I always cry here looking at him there sad (crying inside. And a lot of people judging, finding him cold (he was suffering). (His colleagues who love him and his family, I know are suffering with him.).

At the final music event with the entire cast Cheng Yi (pretended, forced himself to be indifferent), with his colleague, the female lead of the story, because his boss wanted him to stay away from her (so they wouldn't want them as a couple) and that do not disturb the next jobs. He was not strong to face the boss of the company who was there spying (the one with the cap). And now people don't see how much he was suffering there alone. He didn't want to do that. He hadn't done that at any time before (in the bts, in the interviews, he was always natural and happy with her.).


Ya the 816 livestream. 

Qing long is not H&R production but back at H&R, he still getting no news about any ML roles. 

Seem like YBY already have her next project line up right after filming thunder chaser. We just don't know what it is yet....

CY is going to take another month to finish filming MXCA and I guess he will take a break before filming Northern Wind early next year. 

I imagine what he is suffering, having to be strong at that moment (with shame), not being able to reveal what he went through. How did he stop his colleagues on the set? How do colleagues look at him? Does anyone laugh? My poor Si Feng (I know you are warm in your heart).

When I see the images of the event. Seeing him standing there in that white shirt (I see him so helpless), especially when the head of the cap arrives.

I always cry here looking at him there sad (crying inside. And a lot of people judging, finding him cold (he was suffering). (His colleagues who love him and his family, I know are suffering with him.).

At the final music event with the entire cast Cheng Yi (pretended, forced himself to be indifferent), with his colleague, the female lead of the story, because his boss wanted him to stay away from her (so they wouldn't want them as a couple) and that do not disturb the next jobs. He was not strong to face the boss of the company who was there spying (the one with the cap). And now people don't see how much he was suffering there alone. He didn't want to do that. He hadn't done that at any time before (in the bts, in the interviews, he was always natural and happy with her.).


well, after all he is her spiritual pet ... i oso want him.. wakaka :D

Me too,,, where to get such adorable and loyal spiritual pet?

Cheng Yi,  men can also cry,  just invisible.

maisonpippi1 day ago

Thank you for this ❤️ This is the best editing ever, really told the real story behind the event, but in such a poetic way. It’s obvious that he was under so much stress and felt so sad, but most people can’t see it because his expressions are always so subtle, and this time, he didn’t get a closeup to his teary eyes. But this is a genuine guy who is working very hard, so hard that he may not be well equipped on stage, and he may not even know how to act like a celebrity yet. Hope more people can see that and cut him a slack.


Me too,,, where to get such adorable and loyal spiritual pet?

Bailin... heaven.. wakakaka 

After I watched the Luli related vids, youtube recommend me so many of Weiyan shi and Monica Yao vids. 

Yesss! I can't wait for YBY's new drama that she will be fliming after Thunder Chaser & Qing Long too! 

I need to see LXY in ML or good roles. Hopefully, he won't be irritating as HC in Ancient Love Poetry. 


After I watched the Luli related vids, youtube recommend me so many of Weiyan shi and Monica Yao vids. 

Yesss! I can't wait for YBY's new drama that she will be fliming after Thunder Chaser & Qing Long too! 

I need to see LXY in ML or good roles. Hopefully, he won't be irritating as HC in Ancient Love Poetry. 

Who is monica yao? Wah let me check..

Her youtube channel is the 1st one who subbed the BTS and the interviews.


Her youtube channel is the 1st one who subbed the BTS and the interviews.

Oooo ok.. see it..

Actually source from 


Somehow it is appear in my youtube.

Cheng Yi, men can also cry, just invisible.

maisonpippi1 day ago

Thank you for this ❤️ This is the best editing ever, really told the real story behind the event, but in such a poetic way. It’s obvious that he was under so much stress and felt so sad, but most people can’t see it because his expressions are always so subtle, and this time, he didn’t get a closeup to his teary eyes. But this is a genuine guy who is working very hard, so hard that he may not be well equipped on stage, and he may not even know how to act like a celebrity yet. Hope more people can see that and cut him a slack.


Bailin... heaven.. wakakaka 

Oh no, that's a bit troublesome.... What to do??!!! Hahahaha


After I watched the Luli related vids, youtube recommend me so many of Weiyan shi and Monica Yao vids. 

Yesss! I can't wait for YBY's new drama that she will be fliming after Thunder Chaser & Qing Long too! 

I need to see LXY in ML or good roles. Hopefully, he won't be irritating as HC in Ancient Love Poetry. 

Same same..I already subscribed to their channels hehehe XD

yea.. all move on.. happy to see that we all have move on.. so we are now looking forward for the new series.. kyaa....



I went through by hashtags and can see all comments fly here and there

I’m not native Chinese but relying on my basic Chinese to connect the dots lol...Mainland chinese is just v hard 

i overlook on this..

hahaha ya so many comment.. i also sometime lost ..

so, have you finish all the series? or still on going?