While love is about giving your all, some characters do not deserve that love.

We see a lot of dramas where one of the two does whatever they want to do regardless or hurting or not the other person. The person does not have to love the other one, but the one giving their all should know when to respect themselves, and value themselves. 

When this happens, I enjoy when this person gets some distance, and if the selfish one goes through some kind of redemption arc and//or at least show regret, and chase after the other, I believe can be worth it.

"My Fated Boy" first episode is a perfect example of that. 

Two questions...

1. Is it because maybe the main target to some of these dramas are women that the writers allow the female lead to behave this way, and the one that has to come crawling is the male one even when the female was wrong?

2. Is this acceptable?