This show had so many life quotes, I could make a book out of it. Here are some of my favourites:

"She loved her family. She also wanted to be free.

Sure, it's a contradiction. But we're all born with holes in our hearts and are desperately trying to fill them.

We want to hold onto what's dear to us but also fall madly in love. There's love of all kinds in our hearts and all of them are true. They all amount to you."

- Kunimura Makoto

"I don't believe someone who has passed away has left things undone.

Past, Present, Future. These are concepts made by people. But time isn't something that passes by. Rather, it exists in multiple locations.

Whether at 10, 20, 30, or 40 years.....they still exist in those moments. So if she gave you a smile at the age of 10, her smile still exists in that moment."

- Takanashi Hiroshi

 "If there was another you, would you like them?"
"Would you date yourself?"
"Would you?"

- The 3 Exes 3 Crushes

"You have to be smart to be kind no?
........I wonder if being kind means you're being smart."

- Omameda Towako  
"It's never a complete feeling.
You find moments of darkness in happiness,
and moments of happiness in darkness"

- Omameda Towako

"I'm fine with being alone but...
dot dot dot...
I don't know what comes after the dot dot dot..."

- Omameda Towako

Love these quotes! Another one that made an impression on me:

"It's much more pleasant to gaze at what you can't obtain, rather than fitting yourself to what you've obtained, isn't it?" - Tanaka Hassaku