I just watched most of the livestream. I just want to thank CY and YBY for setting an example and practicing social distancing, keeping 1m apart,during this pandemic. XDXDXD In the end,  this is all due to H&R & delusional CP fans. Sad sad just sad.


I just watched most of the livestream. I just want to thank CY and YBY for setting an example and practicing social distancing, keeping 1m apart,during this pandemic. XDXDXD In the end,  this is all due to H&R & delusional CP fans. Sad sad just sad.

Haha love the 1m social distancing XD


Here you go., scroll down to the end of the post for YBY on the side stage picture. 


It makes me want to cry. And the director behind looking at everything. (I know he understood everything that was happening. Her sentiments, Cheng Yi's (everything involved) and the company.


Haha love the 1m social distancing XD


I just watched most of the livestream. I just want to thank CY and YBY for setting an example and practicing social distancing, keeping 1m apart,during this pandemic. XDXDXD In the end,  this is all due to H&R & delusional CP fans. Sad sad just sad.



Here you go., scroll down to the end of the post for YBY on the side stage picture. 


I feel bad for her... 


I just watched most of the livestream. I just want to thank CY and YBY for setting an example and practicing social distancing, keeping 1m apart,during this pandemic. XDXDXD In the end,  this is all due to H&R & delusional CP fans. Sad sad just sad.

Lol you make me laughXD


Haha love the 1m social distancing XD

So sad. 


I just watched most of the livestream. I just want to thank CY and YBY for setting an example and practicing social distancing, keeping 1m apart,during this pandemic. XDXDXD In the end,  this is all due to H&R & delusional CP fans. Sad sad just sad.

So sad !

All the actors & actresses work v hard(in BTS), so sad that they're getting bashed. Hope di*ky  H&R handle future promotions CY's works better, I think it'll be best if CY get paired with actresses from H&R so that such things will not occur in future, since they don't like artists from other agencies getting fame along with their artists.


I still confuse.. why YBY was the one to be sue?

Bai Shu still act casually and normal to me...

It's because she broke the contract with H&R, it has nothing to do with Cheng Yi anyway. She wanted to leave the company, they had conflicts, I don't know in details. 


All the actors & actresses work v hard(in BTS), so sad that they're getting bashed. Hope di*ky  H&R handle future promotions CY's works better, I think it'll be best if CY get paired with actresses from H&R so that such things will not occur in future, since they don't like artists from other agencies getting fame along with their artists.

 One of the reasons why they want to break down this cp cuz of CY upcoming project. Since both artists are from the same agencies, they are trying the best to break this cp so, there won't be bash or hate to new CP.


Depends on the company and the actors/ actresses. The issue is not the CPF, it's more how YBY was mistreated during the whole event. 

I understand but was she treated like this because of contract's issue or to break the CP?


All the actors & actresses work v hard(in BTS), so sad that they're getting bashed. Hope di*ky  H&R handle future promotions CY's works better, I think it'll be best if CY get paired with actresses from H&R so that such things will not occur in future, since they don't like artists from other agencies getting fame along with their artists.

Yes, I hope they are wiser. And in this one who can be most harmed is Cheng Yi (I hope he is not. That everything works out for him. God Bless him.). But, as in the drama, all sects prefer to blame poor Si Feng (without knowing everything involved. Like when Si Feng pretended to be Mochaxing.).

Here you go., scroll down to the end of the post for YBY on the side stage picture. 


Can’t see.. they remove again ah?

 Amanda Ainsworth:

It's because she broke the contract with H&R, it has nothing to do with Cheng Yi anyway. She wanted to leave the company, they had conflicts, I don't know in details. 

But why bai Shu still act normal? They rest not normal?


I understand but was she treated like this because of contract's issue or to break the CP?


Honestly there isn't any future cp that they should be so harsh to YBY right now.  

CY and zhao yingzi = no cp feel

CY and Ying er = Ying er is married

CY and ZYX = already said good colleague plus CY is not ZYX's type.