I am so curious to read the novel now. However, I feel like I wanna move on from this one already. For both WU Lei and Zhao Lusi, This series really ’blew’ them up for sure. I’m looking forward to her work with other leading stars too. She has become among my top list of Chinese actresses in the 20’s age group  for sure.  For Wu Lei, ill have to see his next project. I do believe he did exceptionally well acting his role here. LLTG is among my favorite historical.

@ Windblows: The novel really fascinated me, even with poor google translation, I managed it lol. Author is a genius imo

So novel is beautifully  written and I had high hopes with WL and ZLS great acting abilities that no doubt in my mind they could nail it perfectly. They fit the roles and the looks undeniably. Now, how can the director and scriptwriters still mess it up ?? and as you said the drama version is so tame compared to the novel. I completely agree with you, especially after the 5 yr separation, they don’t have to think hard, the novel has it written for them. imo it was not smart not to honor the source material, no matter what the excuses were :((

The drama team should have put more faith in WuLu to render it justice. Please don’t get me wrong, it’s still beautiful drama for sure.

@LAxCA95   So glad to hear you've read the novel! Can you imagine how good it would be with a proper English translation? A true masterpiece! I understand completely your frustration with the google translated version. I also had to persevere, re-read parts to get the gist of it and so on.  Now I've read once again the post-revenge arc and it does become easier the third time around lol.

Despite some disappointments, we all agree that LLTG is a very good drama. It's the best I've seen thus far in any genre. That is why many of us are still emotionally invested and enjoy talking about it here.

Even so, if one reads the source material, it is difficult to be fully satisfied with the drama, particularly the reconciliation of SS with HBY. The drama toned down LBY a lot to begin with, so those passionate scenes had to be adapted, yet they could have found a middle ground.

Honestly, I don't understand the reasoning behind the drama deviations from the novel. They tone down LBY and his intense relationship with SS, supposedly due to its mature nature. But they show graphic scenes with plenty of blood and gore, including torture, which is far from pg-13.

Episode 12 is the perfect example. When LBY kills the rebel with a spear to defend SS, they way they showed the rebel being impaled was too much for me. Then we have the lovely scene with SS nursing a topless LBY, which is the most sexually charged in the drama, maybe the only one. And it happened when the leads were still acquaintances at best and SS considered LBY ''a fiend''. The later bedroom scene, after LBY had been punished by the Emperor, was sweet but I would not call it passionate.

My impression is that this was primarily the director's decision. I read somewhere he is very experienced with action films/dramas, which is obvious in LLTG cinematography. He may have been reluctant to portray an intense romance and/or reconciliation. Unfortunately, after completing the revenge, they turned HBY into a noble resigned idiot, which is inconsistent even with the tame drama version of his character, in my opinion.

They should have certainly honoured the source material more in part 2, as they did in part 1. Since I am the most disappointed by the last 5 episodes, I prefer to read the novel and enjoy the reconciliation and happy ending in there.

P.S. About WL doing justice to those passionate scenes in the novel, I have mixed feelings about it. Yes, he beautifully brought to life the extremes experienced by HBY. But, despite the great chemistry with ZLS, he looks a bit awkward in the romantic scenes. I often find the behind the scenes more appealing since he is relaxed and not so self-conscious.

I love these further insights. Thanks for sharing.

@Windblows~ agree with everything you said. like you, I had to go back reading the novel and epilogues that I found here on the discussions to lessen my disappointmen. Btw I am hearing that the drama team is re-submitting the series for licensing with the 10 extra eps, hope it’s true and we get a better edition lol. 

@Florahh - Thank you for writing many thoughtful reviews, especially the one for LLTG! If you are curious, I recommend reading the post-revenge chapters in the novel. It doesn't take a long time and will help with moving on from the drama. Well, it helped me find closure about how the drama rushed and forced the reconciliation.

Let me just say this, I have never ship anyone in dramaland. I feel guilty now that I can’t help it. WuLu holds a special place in my heart. I beg to differ but their looks, talent, personality, humor are so in sync that it translates to explosive chemistry.

 I really hope they collaborate again and give us another memorable drama.

