Does this mother have some kind of a mental disorder?  This is the most realistically played deranged person I have ever seen,  it's not makjang/soap opera enough to move on over it. Probably a picture book narcissistic personality disorder, her daughter also has a bit of a people pleasing and drinking problem... 

I am on Episode 11, I hope they stick it out against her and Jin Ah gets therapy...

I hate the mother so much! She's such a mean b**ch!
And I do agree that FL seems to have a drinking problem x.x

The mother...omg.   She would be fine if her daughter married a cheater, just so she could save face.  Not only does she take out her craziness on her daughter but also her husband.  This is a mother who needs a padded cell with a big sturdy lock.

She had no consideration for other...a total control freak and absolutely no self-respect. Each time she spoke of Jun-Hui and his family, she disgusted me to my core! And when she hit him across the face and he just stayed on his knees and didn't react....T-T I got furious for him, I cried for him. How could she not see the kind of person he was, the kind of man he was.. especially to her daughter. Jin-a should have moved out a LOOOOOOOOOONG time ago. She wouldn't have to put up with her mother's BS!