or they in heaven realm time zone LOL

yep maybe they all travelled back with HC to heaven realm....


what episode?

Ep 48.  woaah!!!! she remember everything!!!!! yesss....  all the previous 9 lives.  WT is dead.

I have finished till epi 50 ! Damn it's mind blowing . I m glad XJ realized her blunders. I want XJ to suffer slightly more, her blunders are not easily forgivable. :-( 

But then I know , it will bring more pain to SF. Poor him, how much pain he is in and I have stopped counting the times he spat blood in these episodes. I love the character of WZQ , he seems to make sense all the time. 

What was HC going on about at the starting of epi 50 ,it seemed he is brewing trouble for XJ and SF.