@NiaoNiao33…Lol, right? It’s okay, it’s a natural thing to do when we feel strong about something and admittedly the WuLu pair do extract a powerful vibe. I‘ll say this. The only other pair I felt to ship were CLOY, which I felt were tamed too in how their chemistry on-screen portrayed by directors. Like WuLu, they had such a dynamic chemistry and even so BTS. Of course CLOY pair are older and in right time to make theirs permanent. The other two have lots of life to go but I too am looking for a future collab. Looking forward to it but my sailboat is floating for another good pairing so if any recommendations, please forward. Thanks

I recently watched Romance of tiger and rose, omg it’s another beautiful Cp. Zhao Lusi so hilarious there lol

It's hard not to ship them even a little bit with such great chemistry on and off-screen! There is clearly something very special about WuLu since they are the first to surpass BL couples for a couple of years now. I had no idea BL couples were so popular and difficult to outrank by others.

LLTG gave me many memorable first experiences. I finally signed up on MDL, took part in the forum and shared great chats with fellow fans, I was curious about behind the scenes and loved the couple even more. Overall, I became very emotionally invested in the drama. That is why I still feel reluctant to start a new series.

I second The Romance of Tiger and Rose, it's my favourite of ZLS after LLTG. I am also trying some clips of Love between Fairy and Devil and the ML looks promising.


It's hard not to ship them even a little bit with such great chemistry on and off-screen! There is clearly something very special about WuLu since they are the first to surpass BL couples for a couple of years now. I had no idea BL couples were so popular and difficult to outrank by others.

LLTG gave me many memorable first experiences. I finally signed up on MDL, took part in the forum and shared great chats with fellow fans, I was curious about behind the scenes and loved the couple even more. Overall, I became very emotionally invested in the drama. That is why I still feel reluctant to start a new series.

I second The Romance of Tiger and Rose, it's my favourite of ZLS after LLTG. I am also trying some clips of Love between Fairy and Devil and the ML looks promising.

Looking forward to many more discussions as they make watching fun. More than likely we’ll find common grounds on other dramas. Happy watching. Thanks for your thoughts on this thread.

ZLS has an upcoming medical drama Hou Lang. The Reuters seems interesting and looking fwd seeing her in a different role. and the fact that she is working with other acting veterans and a rookie 2ML adds more to my curiosity. 


At first I avoided this drama because of Wu Lei lol. A stupid move *in ling buyi's voice*

I first saw his work in Nirvana in Fire and couldn't Shake off his baby brother image especially if he was going to play a very cold general. I'm glad I decided to give this drama a try because I really would've missed out on wu lei's amazing talent. My favorite part is when shaoshang stole a kiss on buyi's cheek at the empress banquet. The way wu lei acted out the happiness, the shyness, and also the smugness! And his ears went red too (not sure if he did this intentionally or not) to top the performance!

I first watched zhao lusi in tiger and rose and I really love how she played a cute brat like the third princess. Then I saw her in Who Rules The World and kinda disappointed and became sure that zhao lusi didnt really fit a serious character. Seeing her as grown up cheng shaoshang really changes that! 


I disagree to the 2nd to the last sentence. Given that the last time I watched ZLS was in TROTAR, her performance in WRTW actually made me stan her. It was refreshing and she delivered well. Her emotional scenes in WRTW and LLTG are so much more polished and can pull your heart strings.

She’s gifted in the comedy department and her roles in TLB, WRTW, and LLTG also prove how well-rounded she is.

Wu Lei, on the other hand, is great in executing fight scenes. His conflicting emotions after killing his uncle is a great scene too! One more thing I like about him is his gaze — looking like he’s genuinely in love with his co-actor.

I hope ZLS and WL work again together after a couple of years! I’m pretty sure investors see the impact this pairing has and will have.

I miss WuLu so much! Been a silent admirer of ZLS and now WL too. I know WL is a child actor and graduated from prestigious acting academy and how dedicated he is in his craft every time he takes a role. Amazing! On the other hand, ZLS has no acting background and has not been around as much as WL. Admire her for her zest to continue to improve and it shows. Hope she takes more quality work like WL . I am no t shipping them irl, just hope for them to be good friends and for ZLS to learn more from WL‘s acting prowess. I know they are both in demand for the next 2 yrs but I am hoping to see their collab at least sooner than 3 yrs from now.