There was alot of cuteness in ep4 Camping scene with Cake & Eiw. I loved when Eiw went into the sleeping area and Eiw was scared, Cake made the other classmate switch beds so Eiw could sleep side to him.  But once Cake mentioned Rin Eiw decided to sleep alone lol. but i totally understand Eiw after watching to the end and damn Eiw made me get teary for the first time in this drama, I know he would deliver. Maybe Sand will be his distraction for abit but I doubt he will get Cake jealous of their time, just have to wait for Ep5 which looks promising.

The other cute scenes were the water scene, boys will be boys. Also the rope & mud scene. Cake was not going to let his best friend feel embarrased alone. good sportsmanship!